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as reproduced in
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-108
Information regarding emission performance and costs is based on official documentation of the Executive Body and its subsidiary bodies, in particular documents EB.AIR/WG.3/R.8, R.9 and R.16, and ENV/WP.1/R.86, and Corr.1, as reproduced in chapter 7 of Effects and Control of transboundary Air pollution.(*/) Unless otherwise indicated, the technologies listed are considered to be well established on the basis of operational experience.(**/)
Informacije o emisijskih vrednostih in stroških temeljijo na uradni dokumentaciji izvršilnega organa in njegovih pomožnih organov, zlasti na dokumentih EB.AIR/WG.3/R. 8, R. metricconverterProductID9 in9 in R. metricconverterProductID16 in16 in ENV/WP.1/R. metricconverterProductID86 in86 in Corr. 1, ponatisnjenih v poglavju 7 z naslovom Učinki in kontrola čezmejnega onesnaževanja zraka(*/). Če ni drugače nakazano, naštete tehnologije na podlagi obratovalnih izkušenj veljajo za dobro uveljavljene(**/)
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
The system of education and schooling frequently reproduces stereotypical social roles of women and men, reflected both in educational curricula and programmes, as well as in the vocational and study orientations.
Sistem vzgoje in izobraževanja pogosto reproducira stereotipne družbene vloge žensk in moških, ki se odražajo tako v izobraževalnih vsebinah in programih, kot v poklicnih in študijskih usmeritvah.
3 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
6.3 Oral information provided under paragraph 2 shall be taken into account by the authorities only in so far as it is subsequently reproduced in writing and made available to other interested parties, as provided for in subparagraph 1.2.
6.3 Ustne podatke na podlagi drugega odstavka oblasti upoštevajo samo, če so ti podatki pozneje predloženi v pisni obliki in dostavljeni drugim zainteresiranim udeležencem, kakor je predvideno v pododstavku 1.2.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-73
As this Appendix is an adaptation of Annex IB of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 3821/85 of 20 December 1985 concerning recording equipment in the field of road transport(1), the content of this Annex is not reproduced in the AETR because of its size and its very technical character.
Glede na to, da je ta dodatek prilagoditev priloge I B Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 3821/85 z dne 20. decembra 1985 o tahografu (nadzorni napravi) v cestnem prometu1, vsebina te priloge zaradi svojega obsega in tehnične narave ni prepisana v AETR.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
In order to achieve the objective of the Contracting Parties to arrive at as uniform an interpretation as possible of the provisions of the Agreement and those provisions of Community legislation which are substantially reproduced in the Agreement, the EEA Joint Committee shall act in accordance with this Article.
Za uresničitev cilja pogodbenic, da bi dosegle čim bolj enotno razlago določb Sporazuma in tistih določb zakonodaje Skupnosti, ki so po svoji vsebini povzete v Sporazumu, Skupni odbor EGP deluje v skladu s tem členom.
6 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 61-2008
The NATO Office of Security shall supervise and monitor the implementation of security policies and procedures in NAMA and assist and give guidance in security matters to NAMA as set forth particularly in ` Appendix 1 to Annex to AC/35-D2003 of the 17 June 2002 'Directive on Industrial Security', which is published in support of the NATO Security Policy, C-M(2002)49 and reproduced at Annex II to the present Charter` .
Urad zveze Nato za varnost nadzoruje in spremlja izvajanje varnostnih politik in postopkov v NAMA ter ji pomaga in jo usmerja pri varnostnih zadevah, kot je določeno predvsem v »Dodatku 1 k prilogi k AC/35-D2003 z dne 17. junija 2002? Direktiva o industrijski varnosti, ki je bil izdan v podporo Natovi varnostni politiki? C-M(2002)49« in je povzet v prilogi II k tej ustanovni listini.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
WHEREAS, in full deference to the independence of the courts, the objective of the Contracting Parties is to arrive at, and maintain, a uniform interpretation and application of this Agreement and those provisions of Community legislation which are substantially reproduced in this Agreement and to arrive at an equal treatment of individuals and economic operators as regards the four freedoms and the conditions of competition;
KER je ob polnem spoštovanju neodvisnosti sodišč cilj pogodbenic, da dosežejo in ohranijo enotno razlago in uporabo tega sporazuma in tistih določb zakonodaje Skupnosti, ki so po svoji vsebini povzete v tem sporazumu, in da dosežejo enako obravnavo posameznikov in gospodarskih subjektov v zvezi s štirimi svoboščinami in pogoji konkurence,
8 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Members shall provide that, after the time that such person has received sufficient notice that the layout-design was unlawfully reproduced, that person may perform any of the acts with respect to the stock on hand or ordered before such time, but shall be liable to pay to the right holder a sum equivalent to a reasonable royalty such as would be payable under a freely negotiated licence in respect of such a layout-design.
