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area monitoring system
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
(b) Providing data obtained from national stations that are part of the International Monitoring System;
(b) zagotavljanjem podatkov, prejetih od postaj v državi, ki so del Mednarodnega opazovalnega sistema;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
(b) Assist in the calibration of the stations that are part of the component networks of the International Monitoring System,
(b) pomagale pri umerjanju postaj, ki so del sestavnih omrežij Mednarodnega opazovalnega sistema,
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
States Parties may also separately establish cooperative arrangements with the Organization, in order to make available to the International Data Centre supplementary data from national monitoring stations that are not formally part of the International Monitoring System.
Države pogodbenice lahko ločeno sklenejo dogovore o sodelovanju z Organizacijo, da bi Mednarodnemu podatkovnemu središču dale na voljo dodatne podatke iz opazovalnih postaj v državi, ki formalno niso del Mednarodenga opazovalnega sistema.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
Where there is a subregionally, regionally or globally agreed system of monitoring, control and surveillance in effect, States shall ensure that the measures they impose on vessels flying their flag are compatible with that system.
Kadar se izvaja podobmočno, območno ali globalno dogovorjeni sistem spremljanja, nadzora in opazovanja, države zagotovijo, da so ukrepi, ki jih nalagajo plovilom pod njihovo zastavo, skladni z navedenim sistemom.
5 Objavljeno
Among the key sources for monitoring business operations are annual reports and annual plans of companies if these are available to the Agency in accordance with the reporting system in an individual company.
Eden ključnih virov spremljanja poslovanja so letna poročila družb in letni načrti družb, če so ti na voljo agenciji skladno s sistemom poročanja v posamezni družbi.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Level of established mechanisms for systematic monitoring and promotion of a gender-balanced representation in decision-making positions in the area of economy, in trade unions, associations and organizations
Raven vzpostavitve mehanizmov za sistematično spremljanje in spodbujanje uravnotežene zastopanosti žensk in moških na položajih odločanja v gospodarstvu, sindikatih, združenjih in organizacijah
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-61
the information collected through monitoring activities, the information concerning PSSAs, the development of traffic control systems in the area covered by the Plan, as well as changes in available facilities and services.
podatke, zbrane s spremljanjem, podatke o posebej občutljivih morskih območjih, razvoju sistemov za nadzor prometa na območju, na katero se nanaša načrt, kakor tudi o spremembah razpoložljivih objektov, naprav in služb.
8 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
(c) adequate procedures to ensure that their risk monitoring systems are well integrated into their organisation and that all measures are taken to ensure that the systems implemented in all the undertakings included in the scope of supplementary supervision are consistent so that the risks can be measured, monitored and controlled at the level of the financial conglomerate.
(c) ustrezne postopke, ki zagotavljajo, da so sistemi spremljanja tveganja dobro vgrajeni v njihovo organizacijo in da vsi ukrepi, ki zagotavljajo, da so sistemi v podjetjih, vključenih v obseg dopolnilnega nadzora, dosledni in tako zagotavljajo merjenje, spremljanje in nadzor tveganja na ravni finančnega konglomerata.
9 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Dokument v pomoč
institutional strengthening in the field of protection against noise (formulation of a policy and adoption of regulations on protection against noise, setting-up of a register of noise sources and of monitoring system, definition of protection areas and areas burdened by noise, etc.);
inštitucionalno krepitvijo na področju varstva pred hrupom (oblikovanje politike ter sprejem predpisov s področja varstva pred hrupom, vzpostavitev katastra virov hrupa ter monitoringa stanja, opredelitev območij varstva ter obremenjenosti s hrupom idr.);
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
Establishing and implementing mechanisms for systematic monitoring and promotion of a gender-balanced representation in decision-making positions in the area of economy, in trade unions, associations and organisations, including special measures and programmes
Vzpostavitev in izvajanje mehanizmov za sistematično spremljanje in spodbujanje uravnotežene zastopanosti žensk in moških na položajih odločanja v gospodarstvu, sindikatih, združenjih in organizacijah, vključno s posebnimi ukrepi in programi
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
However, for the comprehensive and systematic implementation of gender mainstreaming, it is essential to ensure that all actors active in the process of designing, planning, implementing, monitoring and supervising policies and programmes are appropriately qualified.
