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assessment of effectiveness
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Each State Party shall consider monitoring its policies and actual measures to combat corruption and making assessments of their effectiveness and efficiency.
Vsaka država pogodbenica preuči možnost za spremljanje svojih usmeritev in dejanskih ukrepov za boj proti korupciji ter presojo njihove uspešnosti in učinkovitosti.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
Each State Party shall consider monitoring its policies and actual measures to combat organized crime and making assessments of their effectiveness and efficiency.
Vsaka država pogodbenica preuči možnosti za spremljanje svojih usmeritev in dejanskih ukrepov za boj proti organiziranemu kriminalu ter oceni njihovo uspešnost in učinkovitost.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall undertake, five years after the entry into force of this Protocol and at least every five years thereafter, an evaluation of the effectiveness of the Protocol, including an assessment of its procedures and annexes.
Konferenca pogodbenic kot zasedanje pogodbenic tega protokola pet let po uveljavitvi tega protokola in vsaj vsakih pet let po tem oceni učinkovitost protokola, vključno z njegovimi postopki in prilogami.
4 Objavljeno
WTO: Ustanovitev WTO
Convinced also of the need to reinforce the effectiveness of the role of the Council for Trade in Goods in reviewing agreements notified under Article XXIV, by clarifying the criteria and procedures for the assessment of new or enlarged agreements, and improving the transparency of all Article XXIV agreements;
prepričane o potrebi po okrepitvi učinkovitosti vloge Sveta za trgovino z blagom pri proučevanju sporazumov, notificiranih po XXIV. členu, z razjasnitvijo meril in postopkov za presojo novih ali razširjenih sporazumov in izboljšanjem preglednosti vseh sporazumov po XXIV. členu,
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0030
It shall contain an assessment of the effectiveness of this Directive, in particular the need to revise the definition of marginally compliant aircraft as laid down in Article 2(d) in favour of a more stringent requirement.
Poročilo vsebuje presojo učinkovitosti te direktive, zlasti potrebo po reviziji opredelitve mejno ustreznega zrakoplova, kakor jo določa člen 2(d), v prid strožji zahtevi.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0030
3.2. Assessment of the cost/effectiveness or cost/benefit of the introduction of specific measures, taking account of the socio-economic effects of the measures on the users of the airport: operators (passenger and freight);
Ocenjevanje razmerij stroški/učinkovitost ali stroški/koristi pri uvedbi posebnih ukrepov, ob upoštevanju socialno-ekonomskega vpliva ukrepov na uporabnike letališč: letalske operatorje (potnikov in tovora),
7 Pravna redakcija
Outputs and impacts achieved (qualitative and quantitative description using relevant indicators as set out in the request for co-financing), assessment of effectiveness (compared to forecasts) and value for money:
Doseženi obseg in učinki (kakovostni in količinski opis z uporabo ustreznih kazalcev, kakršni so določeni v prošnji za sofinanciranje), ocena učinkovitosti (v primerjavi s predvideno učinkovitostjo) in cenovna primernost:
8 Pravna redakcija
an assessment of the cost effectiveness of taking each measure shall be undertaken;
za vsak ukrep je treba opraviti analizo stroškov in koristi;
9 Pravna redakcija
Each Party shall take the necessary measures to ensure the effectiveness of the risk assessment methods;
Vsaka pogodbenica sprejme vse potrebne ukrepe za zagotavljanje učinovitosti metod ocenjevanja tveganja;
10 Pravna redakcija
The manufacturer must authorize the assessment, or audit where necessary, of the effectiveness of these measures.
Proizvajalec mora dovoliti ocenjevanje ali po potrebi preverjanje učinkovitosti teh ukrepov.
11 Pravna redakcija
Such checks shall focus on the appropriateness and effectiveness of the verification system rather than on the conformity assessment bodies themselves.
Takšna preverjanja se osredotočajo na ustreznost in učinkovitost sistemov preverjanja, ne pa na same organe za ugotavljanje skladnosti.
12 Pravna redakcija
the assessment of the effectiveness of the various forms of Community financing, the coordination of the various financial instruments and the assessment of the cost-benefit ratio in the implementation of the policies financed by the European Union;
oceno učinkovitosti različnih oblik financiranja Skupnosti, usklajevanje različnih finančnih instrumentov in oceno razmerja med stroški in koristmi pri izvajanju politik, ki jih financira Evropska unija;
13 Pravna redakcija
periodical review and assessment of the functioning of the control activities and their effectiveness and, if necessary, revision of the surveillance approach and organisation put in place.
redni pregled in oceno delovanja nadzora in njegove učinkovitosti ter po potrebi spremembo pristopa k vzpostavljeni kontroli in organiziranosti.
