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authorisation scheme
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0020
in total, cover only the administrative costs which will be incurred in the management, control and enforcement of the general authorisation scheme and of rights of use and of specific obligations as referred to in Article 6(2), which may include costs for international cooperation, harmonisation and standardisation, market analysis, monitoring compliance and other market control, as well as regulatory work involving preparation and enforcement of secondary legislation and administrative decisions, such as decisions on access and interconnection; and
skupaj pokrivajo samo upravne stroške, ki bodo nastali z upravljanjem, nadzorom in uveljavitvijo sheme splošnih odobritev in pravic uporabe ter posebnih obveznosti iz elena 6(2), ki lahko vkljueujejo stroške mednarodnega sodelovanja, usklajevanja in standardizacije, analize trga, nadzorovanja izpolnjevanja in drugega tržnega nadzora in tudi stroške regulativnih dejavnosti, ki vkljueujejo pripravo in uveljavitev sekundarne zakonodaje in upravnih odloeb, na primer odloeb o dostopu in medsebojnem povezovanju, in
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
The competent authority shall verify that any entity seeking authorisation as an investment firm meets its obligations under Directive 97/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 March 1997 on investor-compensation schemes(20) at the time of authorisation.
Pristojni organ preveri, da vsak subjekt, ki želi dovoljenje kot investicijsko podjetje, v času izdaje dovoljenja izpolnjuje obveznosti iz Direktive 97/9/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 3. marca 1997 o odškodninskih shemah za vlagatelje [20].
3 Končna redakcija
The new Member States shall have the possibility, subject to authorisation by the Commission, of complementing direct aid paid to a farmer under any CAP scheme listed in Annex I up to:
Po dovoljenju Komisije imajo nove države članice možnost dopolnjevati neposredne pomoči, ki so izplačane kmetom v skladu s katerokoli shemo SKP, našteto v Prilogi I, do:
4 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
The manner and extent of including a foreign branch in the deposit guarantee scheme of the Republic of Slovenia shall be stipulated by the Bank of Slovenia in the authorisation to establish a branch.
Način in obseg vključitve tuje podružnice v sistem jamstva za vloge v Republiki Sloveniji določi Banka Slovenije z dovoljenjem za ustanovitev podružnice.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0583
The number of hectares for which the authorisation has been established according to paragraphs 3 and 4 shall in no case exceed the number of eligible hectares as defined in Article 44(2) declared in the first year of application of the single payment scheme.
Število hektarjev, ki se odobri na podlagi odstavkov 3 in 4, ne sme v nobenem primeru presegati števila hektarjev upravičenih zemljišč po členu 44(2), ki je prijavljeno v prvem letu uporabe sheme enotnih plačil.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0364
Aid schemes implemented before the date of entry into force of this Regulation, and aid granted under such schemes in the absence of a Commission authorisation and in breach of the notification requirement of Article 88(3) of the Treaty, shall be compatible with the common market within the meaning of Article 87(3) of the Treaty and shall be exempt if they fulfil the conditions laid down in Article 3(2)(a) and Article 3(3) of this Regulation.
Sheme pomoči, ki se izvajajo pred začetkom veljavnosti te uredbe, in pomoči, ki se po teh shemah dodelijo v odsotnosti dovoljenja Komisije in se z njimi krši obveznost priglasitve iz člena 88(3) Pogodbe, so združljivi s skupnim trgom v smislu člena 87(3) Pogodbe in so izvzeti teh obveznosti, če izpolnjujejo pogoje iz člena 3(2)(a) in člena 3(3) te uredbe.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0363
Aid schemes implemented before the date of entry into force of this Regulation, and aid granted under such schemes, in the absence of a Commission authorisation and in breach of the notification requirement of Article 88(3) of the Treaty, shall be compatible with the common market within the meaning of Article 87(3) of the Treaty and shall be exempt if they fulfil the conditions laid down in Article 3(2)(a) and Article 3(3) of this Regulation.
