Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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advance judgment
1 Pravna redakcija
document, summons, application for a summons, petition, notification, advance notification of a court order, advance notification of a judgment, EN exhortation, written statement, written pleading, communication/invitation, procedural notification, request for a statement, instructions, record, court order, will, judgment, request for further information, reply, judgment by default.
spis, poziv, vloga za poziv, zahtevek, obvestilo, vnaprejšnje obvestilo o sodnem sklepu, vnaprejšnje obvestilo o sodbi, opomin, pisna izjava, pisna vloga, dopis/vabilo, procesno obvestilo, prošnja za izjavo, navodila, zapisnik, sodni sklep, oporoka, sodba, prošnja za nadaljnje podatke, odgovor, zamudna sodba.
2 Pravna redakcija
'Where, following the designation of an Advocate-General pursuant to Article 17, there is an even number of Judges in the Court of First Instance sitting in plenary session, the President of the Court shall designate, before the hearing and in accordance with a rota established in advance by the Court of First Instance and published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, the Judge who will not take part in the judgment of the case.`
'Če je po določitvi generalnega pravobranilca v skladu s členom 17 število sodnikov na Sodišču prve stopnje, ki zaseda na plenarnem zasedanju, sodo, potem predsednik Sodišča pred obravnavo in skladno z rotacijo, ki jo vnaprej določi Sodišče prve stopnje in ki je objavljena v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti, imenuje sodnika, ki ne bo sodeloval pri razsojanju primera'.
Prevodi: en > sl
advance judgment