14 Pravna redakcija
include in such assessments both an evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures taken and planned for the protection of the marine environment and the identification of priorities for action.
vključijo v takšne ocene vrednotenje učinkovitosti ukrepov, sprejetih in načrtovanih za varstvo morskega okolja, in opredelitev prednostnih nalog za ukrepanje.
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31996R1488
Selection shall also be based on an assessment of the effectiveness of those measures in achieving the objectives aimed at by Community support, in line, where appropriate, with the provisions of Association or Cooperation Agreements.
Izbor temelji tudi na oceni učinkovitosti teh ukrepov pri doseganju ciljev podpore Skupnosti in po potrebi skladnosti z določbami Pridružitvenih sporazumov ali Sporazumov o sodelovanju.
16 Pravna redakcija
The GSC Security Office will be permitted, by agreement with the States or international organisations concerned, to carry out an assessment of the effectiveness of measures for the protection of the EU classified information released.
Varnostnemu uradu GSS se po dogovoru z zadevnimi državami ali mednarodnimi organizacijami dovoli, da opravi oceno učinkovitosti ukrepov za varovanje sporočenih tajnih podatkov EU.
17 Pravna redakcija
The Riparian Parties shall, at regular intervals, carry out joint or coordinated assessments of the conditions of transboundary waters and the effectiveness of measures taken for the prevention, control and reduction of trans-boundary impact.
Obrežne pogodbenice redno izvajajo skupne ali usklajene presoje stanja čezmejnih voda ter učinkovitost ukrepov, sprejetih za preprečitev, nadzor in zmanjšanje čezmejnega vpliva.
18 Pravna redakcija
The objective of monitoring and evaluation shall consist in the external assessment of development operations (preparation, implementation and subsequent operation), with a view to improving the development effectiveness of ongoing and future operations.
Cilj spremljanja in vrednotenja je zunanja presoja razvojnih dejavnosti (priprava, izvajanje in naknadne dejavnosti), z namenom izboljšanja razvojne učinkovitosti tekočih in prihodnjih dejavnosti.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31996D0706
Such analyses will include an assessment of the extent to which specific objectives have been realized, the economic viability and cost-effectiveness of the various activities, as well as their contribution to the overall Euro-Mediterranean partnership.
Navedene analize bodo vključevale oceno, v kakšni meri so bili določeni cilji doseženi, oceno ekonomske donosnosti in razmerja med stroški in koristmi za različne dejavnosti ter njihovega prispevka k Evro-sredozemskemu partnerstvu v celoti.
20 Pravna redakcija
Those Member States authorised to apply the reduced rate referred to in the first subparagraph shall, before 1 October 2002, draw up a detailed report containing an overall assessment of the measure's effectiveness in terms notably of job creation and efficiency.
Tiste države članice, ki smejo uporabljati nižjo stopnjo iz prvega pododstavka, do 1. oktobra 2002 pripravijo podrobno poročilo s splošno oceno učinkovitosti ukrepa predvsem glede novih delovnih mest in učinkovitosti.
21 Pravna redakcija
quality management/assurance systems/procedures to ensure the on-going suitability and effectiveness of policies, procedures, guidelines and systems used to achieve the objectives of the conformity assessment programme, including establishment of standards and annual audit and review.
sistemi/postopki upravljanja/zagotavljanja kakovosti za zagotovitev trajne ustreznosti in učinkovitosti politik, postopkov, smernic in sistemov, ki se uporabljajo za uresničitev ciljev programa ugotavljanja skladnosti, vključno z vzpostavitvijo standardov ter letnih presoj in preverjanj.
22 Pravna redakcija
In taking financing decisions under this Regulation and carrying out the assessments referred to in Article 12, the Commission shall have regard to the principles of sound financial management, in particular economy and cost-effectiveness, as laid down in the Financial Regulation.
Pri sprejemanju sklepov o financiranju po tej uredbi in pri ocenjevanju iz člena 12 Komisija upošteva načela zdravega finančnega poslovanja, zlasti ekonomski učinek in učinek glede na vložena sredstva, ki jih določa Finančna uredba.
23 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2698
In financing decisions taken under this Regulation and the assessments and evaluations mentioned in Article 15, the Commission shall abide by the principles of sound financial management and, in particular, those of economy and cost-effectiveness referred to in the Financial Regulation.` ;
Pri sklepih o financiranju, sprejetih po tej uredbi, ter ocenah in vrednotenjih, navedenih v členu 15, Komisija ravna po načelih dobrega finančnega poslovodenja ter zlasti načelih gospodarnosti in stroškovne učinkovitosti iz Finančne uredbe.
