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authentication of a signature
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
private documents on which the signature of the debtor has been authenticated by a body authorised for authentication;
zasebne listine, na katerih je podpis zavezanca overil organ, ki je pristojen za overitve;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(3) [Prohibition of Requirement of Certification of Signature of Power of Attorney and of Signature of Application] Any State or intergovernmental organization may declare that, notwithstanding Article 8(4), the signature of a power of attorney or the signature by the applicant of an application may be required to be the subject of an attestation, notarization, authentication, legalization or other certification.
(3) (Prepoved zahteve za overitev podpisa pooblastila in podpisa prijave) Vsaka država ali medvladna organizacija lahko izjavi, da ne glede na četrti odstavek 8. člena lahko zahteva, da je podpis pooblastila ali prijaviteljev podpis prijave potrjen, notarsko ali kako drugače overjen, legaliziran ali kako drugače certificiran.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-73
(2) [Exemption from Authentication, Legalization or any Other Certification] In respect of a document referred to in paragraph (1)(i) and (ii), bearing the seal of the International Bureau and the signature of the Director General or a person acting on his behalf, no authority of any Contracting Party shall require authentication, legalization or any other certification of such document, seal or signature, by any other person or authority.
(2) [Izjeme v zvezi z avtentifikacijo, legalizacijo ali drugo certifikacijo] Za dokument iz točk (i) in (ii) prejšnjega odstavka, ki ima žig Mednarodnega urada in podpis generalnega direktorja ali osebe, ki deluje v njegovem imenu, noben organ pogodbenice ne more zahtevati, da katera koli druga oseba ali organ avtentificira, legalizira ali drugače certificira tak dokument, ga žigosa ali podpiše.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(4) [Prohibition of Requirement of Certification] No Contracting Party may require the attestation, notarization, authentication, legalization or other certification of any signature or other means of self-identification referred to in the preceding paragraphs, except, if the law of the Contracting Party so provides, where the signature concerns the surrender of a registration.
(4) (Prepoved zahteve za potrditev) Nobena pogodbenica ne more zahtevati potrditve, notarske ali druge overitve, legalizacije ali druge certifikacije podpisa ali drugega sredstva osebne identifikacije iz prejšnjih odstavkov, razen če tako določa zakonodaja pogodbenice, kadar podpis zadeva odstop od registracije.
5 Pravna redakcija
Such authentication shall include the name and stamp of the office of departure, the signature of the competent official, the date of authentication and either a registration number or the number of the dispatch or export declaration, if such a declaration is required.
Taka overitev vključuje ime in žig urada odhoda, podpis pristojnega uradnika, datum overitve ter bodisi evidenčno številko ali številko odpremne ali izvozne deklaracije, če je taka deklaracija potrebna.
6 Pravna redakcija
in the case of control copy T5, the name and stamp of the office of departure, the signature of the competent person, the date of authentication and a registration number which may be pre-printed;
pri kontrolnem izvodu T5 ime in žig urada odhoda, podpis pristojne osebe, datum overitve ter evidenčno številko, ki je lahko predhodno natisnjena;
7 Pravna redakcija
Where goods are transported under cover of a TIR carnet or an ATA carnet, the declarant may, with a view to proving the Community status of the goods and subject to Article 314 (2), clearly enter the symbol 'T2L` in the space reserved for the description of goods, together with his signature, on all the relevant vouchers of the carnet used before presenting it to the office of departure for authentication.
Kadar se blago prevaža na podlagi zvezka TIR ali ATA, sme deklarant za dokaz skupnostnega statusa blaga in ob upoštevanju člena 314(2) razločno vpisati kratico “T2L” skupaj s svojim podpisom v prostor, predviden za poimenovanje blaga, na vse ustrezne kupone uporabljenega zvezka, preden ga predloži uradu odhoda v overitev.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0093
"electronic signature" means data in electronic form which are attached to or logically associated with other electronic data and which serve as a method of authentication;
"elektronski podpis" pomeni podatek v elektronski obliki, ki je dodan k drugim elektronskim podatkom ali logično povezan z njimi in je namenjen preverjanju verodostojnosti;
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Where goods are transported under cover of a TIR carnet or an ATA carnet, the declarant may, with a view to proving the Community status of the goods and subject to Article 314 (2), clearly enter the symbol 'T2L' in the space reserved for the description of goods, together with his signature, on all the relevant vouchers of the carnet used before presenting it to the office of departure for authentication.
Kadar se blago prevaža na podlagi zvezka TIR ali ATA, sme deklarant za dokaz skupnostnega statusa blaga in ob upoštevanju člena 314(2) razločno vpisati kratico ` T2L` skupaj s svojim podpisom v prostor, predviden za poimenovanje blaga, na vse ustrezne kupone uporabljenega zvezka, preden ga predloži uradu odhoda v overitev.
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authentication of a signature