Članice določijo, da lahko taka oseba potem, ko je bila ustrezno opozorjena, da je bila topografija nezakonito reproducirana, stori katero od dejanj v zvezi z obstoječo zalogo ali zalogo, ki je bila predhodno naročena, vendar mora plačati imetniku pravice znesek, ki je enakovreden razumni licenčnini, ki bi jo bilo treba plačati za svobodno dogovorjeno licenco za tako topografijo.
9 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 37, Members shall consider unlawful the following acts if performed without the authorization of the right holder:[168] importing, selling, or otherwise distributing for commercial purposes a protected layout-design, an integrated circuit in which a protected layout-design is incorporated, or an article incorporating such an integrated circuit only in so far as it continues to contain an unlawfully reproduced layout-design.
V skladu z določbami prvega odstavka 37. člena članice obravnavajo kot nezakonita ta dejanja, če so storjena brez dovoljenja imetnika pravice:(9) uvažanje, prodajanje ali drugačno distribuiranje v trgovinske namene varovane topografije, integriranega vezja, v katerem je vgrajena varovana topografija, ali predmeta, v katerem je vgrajeno tako integrirano vezje, samo če še naprej vsebuje nezakonito reproducirano topografijo.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-29
A. Each Contracting Party shall be entitled to a licence, that is non-exclusive, irrevocable and tax-exempt in all countries, to translate, reproduce and distribute publicly, magazine articles, reports and scientific and technical books produced as a direct result of the co-operation established under the Agreement between the Republic of Slovenia and the Kingdom of Spain on Scientific and Technological Co-operation, without prejudice to other moral rights pertaining thereto.
A. Vsaka pogodbenica je upravičena do neizključne, nepreklicne in brezplačne licence v vseh državah za prevajanje, razmnoževanje in javno objavljanje člankov iz znanstvenih in tehničnih revij, poročil in knjig, ki izhajajo neposredno iz sodelovanja, razvitega na podlagi tega sporazuma, ne da bi okrnili druge moralne pravice, ki so povezane z njimi.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
7 The person deemed typical of skilled labour for the purposes of paragraph 6.b of this article shall be a person employed in the major group of economic activities with the largest number of economically active male persons protected in the contingency in question, or of the breadwinners of the persons protected, as the case may be, in the division comprising the largest number of such persons or breadwinners; for this purpose, the international standard industrial classification of all economic activities, adopted by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations at its Seventh Session on 27th August 1948, and reproduced in Addendum 1 to this Code, or such classification as at any time amended, shall be used.
Oseba, ki je za namene pododstavka b šestega odstavka tega člena opredeljena kot tipični kvalificirani delavec je oseba, zaposlena v tisti skupini gospodarskih dejavnosti, ki zajema največje število aktivnih moških, zavarovanih za ustrezni zavarovalni primer, ali hranilcev zavarovanih oseb v panogi, ki zajema največ teh zavarovanih oseb ali hranilcev; v ta namen se uporabi mednarodna standardna klasifikacija dejavnosti, ki jo je sprejel Ekonomski in socialni svet Združenih narodov na svojem sedmem zasedanju 27. avgusta 1948 in je priložena v dodatku 1 k temu kodeksu; upoštevajo pa se tudi vse morebitne poznejše spremembe te razvrstitve.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
5 The person deemed typical of unskilled labour for the purpose of paragraph 4.b of this article shall be a person employed in the major group of economic activities with the largest number of economically active male persons protected in the contingency in question, or of the breadwinners of the persons protected, as the case may be, in the division comprising the largest number of such persons or breadwinners; for this purpose the international standard industrial classification of all economic activities, adopted by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations at its Seventh Session on 27th August 1948, and reproduced in Addendum 1 to this Code, or such classification as at any time amended, shall be used.
