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aircraft accident investigation report
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
1. he violates flight rules (first paragraph of Article 8), 2. in the case of a violation of air space by an aircraft, he does not land at the order of a competent body in compliance with instructions (third paragraph of Article 10), 3. is not acquainted with the content of /cargo/ which he is transporting (seventh paragraph of Article 59), 4. performs the task of pilot in commercial air traffic if he has exceeded the prescribed age (eighth paragraph of Article 59), 5. does not take measures in compliance with authorities (first paragraph of Article 60), 6. prior to take-off does not check whether the crew and aircraft are prepared and capable of safe flight and whether all prescribed documents are on board (third paragraph of Article 60), 7. does not provide the police with professional assistance and does not provide information to them when this is required in compliance with legal authorities (eighth paragraph of Article 60), 8. does not take measures in compliance with authorities (first and second paragraphs of Article 61), 9. does not take care that objects that are relevant to a procedure of violation or for the investigation of a criminal offence are handed to the appropriate official body (fourth paragraph of Article 61), 10. does not inform the Administration of an aviation accident with fatal results or serious physical injuries or with considerable damage or about a serious incident and does not submit a written report about such (Article 63), 11. does report on circumstances, events and disturbances in functioning which could affect the airworthiness of the aircraft (Article 64), 12. does not land immediately with an aircraft at the nearest suitable airport in compliance with the instructions of a competent air traffic service (first paragraph of Article 147),
1. krši pravila letenja (prvi odstavek 8. člena), 2. v primeru kršitve zračnega prostora z zrakoplovom ne pristane na ukaz pristojnega organa v skladu z navodili (tretji odstavek 10. člena), 3. ni seznanjen z vsebino tovora, ki ga prevaža (sedmi odstavek 59. člena), 4. opravlja naloge pilota v komercialnem zračnem prevozu, če je presegel predpisano starost (osmi odstavek 59. člena), 5. ne ukrepa v skladu s pooblastili (prvi odstavek 60. člena), 6. pred vzletom ne preveri ali sta posadka in zrakoplov pripravljena in sposobna za varen let in ali so vsi predpisani dokumenti na krovu (tretji odstavek 60. člena), 7. policiji ne nudi strokovne pomoči in ji ne da obvestil, kadar ta to zahteva v skladu z zakonskimi pooblastili (osmi odstavek 60. člena), 8. ne ukrepa v skladu s pooblastili (prvi in drugi odstavek 61. člena), 9. ne poskrbi, da so predmeti, ki so pomembni za postopek o prekršku ali za preiskavo kaznivega dejanja, predani ustreznemu organu (četrti odstavek 61. člena), 10. ne obvesti Uprave o letalski nesreči s smrtnim izidom ali hujšimi telesnimi poškodbami ali s precejšnjo škodo ali o resnem incidentu ter ji ne preda pisnega poročila (63. člen), 11. ne poroča o okoliščinah, dogodkih in motnjah v delovanju, ki lahko vplivajo na plovnost zrakoplova (64. člen), 12. z zrakoplovom takoj ne pristane na najbližjem primernem letališču v skladu z navodili pristojne službe zračnega prometa (prvi odstavek 147. člena),
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aircraft accident investigation report