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application for exemption
1 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
An application for a TUE will be reviewed by a Therapeutic Use Exemption Committee (TUEC).
Vlogo za terapevtsko izjemo pregleda odbor za priznanje terapevtske izjeme (OPTI).
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
If upon filing of the action the plaintiff applies for the exemption from payment of court fees, the judge shall be bound forthwith and not later than within fifteen days to decide upon his application.
Če tožeča stranka ob vložitvi tožbe zaprosi za oprostitev plačila sodnih taks, je dolžan sodnik o predlogu za oprostitev odločiti takoj, najkasneje pa v petnajstih dneh.
3 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-74
Under Article 13(2) of the Protocol, the authorities of the Republic of Slovenia shall grant exemption from national taxes to the persons provided for in Article 2 of Council Regulation No 260/68(*4), who are subject to Community taxation on their wages, salaries and emoluments paid by the Communities in application of Council Regulation No 259/68(*5) with respect to such wages, salaries and emoluments.
Na podlagi drugega odstavka 13. člena protokola organi Republike Slovenije odobrijo oprostitev plačila nacionalnih davkov osebam, predvidenim v 2. členu Uredbe Sveta št. 260/68(*4), za katere velja obdavčitev Skupnosti na plače in prejemke, ki jih izplačujejo Skupnosti na podlagi Uredbe Sveta št. 259/68(*5), ki ureja take plače in prejemke.
4 Končna redakcija
Without prejudice to any application for individual exemption that may be made, the justification of any price agreement in terms of Article 85 (3) would be the subject of very rigorous examination by the Commission.
Ne glede na uporabo pri posameznih morebitnih sprejeth izjemah mora Komisija za utemeljitev katerega koli cenovnega sporazuma v smislu člena 85(3) opraviti zelo strog pregled.
5 Končna redakcija
(1) The reduction of the tax rate or exemption from payment of the tax for an environmental strain during the execution of a rehabilitation program shall be determined by the Minister after an application from the party responsible who must include with the application a rehabilitation or other program for the minimization of pollution.
(1) O znižanju ali oprostitvi takse za obremenjevanje med izvajanjem sanacijskih del odloči ministrstvo na zahtevo onesnaževalca, ki mora zahtevi priložiti sanacijski ali drug program zmanjšanja onesnaževanja.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0795
1.The exemption from set-aside provided for in Article 55 (a) of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 shall apply for a number of hectares not higher than the number of set-aside entitlements which a farmer received in the first year of application of the single payment scheme.
Izvzetje iz prahe, predvideno v členu 55(a) Uredbe (ES) št. 1782/2003, velja za število hektarjev, ki ne presega števila pravic za praho, odobrenih kmetu v prvem letu izvajanja sheme enotnega plačila.
7 Končna redakcija
For the products contained in the list appearing in Annex XVIII, the basic duties adopted for alignment on the Common Customs Tariff and the ECSC unified tariff shall be the duties resulting from the application by the Portuguese Republic, on 1 January 1985, of tariff exemptions (total suspensions) and tariff reductions (partial suspensions).
Za izdelke s seznama v Prilogi XVIII se za približevanje skupni carinski tarifi in enotni tarifi ESPJ kot osnovne dajatve sprejmejo dajatve, ki izhajajo iz tarifnih oprostitev (popolnih opustitev) in tarifnih znižanj (delnih opustitev), ki jih je Portugalska republika uporabljala 1. januarja 1985.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
In order to take account of developments on financial markets, and to ensure the uniform application of this Directive, the Commission, acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 64(2), may, in respect of exemptions (c) (i), and (k) define the criteria for determining when an activity is to be considered as ancillary to the main business on a group level as well as for determining when an activity is provided in an incidental manner.
