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authorisation, validation and payment procedures
1 Pravna redakcija
The decisions and procedures for commitment, validation, authorisation and payment of expenditure by the Commission are defined in this Chapter.
Sklepi in postopki za prevzem obveznosti, potrditev, odobritev in plačilo odhodkov s strani Komisije so opredeljeni v tem poglavju.
2 Pravna redakcija
whereas, for that purpose, it should be stipulated that only expenditure effected by paying agencies accredited by the Member States should be financed; whereas, moreover, in order to ensure the transparency of national controls, in particular as regards authorisation, validation and payment procedures, the number of authorities and bodies to which these responsibilities are delegated should, where appropriate, be restricted taking account of the constitutional arrangements of each Member State;
ker je pri prizadevanju za preglednost nacionalnih preverjanj zlasti glede postopka za odobritev, potrditev in izplačilo treba kolikor je mogoče omejiti število služb in ustanov, na katere se prenesejo te pristojnosti, ob upoštevanju ustavnopravnih določb vsake države članice;
Prevodi: en > sl
authorisation, validation and payment procedures