Seveda pa je za celovito in sistematično izvajanje integracije načela enakost spolov potrebno zagotoviti, da so ustrezno usposobljeni vsi akterji in akterke, ki so vključeni v procese oblikovanja, načrtovanja, izvajanja, spremljanja in nadzora politik ter programov.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
ensure that the persons referred to in sub-paragraph a are subject to effective systems for monitoring, and where applicable supervision, with a view to ensure their compliance with the requirements to combat money laundering, where appropriate on a risk sensitive basis.
c) zagotovi učinkovit sistem kontrole, in kadar je primerno, nadzora nad osebami iz pododstavka a), da se zagotovi njihovo izpolnjevanje zahtev za boj proti pranju denarja, kadar je to primerno, na podlagi ocene tveganj.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-80
Assistance to the Games of Chance Administration in strengthening administrative capacities to exercise control over the monitoring and information system by drafting relevant legislation and regulations in this area, and by preparing the technical, human resources and expert potential for the introduction and implementation of the on-line information system in Montenegro.
Pomoč Upravi za igre na srečo pri okrepitvi administrativnih zmogljivosti na področju izvajanja nadzora prek nadzorno-informacijskega sistema s pripravo novega zakona in podzakonskih aktov, ki vsebinsko urejajo to področje, in pripravo tehničnega, kadrovskega in strokovnega potenciala za uvedbo in implementacijo spletnega informacijskega sistema v Črni gori.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
In accordance with appropriate agreements or arrangements and procedures, a State Party or other State hosting or otherwise taking responsibility for International Monitoring System facilities and the Technical Secretariat shall agree and cooperate in establishing, operating, upgrading, financing, and maintaining monitoring facilities, related certified laboratories and respective means of communication within areas under its jurisdiction or control or elsewhere in conformity with international law.
Na podlagi sporazumov ali dogovorov in postopkov se država pogodbenica ali druga država, v kateri so objekti in naprave Mednarodnega opazovalnega sistema ali za katere ta drugače prevzame odgovornost, in Tehnični sekretariat dogovorita in sodelujeta pri ustanavljanju, delovanju, izpopolnjevanju, financiranju in vzdrževanju opazovalnih objektov in naprav, z njimi povezanih laboratorijev in ustreznih komunikacijskih sredstev na območjih pod njeno jurisdikcijo ali nadzorom ali kje drugje v skladu z mednarodnim pravom.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
(d) any recommendations as referred to in Article 8 (3) of Section B must have been acted upon within the specified period, or where those recommendations are intended to remedy serious shortcomings in the monitoring or management system which undermine proper financial management of the Programme, reasons have been communicated by the Republic of Slovenia to explain why no action has been taken; any requests for corrective action by the Commission must have been acted upon;
(d) ravnati je treba v skladu s priporočili iz tretjega odstavka 8. člena razdelka B v za to določenem roku, kadar pa so taka priporočila namenjena odpravi hujših pomanjkljivosti v sistemu spremljanja in nadzora ali v sistemu upravljanja, ki spodkopavajo pravilno finančno upravljanje programa, mora Republika Slovenija sporočiti svoje razloge in pojasniti, zakaj ni ukrepala; ukrepati je treba na podlagi vseh zahtev Komisije za odpravo napak;
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
For facilities incorporated into the International Monitoring System and specified in Tables 1-A, 2-A, 3 and 4 of Annex 1 to the Protocol, and for their functioning, to the extent that such facilities are agreed by the relevant State and the Organization to provide data to the International Data Centre in accordance with the technical requirements of the Protocol and relevant operational manuals, the Organization, as specified in agreements or arrangements pursuant to Part I, paragraph 4 of the Protocol, shall meet the costs of:
Za objekte in naprave, vključene v Mednarodni opazovalni sistem in so navedene v preglednicah 1-A, 2-A, 3 in 4 Priloge 1 k Protokolu, in za njihovo delovanje, če se določena država in Organizacija dogovorita, da ti objekti in naprave dajejo podatke Mednarodnemu podatkovnemu središču v skladu s tehničnimi zahtevami Protokola in ustreznimi priročniki za delovanje, Organizacija glede na določbe v sporazumih in dogovorih, sklenjenih v skladu s 4. odstavkom I. dela Protokola, krije stroške za:
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0273
The provisions of Article 12 of the United Nations Convention are based on a system of monitoring trade in the substances in question.
