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annual price increase
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-20
The measure of the rate of inflation to be used in determining the inflation factor shall be the weighted average of the annual rates of increase or decrease in the Consumer Price Indices of the States whose currencies comprise the Special Drawing Right mentioned in paragraph 1 of Article 23.
Mera za stopnjo inflacije, ki se uporabi pri določanju faktorja inflacije, je tehtano povprečje letnih stopenj zvišanja ali znižanja indeksov gibanja maloprodajnih cen držav, katerih valute sestavljajo posebno pravico črpanja, omenjeno v prvem odstavku 23. člena.
2 Končna redakcija
Where these Spanish prices, expressed in ECU, are less than or equal to the common prices, the annual price increases may not, as a rule, exceed in value the increase in common prices.
kadar so te španske cene, izražene v ekujih, nižje od skupnih cen ali so jim enake, letna povišanja cen po vrednosti praviloma ne smejo preseči povišanja skupnih cen.
3 Končna redakcija
without prejudice to price harmonization in the milk and milk products sector referred to in Article 309 (d), annual increases in prices may not exceed, in value, the increase in common prices,
brez poseganja v usklajevanje cen v sektorju mleka in mlečnih proizvodov iz člena 309 (d) letno povišanje cen po vrednosti ne sme presegati povišanja skupnih cen,
4 Končna redakcija
with regard to products falling within heading No 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff, for which institutional prices are fixed, the annual increase in Portuguese prices may reach, without exceeding it, the level of the instalment resulting from a price alignment made over 10 years.
za proizvode iz tarifne številke 22.05 skupne carinske tarife, za katere so določene institucionalne cene, lahko letno povečanje portugalskih cen doseže, ne da bi jo preseglo, raven deleža, ki je posledica usklajevanja cen v desetih letih.
5 Končna redakcija
With regard to anchovies, the guide prices that apply to Spain and to the other Member States respectively shall be the subject of alignment, in five annual stages, successively by a fifth, a quarter, a third and half the difference between these guide prices, this alignment being applied half to one and half to the other of these prices by increasing the lower price and reducing the higher price; the price resulting from this calculation shall be modulated proportionately on the basis of any adjustment to the guide price for the next fishing year; the common price shall be applied from the date of the fifth move towards alignment.
Priporočene cene za sardone, ki se uporabljajo za Španijo oziroma za druge države članice, se v petih letnih fazah uskladijo zaporedoma za petino, četrtino, tretjino in polovico razlike med temi priporočenimi cenami. Uskladitev se uporabi polovično za vsako od teh cen, tako da se nižja povečuje in višja zmanjšuje; tako izračunane cene se spremenijo sorazmerno z vsako uskladitvijo priporočene cene za naslednje ribolovno leto; skupna cena se uporablja od pete uskladitve naprej.
6 Končna redakcija
A comparison shall be drawn between the offer price of the Greek product, as calculated in (b) and a Community offer price calculated annually on the one hand, on the basis of the arithmetical average of producer prices of each Member State of the Community as at present constituted increased by the transport and packaging costs borne by the products from the areas of production up to the representative centres of Community consumption and, on the other hand, taking into account the trend of production costs.
Primerjata se ponudbena cena grškega proizvoda, kot je izračunana v (b) in ponudbena cena Skupnosti, izračunana na letni osnovi, na eni strani na podlagi aritmetične sredine cen pridelovalcev vsake države članice Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi, k čemur se prištejejo stroški transporta in embalaže za izdelke od kraja pridelave do reprezentativnih centrov porabe Skupnosti, na drugi strani pa se upošteva trend proizvodnih stroškov.
7 Pravna redakcija
a slowdown of inflation, so that the annual rate of price increase is brought down to 15 % at the end of 1986 and to under 10 % by mid-1987, excluding the effects of the introduction of value added tax from 1 January 1987;
upočasnitev inflacije, tako da se letna stopnja rasti cen zniža na 15 % ob koncu leta 1986 in pod 10 % do sredine leta 1987 brez upoštevanja učinkov uvedbe davka na dodano vrednost s 1. januarjem 1987;
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0950
In this respect the prices of aluminium as quoted on the LME have fluctuated considerably in the period considered, with a maximum annual increase of 11 % and a maximum annual decrease of 9 %.
S tem v zvezi so cene aluminija, kot kotirajo na londonski borzi kovin, precej nihale v obravnavanem obdobju z najvišjim letnim povišanjem v višini 11 % in najvišjim letnim znižanjem v višini 9 %.
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annual price increase