Da bi upoštevala razvoj dogodkov na finančnih trgih in zagotovila enotno uporabo te direktive, lahko Komisija v skladu s postopkom iz člena 64(2) glede izjem (c), (i) in (k) opredeli merila za določanje, kdaj se dejavnost šteje za pomožno dejavnost h glavni dejavnosti na ravni skupine, in za določanje, kdaj se dejavnost opravlja priložnostno.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0544
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1520/2000 of 13 July 2000 laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of granting export refunds on certain agricultural products exported in the form of goods not covered by Annex I to the Treaty and the criteria for fixing the amount of such refunds(3), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 543/2004(4), provides that, other than for certain exemptions, the granting of export refunds on goods is conditional on production of a refund certificate.
Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 1520/2000 z dne 13. julija 2000 o določitvi skupnih podrobnih pravil za uporabo sistema dodeljevanja izvoznih nadomestil za nekatere kmetijske proizvode, izvožene kot blago, ki ni zajeto v Prilogi I k Pogodbi, in o merilih za določanje višine takšnih nadomestil [3], kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 543/2004 [4], določa, da je pogoj za dodelitev izvoznih nadomestil za blago, razen v določenih izjemah, predložitev potrdila o nadomestilu.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31981R1390
When a person who is normally resident in Gibraltar, or who has been required, since he last arrived in Gibraltar, to pay contributions under the legislation of Gibraltar as an employed person, applies, as a result of incapacity to work, maternity or unemployment, for exemption from the payment of contributions over a certain period, and asks for contributions for that period to be credited to him, any period during which that person has been working in the territory of a Member State other than the United Kingdom shall, for the pursposes of his application, be regarded as a period during which he has been employed in Gibraltar and for which he has paid contributions as an employed person in accordance with the legislation of Gibraltar.
Če oseba, ki običajno prebiva v Gibraltarju, ali od katere se je zahtevalo, odkar je nazadnje prišla v Gibraltar, da plačuje prispevke v skladu z zakonodajo Gibraltarja kot zaposlena oseba, zaprosi za oprostitev plačila prispevkov za določeno obdobje zaradi nezmožnosti za delo, materinstva ali brezposelnosti in zaprosi, da se ji financirajo prispevki tega obdobja, se vsako obdobje, ko je ta oseba delala na ozemlju druge države članice, razen Združenega kraljestva, za te namene upošteva kot doba, ko je bila oseba zaposlena v Gibraltarju in za katero je plačala prispevke kot zaposlena oseba v skladu z zakonodajo Gibraltarja.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0095
During the period referred to in Article 10(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1260/2001(8), notwithstanding paragraph 1(a), (b) and (d), where C sugar is imported into the Canary Islands or into Madeira in the form of white sugar falling within CN code 1701 or into the Azores in the form of raw sugar falling within CN code 1701 12 10 under the scheme of exemption from import duties provided for in Article 3 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1453/2001(9) or Article 3 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1454/2001(10), it shall be regarded as being exported to a third country within the meaning of Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1260/2001 and originating in that third country for the purposes of the application of the said scheme."
V obdobju iz člena 10(1) Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1260/2001*, ne glede na odstavek 1(a), (b) in (d), se sladkor C, uvožen na Kanarske otoke ali Madeiro v obliki belega sladkorja, ki spada pod oznako KN 1701, ali na Azore v obliki surovega sladkorja, ki spada pod oznako KN 1701 12 10, v okviru sistema oprostitve uvoznih dajatev, predvidenega v členu 3 Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1453/2001** ali členu 3 Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1454/2001***, pri uporabi navedenega sistema šteje kot sladkor, izvožen v tretjo državo v smislu člena 13(1) Uredbe (ES) št. 1260/2001 in s poreklom iz te tretje države. _____________ * UL L 178, 30.6.2001, str. 1. ** UL L 198, 21.7.2001, str. 26. *** UL L 198, 21.7.2001, str. 45."
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1696
Under these particular circumstances it was considered acceptable not to levy the duty on such imports occurring after the application for exemption.