Sheme pomoči, ki se izvajajo pred začetkom veljavnosti te uredbe, in pomoči, dodeljene na podlagi takšnih shem, brez potrditve Komisije in kot predmet kršitve obveznosti priglasitve iz člena 88(3) Pogodbe, so združljive s skupnim trgom v smislu člena 87(3) Pogodbe in so oproščene teh obveznosti, če izpolnjujejo pogoje iz člena 3(2)(a) in člena 3(3) te uredbe.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0795
Moreover, this is also justified by the fact that that obligation or authorisation is established on the basis of historical references and once the single payment scheme is in place it will not be possible to determine who should receive set-aside entitlements of authorisations out of the reserve as the support will be decoupled.
To opravičuje tudi dejstvo, da se ta obveza ali dovoljenje določa na podlagi zgodovinskih referenc in ko shema enotnega plačila že deluje, ne bo mogoče določati, kdo naj bi bil upravičen do pravic za praho iz rezerve, ker bo podpora proizvodno nevezana.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
1.Where it is established that the ratio referred to in Article 3(1) of this Regulation is decreasing the Member State concerned shall, at national or regional level, provide for the obligation of farmers applying for aid under any of the direct payment schemes listed in Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 not to convert land under permanent pasture without prior authorisation.
Kadar se ugotovi, da se razmerje iz člena 3(1) te uredbe zmanjšuje, zadevna država članica na nacionalni ali regionalni ravni predvidi obveznost kmetov, ki zaprosijo za pomoč v skladu s katero koli shemo neposrednih plačil, navedenih v Prilogi I Uredbe (ES) št. 1782/2003, da trajnih pašnikov ne spremenijo brez predhodne odobritve.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0001
Individual aid and aid schemes implemented before the date of entry into force of this Regulation and aid granted under those schemes in the absence of a Commission authorisation and in breach of the notification requirement of Article 88(3) of the Treaty shall be compatible with the common market within the meaning of Article 87(3)(c) of the Treaty and shall be exempt if they fulfil the conditions laid down in Article 3 of this Regulation, except the requirements in paragraph 1 and paragraph 2(b) and (c) of that Article that express reference be made to this Regulation, and that the summary provided for in Article 19(1) has been submitted before granting aid.
Posamična pomoč in programi pomoči, ki so se začeli uporabljati pred začetkom veljavnosti te uredbe, ter pomoč, odobrena po teh programih brez dovoljenja Komisije in v nasprotju z zahtevo obvezne priglasitve iz člena 88(3) Pogodbe, so združljivi s skupnim trgom po členu 87(3)(c) Pogodbe in so izvzeti iz obveznosti priglasitve pod pogojem, da izpolnjujejo pogoje iz člena 3 te uredbe, razen zahtev iz odstavkov 1 in 2(b) ter (c) navedenega člena o izrecnem sklicevanju na to uredbo, ter da je bil pred odobritvijo pomoči predložen povzetek, opredeljen v členu 19(1).
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0364
Individual aid outside any scheme granted before the date of entry into force of this Regulation in the absence of a Commission authorisation and in breach of the notification requirement of Article 88(3) of the Treaty, shall be compatible with the common market within the meaning of Article 87(3) of the Treaty and shall be exempt if it fulfils all the conditions of this Regulation, except the requirement in Article 3(1) that express reference be made to this Regulation.
Individualna pomoč, ki se dodeli zunaj sheme pomoči pred začetkom veljavnosti te uredbe, v odsotnosti dovoljenja Komisije in se z njo krši obveznost priglasitve iz člena 88(3) Pogodbe, je združljiva s skupnim trgom v smislu člena 87(3) Pogodbe in je oproščena te obveznosti, če izpolnjuje pogoje iz te uredbe, z izjemo zahteve iz člena 3(1), da se izrecno sklicuje na to uredbo.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0363
Individual aid outside any scheme granted before the date of entry into force of this Regulation, in the absence of a Commission authorisation and in breach of the notification requirement of Article 88(3) of the Treaty, shall be compatible with the common market within the meaning of Article 87(3) of the Treaty and shall be exempt if it fulfils all the conditions of this Regulation, except the requirement in Article 3(1) that express reference be made to this Regulation.