Določbe člena 12 Konvencije Združenih narodov temeljijo na sistemu spremljanja prometa s temi snovmi.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0102
A section 2.20 is added as follows: "2.20 "Deficiency" means, in respect of vehicle OBD systems, that up to two separate components or systems that are monitored contain temporary or permanent operating characteristics that impair the otherwise efficient OBD monitoring of those components or systems or do not meet all of the other detailed requirements for OBD.
Doda se točka 2.20: ` 2.20 Izraz 'pomanjkljivost' pri OBD-sistemih vozil pomeni, da imata največ dva posamična sestavna dela ali sistema, ki jih nadzoruje OBD-sistem, začasne ali trajne delovne značilnosti, ki škodljivo vplivajo na sicer učinkovit OBD-nadzor teh sestavnih delov ali sistemov ali ne izpolnjujejo vseh drugih specificiranih zahtev za OBD-sistem.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0448
Actions which can be co-financed under technical assistance, other than those set out in point 2 (such as studies, seminars, information actions, evaluation, and the acquisition and installation of computerised systems for management, monitoring and evaluation), are not subject to the conditions set out in points 2.4 to 2.6.
Za aktivnosti, ki se lahko sofinancirajo v okviru tehnične pomoči in niso naštete v točki 2 (na primer študije, seminarji, informativne akcije, vrednotenje ter pridobitev in namestitev računalniških sistemov za upravljanje, spremljanje in vrednotenje), ne veljajo pogoji iz točk 2.4 do 2.6.
20 Končna redakcija
The existing Regulations in this area, in particular Council Regulations (EEC) No 3759/92(4), (EEC) No 2847/93(5), and (EC) No 685/95(6), (EC) No 779/97(7), (EC) No 104/2000(8) and Commission Regulations (EC) No 2090/98(9), (EC) No 2091/98(10) and (EC) No 2092/98(11) include provisions on the collection and management of data relating to fishing vessels, their activities and catches and on price monitoring, all of which must be taken into account if a comprehensive system is to be established.
Obstoječe uredbe na tem področju, zlasti Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 3759/92, (EGS) št. 2847/93 in (ES) št. 685/95, (ES) št. 779/97, (ES) št. 104/2000 ter Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 2090/98, (ES) št. 2091/98 in (ES) št. 2092/98, vključujejo določbe o zbiranju in upravljanju podatkov v zvezi z ribiškimi plovili, njihovimi dejavnostmi in ulovi ter nadzorovanju cen, kar je treba vse upoštevati, če želimo vzpostaviti izčrpen sistem.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3760
In the region defined in Annex II, for species of special importance in that region which are biologically sensitive by reason of their exploitation characteristics, fishing activity by fishing vessels of a length between the perpendiculars of not less than 26 metres, for demersal species other than Norway pout and blue whiting, shall be governed by a licensing system managed by the Commission on behalf of the Community and by procedures for the transmission, to the competent monitoring authorities, of entries into and exits from the region concerned, in accordance with the conditions laid down in the said Annex.
V regiji, opredeljeni v Prilogi II, se za ribje vrste posebnega pomena v tej regiji, ki so biološko občutljive zaradi značilnosti njihovega izkoriščanja, ureja ribiško aktivnost, ki se opravlja s plovili, katerih dolžina med navpičnicami ni manjša od 26 metrov, za vrste, ki živijo na morskem dnu, razen norveškega moliča in sinjega mola, vodi licenčni sistem, ki ga v imenu Skupnosti upravlja Komisija, ter s postopki za sporočanje pristojnim nadzornim organom o vstopih v zadevno regijo in izhodih iz nje, skladno s pogoji, opredeljenimi v navedeni Prilogi.
22 Pravna redakcija
Measurements are to be carried out by qualified institutes using measuring and monitoring systems.
Merjenja morajo izvajati kvalificirani inštituti z uporabo sistemov merjenja in spremljanja.
23 Pravna redakcija
Several monitoring systems, using both continuous and is continuous measurement methods, are available.