Oseba, ki je za namene pododstavka b četrtega odstavka tega člena opredeljena kot tipični nekvalificirani delavec, je oseba, zaposlena v tisti skupini gospodarskih dejavnosti, ki zajema največje število aktivnih moških, zavarovanih za ustrezni zavarovalni primer, ali hranilcev zavarovanih oseb v panogi, ki zajema največ teh zavarovanih oseb ali hranilcev; v ta namen se uporabi mednarodna standardna klasifikacija dejavnosti, ki jo je sprejel Ekonomski in socialni svet Združenih narodov na svojem sedmem zasedanju 27. avgusta 1948 in je priložena dodatku 1 k temu kodeksu; upoštevajo pa se tudi vse morebitne poznejše spremembe te razvrstitve.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41987D0597
The nomenclature and duties referred to above shall be interpreted and applied as provided in the preliminary provisions of the combined nomenclature (CN), as reproduced in Annex I to that Regulation.
Nomenklatura in zgoraj navedene dajatve se razlagajo in uporabljajo, kakor to predvidevajo predhodne določbe kombinirane nomenklature (KN), ki so ponatisnjene v Prilogi I navedene uredbe.
14 Končna redakcija
Therefore women's magazines reflect and reproduce 'women's spheres' or in other words, that which we understand as being feminine.
Tako ženske revije reflektirajo in reproducirajo »žensko sfero« oziroma to, kar razumemo kot žensko.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0874
Without prejudice to the third paragraph of Article 6, if the prior right name contains letters which have additional elements that cannot be reproduced in ASCII code, such as ä, é or ñ, the letters concerned shall be reproduced without these elements (such as a, e, n), or shall be replaced by conventionally accepted spellings (such as ae).
Brez poseganja v tretji odstavek člena 6, če ime s prednostno pravico vsebuje črke, ki imajo dodatne elemente, ki jih v ASCII kodi ni možno navesti, kot so ä, é ali ñ, se zadevne črke navajajo brez teh elementov (kot a, e, n) ali se jih nadomesti s konvencionalno sprejetimi črkami (kot ae).
16 Končna redakcija
the trade mark is already reproduced with a clear, prominent, and easily readable indication that the products are not produced according to the organic production method as prescribed in this Regulation.
znamka se pojavlja skupaj z jasno, vidno in lahko berljivo navedbo, da izdelki niso proizvedeni v skladu s postopkom ekološke proizvodnje, kot ga predpisuje ta uredba.
17 Končna redakcija
In the election debates, as on all other occasions for that matter, journalists reproduced the political agenda and almost invariably asked questions relating to the topics '... that used to disturb Slovenian politicians in the past and still do' (from an introduction to the election debate on SLO TV, 4 October 2000).
V predvolilnih soočenjih, tako kot tudi sicer, so novinarji reproducirali politično agendo in tako rekoč v celoti spraševali po tematiki '... ki je in še vznemirja slovenske politike' (uvod v volilno soočenje TV SLO, 4.10).
18 Končna redakcija
Upon application by a Member State, which will be dealt with as provided for in Article 40, that State may be wholly or partially released from the obligation to apply this Directive, to certain species which are not normally reproduced or marketed in its territory, save where this would run counter to Articles 16(1) and 30(1).`
Na podlagi vloge države članice, ki se bo obravnavala kakor je predvideno v členu 40, se lahko navedena država v celoti ali deloma oprosti uporabe te direktive za nekatere vrste, ki se na njenem ozemlju navadno ne razmnožujejo ali tržijo, razen če bi bilo to v nasprotju s členoma 16(1) in 30(1)."
