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assessment of prices
1 Končna redakcija
assessment of prices
administrativno določanje cen
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Until the municipalities determine the value of (he point for the assessment of the amount of compensation for the use of building sites, the point shall be revaluated, from ) January 1995 onwards, using the retail price index, determined by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia for the period of the first nine months of the year before the year for which the compensation is being assessed, in comparison with the same period of the previous year.
Dokler občine ne določijo vrednosti točke za ugotovitev zneska nadomestila za uporabo stavbnega zemljišča, se vrednost točke s 1. januarjem 1995 valorizira s koeficientom rasti cen na drobno, ki ga ugotovi Zavod Republike Slovenije za statistiko, za obdobje prvih devetih mesecev leta pred letom, za katero se nadomestilo odmerja, v primerjavi z enakim obdobjem prejšnjega leta.
3 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
The value of a point or a square meter of surface for the purposes of property tax assessment in accordance with items 1 and 2 of Article 156 of the Law on Citizens' Taxes (Official Gazette of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia, nos. 36/88, 8/89 and Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, nos. 48/90, 7/93) is to be revaluated using the retail price index, determined by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia for the period of the first nine months of the year before the year in which (or for which) the tax is being assessed, in comparison with the same period of the previous year.
Vrednost točke oziroma kvadratnega metra površine za davek od premoženja po 1. in 2. točki 156. člena zakona o davkih občanov (Uradni list SRS, št. 36/88, 8/89 in Uradni list RS, št. 48/90 in 7/93), se valorizira s koeficientom rasti cen na drobno, ki ga ugotovi Zavod Republike Slovenije za statistiko za obdobje prvih devetih mesecev leta pred letom, za katero oziroma v katerem se davek odmerja, v primerjavi z enakim obdobjem prejšnjega leta.
4 Končna redakcija
The correcting amount shall be levied until the assessment carried out shows that the price of the Spanish product is equal to, or higher than, the Community price referred to in (a).
korekcijski znesek se obračunava, dokler se ne ugotovi, da je cena španskega proizvoda enaka ali višja od cene Skupnosti iz (a).
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
in respect of Articles 27 and 28, the conditions under which distillation is to be carried out, the assessment of the volume of alcohol contained in the wine produced, the conditions under which products may be delivered to the intervention agency, and the buying-in prices of the products of distillation which can be taken over by the intervention agencies or the criteria for fixing these prices;
v skladu s členoma 27 in 28 pogoje, pod katerimi se izvaja destilacija, oceno volumenskega deleža alkohola v proizvedenem vinu, pogoje, pod katerimi se proizvodi lahko dobavijo intervencijski agenciji, in odkupne cene proizvodov destilacije, ki jih lahko prevzamejo intervencijske agencije, oziroma merila za določitev teh cen;
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
This assessment should take account in particular of the nature and characteristics of the products or services concerned, of the existence of entry barriers or of consumer preferences, of appreciable differences of the undertakings' market shares between the area concerned and neighbouring areas or of substantial price differences.
Pri tem ocenjevanju je treba upoštevati predvsem naravo in značilnosti zadevnih proizvodov ali storitev, obstoj ovir pri vstopu ali preferenc potrošnikov, znatne razlike tržnih deležev podjetij med zadevnim območjem in sosednjimi območji ter precejšnje razlike v ceni.
7 Končna redakcija
adopt, if necessary, with a view to permitting the assessment provided for in subparagraph (b), multiannual programmes intended to ensure the lasting convergence necessary for the achievement of economic and monetary union, in particular with regard to price stability and sound public finances;
če je to potrebno in da bi omogočila oceno iz pododstavka (b), sprejme večletne programe za zagotavljanje trajne konvergence, potrebne za uresničevanje ekonomske in monetarne unije, zlasti glede stabilnosti cen in zdravih javnih financ;
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Factors relevant to the assessment of the relevant geographic market include inter alia the nature and characteristics of the products or services concerned, the existence of entry barriers, consumer preferences, appreciable differences in the undertakings' market shares between neighbouring geographic areas or substantial price differences.
Dejavniki, pomembni za oceno upoštevnega geografskega trga, obsegajo med drugim vrsto in značilnosti zadevnih proizvodov ali storitev, obstoj vstopnih ovir, potrošnikove prednostne izbire, znatne razlike v tržnih deležih podjetja med sosednjimi geografskimi področji ali velike cenovne razlike.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Factors relevant to the assessment of the relevant geographic market include inter alia the nature and characteristics of the products or services concerned, the existence of entry barriers, consumer preferences, appreciable differences in the undertakings' market shares between neighbouring geographic areas, or substantial price differences.
