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acquire documents
1 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
the import or export license or any other documents required have been acquired;
so pridobljena vsa potrebna uvozna ali izvozna dovoljenja ali drugi dokumenti,
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
The project for acquiring the building permit, and other documents if so stipulated by law, shall be a constituent part of the building permit.
(2) Projekt za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja, lahko pa tudi druge listine, če tako določa zakon, so sestavni del gradbenega dovoljenja.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-29
Likewise, all important data must be supplied when submitting the documents for protection and co-operation in all the procedures aimed at acquiring, upholding and defending such rights.
Prav tako je treba ob predložitvi dokumentov za varstvo in sodelovanje v vseh že začetih postopkih za pridobitev, ohranitev in varstvo omenjenih pravic dati vse pomembne podatke.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
The project for acquiring the building permit and other documents based on which the building permit was issued shall not be appended to the delivered ruling, with the exception of that for the investor.
(2) Vročeni odločbi se, razen investitorju, projekta za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja in drugih listin, na podlagi katerih je bilo izdano gradbeno dovoljenje, ne prilaga.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
It must be demonstrated by the project for acquiring the building permit that the works as a whole will fulfil the prescribed essential requirements and that it will be in accordance with the spatial planning documents.
(1) S projektom za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja mora biti dokazano, da bo objekt kot celota izpolnjeval predpisane bistvene zahteve in da bo v skladu s prostorskimi akti.
6 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-99
The information brought to the knowledge of the authority of the requesting Contracting Party may not be used as evidence until the decision on transmission of the documents relating to execution has acquired the force of res judicata.
Informacije, dane v vednost organu pogodbenice prosilke, se ne morejo uporabiti kot dokazno sredstvo, dokler odločitev o prenosu listin v zvezi z obravnavo ni pravnomočna.
7 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-89
The Parties will not assume any liability whatsoever for the authenticity of data specified in transport documents or acquired by means of electronic data exchange, in particular regarding data about the actual presence of goods on the vehicle.
Pogodbenici ne prevzemata nikakršne odgovornosti glede verodostojnosti podatkov, ki so navedeni na dokumentih o prevozu ali pridobljeni z elektronsko izmenjavo podatkov, zlasti glede podatkov o dejanski prisotnosti blaga na vozilu.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
Works in connection with a change in use may commence without a building permit if prior to commencing the works the investor acquires location information from which it proceeds that such a change in use is in accordance with the implementing planning document.
(3) Z deli, ki so v zvezi s spremembo rabe, se lahko začne brez gradbenega dovoljenja, če investitor pred začetkom del pridobi lokacijsko informacijo, iz katere izhaja, da je takšna spremenjena raba skladna z izvedbenim prostorskim aktom.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
If investment maintenance works are to be carried out on a works that is protected in accordance with regulations on cultural heritage or on the exterior of a works that borders a public area, prior to commencing such works it shall be necessary to acquire location information from which it proceeds that such works do not contravene the implementing planning document.
(2) Če naj bi se investicijska vzdrževalna dela izvajala na objektu, ki je varovan v skladu s predpisi o kulturni dediščini, ali na zunanjščini objekta, ki meji na javno površino, je potrebno pred začetkom takšnih del pridobiti lokacijsko informacijo, iz katere izhaja, da takšna dela niso v nasprotju z izvedbenim prostorskim aktom.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
"Funds" means assets of every kind, whether tangible or intangible, movable or immovable, however acquired, and legal documents or instruments in any form, including electronic or digital, evidencing title to, or interest in, such assets, including, but not limited to, bank credits, travellers cheques, bank cheques, money orders, shares, securities, bonds, drafts, letters of credit.