19 Končna redakcija
As a matter of fact, all such articles date from the 1990s and were a reaction to the increasingly visible gay and lesbian community in Slovenia and the obvious threat it posed to some.Let us examine in more detail only two of these texts: an article published in Slovenske novice in 1996 entitled 'A homosexual in Tivoli,' reproduced at the beginning of this book, and an article ran by Delo on the Crimewatch page in 1995 entitled 'A new form of rape'. In the latter the author r. k., reporting on the rape of a man by another man concluded, without a second thought, that the rapist was a homosexual and exploited this conclusion as the basis for a comment in which the right to be different was described as provocative and boisterous, while at the same time generalizing his doubts and ascribing it to 'many.'
Pravzaprav so vsi tovrstni članki iz devetdesetih, tovrstno poročanje pa je bilo - vsaj v določenem delu - reakcija na vse bolj vidno gejevsko in lezbično skupnost v Sloveniji in na očitno ogroženost nekaterih spričo tega dejstva.Omenimo naj članek iz Slovenskih novic leta 1996 »Homoseksualec v Tivoliju«, ki je ponatisnjen na začetku pričujoče razprave, in članek na straneh kronike Dela »Nova oblika posilstva«, objavljen leto prej, v katerem je avtor r. k. ob posilstvu moškega nad moškim brez pomisleka sklenil, da je posiljevalec homoseksualec, to pa je bilo zanj izhodišče za homofobičen komentar; pravico do drugačnosti je opredeli kot izzivaško in reklamatorsko, hkrati pa je svoj dvom generaliziral in ga pripisal »mnogim«:
20 Pravna redakcija
1, as reproduced in chapter 7 of Effects and Control of Transboundary Air Pollution ( 1 ).
1, ponatisnjenih v poglavju 7 z naslovom Učinki in kontrola čezmejnega onesnaževanja zraka fn.
21 Pravna redakcija
The nomenclature and duties referred to above shall be interpreted and applied as provided in the preliminary provisions of the combined nomenclature (CN), as reproduced in Annex I to that Regulation.
Nomenklatura in zgoraj navedene dajatve se razlagajo in uporabljajo, kakor to predvidevajo predhodne določbe kombinirane nomenklature (KN), ki so ponatisnjene v Prilogi I navedene uredbe.
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
Novel experimental techniques must be described in such detail as to allow them to be reproduced.
Nove poskusne metode je treba opisati tako podrobno, da se omogoči njihova ponovljivost.
23 Pravna redakcija
Tape recorders and reproducers suitable for motor vehicles which are shown in Chapter 87 as chargeable with duty
Snemalniki in predvajalniki zvoka s kaset za motorna vozila, ki so prikazana v poglavju 87, kot so bremenjeni z dajatvijo
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
In this respect it should be noted that the Notice of Initiation, as well as the complaint, clearly reproduce the description of the relevant CN code which covers all types of PSF.
V zvezi s tem je treba opozoriti, da je tako v obvestilu o začetku postopka kot tudi v pritožbi natančno opisana zadevna koda KN, ki zajema vse tipe RVP.
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
The experimental techniques, unless they are standard procedures, must be described in such detail as to allow them to be reproduced, and the investigator must establish their validity.
metode, razen če gre za standardne postopke, je treba opisati tako podrobno, da se omogoči njihova ponovljivost
26 Pravna redakcija
The experimental techniques, unless they are standard procedures, shall be described in such detail as to allow them to be reproduced, and the investigator shall establish their validity.
Eksperimentalne tehnike, razen če gre za standardne postopke, je treba opisati tako natančno, da jih je možno ponoviti. Zato mora preiskovalec določiti njihovo veljavnost.
27 Pravna redakcija
All Member States shall participate in the Community comparative trials and tests in so far as propagating and planting material of Prunus domestica are usually reproduced or marketed in their territories.
V primerjalnih poskusih in testiranju sodelujejo vse države članice, če je na njihovem ozemlju ustaljeno razmnoževanje ali trženje razmnoževalnega in sadilnega materiala vrste domača sliva (Prunus domestica).