Dejavniki, pomembni za oceno upoštevnega geografskega trga, obsegajo med drugim vrsto in značilnosti zadevnih proizvodov ali storitev, vstopne ovire, potrošnikove prednostne izbire, znatne razlike v tržnih deležih podjetja med sosednjimi geografskimi področji ali velike cenovne razlike.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Factors relevant to the assessment of the relevant product market include the analysis of why the products or services in these markets are included and why others are excluded by using the above definition, and having regard to, for example, substitutability, conditions of competition, prices, cross-price elasticity of demand or other factors relevant for the definition of the product markets (for example, supply-side substitutability in appropriate cases).
Dejavniki, pomembni za oceno upoštevnega proizvodnega trga, obsegajo analizo razlogov, zakaj so določeni proizvodi ali storitve vključeni na te trge in zakaj so drugi izključeni, pri čemer je uporabljena zgornja definicija in upoštevani dejavniki, kot so npr. nadomestljivost, pogoji konkurence, cene, navzkrižna cenovna elastičnost povpraševanja ali drugi dejavniki, pomembni za določanje upoštevnega proizvodnega trga (npr. nadomestljivost na strani ponudbe v ustreznih primerih).
11 Pravna redakcija
a technical and financial assessment of each tender, including a comparative table of unit prices;
tehnično in finančno oceno vsake ponudbe, vključno s primerjalno tabelo cen na enoto;
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1514
Cumulative assessment of the effects of the imports concerned, volume, market share and prices of the imports concerned
Skupna ocena učinkov zadevnega uvoza, obsega, tržnega deleža in cen zadevnega uvoza
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1339
This analysis included an assessment of the impact of measures on their costs on the basis that the prices of the imports concerned would increase in line with the proposed measures.
Ta analiza je vključevala oceno vpliva ukrepov na njihove stroške na podlagi tega, da bi se cene zadevnega uvoza povečale skladno s predlaganimi ukrepi.
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
Moreover, according to the same Article, price undercutting is not alone determinative in an injury determination, rather it forms part of the overall assessment of injury to the Community industry and is conducted so as to provide guidance in the context of the assessment of injury and causation.
Poleg tega v skladu z istim členom samo nelojalno nižanje cen ni odločilen dejavnik pri ugotavljanju škode, ampak je del celotne presoje škode, ki jo je utrpela industrija Skupnosti, in se opravi tako, da se zagotovi vodenje v okviru presoje škode in ugotavljanja vzročne zveze.
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0020
Monitoring and assessment of market developments with an impact on the economic and other interests of consumers, including, inter alia, price surveys, inventory and analysis of consumer complaints and surveys of changes in the structure of markets.
Spremljanje in ocenjevanje razvoja trga z vplivom na gospodarske in druge interese potrošnikov, kamor med drugim sodijo raziskave cen, popis in analiza pritožb potrošnikov in raziskave sprememb v strukturi trgov.
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1339
A number of interested parties claimed that the Commission had failed to make an objective assessment of the situation of users in not taking into account any increase in the Community industry's prices that would likely follow the imposition of measures.
Več zainteresiranih strank je trdilo, da Komisiji ni uspelo objektivno oceniti položaja uporabnikov, ker ni upoštevala povečanja cen v industriji Skupnosti, ki bi verjetno sledilo uvedbi ukrepov.
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1994
Since no comments were received concerning the volume of imports from Taiwan in the Community, the market share, and the average price of imports, the assessments indicated in recitals 34 to 37 of the provisional duty Regulation are hereby confirmed.
Ker Komisija ni prejela nobenih pripomb glede obsega uvoza iz Tajvana v Skupnost, tržnega deleža in povprečne uvozne cene, se potrdijo ocene iz uvodnih izjav 34 do 37 Uredbe o začasni dajatvi.
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1338
(62) A number of interested parties claimed that the Commission had failed to make an objective assessment of the situation of users in not taking into account any increase in the Community industry's prices that would likely follow the imposition of measures.
(62) Več zainteresiranih strank je trdilo, da Komisiji ni uspelo objektivno oceniti položaja uporabnikov, ker ni upoštevala povečanja cen v industriji Skupnosti, ki bi verjetno sledilo uvedbi ukrepov.
19 Pravna redakcija
A situation where national markets have been artifically isolated from each other because of the existence of legislative barriers that have now been removed will generally lead to a cautious assessment of past evidence regarding prices, market shares or trade patterns.