Na razpolago je več sistemov spremljanja, ki omogočajo tako stalne kot tudi občasne metode merjenja.
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2562
The provisions concerning the vessel monitoring system (VMS) are set out in the Annex to this Regulation.
Določbe v zvezi s sistemom za spremljanje plovil (VMS) so opredeljene v Prilogi k tej uredbi.
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0273
(6) The provisions of Article 12 of the United Nations Convention are based on a system of monitoring trade in the substances in question.
(6) Določbe člena 12 Konvencije Združenih narodov temeljijo na sistemu spremljanja prometa s temi snovmi.
26 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the provisions of Article 12 of the United Nations Convention are based on a system monitoring trade in the substances in question;
ker določbe člena 12 Konvencije Združenih narodov temeljijo na sistemu nadzora trgovine z temi snovmi;
27 Pravna redakcija
Whereas a monitoring system should be established to ensure that the methods for assessing the percentage of lean meat are correctly applied;
ker je treba vzpostaviti sistem spremljanja stanja, da se zagotovi pravilna uporaba metod za ocenjevanje odstotka pustega mesa;
28 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the provisions of Article 12 of the United Nations Convention are based on a system of monitoring trade in the substances in question;
ker določbe člena 12 Konvencije Združenih narodov temeljijo na sistemu spremljanja trgovanja z zadevnimi snovmi;
29 Pravna redakcija
In order to ensure that the area payment system functions properly in respect of any given marketing year, statistical monitoring must be carried out on the application of the system for that year.
Za zagotovitev pravilnega delovanja sheme plačil na površino v danem tržnem letu je treba statistično spremljati uporabo sistema za navedeno leto.
30 Pravna redakcija
environmental control and monitoring procedures exist and function adequately in critical areas, for example, animal and other biological test systems rooms, test substance storage areas, laboratory areas,
obstajajo postopki za kontrolo in spremljanje stanja okolja in da ustrezno delujejo na kritičnih območjih, npr. v prostorih za preskusne živali in ostale biološke sisteme, v skladiščih preskusnih snovi, v laboratorijih,
31 Pravna redakcija
Whereas it is necessary to establish lists of fishing vessels to which vessel monitoring systems (VMS) applies as well as lists of fishing vessels which are exempted from VMS;
ker je treba sestaviti seznam ribiških plovil, za katere se uporablja sistem za spremljanje plovil (SSP), in plovil, ki so oproščena uporabe sistema SSP;
32 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the satellite-based vessel monitoring system shall ensure that communications from Community vessels are received by the flag State and the coastal Member State simultaneously;
ker satelitski sistem za spremljanje plovil zagotavlja, da država zastave in obalna država članica istočasno prejmeta sporočila plovil Skupnosti;
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2287
(b) For vessels notified to the Commission as being equipped with appropriate vessel monitoring systems, the following definition for the area West of Scotland, ICES Division VIa shall apply:
(b) za plovila, sporočena Komisiji kot opremljena z ustreznimi sistemi za spremljanje plovil, se uporabljajo naslednje opredelitve za območje zahoda Škotske, razdelek ICES VIa:
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0808
(ii) are managed in such a way that all the material in the system achieves the required time and temperature parameters, including, where appropriate, continuous monitoring of the parameters;
(ii) so upravljani tako, da ves material v sistemu doseže zahtevane časovne in temperaturne parametre, vključno s stalnim spremljanjem navedenih parametrov, kjer je to primerno;
35 Pravna redakcija
'2.20 "Deficiency" means, in respect of vehicle OBD systems, that up to two separate components or systems that are monitored contain temporary or permanent operating characteristics that impair the otherwise efficient OBD monitoring of those components or systems or do not meet all of the other detailed requirements for OBD.
Izraz 'pomanjkljivost' pri OBD-sistemih vozil pomeni, da imata največ dva posamična sestavna dela ali sistema, ki jih nadzoruje OBD-sistem, začasne ali trajne delovne značilnosti, ki škodljivo vplivajo na sicer učinkovit OBD-nadzor teh sestavnih delov ali sistemov ali ne izpolnjujejo vseh drugih specificiranih zahtev za OBD-sistem.
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D1445
(5) Since the agrometeorological system for forecasting yields and the monitoring of crop condition are now at the operational stage, they should be separated from those measures requiring further research.