28 Pravna redakcija
If the applicant does not wish to claim any special graphic feature or colour, the mark shall be reproduced in normal script, as for example, by typing the letters, numerals and signs in the application.
Če prijavitelj ne želi zahtevati posebnih potez ali barve, se znamka prikaže v navadni pisavi, na primer s tipkanimi črkami, števili in znaki v prijavi.
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0254
The Combined Nomenclature is reproduced in Annex I. The rates of duty of the Common Customs Tariff and, where applicable, the supplementary statistical units as well as other necessary information are laid down in the said Annex.
Kombinirana nomenklatura je vsebovana v Prilogi I. V navedeni prilogi so določene tudi stopnje dajatve iz Skupne carinske tarife, in kjer je primerno, dodatne statistične merske enote, kakor tudi drugi potrebni podatki.
30 Pravna redakcija
Provitamins and vitamins, natural or reproduced by synthesis (including natural concentrates), derivatives thereof used primarily as vitamins, and intermixtures of the foregoing, whether or not in any solvent
Provitamini in vitamini, naravni ali sintetični (vključno z naravnimi koncentrati), njihovi derivati, ki se uporabljajo predvsem kot vitamini, in medsebojne mešanice navedenih proizvodov, vključno s tistimi, ki so v kakršnem koli topilu
31 Pravna redakcija
All Member States shall participate in the Community comparative trials and tests in so far as seeds and propagating material of the plants listed in the Annex are usually reproduced or marketed in their territories.
V primerjalnih poskusih in testiranju Skupnosti sodelujejo vse države članice, če je na njihovem ozemlju ustaljeno razmnoževanje ali trženje semena in razmnoževalnega materiala rastlin, naštetih v Prilogi.
32 Pravna redakcija
Provitamins and vitamins, natural or reproduced by synthesis (including natural concentrates), derivatives thereof used primarily as vitamins, and intermixtures of the foregoing, whether or not in any solvent:
Provitamini in vitamini, naravni ali sintetični (vključno z naravnimi koncentrati), njihovi derivati, ki se uporabljajo predvsem kot vitamini, in medsebojne mešanice navedenih proizvodov, vključno s tistimi, ki so v kakršnem koli topilu
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0865
In so far as propagating and planting material of the plants listed in the Annex is usually reproduced or marketed in their territories, the Member States shall take samples of this material and make it available to the Commission.
Če se razmnoževalni in sadilni material rastlin, naštetih v Prilogi, običajno razmnožuje ali trži na ozemlju držav članic, te vzamejo vzorce tega materiala in ga dajo na razpolago Komisiji.
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0011
In so far as propagating and planting material of the plants listed in the Annex is usually reproduced or marketed in their territories, the Member States shall take samples of this material and make them available to the Commission.
Če se razmnoževalni in sadilni material rastlin, navedenih v Prilogi, običajno prideluje ali trži na njihovih ozemljih, države članice odvzamejo vzorce tega materiala in ga dajo na voljo Komisiji.
35 Pravna redakcija
Living organisms, whether released into the environment in large or small amounts for experimental purposes or as commercial products, may reproduce in the environment and cross national frontiers thereby affecting other Member States.
Živi organizmi, sproščeni v okolje v velikih ali majhnih količinah v poskusne namene ali kot komercialni proizvodi, se lahko v okolju razmnožujejo in preidejo nacionalne meje ter pri tem prizadenejo druge države članice.
36 Pravna redakcija
Member States should participate in the Community comparative trials and tests, in so far as seed of the abovementioned plants are usually reproduced or marketed in their territories, in order to ensure that proper conclusion may be drawn therefrom.
Države članice bi morale sodelovati v primerjalnih poskusih in testiranju Skupnosti, če je na njihovih ozemljih ustaljeno razmnoževanje ali trženje semena zgoraj opredeljenih rastlin, da se zagotovi pridobitev pravilnih ugotovitev na tej podlagi.
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0011
(7) Member States should participate in the Community comparative trials and tests, in so far as seeds of the plants concerned are usually reproduced or marketed in their territories, in order to ensure that proper conclusions may be drawn therefrom.
