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adjusting the scope
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0817
details of obligations on farmers and any other terms of the commitment, including scope and procedures for adjusting of running contracts,
podrobnosti o zavezah kmetov in vsi drugi pogoji zavez, vključno z obsegom in postopki za prilagajanje tekočih pogodb,
2 Pravna redakcija
details of obligations on farmers and any other terms of the commitment, including scope and procedures for adjusting of running contracts,
podrobnosti o zavezah kmetov in vse drugi pogoji obveznosti, vključno z obsegom in postopki za prilagajanje tekočih pogodb,
3 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
CELEX: 32003E0140
(1) On 16 January 2002 the United Nations Security Council adopted resolution 1390 (2002), hereinafter referred to as "UNSCR 1390 (2002)", setting out measures to be imposed against Usama bin Laden, members of the Al-Qaida organisation and the Taliban and other individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated with them and adjusting the scope of the sanctions imposed by UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1333 (2000), hereinafter referred to as "UNSCR 1267 (1999)" and "UNSCR 1333 (2000)".
(1) Varnostni svet Združenih narodov je 16. januarja 2002 sprejel Resolucijo 1390(2002), v nadaljevanju "Res. VS ZN 1390(2002)", ki določa ukrepe, ki se uvedejo proti Osami bin Ladnu, članom organizacije Al Qaida in Talibanom ter drugim osebam, skupinam, podjetjem in subjektom v zvezi z njimi in ki uravnava obseg sankcij, določenih v resolucijah "Res. VS ZN 1267 (1999) in 1333 (2000), v nadaljnjem besedilu "Res. VS ZN 1267 (1999)" in "Res. VS ZN 1333 (2000)".
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003E0140
On 16 January 2002 the United Nations Security Council adopted resolution 1390 (2002), hereinafter referred to as "UNSCR 1390 (2002)", setting out measures to be imposed against Usama bin Laden, members of the Al-Qaida organisation and the Taliban and other individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated with them and adjusting the scope of the sanctions imposed by UNSCR 1267 (1999) and 1333 (2000), hereinafter referred to as "UNSCR 1267 (1999)" and "UNSCR 1333 (2000)".
Varnostni svet Združenih narodov je 16. januarja 2002 sprejel Resolucijo 1390(2002), v nadaljevanju "Res. VS ZN 1390(2002)", ki določa ukrepe, ki se uvedejo proti Osami bin Ladnu, članom organizacije Al Qaida in Talibanom ter drugim osebam, skupinam, podjetjem in subjektom v zvezi z njimi in ki uravnava obseg sankcij, določenih v resolucijah "Res. VS ZN 1267(1999) in 1333(2000), v nadaljnjem besedilu "Res. VS ZN 1267(1999)" in "Res. VS ZN 1333(2000)".
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adjusting the scope