(5) Ker sta agrometeorološki sistem za napovedovanje donosov in spremljanje stanja posevkov trenutno v operativni fazi, bi ju bilo treba ločiti od ukrepov, za katere so potrebne nadaljnje raziskave.
37 Pravna redakcija
For example, seed production systems that follow OECD certification rules and therefore include routine inspections of fields and surrounding areas could be adapted to on-field monitoring for specified parameters.
Na primer, sistemi proizvodnje semen, ki sledijo OECD pravilom potrjevanja in zato vključujejo rutinske inšpekcije polj in območij, ki jih obkrožajo, bi lahko prilagodili za spremljanje specifičnih parametrov na terenu.
38 Pravna redakcija
The Contracting Parties shall endeavour to establish, in close cooperation with the international bodies which they consider competent, complementary or joint programmes, including, as appropriate, programmes at the bilateral or multilateral levels, for pollution monitoring in the Mediterranean Sea area and shall endeavour to establish a pollution monitoring system for that area.
Pogodbenice si prizadevajo, da v tesnem sodelovanju z mednarodnimi telesi, za katera menijo, da so pristojna, oblikujejo dopolnilne ali skupne programe, vključno s programi, kjer je to ustrezno, na dvostranski ali večstranski ravni, za spremljanje onesnaževanja na območju Sredozemskega morja in si prizadevajo vzpostaviti sistem spremljanja onesnaževanja za to območje.
39 Pravna redakcija
This Regulation lays down detailed rules under which Member States are to establish and operate satellite-based vessel monitoring systems, hereinafter referred to as 'VMS', as provided for in Article 3 of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93.
Ta uredba določa podrobna pravila, v skladu s katerimi naj bi države članice vzpostavile in upravljale satelitske sisteme za spremljanje plovil, v nadaljnjem besedilu 'SSP', kot je predvideno v členu 3 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2847/93.
40 Pravna redakcija
Whereas in the interest of monitoring the fishing activities in the Convention area it is necessary that the Member States cooperate with each other and with the Commission in the application of the system and other relevant Community measures;
ker morajo v prid spremljanja ribiških aktivnosti na območju Konvencije države članice pri uporabi sistema in drugih ustreznih ukrepov Skupnosti sodelovati med seboj in s Komisijo;
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0039
- The official inspector hereby certifies that the fishery products specified above were produced under a system of monitoring checks as laid down in chapter V, point II.3.B of the Annex to the Directive 91/493/EEC, and the results of these checks are satisfactory.
- Uradni inšpektor potrjuje, da so bili zgoraj navedeni ribiški proizvodi proizvedeni na podlagi sistema spremljajočih nadzorov, kakor je določeno v poglavju V, točka II.3.B Priloge k Direktivi 91/493/EGS, in so bili rezultati teh nadzorov zadovoljivi.
42 Pravna redakcija
'- The official inspector hereby certifies that the fishery products specified above were produced under a system of monitoring checks as laid down in chapter V, point II.3.B of the Annex to the Directive 91/493/EEC, and the results of these checks are satisfactory.'
" - Uradni inšpektor potrjuje, da so bili zgoraj navedeni ribiški proizvodi proizvedeni v okviru sistema spremljanja pregledov iz poglavja V, točke II.3B Priloge k Direktivi 91/493/EGS in da so rezultati teh pregledov zadovoljivi."
43 Pravna redakcija
Monitoring can be defined, in general as the systematic measurement of variables and processes over time and assumes that there are specific reasons for collection of such data, for example, to ensure that certain standards or conditions are being met or to examine potential changes with respect to certain baselines.
Spremljanje je na splošno mogoče opredeliti kot sistematsko merjenje spremenljivk in procesov v času ter predpostavlja, da so specifični razlogi za zbiranje teh podatkov, na primer, za zagotovitev, da se izpolnjujejo določeni standardi ali pogoji ali proučijo možne spremembe glede na določena izhodišča.
44 Pravna redakcija
In particular, on the basis of an application by a Member State and in accordance with the provisions of Article 36, the Commission may decide that an alternative system to VMS may be applied, taking into account the type of monitoring system proposed, the type of fishing vessel or vessels, the area or areas fished, the targeted species and the duration of the fishing trips.
