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aerial photographs or satellite pictures
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3508
The Community shall contribute to the expenditure incurred by Member States pursuant to this Regulation for the introduction of the computerized and checking structures and for the acquisition of aerial photographs or satellite pictures and the analysis thereof.
Skupnost prispeva za izdatke, ki nastanejo v državah članicah v skladu s to uredbo, za vzpostavitev računalniških in nadzornih sistemov in za pridobitev letalskih ali satelitskih posnetkov in njihovo analizo.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3508
The alphanumeric identification system for agricultural parcels shall be established on the basis of land registry maps and documents, other cartographic references or of aerial photographs or satellite pictures or other equivalent supporting references or on the basis of more than one of these elements.
Alfanumerični identifikacijski sistem za enote rabe ali poljine se vzpostavi na podlagi katastrskih načrtov in drugih katastrskih dokumentov, drugega kartografskega materiala ali letalskih oziroma satelitskih posnetkov ali drugih enakovrednih dodatnih dokazil oziroma na podlagi več teh elementov.
Prevodi: en > sl
aerial photographs or satellite pictures