V teh posebnih okoliščinah je obveljalo kot sprejemljivo, da se ne obračuna dajatev za tak uvoz, ki je bil izvršen po zahtevku za oprostitev.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1696
For these same reasons, it is decided that camera models of JVC also subject to the present examination should be exempted from the duty from the date of receipt of the application for exemption by the Commission, i.e. from 17 April 2001,
Iz istih razlogov se sklene, da je treba modele kamer družbe JVC, ki so tudi predmet sedanjega pregleda, oprostiti dajatev od datuma, ko je Komisija prejela zahtevek za oprostitev, to je od 17. aprila 2001 naprej -
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1696
Therefore, it is decided that imports of camera models of Ikegami subject to the present examination imported on a date on or after the date of receipt of the application for exemption, i.e. on or after 12 October 2001, should be exempted from the duty.
Zato je bilo odločeno, da bi morali biti uvoženi modeli kamer družbe Ikegami, ki so predmet sedanjega pregleda in so bili uvoženi na datum ali po datumu prejetja zahtevka za oprostitev, to je dne 12. oktobra 2001 ali pozneje, oproščeni dajatev.
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1696
Hence, whilst requests for retroactive effect from the date of receipt of the application for exemption can be considered, it is not appropriate to extend retroactive effect to imports that have taken place before a request was made, taking account in particular of the serious risk of circumvention of the measures.
Iz tega sledi, če je možna obravnava zahtevka za retroaktiven učinek od datuma prejetja zahtevka za oprostitev, potem ni primerno podaljšati veljavnosti za nazaj za uvoz, ki se je izvršil pred zahtevkom, zlasti ob upoštevanju resnega tveganja izogibanja ukrepom.
16 Pravna redakcija
Vehicles first registered no more than two years before the date of application for an exemption shall also be considered eligible.
Za upravičena do dovoljenja se štejejo tudi vozila, ki so bila prvič registrirana največ dve leti pred datumom prošnje za izjemo pri omejitvah.
17 Pravna redakcija
It is the Commission's task to decide on the actual application of that provision in the same way as for the other exemption clauses in Article 87(3).
Komisija je tista, ki mora odločiti o dejanski uporabi te določbe na enak način kakor pri ostalih klavzulah o odstopanjih iz člena 87(3).
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The Centre for administration of import duty, exemption and drawback (Bapeksta) can grant, upon application, the exemption or restitution of import duty as well as the non-imposition of value added tax (PPN) and sales tax on luxury goods (PPnBM) on the import of goods for further processing for export.
Center za upravljanje uvoznih dajatev, oprostitev in povračil (Bapeksta) lahko na prošnjo odobri oprostitev ali povračilo uvozne dajatve in opustitev davka na dodano vrednost (PPN) in prometnega davka na luksuzno blago (PPnBM) pri uvozu blaga za nadaljnjo predelavo za izvoz.
19 Pravna redakcija
However, the application of the exemption from the visa requirement for nationals of certain third countries, which are listed in Annex II, will come into force only later.
Vendar pa bo uporaba izvzetja iz vizne obveznosti pri državljanih nekaterih tretjih držav, ki so navedene v Prilogi II, začela veljati šele pozneje.
20 Pravna redakcija
CONSIDERING that limited exemptions are necessary for some applications in the production of magnesium and aluminium alloys to give small and medium-sized foundries a reasonable period for adaptation,
GLEDE NA TO, da je potrebno omejeno število izjem za nekatere uporabe v proizvodnji magnezijevih in aluminijevih zlitin, da bi imele majhne in srednje velike livarne dovolj časa za prilagoditev,
21 Pravna redakcija
Markets may also need to be defined in the application of Article 85 of the Treaty, in particular, in determining whether an appreciable restriction of competition exists or in establishing if the condition pursuant to Article 85 (3) (b) for an exemption from the application of Article 85 (1) is met.
pri uporabi člena 85 Pogodbe, zlasti pri ugotavljanju ali obstaja bistvena omejitev konkurence ali pri ugotavljanju, če je izpolnjen pogoj na podlagi člena 85(3)(b) za izjeme od uporabe člena 85 (1).
22 Pravna redakcija
Accordingly, if such exemptions are necessary to ensure the adoption or continued application of taxes applicable to all products, the Commission takes the view that they are acceptable, subject to certain conditions and for a limited period of time.
Če so torej takšne izjeme potrebne, da bi zagotovili sprejetje ali nadaljnjo uporabo davkov za vse izdelke, Komisija meni, da so sprejemljivi, pod določenimi pogoji in v omejenem času.