»sredstva« pomenijo kakršno koli premoženje, materialno ali nematerialno, premično ali nepremično, pridobljeno na kakršen koli način, ter pravne dokumente ali listine v kakršni koli obliki, tudi v elektronski ali digitalni, ki dokazujejo pravico do takega premoženja ali udeležbo na njem, vključno, vendar ne samo, z bančnimi krediti, potovalnimi čeki, bančnimi čeki, denarnimi nakaznicami, delnicami, vrednostnimi papirji, obveznicami, menicami, akreditivi;
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
5.2. The project documentation is a systematical composition of plans and/or technical descriptions and reports, calculations, drawings and other appendices setting out the urbanistical, functional, formal and technical properties of the intended construction and the scope of the first design , the project for acquiring the building permit, the project for the tender and the project for execution.
5.2. projektna dokumentacija je sistematično urejen sestav načrtov oziroma tehničnih opisov in poročil, izračunov, risb in drugih prilog, s katerimi se določijo lokacijske, funkcionalne, oblikovne in tehnične značilnosti nameravane gradnje in obsega idejno zasnovo, idejni projekt, projekt za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja, projekt za razpis in projekt za izvedbo;
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(1) If the intention is to construct or reconstruct a works by building standardised or typical elements or parts into it, it shall not be necessary for the project for acquiring the building permit to contain the section of project documentation based on which the elements or parts were manufactured, with the exception of the declaration of conformity with the provisions of the Construction Products Act.
(1) Če se namerava graditi ali rekonstruirati objekt tako, da se vanj vgrajujejo standardizirani ali tipski elementi ali deli, ni potrebno, da bi projekt za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja vseboval tisti del projektne dokumentacije, na podlagi katere so bili ti elementi oziroma deli izdelani, razen izjave o skladnosti z določbami zakona o gradbenih proizvodih.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(2) If the investor commenced construction before the building permit became final but after it was no longer subject to ordinary remedies and the building permit was partly or wholly abrogated or sentenced null and void on grounds not lying in the abrogation of the implementing planning document, and the investor fails to acquire a building permit in a repeat procedure, the building inspector shall act as stipulated in Article 152 of this act.
(2) Če je investitor začel z gradnjo pred pravnomočnostjo gradbenega dovoljenja, vendar po njegovi dokončnosti in se je gradbeno dovoljenje v celoti ali delno odpravilo oziroma izreklo za nično zaradi razlogov, ki niso v odpravi izvedbenega prostorskega akta in če investitor v ponovnem postopku ne pridobi gradbenega dovoljenja, ravna pristojni gradbeni inšpektor tako, kot je to določeno s 152. členom tega zakona.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
If the intention is to construct or reconstruct several works using the same project for acquiring the building permit, such a project supplemented with plans and other documentation by which such works are adapted to the new locations or ground conditions shall be deemed to be the project for execution. If it is solely a matter of the building-in of installations, technological appliances or equipment, the project documentation in which the manner of the building-in and assembly of such installations, technological appliances and equipment is stipulated shall be deemed to be the project for execution in such a case.
(2) Če se namerava graditi ali rekonstruirati več objektov po istem projektu za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja, se za projekt za izvedbo šteje takšen projekt, dopolnjen s takšnimi načrti in drugo dokumentacijo, s katero se taki objekti prilagodijo novim lokacijam oziroma terenskim razmeram. Če pa gre samo za vgraditev inštalacij, tehnoloških naprav ali opreme, se v takšnem primeru za projekt za izvedbo šteje tista projektna dokumentacija, v kateri je določen način vgraditve in montaže takšnih inštalacij, tehnoloških naprav in opreme.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
5.6. An audit of the project documentation comprises control of the faultlessness and mathematical soundness of those elements of the project for acquiring the building permit that serve to demonstrate that the works will fulfil the prescribed essential requirements, that it will be in accordance with the spatial planning documents and the building regulations, and that it will be functional and of appropriate form and its use effective, safe and cost- efficient.