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0020
Monitoring of the functioning and assessment of the impact of alternative dispute resolution schemes, in particular of on-line schemes and their effectiveness in settling cross-border complaints and disputes, as well as technical assistance for the further development of the European extrajudicial network system.
Spremljanje delovanja in ocenjevanje vpliva alternativnega reševanja sporov, zlasti spletnih projektov, ter njihove uspešnosti pri reševanju čezmejnih pritožb in sporov, pa tudi tehnična pomoč za nadaljnji razvoj sistema evropske izvensodne mreže.
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31996R1488
In the financing proposals submitted to the Committee referred to in Article 11 and the assessments mentioned in Article 15, the Commission shall abide by the principles of sound financial management and, in particular, those of economy and cost-effectiveness referred to in the Financial Regulation.
Pri predlogih za financiranje, ki jih Komisija predloži odboru iz člena 11, in ocenah iz člena 15 Komisija ravna po načelih dobrega finančnega poslovodenja ter zlasti načelih gospodarnosti in stroškovne učinkovitosti iz navedene Finančne uredbe.
26 Pravna redakcija
Before 31 August 1995 each Member State shall submit its final assessment report, containing in particular details as to the cost-effectiveness of the systems, guarantees as to their transparency and recommendations relating to the future of continuous position monitoring systems for Community fishing vessels.
Pred 31. avgustom 1995 predloži vsaka država članica končno poročilo o oceni, še zlasti s podrobnostmi glede stroškovne učinkovitosti sistemov, jamstev glede preglednosti uporabljenih sistemov in priporočil v zvezi z bodočo uporabo sistemov stalnega spremljanja položaja ribiških plovil Skupnosti.
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2130
At the latest one year before the expiry of this Regulation, the Commission shall submit an independent overall assessment report on the implementation of this Regulation to the European Parliament and the Council with a view to establishing whether its objectives have been achieved and providing guidelines for improving the effectiveness of future operations.
Komisija najkasneje eno leto pred iztekom veljavnosti te uredbe predloži Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu neodvisno poročilo v zvezi z izvajanjem te uredbe z namenom, da se ugotovi, če so bili doseženi cilji, ter določi smernice za izboljšanje učinkovitosti prihodnjih ukrepov.
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2304
In particular, the Commission shall decide whether EDF financial assistance is to be granted by means of budgetary support, subject to a preliminary assessment of the transparency, accountability and effectiveness of public expenditure management and of the openness and transparency of public procurement in accordance with the standards set out in the EDF Financial Regulation, or as support for programmes or projects.
Komisija predvsem odloči, ali je treba finančno pomoč ERS dodeliti kot proračunsko podporo - ob upoštevanju predhodne ocene o preglednosti, odgovornosti in učinkovitosti vodenja javnih financ ter odprtosti in preglednosti javnih naročil glede na standarde iz finančne uredbe ERS - ali kot podporo programom in projektom.
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
The analysis referred to in paragraph 2 shall also concern sectors in which the Community is particularly active and those for which a request for Community support may be envisaged account being taken of the priorities for the Community's cooperation policy; national macroeconomic and sectoral policies and their effectiveness, aid from other donors, especially from the Member States; the interdependence between sectors; and a detailed assessment of past Community aid and of the lessons learned therefrom.
Analiza iz odstavka 2 zadeva tudi sektorje, v katerih je Skupnost še posebej dejavna, in tiste, v zvezi s katerimi se lahko predvidi zahtevek za pomoč Skupnosti, upoštevajoč prednostne naloge politike Skupnosti glede sodelovanja; nacionalne makroekonomske in sektorske politike ter njihovo učinkovitost, pomoč drugih donatorjev, zlasti držav članic; medsebojno odvisnost med sektorji; ter oceno o pretekli pomoči Skupnosti in iz tega pridobljena nova spoznanja.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
Physician’ s overall assessment of treatment effectiveness:
Zdravnikova celotna ocena učinkovitosti zdravljenja:
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0677
32 Prevajalska redakcija
The main measure of effectiveness was the doctor’ s assessment of how well bleeding was stopped.
Glavno merilo učinkovitosti je bila zdravnikova ocena uspešnosti zaustavitve krvavitve.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
They should be adjusted accordingly on the basis of clinical effectiveness and laboratory assessment.
V skladu s klinično učinkovitostjo in laboratorijskimi izvidi jih moramo ustrezno prilagajati.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0029
the assessment and recording of the consequences of the radiological emergency and of the effectiveness of the intervention.
oceno in beleženje posledic izrednega radiološkega dogodka in učinkovitosti intervencije.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0060
Each proposal for controls shall specify arrangements for their review, updating and for assessment of their effectiveness.