23 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003L0096
The exemption or reduction in taxation resulting from the application of the reduced rate laid down in paragraph 1 may not be greater than the amount of taxation payable on the volume of the products referred to in paragraph 1 present in the products eligible for the reduction.
Izjema ali znižanje obdavčitve zaradi uporabe znižane stopnje, določene v odstavku 1, ne sme biti višja od zneska obdavčitve, ki ga je treba plačati za količino izdelkov iz odstavka 1, ki so prisotni v izdelkih, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje za znižanje.
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1696
As a result, should exemption from the duty be granted retroactively to a date before the date of receipt of the application by the Commission, there would be no risk borne by exporting producers seeking to avoid payment of the duty by first importing their camera models under inappropriate CN codes, thus avoiding the duty, and then subsequently applying for an exemption from the date of first importation if and when the irregularities come to the authorities' attention.
Iz tega sledi, da v primeru, kadar bi bila oprostitev dajatev dodeljena retroaktivno do datuma pred dnevom, ko je Komisija prejela zahtevek, ne bi obstajalo nobeno tveganje za proizvajalce izvoznike, ki se skušajo izogniti plačevanju carine, tako da najprej uvozijo svoje modele kamer pod nepravilnimi oznakami KN in se s tem izognejo dajatvam in nato zaprosijo za oprostitev, ki bi veljalo od datuma prvega uvoza, če in kadar so z nepravilnostmi seznanjeni organi.
25 Pravna redakcija
In the event that the Commission finds that the operation notified does not constitute a concentration within the meaning of Article 3 of the Merger Regulation, do you request that it be treated as an application for negative clearance from, or a notification to obtain an exemption from Article 85 of the EC Treaty?
Ali želite v primeru, če Komisija ugotovi, da priglašeno dejanje ne predstavlja koncentracije v smislu člena 3 Uredbe o združitvi, da se priglasitev obravnava kot zahteva za pridobitev negativnega izvida ali kot zahteva za odobritev izjeme iz člena 85 Pogodbe o ES?
26 Pravna redakcija
The establishment by a third country on the list in Annex II of the visa requirement for nationals of a Member State shall give rise to the application of the following provisions, without prejudice to the provisions of any agreement which the Community may have concluded with that third country granting exemption from the visa requirement:
Uvedba obveznega vizuma za državljane držav članic s strani tretje države, navedene v seznamu Priloge II, privede do uporabe naslednjih določb, ne da bi to posegalo v določbe katerega koli morebitnega sporazuma o izvzetju iz vizne obveznosti, ki ga je Skupnost sklenila s to tretjo državo:
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1318
In application of Article 2 of Regulation (EEC) No 1601/92, the quantities of the forecast supply balance with products from the eggs and poultrymeat sectors which benefit from the exemption from the import duty on products, or which benefit from Community aid for products coming from the rest of the Community, shall be as fixed in Annex I hereto.
Pri uporabi člena 2 Uredbe (EGS) št. 1601/92 so količine proizvodov iz sektorjev jajc in perutninskega mesa v predvideni dobavni bilanci, za katere se uveljavlja oprostitev carine iz tretjih držav ali koristijo pomoč Skupnosti za proizvode, ki prihajajo iz drugega dela Skupnosti, kot določene v Prilogi I.