5.6. revizija projektne dokumentacije je kontrola brezhibnosti in računske pravilnosti tistih sestavin projekta za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja, s katerimi se dokazuje, da bo objekt izpolnjeval predpisane bistvene zahteve, da bo v skladu s prostorskim aktom in gradbenimi predpisi in da bo objekt funkcionalen in primerno oblikovan, njegova raba pa učinkovita, varčna in gospodarna;
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
If, after the project designer or investor of a demanding works acquires location information, the implementing planning document is amended or replaced with a new act such that the project for acquiring the building permit as formulated is no longer in accordance with the previous purpose of use or the location conditions or other conditions that applied at the time the information was issued and the location information contained no warning that amendments or a new implementing planning document was being planned, the investor shall have the right to compensation for the damage incurred thereby for reason of the trust in the location information, but only if the investor proves that the project for acquiring the building permit was commissioned no later than one month after the issue of the location information, and that in the case of the amendment of the implementing planning document no more than six months passed from the issue of such location information or in the case of the adoption of a implementing planning document no more than one year passed from the issue of such location information. The person obliged to reimburse investments shall be the municipal body if the implementing planning document was adopted by the municipal council, or the state if the implementing planning document was adopted by a state body and it failed to inform the municipality before commencing the preparation of the act that amendments or a new implementing planning document was under preparation.
Če se po tem, ko je investitor oziroma projektant zahtevnega objekta pridobil lokacijsko informacijo, izvedbeni prostorski akt spremeni ali nadomesti z novim, tako da izdelani projekt za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja ni več v skladu s prejšnjo namensko rabo oziroma lokacijskimi in drugimi pogoji, ki so veljali v času njene izdaje, lokacijska informacija pa ni vsebovala opozorila, da se pripravljajo spremembe oziroma nov izvedbeni prostorski akt, ima investitor pravico do povrnitve odškodnine za povzročeno škodo, ki mu je nastala zaradi zaupanja v lokacijsko informacijo, vendar samo, če dokaže, da je naročil projekt za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja najpozneje v enem mesecu po izdaji lokacijske informacije in da v primeru spremembe izvedbenega prostorskega akta od izdaje takšne lokacijske informacije ni preteklo več kot šest mesecev, v primeru sprejetja novega izvedbenega akta pa da od njene izdaje ni preteklo več kot eno leto. Zavezanec za povrnitev vlaganj je občina, če je izvedbeni prostorski akt sprejel občinski svet, oziroma država, če je izvedbeni prostorski akt sprejel njen organ, pred začetkom njegove priprave pa občini ni sporočil, da se pripravljajo spremembe oziroma nov izvedbeni prostorski akt.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
Irrespective of the provision of the first paragraph of this article, a building permit shall not be required for a simple works if prior to commencing construction the investor acquires location information from which it proceeds that such construction is in accordance with the implementing planning document and if the size of the works, the manner of construction and use and the distance from the boundary of neighbouring land are in accordance with the regulations specified in the second paragraph of Article 8 of this act.
(3) Ne glede na določbe prvega odstavka tega člena za enostavni objekt ni potrebno gradbeno dovoljenje, če investitor pred začetkom gradnje pridobi lokacijsko informacijo, iz katere izhaja, da je takšna gradnja v skladu z izvedbenim prostorskim aktom, in če je njegova velikost, način gradnje in rabe ter odmik od meje sosednjih zemljišč v skladu s predpisom iz drugega odstavka 8. člena tega zakona.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(Special conditions for temporary deferral of inspection measure) (1) If the investor commenced construction before the building permit became final but after it was no longer subject to ordinary legal remedies and the building permit was partly or wholly abrogated because of the abrogation of implementing planning document proceedings to determine constitutionality and legality, and the investor fails to acquire a building permit in a repeat procedure, the building inspector shall act as stipulated in Article 152 of this act.
