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anti-subsidies investigation
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
The practice of the European Community in anti-subsidy investigations is to allocate the subsidies over the turnover of the company investigated.
Praksa Evropske skupnosti v preiskavah proti subvencijam je, da razporedi subvencije na promet gospodarske družbe v preiskavi.
2 Pravna redakcija
It is understood that the provisions of Article 19 are neither intended to, nor shall slow down, hinder or impede the procedures provided for in the respective legislations of the Parties regarding anti-dumping and subsidies investigations.
Razume se, da namen določb člena 19 ni upočasniti, ovirati ali preprečiti postopkov, predvidenih z notranjo zakonodajo pogodbenic glede antidampinških in subvencijskih preiskav.
3 Pravna redakcija
Whereas following the conclusion of anti-dumping and anti-subsidies investigations, Council Regulation (EC) No 772/1999(4) as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1003/1999(5), imposes definitive anti-dumping and countervailing duties and an effective minimum price by presentation of salmon, on imports of farmed Atlantic salmon originating in Norway;
ker so po opravljenih protidampinških in protisubvencijskih pregledih z Uredbo Sveta (ES) št. 772/1999 fn, kakor je nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 1003/1999 fn, uvedene dokončne protidampinške in izravnalne dajatve ter dejansko najnižja cena predstavitve lososa pri uvozu gojenih atlantskih lososov, ki prihajajo iz Norveške; ker se te dajatve ne uporabljajo za prostoživeče atlantske losose iz istih oznak KN;
4 Pravna redakcija
In respect of anti-dumping or subsidies investigations, each Party agrees to examine submissions by the other Party and to inform the interested parties concerned of the essential facts and considerations on the basis of which a final decision is to be made.
Glede protidampinških ali protisubvencijskih preiskav se pogodbenici strinjata, da preverjata ugotovitve druge pogodbenice in da zainteresirane tretje stranke obveščata o bistvenih dejstvih in premislekih, na podlagi katerih se lahko sprejme končna odločitev.
5 Pravna redakcija
It is understood that the provisions of Article 18 and those of the following paragraph are neither intended to, nor shall, slow down, hinder or impede the procedure provided for in the respective legislation of the Parties regarding antidumping and subsidies investigations.
Razume se, da določbe člena 18 in tiste iz naslednjega odstavka niti nimajo namena niti ne upočasnjujejo, ovirajo ali preprečujejo postopka, predvidenega z ustrezno zakonodajo pogodbenic glede antidampinških in subvencijskih preiskav.
6 Pravna redakcija
In respect of anti-dumping or subsidies investigations, each Contracting Party agrees to examine submissions made by the other Contracting Party and to inform the interested parties concerned of the essential facts and considerations on the basis of which a decision is to be based.
Glede protidampinških ali protisubvencijskih preiskav vsaka pogodbenica soglaša, da se preverijo ugotovitve druge pogodbenice in da so zadevne zainteresirane tretje strani obveščene o bistvenih dejstvih in ugotovitvah, na podlagi katerih mora temeljiti odločitev.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1676
Moreover, the Indian exporters claimed that the deduction, in accordance with Article 14(1) of the basic Regulation, of the export subsidies accounted for by the existing countervailing duty from the anti-dumping duty was legally not justified as the countervailing duties were determined on the basis of a different investigation period.
Poleg tega so indijski izvozniki trdili, da znižanje v skladu s členom 14(1) osnovne uredbe v višini izvoznih subvencij, obračunanih z veljavno izravnalno dajatvijo, pravno ni upravičeno, saj so bile izravnalne dajatve določene na podlagi drugega preiskovalnega obdobja.
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
Whereas it is necessary to specify procedures for the acceptance of undertakings eliminating or offsetting the countervailable subsidies and injury in lieu of the imposition of provisional or definitive duties; whereas it is also appropriate to lay down the consequences of breach or withdrawal of undertakings and that provisional duties may be imposed in cases of suspected violation or where further investigation is necessary to supplement the findings; whereas, in accepting undertakings, care should be taken that the proposed undertakings, and their enforcement, do not lead to anti-competitive behaviour;
ker je treba določiti postopke za sprejem zavez za odpravo ali kompenzacijo subvencij, proti katerim se lahko uvedejo izravnalni ukrepi, in škode namesto uvedbe začasnih ali dokončnih dajatev; ker je primerno tudi določiti posledice kršitve ali odstopa od zavez in uvedbo začasnih dajatev ob sumu kršitve ali kadar je potrebna nadaljnja preiskava, da se dopolnijo ugotovitve; ker je pri sprejetju zavez treba paziti, da predlagane zaveze in njihovo uresničevanje ne vodijo v protikonkurenčno obnašanje;
9 Prevajalska redakcija
It is understood that the provisions of Article 11 are neither intended to, nor shall slow down, hinder or impede the procedures provided for in the respective legislations of the Parties regarding anti-dumping and subsidies investigations.Joint Declaration concerning Article 18
Razume se, da namen določb člena 11 ni upočasniti, ovirati ali preprečiti postopkov, predvidenih z ustrezno zakonodajo pogodbenic glede protidampinških in protisubvencijskih preiskav. Skupna izjava o členu 18
10 Prevod
It is understood that the provisions of Article 10 are neither intended to, nor shall slow down, hinder or impede the procedures provided for in the respective legislation of the Parties regarding anti-dumping and subsidies investigations.
Razume se, da namen določb člena 10 ni upočasniti, ovirati ali preprečiti postopkov, predvidenih z notranjo zakonodajo pogodbenic glede antidampinških in subvencijskih preiskav.
11 Prevod
It is understood that the provisions of Article 11 and those of the following paragraph are neither intended to, nor shall, slow down, hinder or impede the procedures provided for in the respective legislation of the Parties regarding anti-dumping and subsidies investigations.
Razume se, da namen določb člena 11 in tistih iz naslednjega odstavka ni upočasniti, ovirati ali preprečiti postopkov, predvidenih z notranjo zakonodajo pogodbenic glede antidampinških in subvencijskih preiskav.
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anti-subsidies investigation