28 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, until 31 December 2000 at the latest, in two five-year stages as part of a dynamic process in conjunction with the gradual entry of the Canary Islands into the customs union, it is desirable to authorize a number of total or partial exemptions for local products from application of the new so-called 'arbitrio sur la production et sur les importations (APIM)' (tax on production and imports) tax, provided that these exemptions contribute to promotion of local activities; whereas, however, application of this charge should be suspended for products coming under the common agricultural policy until the application of that policy, it being understood that, when these products are imported from non-member countries, the provisions in force in the Canary Islands in respect of trade with such countries shall be maintained until the same date;
ker je zaželeno, da se najpozneje do 31. decembra 2000 v dveh petletnih fazah kot del dinamičnega procesa v povezavi s postopnim vstopom Kanarskih otokov v carinsko unijo odobrijo številne popolne ali delne oprostitve za lokalne proizvode od uporabe novega tako imenovanega davka "arbitrio sur la production et sur les importations (APIM)" (davka na proizvodnjo in uvoz), pod pogojem, da te oprostitve prispevajo k spodbujanju lokalnih dejavnosti; ker bi bilo ttreba uporabo te dajatve za proizvode iz skupne kmetijske politike odložiti do uporabe te politike, pri čemer se šteje, da se ob uvozu teh proizvodov iz držav nečlanic do istega datuma ohranijo predpisi, ki veljajo za Kanarske otoke pri trgovanju s temi državami;
29 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003L0096
In addition to the general provisions set out in Directive 92/12/EEC on exempt uses of taxable products, and without prejudice to other Community provisions, Member States shall exempt the following from taxation under conditions which they shall lay down for the purpose of ensuring the correct and straightforward application of such exemptions and of preventing any evasion, avoidance or abuse:
Razen splošnih določb iz Direktive 92/12/EGS o izjemah pri uporabi obdavčenih izdelkov in brez poseganja v druge določbe Skupnosti, države članice izvzamejo iz obdavčitve pod pogoji, ki jih določijo zaradi zagotavljanja pravilne in enotne uporabe takšnih izjem ter preprečevanja kakršnega koli izogibanja, izmikanja ali zlorabe, naslednje energente:
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0544
(1) Commission Regulation (EC) No 1520/2000 of 13 July 2000 laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of granting export refunds on certain agricultural products exported in the form of goods not covered by Annex I to the Treaty and the criteria for fixing the amount of such refunds( fn ), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 543/2004( fn ), provides that, other than for certain exemptions, the granting of export refunds on goods is conditional on production of a refund certificate.
(1) Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 1520/2000 z dne 13. julija 2000 o določitvi skupnih podrobnih pravil za uporabo sistema dodeljevanja izvoznih nadomestil za nekatere kmetijske proizvode, izvožene kot blago, ki ni zajeto v Prilogi I k Pogodbi, in o merilih za določanje višine takšnih nadomestil( fn ), kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 543/2004( fn ), določa, da je pogoj za dodelitev izvoznih nadomestil za blago, razen v določenih izjemah, predložitev potrdila o nadomestilu.
31 Pravna redakcija
Whereas as regards exports to the United States (Zone E) there exist cases of non-fixing of the refund for certain milk products; whereas provision should also be made for an exemption when determining the lowest rate of the refund in cases where the measures introduced in the United States guarantee that the products which have benefited from a refund for other destinations may not be imported into Zone E; whereas experience has shown that the products listed in Annex II to this Regulation may be covered by this exemption not only as regards the application of Article 11 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 192/76 but also that of Articles 2 (4) and 3 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 441/69; whereas these exemptions should be abolished for the products in respect of which the above conditions are no longer met; whereas such a provision was provided for by Regulation (EEC) No 518/76;
ker v zvezi z izvozom v Združene države (cona E) obstajajo primeri nedoločitve nadomestila za nekatere mlečne proizvode; ker bi bilo treba predvideti tudi izjemo pri določitvi najnižje stopnje nadomestila v primerih, kadar ukrepi, uvedeni v Združenih državah, zagotavljajo, da se proizvodi, ki so prejeli nadomestilo za druga namembna območja, ne morejo uvoziti v cono E; ker so izkušnje pokazale, da lahko za proizvode, naštete v Prilogi II k tej uredbi, ta izjema velja ne samo v zvezi z uporabo člena 11(2) Uredbe (EGS) št. 192/76, ampak tudi v zvezi z uporabo členov 2(4) in 3(1) Uredbe (EGS) št. 441/69; ker bi bilo treba te izjeme odpraviti za proizvode, v zvezi s katerimi zgoraj navedeni pogoji niso več izpolnjeni; ker se je taka določba predvidela z Uredbo (EGS) št. 518/76;
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1318
(1) In application of Articles 2, 3 and 4 of Regulation (EEC) No 1601/92 it is necessary to determine for the eggs and poultrymeat sectors and for the 2001/02 marketing year, on the one hand, the quantities of meat and eggs of the forecast supply balance which benefit from an exemption from the duty on imports from third countries or from an aid for deliveries originating in the rest of the Community, and on the other hand, the quantities of breeding material originating in the Community which benefit from an aid with a view to developing the potential for production in the archipelago of the Canaries.