(posebni pogoji za začasno odložitev inšpekcijskega ukrepa) (1) Če je investitor začel z gradnjo pred pravnomočnostjo gradbenega dovoljenja, vendar po njegovi dokončnosti in se je gradbeno dovoljenje v celoti ali delno odpravilo zaradi odprave izvedbenega prostorskega akta v postopku za presojo ustavnosti in zakonitosti in če investitor v ponovnem postopku ne pridobi gradbenega dovoljenja, ravna pristojni gradbeni inšpektor tako, kot je to določeno s 152. členom tega zakona.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
If so stipulated by contract, the project designer, or otherwise the investor, shall be obliged, before commencing the project design, to call on the relevant approving authorities in writing to define the project conditions and, after the project documentation has been formulated, to call on the approving authorities in writing to grant their approvals therefor. An official receipt shall be deemed to be proof of the delivery of the written call to issue the project conditions or approval. The ideal concept must be appended to the request for the definition of the project conditions, and it shall be necessary to append the plan or section of the project for acquiring the building permit in connection with the subject of the approval to the request for the approval.
(2) Če je tako določeno s pogodbo, je projektant, v nasprotnem primeru pa investitor, dolžan pristojne soglasodajalce pred začetkom projektiranja pisno pozvati, da določijo projektne pogoje ter po tem, ko je projektna dokumentacija izdelana, te soglasodajalce pisno pozvati, da dajo k njej tudi soglasje. Za dokaz o vročitvi pisnega poziva za izdajo projektnih pogojev oziroma soglasja se šteje vročilnica. Zahtevi za določitev projektnih pogojev mora biti priložena idejna zasnova, zahtevi za izdajo soglasja pa je treba priložiti tisti načrt oziroma del projekta za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja, ki je v zvezi s predmetom soglašanja.
20 Končna redakcija
(1) An entity wishing to acquire a qualifying holding (hereinafter: prospective qualifying holder) shall be obliged to furnish the application for the authorisation to acquire a qualified holding with the documents referred to in items 4 or 5 of Article 66 of this Act.
(1) Zahtevi za izdajo dovoljenja za pridobitev kvalificiranega deleža mora oseba, ki želi pridobiti kvalificirani delež (v nadaljnjem besedilu: bodoči kvalificirani imetnik), priložiti listine iz 4. oziroma 5. točke 66. člena tega zakona.
21 Končna redakcija
Document on the provision of means for one's residence may be replaced by a decision or an agreement on the allocation of a grant acquired pursuant to an international treaty by which the Czech Republic is bound.
Dokazilo o zagotavljanju sredstev za bivanje se lahko nadomesti z odločitvijo ali dogovorom o dodelitvi štipendije, ki je pridobljena v skladu u mednarodno pogodbo, ki zavezuje Češko republiko.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
The document submitted to the Article 28 Committee by the Bank shall, in particular, explain the relevance of the project to the development prospects of the country or countries concerned and, where appropriate, indicate the situation as regards repayable aid granted by the Community and holdings acquired by it and the use made of previous aid in the same sector;
V dokumentu, ki ga Odboru iz člena 28 predloži Banka, se zlasti pojasni pomembnost projekta za razvojne možnosti zadevne države ali držav in, če je to primerno, navedejo razmere glede vračljive pomoči, ki jo je dodelila Skupnost, in imetij, pridobljenih z le-to, ter uporabe prejšnje pomoči v istem sektorju;
23 Končna redakcija
Each year for five consecutive years from the date of constitution of the joint enterprise or the date on which the Community partner acquired holdings in the enterprise, applicants shall submit to the management authority a report on the implementation of the activity plan, including data on catches and markets of fisheries products, in particular products landed in or exported to the Community, with supporting documents, together with the enterprise's balance sheet and a statement of its net worth.