V vsakem predlogu za nadzor se opredeli režim njihovega pregledovanja, posodabljanja in presojanja njihove učinkovitosti.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0091
An independent assessment of the total heating installation is appropriate whenever replacement could be considered on the basis of cost-effectiveness.
Neodvisna ocena celotne ogrevalne napeljave je primerna, kadar bi lahko razmislili o zamenjavi na podlagi stroškovne učinkovitosti.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0743
This report will include an evaluation of cost-effectiveness and an assessment, based on performance indicators, of whether the objectives have been achieved.
Poročilo vsebuje oceno stroškovne učinkovitosti in na osnovi kazalcev uspešnosti izdelano oceno o tem, ali so bili cilji doseženi.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996D0463
developing control protocols, to enable assessments to be made in the various Member States so as to improve the relevance of results and the effectiveness of selection programmes,
razvija kontrolne protokole, ki omogočajo opravljanje ocenjevanja v različnih državah članicah, za izboljšanje ustreznosti rezultatov in učinkovitosti selekcijskih programov,
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0081
The reports shall include an economic assessment, including cost-effectiveness, benefits, an assessment of marginal costs and benefits and the socioeconomic impact of the implementation of the national emission ceilings on particular Member States and sectors.
Poročila vsebujejo ekonomsko oceno, skupaj z gospodarnostjo, koristmi, oceno dodatnih stroškov in koristi ter družbenogospodarskim vplivom pri upoštevanju nacionalnih zgornjih mej emisij na posamezne države članice in sektorje.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
Therefore, the main measure of effectiveness was based on the experts’ assessment of the outcome of these 145 patients, in comparison with the outcome that would be expected without using Beromun.
Glavno merilo učinkovitosti je zato temeljilo na ocenah, ki so jih podali strokovnjaki o rezultatih pri teh 145 bolnikih, v primerjavi s pričakovanim rezultatom brez uporabe zdravila Beromun.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
The decision to continue Xolair should be based on whether a marked improvement in overall asthma control is seen (see section 5.1; Physician’ s overall assessment of treatment effectiveness).
Odločitev za nadaljevanje zdravljenja z zdravilomXolair mora temeljiti na izrazitem izboljšanju celotnega obvladovanja astme (glejte poglavje 5. 1; Zdravnikova celotna ocena učinkovitosti zdravljenja).
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0096
The report shall also provide an assessment of the effectiveness of the harmonised procedures for cooperation and communication between bulk carriers and terminals as provided for in this Directive.
Poročilo vsebuje tudi oceno učinkovitosti usklajenih postopkov sodelovanja in komunikacije med ladjami za prevoz razsutega tovora in terminali, kakor je predvideno v tej direktivi.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0030
Assessment of the cost/effectiveness or cost/benefit of the introduction of specific measures, taking account of the socio-economic effects of the measures on the users of the airport: operators (passenger and freight);
Ocenjevanje razmerij stroški/učinkovitost ali stroški/koristi pri uvedbi posebnih ukrepov, ob upoštevanju socialno-ekonomskega vpliva ukrepov na uporabnike letališč: letalske operatorje (potnikov in tovora),
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R0804
Whereas information on the assessment of the effectiveness of measures, as provided for in Article 5 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 2158/92 must serve in the drafting of the progress report provided for in Article 10 (3);
ker morajo informacije o oceni učinkovitosti ukrepov, predvideni v členu 5(2) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2158/92, prispevati k izdelavi osnutka poročila o delu iz člena 10(3);
45 Prevajalska redakcija
In addition, the Marketing Authorisation Holder committed to provide a proposal for a methodology to assess the effectiveness of risk minimisation measures across the EU, including milestones for such assessment.
Poleg tega se je imetnik dovoljenja za promet zavezal tudi, da bo pripravil predlog metodologije za oceno učinkovitosti ukrepov za zmanjševanje tveganja na najmanjšo mogočo mero po vsej EU, vključno z mejniki za tovrstno oceno.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
The Riparian Parties shall, at regular intervals, carry out joint or coordinated assessments of the conditions of transboundary waters and the effectiveness of measures taken for the prevention, control and reduction of transboundary impact.
Obrežne pogodbenice redno izvajajo skupne ali usklajene presoje stanja čezmejnih voda ter učinkovitost ukrepov, sprejetih za preprečitev, nadzor in zmanjšanje čezmejnega vpliva.
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assessment of effectiveness