(1) Pri uporabi členov 2, 3 in 4 Uredbe (EGS) št. 1601/92 je treba določiti za sektorja jajc in perutninskega mesa in za tržno leto 2001/02 na eni strani količine mesa in jajc v predvideni dobavni bilanci, za katere se uveljavlja oprostitev carine na uvoz iz tretjih držav ali pomoč za dobave s poreklom iz drugega dela Skupnosti, in na drugi strani količine plemenskega materiala s poreklom iz Skupnosti, za katere se koristi pomoč, namenjena razvoju proizvodnih kapacitet na Kanarskem otočju.
33 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32004D0162
(22) The importance of updating the lists of products in the Annex, made necessary by the possible emergence of new production activities in the DOMs, of safeguarding local production if it is threatened by certain commercial practices, and, consequently, of the need to change the amount of exemptions from or reductions in the dues applicable mean that the Council itself must be able to adopt the measures necessary for the application of this Decision, particularly as such measures may have a major budgetary impact for the recipients of dock dues revenue.
(22) Pomen sprotnega dopolnjevanja seznamov izdelkov v Prilogi, ki je potrebno zaradi možnega pojava novih proizvodnih dejavnosti v francoskih čezmorskih departmajih, pomen varovanja lokalne proizvodnje, če jo ogrožajo nekatere komercialne prakse in, posledično, pomen potrebe spremeniti zneske oprostitev ali znižanja veljavnih dajatev kažejo, da mora biti Svet sam sposoben sprejeti potrebne ukrepe za uporabo te Odločbe, zlasti ker imajo ti ukrepi lahko velik vpliv na proračun prejemnikov prihodka iz pristaniških pristojbin.
34 Pravna redakcija
When a person who is normally resident in Gibraltar, or who has been required, since he last arrived in Gibraltar, to pay contributions under the legislation of Gibraltar as an employed person, applies, as a result of incapacity to work, maternity or unemployment, for exemption from the payment of contributions over a certain period, and asks for contributions for that period to be credited to him, any period during which that person has been working in the territory of a Member State other than the United Kingdom shall, for the purposes of his application, be regarded as a period during which he has been employed in Gibraltar and for which he has paid contributions as an employed person in accordance with the legislation of Gibraltar.
Če oseba, ki običajno stalno prebiva v Gibraltarju, ali od katere se je zahtevalo, odkar je nazadnje prišla v Gibraltar, da plačuje prispevke v skladu z zakonodajo Gibraltarja kot zaposlena oseba, zaprosi za oprostitev plačila prispevkov za določeno obdobje zaradi nezmožnosti za delo, materinstva ali brezposelnosti in zaprosi, da se ji financirajo prispevki tega obdobja, se vsako obdobje, ko je ta oseba delala na ozemlju druge države članice, razen Združenega kraljestva, za te namene upošteva kot doba, ko je bila oseba zaposlena v Gibraltarju in za katero je plačala prispevke kot zaposlena oseba v skladu z zakonodajo Gibraltarja.
35 Pravna redakcija
In the case of credit institutions other than those which are set up in areas newly reclaimed from the sea or have resulted from scission or mergers of existing institutions dependent or answerable to the central body, the Council, acting on a proposal from the Commission, which shall for this purpose, consult the Banking Advisory Committee, may lay down additional rules for the application of the second subparagraph including the repeal of exemptions provided for in the first subparagraph, where it is of the opinion that the affiliation of new institutions benefiting from the arrangements laid down in the second subparagraph might have an adverse effect on competition.