Položaj, ko so bili nacionalni trgi umetno ločeni drug od drugega zaradi obstoja zakonodajnih ovir, ki so zdaj odstranjene, bo normalno pripeljal do previdnejše presoje preteklih dokazov glede cen, tržnih deležev ali vzorcev trgovanja.
20 Pravna redakcija
This assessment should take account in particular of the nature and characteristics of the products or services concerned, of the existence of entry barriers or of consumer preferences, of appreciable differences of the undertakings' market shares between neighbouring areas or of substantial price differences.
Pri tem ocenjevanju je treba upoštevati predvsem naravo in značilnosti zadevnih proizvodov ali storitev, obstoj ovir pri vstopu ali preferenc potrošnikov, znatne razlike tržnih deležev podjetij med zadevnim območjem in sosednjimi območji in precejšnje razlike v ceni.
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
This assessment should take account in particular of the nature and characteristics of the products or services concerned, of the existence of entry barriers or of consumer preferences, of appreciable differences of the undertakings' market shares between the area concerned and neighbouring areas or of substantial price differences.
Pri tem ocenjevanju je treba upoštevati predvsem naravo in značilnosti zadevnih proizvodov ali storitev, obstoj ovir pri vstopu ali preferenc potrošnikov, znatne razlike tržnih deležev podjetij med zadevnim območjem in sosednjimi območji ter precejšnje razlike v ceni.
22 Pravna redakcija
Factors relevant to the assessment of the relevant geographic market include the nature and characteristics of the products or services concerned, the existence of entry barriers, consumer preferences, appreciable differences in the undertakings' market shares between neighbouring geographic areas or substantial price differences.
Dejavniki, pomembni za ocenjevanje upoštevnega geografskega trga, vključujejo naravo in značilnosti zadevnih proizvodov ali storitev, obstoj ovir za vstop na trg ali preferenc potrošnikov, znatne razlike pri tržnih deležih podjetij med sosednimi geografskimi območji ali precejšnje razlike v ceni.
23 Pravna redakcija
In line with the need to ascertain whether efficiencies will lead to a net benefit to consumers, cost efficiencies that lead to reductions in variable or marginal costs fn are more likely to be relevant to the assessment of efficiencies than reductions in fixed costs; the former are, in principle, more likely to result in lower prices for consumers fn.
V skladu s potrebo po ugotavljanju, ali bo povečanje učinkovitosti prineslo čisto korist za potrošnike, je stroškovna učinkovitost, ki vodi v zmanjšanje spremenljivih ali mejnih stroškov fn, verjetno ustreznejša za presojo učinkovitosti kakor zmanjšanje fiksnih stroškov, ker je večja verjetnost, da vodijo v nižje cene za potrošnike fn.
24 Pravna redakcija
For the same reason, this Communication cannot ex ante define the conditions under which the prices of the public service broadcasters are in line with the principles explained in point 58. Therefore the assessment under Article 86(2) of the compatibility of State aid to public broadcasters can finally only be made on a case by case basis, according to Commission practice.
Iz istega razloga to sporočilo ne more vnaprej opredeliti pogojev, v katerih so cene storitev javne radiodifuzije usklajene z načeli iz točke 58. Ocena združljivosti državne pomoči izvajalcem storitev javne radiodifuzije v skladu s členom 86(2) se lahko torej opravi le za vsak primer posebej, v skladu s prakso Komisije.
25 Pravna redakcija
Factors relevant to the assessment of the relevant product market include the analysis of why the products or services in these markets are included and why others are excluded by using the above definition, and having regard to, for example, substitutability, conditions of competition, prices, cross-price elasticity of demand or other factors relevant for the definition of the product markets.
Dejavniki, pomembni pri ocenjevanju upoštevnih proizvodnih trgov, vključujejo analizo o tem, zakaj so proizvodi ali storitve na teh trgih vključeni in zakaj so drugi izključeni, z uporabo zgornje opredelitve, pri čemer se na primer upošteva zamenljivost, konkurenčne pogoje, cene, navzkrižno cenovno elastičnost povpraševanja ali druge dejavnike, ki so relevantni za opredelitev proizvodnih trgov.
26 Pravna redakcija
The information that the participants undertake to provide pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article, according to the modalities that the Council shall establish, shall include data on past performance and current situation and an assessment of the outlook regarding production (including the evolution of the composition of herds), consumption, prices, stocks of and trade in the products referred to in Article II, and any other information deemed necessary by the Council, in particular on competing products.
Podatki, ki se jih udeleženke obvežejo dajati na podlagi odstavka 1 tega člena, v skladu z načini, ki jih določi Svet, vključujejo podatke o pretekli uspešnosti, sedanjem stanju in oceno obetov glede proizvodnje (vključno z razvojem sestave čred), porabe, cen, zalog in trgovine s proizvodi iz člena II in kakršne koli druge podatke, za katere Svet meni, da so potrebni, zlasti o konkurenčnih proizvodih.
