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air pollutant emission inventory
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0069
For zones and agglomerations within which information from fixed measurement stations is supplemented by information from other sources, such as emission inventories, indicative measurement methods and air quality modelling, the number of fixed measuring stations to be installed and the spatial resolution of other techniques shall be sufficient for the concentrations of air pollutants to be established in accordance with Section I of Annex IV, and Section I of Annex VI.
Pri območjih in strnjenih naseljih, kjer se informacije z merilnih postaj na stalnem mestu dopolnijo z informacijami iz drugih virov, kot so kataster emisij, indikativne merilne metode in modeliranje kakovosti zraka, sta število postaj za meritve na stalnem mestu, ki jih je treba namestiti, in prostorska ločljivost drugih tehnik zadostni, da se koncentracije onesnaževal zraka določijo skladno z oddelkom I Priloge IV in oddelkom I Priloge VI.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0030
For zones and agglomerations within which information from fixed measurement stations is supplemented by information from other sources, such as emission inventories, indicative measurement methods and air-quality modelling, the number of fixed measuring stations to be installed and the spatial resolution of other techniques shall be sufficient for the concentrations of air pollutants to be established in accordance with Section I of Annex VI and Section I of Annex VIII.
Pri območjih in strnjenih naseljih, kjer se informacije z merilnih postaj na stalnem mestu dopolnijo z informacijami iz drugih virov, kakršni so katastri emisij, indikativne merilne metode in modeliranje kakovosti zraka, sta število postaj za meritve na stalnem mestu, ki jih je treba namestiti, in prostorska ločljivost drugih tehnik zadostna, da se koncentracije onesnaževal zraka določijo v skladu z oddelkom I Priloge VI in oddelkom I Priloge VIII.
3 Prevod
CELEX: 31999D0801
Air pollution monitoring and modelling using acceptable common emission factors and methodologies shall be carried out in the assessment of atmospheric deposition of substances, as well as in the compilation of inventories of quantities and rates of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere from land-based sources."
Spremljanje in modeliranje onesnaževanja zraka s sprejemljivimi skupnimi emisijskimi dejavniki in metodologijami se izvajata z oceno odlaganja snovi v ozračju kakor tudi z zbiranjem popisov količin in stopenj emisiji onesnaževal iz kopenskih virov v ozračje."
Prevodi: en > sl
air pollutant emission inventory