(7) Države članice bi morale sodelovati v primerjalnih poskusih in testiranjih, če se seme zadevnih rastlin običajno prideluje in trži na njihovih ozemljih, da bi zagotovile ustrezne ugotovitve.
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0865
(8) Member States should participate in the Community comparative trials and tests, in so far as propagating material of the plants concerned are usually reproduced or marketed in their territories, in order to ensure that proper conclusions may be drawn therefrom.
(8) Države članice bi morale sodelovati pri primerjalnih poskusih in testih Skupnosti, če se razmnoževalni material zadevnih rastlin običajno razmnožuje ali trži na njihovem ozemlju, da se zagotovi pridobitev pravilnih ugotovitev na tej podlagi.
39 Pravna redakcija
Member States should participate in the Community comparative trials and tests, in so far as propagating and planting material of Prunus domestica are usually reproduced or marketed in their territories, in order to ensure that proper conclusions may be drawn therefrom.
Države članice bi morale sodelovati v primerjalnih poskusih in testiranju Skupnosti, če je na njihovih ozemljih ustaljeno razmnoževanje ali trženje razmnoževalnega ali sadilnega materiala vrste domača sliva ( Prunus domestica), da se zagotovi pridobitev pravilnih ugotovitev na tej podlagi.
40 Pravna redakcija
DESIRING to prevent, in full deference to the independence of the courts, divergent interpretations and to arrive at as uniform an interpretation as possible of the provisions of this Agreement and the corresponding provisions of Community law which are substantially reproduced in this Agreement,
V ŽELJI, da bi, ob polnem spoštovanju neodvisnosti sodišč, preprečili različna tolmačenja in dosegli čimbolj enotno tolmačenje določb tega sporazuma in ustreznih določb prava Skupnosti, ki so v veliki meri prikazana v tem sporazumu,
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0894
(8) Member States should participate in the Community comparative trials and tests, in so far as propagating and planting material of the plants concerned are usually reproduced or marketed in their territories, in order to ensure that proper conclusions may be drawn therefrom.
(8) Države članice bi morale sodelovati v primerjalnih poskusih in testih Skupnosti, če se razmnoževalni in sadilni material zadevnih rastlin običajno razmnožuje ali trži na njihovem ozemlju, da se zagotovi pridobitev pravilnih ugotovitev na tej podlagi.
42 Pravna redakcija
The President of the Office may determine that, as far as the requirements of paragraph 2 are concerned, the mark may be reproduced in the text of the application itself and not on a separate sheet of paper and that the the number of copies of the reproduction of the mark may be less than four.
Predstojnik Urada lahko odredi, da se lahko znamka glede zahtev iz odstavka 2 reproducira v tekstu same prijave in ne na ločenem listu papirja in da naj bo število izvodov reprodukcije znamke manjše od štiri.
43 Pravna redakcija
When the competent authority has ascertained that the container or containers comply with the technical conditions prescribed in Part I, by examination of as many containers as it considers necessary, it shall issue a certificate of approval conforming to Model III reproduced in Appendix 3 hereto and valid solely for the number of containers approved.
Ko se je pristojni organ s pregledom tako veliko zabojnikov, kolikor meni, da jih je potrebno, prepričal, da je zabojnik ali zabojniki v skladu s tehničnimi zahtevami, predpisanimi v delu I, izda potrdilo o ustreznosti, ki je v skladu z vzorcem III, katerega model je v Dodatku 3 tega dokumenta, in ki velja samo za število potrjenih zabojnikov.
44 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0095
Upon application by a Member State, which will be dealt with as provided for in Article 40, that State may be wholly or partially released from the obligation to apply this Directive, to certain species which are not normally reproduced or marketed in its territory, save where this would run counter to Articles 16(1) and 30(1).'
Na podlagi vloge države članice, ki se bo obravnavala kakor je predvideno v členu 40, se lahko navedena država v celoti ali deloma oprosti uporabe te direktive za nekatere vrste, ki se na njenem ozemlju navadno ne razmnožujejo ali tržijo, razen če bi bilo to v nasprotju s členoma 16(1) in 30(1)."
