Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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association of words
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(h) family name, given names and address of the place of business of the representative of the applicant for or proprietor of the patent referred to in Article 134; in the case of several representatives only the family name, given names and address of the place of business of the representative first named, followed by the words ` and others` , shall be entered; however, in the case of an association referred to in Rule 101, paragraph 9, only the name and address of the association shall be entered;
(h) priimek, ime in naslov sedeža dejavnosti zastopnika prijavitelja ali imetnika patenta, omenjenega v 134. členu; če je več zastopnikov, se vpišejo samo priimek, ime in naslov sedeža dejavnosti prvega navedenega zastopnika, čemur sledita besedi ` in drugi` ; če gre za združenje iz devetega odstavka 101. pravila, se vpišeta samo ime in naslov združenja;
2 Končna redakcija
In the words of the President of the Journalists' Association, Grega Repovž,the main problems that trouble Slovenian journalists are their social status, demands for ever higher productivity and non-observance of the copyright law.
Po mnenju predsednika novinarskega društva Grege Repovža so glavne tegobe, ki pestijo slovenske novinarje, njihov socialni status, povečevanje storilnostnih zahtev in nespoštovanje avtorskih pravic.
3 Končna redakcija
The distorted view that a press council would sap the strength of the association of journalists could be likened to a dialogue of the deaf, while the simple fact is that the journalists' association cannot much longer hold out in the role of the keeper of the seal anyway. In other words, it cannot much longer remain the only guardian of professional ethics, if only for the simple fact that its influence on the owners of the media is negligible and will even diminish in the future.
Sprevrženo razumevanje, da bi tiskovni svet kakor koli jemal moč novinarski organizaciji, bi lahko imenovali pogovor gluhih . preprosto dejstvo pa je, da ta ne bo mogla dolgo vzdržati v položaju »varuha pečata«, torej edine braniteljice poklicne etike, že zato ne, ker je zdaj, v prihodnosti pa bo še bolj, njen vpliv na lastnike medijev neznaten.
4 Končna redakcija
Still another document treating this issue is the Code of the Slovene Association of Journalists, where Article 6 prescribes that a journalist is obliged to respect secrecy requested by an information source, or in other words, he/she may refuse to testify and has the right to refuse to disclose the information source.
Po 6. členu kodeksa Društva novinarjev Slovenije je novinar dolžan spoštovati zaupnost, ki jo je zahteval informacijski vir, oz. novinar sme zavrniti pričevanje in ima pravico, da ne razkrije vira informacij.
5 Pravna redakcija
in the left- hand side of the stamp the guaranteeing association fills in the date, in figures and words, until which the extension is requested.
garancijsko združenje vpiše s številko in besedo levo od žiga datum, do katerega se zaprosi za podaljšanje.
6 Pravna redakcija
In particular, the words 'credit institution' should be read as 'financial institution fulfilling the conditions laid down in Article 19' and the word 'authorisation' as 'memorandum and articles of association'.
Zlasti besedo "kreditna institucija" je treba brati kot "finančna institucija, ki izpolnjuje pogoje, določene v členu 19", in besedo "dovoljenje" kot "ustanovna pogodba in statut".
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
The wording of the description of the relevant CN code was understood correctly by all interested parties to this proceeding except for the users' association mentioned, that repeated a claim that had already been rejected in an earlier investigation on imports of PSF from Australia, Indonesia and Thailand contained in Regulation (EC) No 1522/2000 ().
Besedilo opisa zadevne oznake KN so pravilno razumele vse zainteresirane stranke v tem postopku razen navedenega združenja uporabnikov, ki je ponovilo argument, ki je že bil zavrnjen v Uredbi (ES) št. 1522/2000 ( fn ) na podlagi prejšnje preiskave v zvezi z uvozom RVP iz Avstralije, Indonezije in Tajske.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
in Article 2(2)(h), the words 'the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) States,' shall be replaced by 'Switzerland', and the words 'in the Community's interest' shall be replaced by 'in the interest of the Contracting Parties to the EEA Agreement';
v členu 2(2)(h) se besede "držav članic Evropskega združenja za prosto trgovino (EFTA)" nadomestijo s "Švice" in besede "interes Skupnosti" se nadomestijo z "interes pogodbenic Sporazuma EGP";
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2843
the word 'agreement` is used to refer to all categories of arrangements, i.e, agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices.
beseda "sporazum" se uporablja za sklicevanje na vse vrste dogovorov, tj, sporazume med podjetji, sklepe podjetniških združenj in usklajena ravnanja.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3385
The word 'agreement' is used to refer to all categories of arrangements, i. e. agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices.