Na podlagi uporabe sistema s strani članice in v skladu z določbami člena 36 Komisija lahko odloči, da se uporablja alternativni sistem, pri čemer upošteva vrsto sistema za spremljanje položaja, vrsto ribiškega plovila ali plovil, območje ali območja, v katerih se ribari, ciljne vrste in trajanje ribolovnih potovanj.
45 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, under Council Regulation (EEC) No 685/95 of 27 March 1995 on the management of the fishing effort relating to certain Community fishing areas and resources (5), provision should be made for control and monitoring measures so as to ensure that the system for the management of fishing effort is being complied with;
ker je treba na podlagi Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 685/95 z dne 27. marca 1995 o upravljanju ribolovnega napora v zvezi z določenimi ribolovnimi območji in viri Skupnosti oblikovati določbe za ukrepe nadzora in spremljanja, da bi zagotovili, da se ravna v skladu s sistemom za upravljanje ribolovnega napora;
46 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1145
Actions which can be co-financed under technical assistance, other than those set out in point 2 (such as studies, seminars, information actions, evaluation, and the acquisition and installation of computerised systems for management, monitoring and evaluation), are not subject to the conditions set out in points 2.4 to 2.6.
Za aktivnosti, ki se lahko sofinancirajo v okviru tehnične pomoči in niso naštete v točki 2 (na primer študije, seminarji, informativne akcije, vrednotenja ter pridobitev in namestitev računalniških sistemov za upravljanje, spremljanje in vrednotenje), ne veljajo pogoji iz točk 2.4 do 2.6.
47 Pravna redakcija
For all emission control systems for which specific on-board evaluation tests are conducted (catalyst, oxygen sensor, etc.), except misfire detection, fuel system monitoring and comprehensive component monitoring, the results of the most recent test performed by the vehicle and the limits to which the system is compared must be made available through the serial data port on the standardized data link connector according to the specifications given in 6.5.3. For the monitored components and systems excepted above, a pass/fail indication for the most recent test results must be available through the data link connector.
Za vse sisteme zmanjševanja emisij, za katere se opravijo posebni preskusi na vozilu (katalizator, sonda za kisik itd.) - razen zaznavanja neuspelih vžigov, sistema za nadzor dovoda goriva in nadzora sestavnih delov - , morajo biti rezultati najnovejših opravljenih preskusov na vozilu in mejne vrednosti, s katerimi se sistem primerja, dostopni prek serijskega vmesnika na standardnem konektorju podatkovne zveze skladno s specifikacijami iz 6.5.3. Za vse zgoraj izvzete nadzorovane sestavne dele in sisteme mora biti prek konektorja podatkovne zveze dostopen podatek, ali je vozilo z zadnjimi preskusnimi rezultati opravilo preskus ali ne.
48 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, in its special report on the system of payment of agricultural export refunds (5) and in its annual report concerning the financial year 1987 (6), the Court of Auditors drew attention to a number of shortcomings in certain Member States in the monitoring of agricultural products for which refunds or other amounts are granted on export;
ker je Računsko sodišče v svojem posebnem poročilu o sistemu izplačevanja kmetijskih izvoznih nadomestil( fn ) in v svojem letnem poročilu za proračunsko leto 1987( fn ) opozorilo na številne pomanjkljivosti v nekaterih državah članicah pri nadzorovanju kmetijskih proizvodov, za izvoz katerih se dodelijo izvozna nadomestila ali drugi zneski;
49 Pravna redakcija
Detailed rules for monitoring of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) in bovine, ovine and caprine animals are laid down in Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 999/2001. These rules include systematic testing of bovine animals over 30 months of age entering the food chain and random testing of bovine animals over 30 months of age not entering the food chain.
Podrobna pravila za spremljanje transmisivnih spongiformnih encefalopatij (TSE) pri govedu, ovcah in kozah so predpisana v Prilogi III k Uredbi (ES) št. 999/2001. Ta pravila zajemajo sistematične preiskave govedi v starosti nad 30 mesecev, ki vstopajo v prehransko verigo, in naključne preiskave govedi v starosti nad 30 mesecev, ki ne vstopajo v prehransko verigo.
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area monitoring system