45 Pravna redakcija
Where an invention involves the use of or concerns biological material which is not available to the public and which cannot be described in a patent application in such a manner as to enable the invention to be reproduced by a person skilled in the art, the description shall be considered inadequate for the purposes of patent law unless:
Če izum vključuje uporabo biološkega materiala ali se nanaša na biološki material, ki ni dostopen javnosti in ga v patentni prijavi ni mogoče opisati na tak način, da bi strokovnjak izum lahko ponovno izvedel, velja, da je opis za namene patentnega prava neprimeren, razen če:
46 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, in view of the analytical difficulties connected with the determination of the migration levels in food products, conventional tests should be chosen (liquids capable of simulating the attack on foodstuffs and standard test conditions) in order to reproduce, as far as possible, the migration phenomena which may occur in contact between the article and the foodstuff;
ker je treba glede na težave v zvezi z analiznim določanjem ravni migracije v živilih izbrati običajne preskuse (tekočine, ki lahko simulirajo napad na živila in standardne pogoje preskusa), da bi čim bolje posnemali pojav migracije, ki je mogoč pri stiku izdelka z živilom;
47 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1808
Where the form referred to in Article 2(1) is used for more than one species in a shipment, an annex shall be attached which, in addition to the requirements of the first subparagraph of this paragraph, shall, for each species in the shipment, reproduce boxes 8 to 22 of the form concerned as well as the spaces contained in box 27 thereof for the inclusion of the 'quantity/net mass actually imported' and, where appropriate, 'number of animals dead on arrival'.
Kadar se obrazec iz člena 2(1) uporabi za več kot eno vrsto v pošiljki, se obrazcu priloži priloga, v kateri se poleg zahtev iz prvega pododstavka tega odstavka za vsako vrsto iz pošiljke ponovijo okenca 8 do 22 iz obrazca in iz okenca 27 za navedbo "dejansko uvožene količine/neto mase" in, kadar je primerno, "števila živali, ki so bile ob prihodu mrtve".
48 Pravna redakcija
However, such visas shall, for a period of not more than three months from their initial date of validity, be valid concurrently as uniform short-stay visas, provided that they were issued in accordance with the common conditions and criteria adopted under or pursuant to the relevant provisions of Chapter 3, section 1 of the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement and their holders fulfil the entry conditions referred to in Article 5(1)(a), (c), (d) and (e) of the said Convention and reproduced in Part IV of these Instructions.
Vendar pa za obdobje največ treh mesecev od prvega dne njihove veljavnosti ti vizumi hkrati veljajo kot enotni vizumi za krajše bivanje, če so bili izdani v skladu s skupnimi pogoji in merili, sprejetimi skladno z ustreznimi določbami oddelka 1 poglavja 3 Konvencije o izvajanju schengenskega sporazuma ali na njihovi podlagi, in če njihovi imetniki izpolnjujejo pogoje za vstop, navedene v členu 5(1)(a), (c), (d) in (e) omenjene Konvencije ter prevzete v delu IV teh navodil.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
The authorisations referred to in paragraph 2 can be used only by vehicles complying at least with EURO 1 standards or with provisions of the "green lorry certificate" as reproduced in Annex 4.
Dovoljenja iz odstavka 2 lahko uporabljajo le vozila, ki izpolnjujejo najmanj standarde EURO 1 ali pogoje za spričevalo "zeleni tovornjak" iz Priloge 4.
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0006
For the purposes of the recognition of IMO FAL forms, the formats and layouts of the standardised facilitation forms recommended and reproduced by the IMO based on the IMO FAL Convention as in force on 1 May 1997 shall be considered equivalent to the formats reproduced in Annex II.
Zaradi lažjega prepoznavanja obrazcev IMO FAL formati in oblika standardiziranih obrazcev, ki jih priporoča in izdeluje IMO na podlagi Konvencije IMO FAL, veljavne od 1. maja 1997, štejejo za enakovredne formatom iz Priloge II.
Prevodi: en > sl
as reproduced in