Beseda "sporazum" se uporablja v zvezi z vsemi skupinami dogovorov, tj. sporazumi med podjetji, sklepi podjetniških združenj in usklajenimi ravnanji.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0012
In particular, the words "credit institution" should be read as "financial institution fulfilling the conditions laid down in Article 19" and the word "authorisation" as "memorandum and articles of association".
Zlasti je treba besede "kreditna institucija" brati kot "finančna institucija, ki izpolnjuje pogoje, določene v členu 19" , in besedo "dovoljenje" kot "ustanovna pogodba in statut"
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R1898
(b)in association with a word or words to designate the type, grade, origin and/or intended use of such milk or to describe the physical treatment or the modification in composition to which it has been subjected, provided that the modification is restricted to an addition and/or withdrawal of natural milk constituents.
v povezavi z besedo ali besedami, ki poimenujejo vrsto, stopnjo, izvor in/ali predvideno uporabo takega mleka ali za opis fizične obdelave ali spreminjanja sestave mleka, pod pogojem, da je sprememba omejena na dodajanje in/ali odvzem naravnih mlečnih sestavin.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R1898
The term 'milk' and the designations used for milk products may also be used in association with a word or words to designate composite products of which no part takes or is intended to take the place of any milk constituent and of which milk or a milk product is an essential part either in terms of quantity or for characterization of the product.
Izraz "mleko" in poimenovanja, ki se uporabljajo za mlečne proizvode, se lahko uporabijo v povezavi z besedo ali besedami, ki poimenujejo sestavljene izdelke, pri katerih noben del ne prevzame in tudi ni namenjen, da bi prevzel, katerokoli sestavino mleka in pri katerih je mleko ali mlečni proizvod bistveni del tako glede kakovosti kot značilnosti proizvoda.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
The wording of the description of the relevant CN code was understood correctly by all interested parties to this proceeding except for the users' association mentioned, that repeated a claim that had already been rejected in an earlier investigation on imports of PSF from Australia, Indonesia and Thailand contained in Regulation (EC) No 1522/2000(3).
Besedilo opisa zadevne oznake KN so pravilno razumele vse zainteresirane stranke v tem postopku razen navedenega združenja uporabnikov, ki je ponovilo argument, ki je že bil zavrnjen v Uredbi (ES) št. 1522/2000 [3] na podlagi prejšnje preiskave v zvezi z uvozom RVP iz Avstralije, Indonezije in Tajske.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31969L0335
the transfer from a Member State to another Member State of the registered office of a (*) The technical adaptation work has resulted in the following being presented by the Commission to the Council In Article 3 (1)(a) - substitute a comma for the word "and" - add after the word "Netherlands" : "United Kingdom, Irish, Danish and Norwegian" - in the first indented paragraph, add after the words : "naamloze vennootschap": "companies incorporated with limited liability, companies with limited liabilty which are formed and registered under the Companies Acts or the Joint Stock Companies Acts or which are incorporated by charter or private Act of Parliament, Aktieselskab, Aksjeselskap." - in the second indented paragraph, add after the words "commanditaire vennootschap op aandelen": "Kommandit-aktieselskab, Kommandittaksjeselskap". company, firm, association or legal person, whose effective centre of management is in a third country and which is considered in the latter Member State, for the purposes of charging capital duty, as a capital company, but is not so considered in the other Member State.
prenos registriranega sedeža družbe, podjetja, združenja ali pravne osebe, ki ima sedež dejanske uprave v tretji državi, iz države članice v drugo državo članico, ki se v tej drugi državi članici za namene obračunavanja dajatve na kapital šteje za kapitalsko družbo, ne šteje pa se za kapitalsko družbo v prvi državi članici.
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association of words