Vsako leto v zaporedju petih let od datuma ustanovitve skupnega podjetja ali datuma, ko si je partner iz Skupnosti pridobil delnice v podjetju, predlagatelji upravljalnemu organu predložijo poročilo o izvajanju načrta aktivnosti, vključno s podatki o ulovih in trgih z ribiškimi proizvodi, zlasti proizvodi, ki so iztovorjeni ali izvoženi v Skupnost, s spremno dokumentacijo, skupaj z bilanco stanja podjetja in izkazom njegovega čistega premoženja.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1176
Article 3 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 of 15 April 1999 laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of export refunds on agricultural products(5), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 2299/2001(6), lays down that, when a differentiated refund applies for a specific third country, entitlement to the refund is acquired on importation into that third country. Articles 14, 15 and 16 of that Regulation lay down the conditions for the payment of the refund when a differentiated refund applies, and in particular the documents to be presented to furnish proof of the arrival of the product at destination.
redbe Komisije (ES) št. 800/1999 z dne 15. aprila 1999 o skupnih podrobnih pravilih za uporabo sistema izvoznih nadomestil za kmetijske proizvode, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) 2299/2001, določa, da se ob uporabi diferenciranega nadomestila za določeno tretjo državo pridobi pravica do nadomestila pri uvozu v to tretjo državo.Ob uporabi diferenciranega nadomestila določajo členi 14, 15 in 16 te uredbe pogoje za izplačilo nadomestila in zlasti listine, ki jih je treba predložiti kot dokazilo o prispetju proizvoda na destinacijo.
25 Končna redakcija
The members of the institutions of the Community, the members of committees, the officials and other servants of the Community and any other persons who by reason of their duties or their public or private relations with the institutions or installations of the Community or with Joint Undertakings are called upon to acquire or obtain cognisance of any facts, information, knowledge, documents or objects which are subject to a security system in accordance with provisions laid down by a Member State or by an institution of the Community, shall be required, even after such duties or relations have ceased, to keep them secret from any unauthorized person and from the general public.
Člani institucij Skupnosti, člani odborov ter uradniki in drugi uslužbenci Skupnosti, pa tudi vse druge osebe, ki morajo biti zaradi svoje funkcije ali javnih oziroma zasebnih povezav z institucijami ali službami Skupnosti ali s skupnimi podjetji seznanjeni z dejstvi, informacijami, znanjem, dokumenti ali predmeti, za katere na podlagi predpisov, ki jih je sprejela država članica ali institucija Skupnosti, velja sistem varovanja tajnosti, morajo ta dejstva, informacije, znanje, dokumente ali predmete tudi po prenehanju funkcije oziroma povezav varovati kot tajne pred vsako nepooblaščeno osebo in pred javnostjo.
26 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
a list of documents selected to form a basic library collection (to be acquired); terms and cost of acquisition;
seznam dokumentov, izbranih za ustvarjanje osnovne knjižnične zbirke (ki jo je treba zagotoviti); pogoji in cena pridobitve;
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
a specific software program (to be acquired) for creating and managing dossiers on specific issues and conducting searches on previous dossiers and existing document and databases;
posebni računalniški program (ki ga je treba zagotoviti) za ustvarjanje in vodenje dokumentacije o posebnih zadevah, pa tudi preiskovanje starejše dokumentacije in obstoječih dokumentov ter podatkovnih zbirk;
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0076
That document should, on simple application by the importer, be endorsed by the authorities of the Member States within a certain period but without the importer thereby acquiring any right to import.
Navedeno listino morajo na preprosto zahtevo uvoznika v določenem obdobju potrditi organi držav članic, vendar uvoznik s tem ne pridobi kakršne koli pravice do uvoza.