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1784
Some interested parties claimed that the assessment of the causal link was flawed since the Community industry was able to increase its prices during the IIP, while the evolution of the production and the production capacity, as well as the decrease of the employment and the lack of profitability were caused by factors other than the dumped imports, namely, in particular, the Community industry's decision to rationalise production and the necessity to comply with the European environmental standards.
Nekatere zainteresirane stranke so trdile, da je bila ocena vzročne zveze pomanjkljiva, saj je industrija Skupnosti med OPŠ lahko zviševala svoje cene, medtem ko so razvoj proizvodnje in proizvodnih zmogljivosti ter zmanjšanje zaposlovanja in pomanjkanje donosnosti povzročili drugi dejavniki kot dampinški uvoz, še zlasti odločitev industrije Skupnosti, da racionalizira proizvodnjo, in potreba po uskladitvi z evropskimi okoljskimi standardi.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0315
In regions where price recording is based on the individual assessment of the weight of lamb carcasses, the conversion shall be based on that assessment.
V regijah, kjer beleženje cen temelji na posamezni oceni mase trupov jagnjet, temelji pretvorba na tej oceni.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0708
Whereas, for the application of the price increases and reductions, account should be taken of the basic characteristics of the paddy rice, thereby allowing objective assessment of its quality;
ker je za povečanje in znižanja cene treba upoštevati osnovne lastnosti neoluščenega riža in s tem omogočiti objektivno ocenitev njegove kakovosti;
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
It is also useful in checking the accuracy of past assessments of future cash flows and in examining the relationship between profitability and net cash flow and the impact of changing prices.
Prav tako so koristne pri kontroliranju točnosti preteklih ocen bodočih finančnih tokov pa tudi pri preiskovanju razmerij med dobičkonosnostjo in čistim finančnim tokom ter vplivom spremenjenih cen.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0092
In the absence of any cooperation of its gas supplier, and in the absence of verifiable export prices to the first independent buyer, the prices of these transactions were established as described in recital 66 below in the purpose of the assessment of the country-wide dumping margin.
Ker njegov dobavitelj plina ni sodeloval in ker ni bilo na voljo preverljivih izvoznih cen prvemu neodvisnemu kupcu, so se cene teh transakcij ugotovile na način, kot je opisan v uvodni izjavi 66 spodaj; namen tega je bil oceniti stopnjo dampinga na ravni države.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0013
Whereas, for the purposes of this Directive, assessment of unfair character shall not be made of terms which describe the main subject matter of the contract nor the quality/price ratio of the goods or services supplied;
ker za namen te direktive ocena nedovoljenosti ne sme biti opravljena pri pogojih, ki opisujejo glavni predmet pogodbe ali razmerje med kakovostjo in ceno dobavljenega blaga ali storitev;
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R1300
Twelve months after the entry into force of this Regulation, the Commission shall present to the Council an assessment report on the implementation of this new system for determining Community producer prices, possibly accompanied by proposals for adjustments to be made to it.
Komisija dvanajst mesecev po začetku veljavnosti te uredbe predloži Svetu poročilo o oceni izvajanja tega novega sistema za določanje cen pridelovalcev Skupnosti, po možnosti skupaj s predlogi za potrebne prilagoditve.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0013
Assessment of the unfair nature of the terms shall relate neither to the definition of the main subject matter of the contract nor to the adequacy of the price and remuneration, on the one hand, as against the services or goods supplies in exchange, on the other, in so far as these terms are in plain intelligible language.
Ocena nedovoljenosti pogojev ne sme biti povezana niti z opredelitvijo glavnega predmeta pogodbe niti z ustreznostjo med ceno in plačilom za izmenjane storitve ali blago, če so pogoji v jasnem, razumljivem jeziku.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2843
Factors relevant to the assessment of the relevant geographic market include (17) the nature and characteristics of the services concerned, the existence of entry barriers or consumer preferences, and appreciable differences for the undertakings' market share or substantial price differences between neighbouring areas.
Dejavniki, pomembni za oceno upoštevnega geografskega trga, zajemajo [17] vrsto in značilnosti zadevnih storitev, obstoj vstopnih ovir ali preference potrošnikov ter precejšnje razlike v tržnem deležu podjetij ali bistvene razlike v ceni med sosednjimi območji.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3385
Factors relevant to the assessment of the relevant geographic market include (22) the nature and characteristics of the products or services concerned, the existence of entry barriers or consumer preferences, appreciable differences of the undertakings' market share or substantial price differences between neighbouring areas, and transport costs.
