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aircraft accident investigation commission
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
1. he carries weapons or dangerous objects in a public airport or transports weapons and dangerous objects in conflict with regulations (Article 126), 2. he moves or remains in areas and regions which are intended for the movement of aircraft and for navigational devices and in supervised and security clear areas which are determined in security programmes, when not performing service tasks and having a suitable permit (first paragraph of Article 128), 3. he moves through areas and zones which are intended for the movement of aircraft and for navigational devices and in supervised and security clear areas which are determined in security programmes without a suitable escort (fifth paragraph of Article 128), 4. does not co-operate or does not provide assistance in the investigation of an aviation accident or incident in compliance with authorities and demands of the commission or investigator of the aviation accident (first paragraph of Article 141), 5. in the case of an aviation accident or incident, removes or moves without the permission of the main investigator, an aircraft and objects or whatever belongs to this aircraft or to objects of which the suspicion exists that they may be the cause of the aviation accident (first paragraph of Article 142), 6. at the time of an aviation accident finds objects and does not inform the police, the investigating body, commission or investigator about them (second paragraph of Article 142).
1. nosi orožje ali nevarne predmete na javnem letališču oziroma prevaža orožje in nevarne predmete v nasprotju s predpisi (126. člen), 2. se giblje ali zadržuje na površinah in območjih, ki so namenjena za gibanje zrakoplovov in za navigacijske naprave ter na nadzorovanih in varnostno čistih območjih, ki so opredeljena v varnostnih programih, ne da bi opravljal službeno opravilo in imel ustrezno dovoljenje (prvi odstavek 128. člena), 3. se giblje po površinah in območjih, ki so namenjena za gibanje zrakoplovov in za navigacijske naprave ter na nadzorovanih in varnostno čistih območjih, ki so opredeljena v varnostnih programih brez ustreznega spremljevalca (peti odstavek 128. člena), 4. ne sodeluje oziroma ne nudi pomoči pri preiskavi letalske nesreče ali incidenta v skladu s pooblastili in zahtevami komisije ali preiskovalca letalske nesreče (prvi odstavek 141. člena), 5. v primeru letalske nesreče ali incidenta, odstrani ali premesti brez dovoljenja glavnega preiskovalca zrakoplov in stvari ali karkoli, kar spada k temu zrakoplovu ali k stvarem, za katere obstaja sum, da bi lahko bile vzrok letalske nesreče (prvi odstavek 142. člena), 6. ob letalski nesreči najde stvari pa o tem ne obvesti policije, preiskovalnega organa, komisije ali preiskovalca (drugi odstavek 142. člena).
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aircraft accident investigation commission