Pri kreditnih institucijah, razen tistih, ki so ustanovljene na območjih, iztrganih morju, ali ki so posledica razdružitve ali združitev obstoječih institucij, odvisnih od centralnega organa ali mu odgovarjajo, lahko Svet, ki ukrepa na predlog Komisije, ki se za ta namen posvetuje s Svetovalnim odborom za bančništvo, določi dodatna pravila za uporabo drugega pododstavka, vključno z razveljavitvijo izvzetij, predvidenih v prvem pododstavku, če je mnenja, da lahko združenje novih institucij, ki imajo korist od ureditve iz drugega pododstavka, neugodno vpliva na konkurenco.
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0496
In order to ensure the effective respect and monitoring of the undertaking, when the request for release for free circulation pursuant to the undertaking is presented, exemption from the duty is conditional upon presentation to the customs service of the Member State concerned a valid 'Commercial Invoice' issued by Futura Polymers Ltd and containing the information listed in the Annex of Regulation (EC) No 2604/2000. Where no such invoice is presented, or when it does not correspond to the product presented to customs, the appro priate rate of anti-dumping duty should be payable in order to ensure the effective application of the undertaking.
Da se zagotovi učinkovito izpolnjevanje zavez in njihovo nadzorovanje, je treba pri predložitvi zahtevka za sprostitev v prost promet v skladu z zavezo za oprostitev plačila dajatve, carinski službi zadevne države članice predložiti veljaven "trgovski račun", ki ga izda Futura Polymers Ltd in vsebuje podatke navedne v prilogi k Uredbi (ES) št. 2604/2000. Če se takšen račun ne predloži ali če ne ustreza izdelku, predloženemu v carinjenje, bo plačana ustrezna protidampinška dajatev, da se zagotovi učinkovita uporaba zaveze.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3385
Reasons for the application for exemption
Razlogi za vlogo za izjemo
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2843
'Application for exemption under Article 12 of Regulation (EEC) No 1017/68`,
"Vloga za izjemo po členu 12 Uredbe (EGS) št. 1017/68",
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2843
'Application for exemption under Article 12 of Regulation (EEC) No 4056/86`,
"Vloga za izjemo po členu 12 Uredbe (EGS) št. 4056/86",
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2843
On the other hand, Regulations (EEC) No 1017/68, (EEC) No 4056/86 and (EEC) No 3975/87 require the Commission to publish a summary of an application for exemption.
Po drugi strani pa Uredbe (EGS) št. 1017/68, (EGS) št. 4056/86 in (EGS) št. 3975/87 zahtevajo, da Komisija objavi povzetek vloge za izjemo.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
Under Article 3 of the Block Exemption Regulation, it is in general the market share of the supplier that is decisive for the application of the block exemption.
Po členu 3 uredbe o skupinskih izjemah je za uporabo skupinske izjeme odločilni dejavnik tržni delež dobavitelja.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2843
An application for an exemption decision may be opposed by the Commission if it has serious doubts as to whether the arrangements should benefit from an exemption decision.
Vlogi za izdajo odločbe o izjemi lahko Komisija nasprotuje, če resno dvomi v možnosti za dovolitev izjeme za zadevni dogovor.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3385
this form can be used to make an application for negative clearance and/or a notification requesting an exemption.
ta obrazec se lahko uporablja za vlogo za negativni izvid in/ali priglasitev z zahtevo za izjemo.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2843
'Application for negative clearance under Article 3(2) and/or exemption under Article 5 of Regulation (EEC) No 3975/87`.
"Vloga za negativni izvid po členu 3(2) in/ali izjemo po členu 5 Uredbe (EGS) št. 3975/87".
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985L0346
Member States may limit the application of the exemption for fuel contained in the standard fuel tanks of commercial motor vehicles:
Države članice lahko omejijo uporabo oprostitve za gorivo v standardnih rezervoarjih komercialnih motornih vozil:
46 Prevajalska redakcija
In that case, the Block Exemption Regulation applies to those goods and services for which the conditions of application are fulfilled.
V tem primeru se uredba o skupinskih izjemah uporablja za tisto blago in storitve, za katere so izpolnjeni pogoji uporabe.
Prevodi: en > sl
application for exemption