29 Pravna redakcija
whereas that document must, on simple application by the importer, be endorsed by the authorities of the Member States within a certain period but without the importer thereby acquiring any right to import;
ker morajo ta dokument na zahtevo uvoznika potrditi organi države članice v določenem roku, ne da bi uvoznik s tem pridobil pravico do uvoza;
30 Pravna redakcija
if applicable, the aliens shall produce documents substantiating the purpose and the conditions of the planned visit and shall have adequate means of support, both for the period of the planned visit and the return to their country of origin or transit to a Third State, where their admission is guaranteed, or shall be in a position to acquire such means legally;
na zahtevo pokažejo listino, ki pojasnjuje razloge in pogoje nameravanega bivanja, in imajo zadostna sredstva za preživljanje med nameravanim bivanjem, pa tudi za povratek v matično državo ali tranzit v tretjo državo, v katero bodo dejansko lahko vstopili, ali imajo možnost zakonito pridobiti taka sredstva;
31 Pravna redakcija
that the aliens produce, if necessary, documents justifying the purpose and conditions of the intended stay and that they have sufficient means of subsistence, both for the period of the intended stay and for the return to their country of origin or transit to a third State into which they are certain to be admitted, or are in a position to acquire such means lawfully;
na zahtevo pokaže dokumente, ki pojasnjujejo namen in pogoje nameravanega bivanja, in ima zadostna sredstva za preživljanje v času nameravanega bivanja in za povratek v izvorno državo ali za tranzit v tretjo državo, v katero bo dejansko tudi lahko vstopil, ali ima možnost zakonito pridobiti taka sredstva;
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
The document submitted to the Article 28 Committee by the Bank shall, in particular, explain the relevance of the project to the development prospects of the country or countries concerned and, where appropriate, indicate the situation as regards repayable aid granted by the Community and holdings acquired by it and the use made of previous aid in the same sector; any existing project evaluations for that sector shall be attached.
V dokumentu, ki ga Odboru iz člena 28 predloži Banka, se zlasti pojasni pomembnost projekta za razvojne možnosti zadevne države ali držav in, če je to primerno, navedejo razmere glede vračljive pomoči, ki jo je dodelila Skupnost, in imetij, pridobljenih z le-to, ter uporabe prejšnje pomoči v istem sektorju; dodajo se vse obstoječe ocene projektov v zvezi s tem sektorjem.
33 Pravna redakcija
Where a merger by acquisition is carried out by a company which holds 90 % or more but not all of the shares and other securities conferring the right to vote at general meetings of another company, reports by the management or administrative body, reports by an independent expert or experts and the documents necessary for scrutiny shall be required only to the extent that the national law governing either the acquiring company or the company being acquired so requires.
Kjer združitev s pripojitvijo izvede družba, ki ima v lasti 90 % ali več, ne pa vseh delnic in drugih vrednostnih papirjev z glasovalno pravico na skupščini delničarjev druge družbe, se poročila poslovodnega ali upravnega organa, poročila neodvisnega izvedenca ali izvedencev in dokumenti, potrebni za preverjanje, zahtevajo samo v obsegu, zahtevanem z nacionalno zakonodajo, ki ureja prevzemno ali prevzeto družbo.
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2369
"5. Each year for five consecutive years from the date of constitution of the joint enterprise or the date on which the Community partner acquired holdings in the enterprise, applicants shall submit to the management authority a report on the implementation of the activity plan, including data on catches and markets of fisheries products, in particular products landed in or exported to the Community, with supporting documents, together with the enterprise's balance sheet and a statement of its net worth.
"5. Prosilci predložijo vsako leto za pet zaporednih let od dneva ustanovitve skupnega podjetja ali od dneva, ko je partner Skupnosti pridobil delež v podjetju, upravljalnemu organu poročilo o izvajanju načrta aktivnosti, vključno s podatki o ulovih in trgih ribiških proizvodov, predvsem pa proizvodov, iztovorjenih v Skupnosti ali izvoženih vanjo, s spremnimi dokumenti skupaj z bilanco stanja podjetja in izjavo o njegovi neto vrednosti.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1808
The reintroduction into the Community of personal or household effects, including hunting trophies, by a person who has their normal residence in the Community and which involves specimens of species listed in Annex A or B to Regulation (EC) No 338/97 shall not require the presentation to customs of an import permit where the customs-endorsed 'copy for the holder' (form 2) of a previously used Community import or export permit, the copy of the document referred to in paragraph 3, or proof that the specimens were acquired within the Community is presented.
