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amplify the scope
1 Pravna redakcija
The decision on the contribution of a fund may amplify the scope of each fund as defined in the Regulations specific to each fund, but without broadening it, to include all measures required to implement the pilot project concerned.
Z odločbo o prispevku Sklada se lahko v uredbi, specifični za ta Sklad, razširi njegovo področje uporabe z vključitvijo ukrepov, potrebnih za izvedbo pilotnega projekta, brez prekoračitve posebnih določb.
2 Pravna redakcija
The decision on the contribution of a Fund may amplify the scope of each Fund as defined in the Regulations specific to each Fund, but without broadening it, to include all measures required to implement the Community initiative programme concerned.
Z odločbo o prispevku Sklada se lahko v uredbi, specifični za ta Sklad, razširi njegovo področje uporabe z vključitvijo ukrepov, potrebnih za izvedbo programa pobud Skupnosti, brez prekoračitve posebnih določb.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
'Energy Charter Protocol` or 'Protocol` means a treaty, the negotiation of which is authorized and the text of which is adopted by the Charter Conference, which is entered into by two or more Contracting Parties in order to complement, supplement, extend or amplify the provisions of this Treaty with respect to any specific sector or category of activity within the scope of this Treaty, or to areas of cooperation pursuant to Title III of the Charter.
"Protokol k Energetski listini" ali "protokol" pomeni pogodbo, o kateri so se pogajali po pooblastilu Konference podpisnic Listine, in katerega besedilo je ta konferenca tudi sprejela, sklenile pa so ga dve ali več pogodbenic, da bi z njim dopolnile, razširile ali spremenile določbe te pogodbe za posamezno posebno področje ali vrsto dejavnosti v okviru pogodbe ali za področja sodelovanja iz poglavja III Listine.
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amplify the scope