Dejavniki, pomembni za ocenitev upoštevnega geografskega trga, obsegajo [19] naravo in značilnosti proizvodov ali storitev, obstoj vstopnih ovir ali preferenc potrošnikov, opazne razlike v tržnem deležu podjetij ali znatne razlike v ceni med sosednjimi območji ter prevozne stroške.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3385
Factors relevant to the assessment of the relevant geographic market include (25) the nature and characteristics of the products or services concerned, the existence of entry barriers or consumer preferences, appreciable differences of the undertakings' market share or substantial price differences between neighbouring areas, and transport costs.
Dejavniki, pomembni za ocenitev upoštevnega geografskega trga, obsegajo [22] naravo in značilnosti proizvodov ali storitev, obstoj vstopnih ovir ali preferenc potrošnikov, opazne razlike v tržnem deležu podjetij ali znatne razlike v ceni med sosednjimi območji ter prevozne stroške.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Factors relevant to the assessment of the relevant geographic market include inter alia the nature and characteristics of the products or services concerned, the existence of entry barriers, consumer preferences, appreciable differences in the undertakings' market shares between neighbouring geographic areas or substantial price differences.
Dejavniki, pomembni za oceno upoštevnega geografskega trga, obsegajo med drugim vrsto in značilnosti zadevnih proizvodov ali storitev, obstoj vstopnih ovir, potrošnikove prednostne izbire, znatne razlike v tržnih deležih podjetja med sosednjimi geografskimi področji ali velike cenovne razlike.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Factors relevant to the assessment of the relevant geographic market include inter alia the nature and characteristics of the products or services concerned, the existence of entry barriers, consumer preferences, appreciable differences in the undertakings' market shares between neighbouring geographic areas, or substantial price differences.
Dejavniki, pomembni za oceno upoštevnega geografskega trga, obsegajo med drugim vrsto in značilnosti zadevnih proizvodov ali storitev, vstopne ovire, potrošnikove prednostne izbire, znatne razlike v tržnih deležih podjetja med sosednjimi geografskimi področji ali velike cenovne razlike.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
In line with the need to ascertain whether efficiencies will lead to a net benefit to consumers, cost efficiencies that lead to reductions in variable or marginal costs(106) are more likely to be relevant to the assessment of efficiencies than reductions in fixed costs; the former are, in principle, more likely to result in lower prices for consumers(107).
V skladu s potrebo po ugotavljanju, ali bo povečanje učinkovitosti prineslo čisto korist za potrošnike, je stroškovna učinkovitost, ki vodi v zmanjšanje spremenljivih ali mejnih stroškov [106], verjetno ustreznejša za presojo učinkovitosti kakor zmanjšanje fiksnih stroškov, ker je večja verjetnost, da vodi v nižje cene za potrošnike [107].
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1050
This margin that could reasonably be achieved under normal conditions of competition was based on an assessment of the impact on the Community industry's sales prices of the degree to which the Taiwanese exporters dumped CD-Rs on the Community market, the import price levels of the non-dumped imports from third countries and the profitability required to cover the financial costs of the investments made by the Community industry.
Ta stopnja, ki bi se realno lahko dosegla pod normalnimi konkurenčnimi pogoji, je temeljila na oceni vpliva, ki so jih na prodajne cene industrije Skupnosti imeli stopnja dampinga CD-romov tajvanskih izvoznikov na trg Skupnosti, raven uvoznih cen nedampinškega uvoza iz tretjih držav in dobičkonosnost, potrebna za kritje finančnih stroškov naložb, ki jih imela industrija Skupnosti.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Factors relevant to the assessment of the relevant product market include the analysis of why the products or services in these markets are included and why others are excluded by using the above definition, and having regard to, for example, substitutability, conditions of competition, prices, cross-price elasticity of demand or other factors relevant for the definition of the product markets (for example, supply-side substitutability in appropriate cases).
Dejavniki, pomembni za oceno upoštevnega proizvodnega trga, obsegajo analizo razlogov, zakaj so določeni proizvodi ali storitve vključeni na te trge in zakaj so drugi izključeni, pri čemer je uporabljena zgornja definicija in upoštevani dejavniki, kot so npr. nadomestljivost, pogoji konkurence, cene, navzkrižna cenovna elastičnost povpraševanja ali drugi dejavniki, pomembni za določanje upoštevnega proizvodnega trga (npr. nadomestljivost na strani ponudbe v ustreznih primerih).
Prevodi: en > sl
assessment of prices