Za ponovni uvoz osebnih ali gospodinjskih predmetov, skupaj z lovskimi trofejami, ki ga opravi oseba z običajnim prebivališčem v Skupnosti in vključuje vrste iz Priloge A ali B k Uredbi (ES) št. 338/97, v Skupnost, ni treba predložiti uvoznega dovoljenja carinskim organom, kadar se predloži "kopija za imetnika" (obrazec 2) s pečatom carinskega urada prej uporabljenega uvoznega ali izvoznega dovoljenja Skupnosti, kopija dokumenta iz odstavka 3 ali dokaz, da so bili osebki pridobljeni v Skupnosti.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
- Congenital or documented acquired QT prolongation
- prirojenim ali dokazano pridobljenim podaljšanjem dobe QT,
37 Prevajalska redakcija
the import or export license or any other documents required have been acquired,
so pridobljena vsa potrebna uvozna ali izvozna dovoljenja ali drugi dokumenti,
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
a list of documents selected to form a basic library collection (to be acquired);
seznam dokumentov, izbranih za ustvarjanje osnovne knjižnične zbirke (ki jo je treba zagotoviti);
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0855
at least one month before the date specified in (a), all shareholders of the acquiring company must be entitled to inspect the documents specified in Article 11 (1) at the registered office of the acquiring company;
najmanj en mesec pred datumom, opredeljenim v (a), morajo imeti vsi delničarji prevzemne družbe pravico, da na registriranem sedežu prevzemne družbe natančno pregledajo dokumente iz člena 11(1);
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0368
the authorities and organizations competent to issue or to validate diplomas, certificates, or other documents certifying that vocational training has been acquired;
organih in službah, pristojnih za izdajo ali potrjevanje diplom, spričeval in drugih dokazil o opravljenem poklicnem usposabljanju;
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3285
whereas that document should, on simple application by the importer, be endorsed by the authorities of the Member States within a certain period but without the importer thereby acquiring any right to import;
ker bi morali organi držav članic odobriti ta dokument v določenem roku na zahtevo uvoznika, vendar pa uvoznik s tem ne bi pridobil nikakršne pravice do uvoza;
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0855
at least one month before the date specified in (a), all shareholders of the acquiring company must be entitled to inspect the documents specified in Article 11 (1) (a), (b) and (c) at the company's registered office.
najmanj en mesec pred datumom iz (a), morajo imeti vsi delničarji prevzemne družbe pravico, da na registriranem sedežu družbe pregledajo dokumente iz členov 11(a), (b) in (c).
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0855
at least one month before the operation takes effect, all shareholders of the acquiring company must be entitled to inspect the documents specified in Article 11 (1) (a), (b) and (c) at the company's registered office.
najmanj en mesec pred začetkom veljavnosti postopka, morajo imeti vsi delničarji prevzemne družbe pravico, da na registriranem sedežu družbe pregledajo dokumente iz členov 11(1)(a), (b) in (c).
44 Prevajalska redakcija
Congenital or documented acquired QT prolongation Electrolyte disturbances, particularly in uncorrected hypokalaemia Clinically relevant bradycardia Clinically relevant heart failure with reduced left-ventricular ejection fraction
2 prirojenim ali dokumentirano pridobljenim podaljšanjem intervala QT, − motnjami elektrolitov, še zlasti pri nezdravljeni hipokaliemiji, − klinično relevantno bradikardijo, − klinično relevantnim srčnim popuščanjem z zmanjšanim iztisnim delom levega prekata, − anamnezo simptomatske aritmije. −
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0338
dead specimens and parts and derivatives thereof for which the applicant provides documentary evidence that they were legally acquired before the provisions of this Regulation, or of Regulation (EEC) No 3626/82 or of the Convention became applicable to them.
mrtve osebke in njihove dele ali izdelke iz njih, za katere vložnik predloži dokumentacijo, ki dokazuje, da so bili zakonito pridobljeni, preden so se zanje začele uporabljati določbe te uredbe ali Uredbe (EGS) št. 3626/82 ali Konvencije.
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acquire documents