Individualna pomoč, dodeljena zunaj sheme pomoči pred začetkom veljavnosti te uredbe, brez potrditve Komisije in kot predmet kršitve obveznosti priglasitve iz člena 88(3) Pogodbe, je združljiva s skupnim trgom v smislu člena 87(3) Pogodbe in je oproščena obveznosti priglasitve, če izpolnjuje pogoje iz te uredbe, z izjemo zahteve iz člena 3(1), da se izrecno sklicuje na to uredbo.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2003
Member States shall notify the list of these laboratories to the Commission, giving details of their authorisation scheme.
O seznamu teh laboratorijev države članice uradno obvestijo Komisijo, pri čemer podajo tudi svoj program pooblaščanja.
14 Pravna redakcija
The Commission intends to ensure that any authorisation for a future scheme complies with these guidelines.
Komisija bo zagotovila, da bo vsaka odobritev prihodnje sheme skladna s temi smernicami.
15 Pravna redakcija
But national regional- aid schemes have to be given prior authorisation under the Union's policy on State aids, so the areas eligible for assistance from the Structural Funds ought also to be covered by national aid schemes.
Programi nacionalne regionalne pomoči morajo biti v skladu s politiko Unije o državnih pomočeh predhodno odobreni, tako da so območja, upravičena do pomoči iz strukturnih skladov, zajeta tudi v programe nacionalne pomoči.
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0041
However, if an institution wishes to manage a scheme in another Member State, a prior authorisation granted by the competent authority of the home Member State should be required.
Če pa želi institucija upravljati sistem v drugi državi članici, bi bilo treba v ta namen predpisati predhodno pooblastitev s strani pristojnega organa matične države članice.
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0583
The number of hectares for which the authorisation has been established according to paragraphs 3 and 4 shall in no case exceed the number of eligible hectares as defined in Article 44(2) declared in the first year of application of the single payment scheme.
Število hektarjev, ki se odobri na podlagi odstavkov 3 in 4, ne sme v nobenem primeru presegati števila hektarjev upravičenih zemljišč po členu 44(2), ki je prijavljeno v prvem letu uporabe sheme enotnih plačil.
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1782
The number of hectares for which the authorisation has been established according to paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article, shall in no case exceed the number of eligible hectares as defined in Article 44(2) declared in the first year of application of the single payment scheme.
Število hektarjev, za katero se v skladu z odstavkoma 3 in 4 tega člena ugotovi, da se lahko odobrijo, nikakor ne sme preseči števila upravičenih hektarjev, določenih v členu 44(2), ki so prijavljeni v prvem letu uporabe sheme enotnega plačila.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0031
where the activity is subject to an authorisation scheme, the particulars of the relevant supervisory authority;
če je za dejavnost potrebno dovoljenje, podatki glede pristojnega nadzornega organa;
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0065
where the supplier's activity is subject to an authorisation scheme, the particulars of the relevant supervisory authority;
kadar je za dejavnost ponudnika potrebno posebno dovoljenje, podatki o zadevnem nadzornem organu;
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0083
The competent authorities may restrict authorisation requested for one of the classes to the operations set out in the scheme of operations referred to in Article 7.
Pristojni organi lahko omejijo dovoljenje, ki je bilo zaprošeno za eno od zavarovalnih vrst, na posle, določene v poslovnem načrtu iz člena 7.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0456
Eligibility for prefinancing of the refund for the products referred to in Article 1 under the storage scheme shall be conditional on the issue of written authorisation by the customs authority responsible for the management and control of the scheme.
Izpolnjevanje pogojev za predfinanciranje nadomestila za proizvode iz člena 1 po postopku skladiščenja je pogojeno z izdajo pisnega dovoljenja carinskega organa, odgovornega za upravljanje in nadzor nad postopkom.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0083
An assurance undertaking seeking authorisation to extend its business to other classes or to extend an authorisation covering only some of the risks pertaining to one class shall be required to submit a scheme of operations in accordance with Article 7.
Zavarovalnica, ki prosi za dovoljenje za razširitev svojih poslov na druge zavarovalne vrste ali za razširitev dovoljenja, ki zajema samo nekatere nevarnosti, ki se nanašajo na eno zavarovalno vrsto, mora predložiti poslovni načrt v skladu s členom 7.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
The competent authority shall verify that any entity seeking authorisation as an investment firm meets its obligations under Directive 97/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 March 1997 on investor-compensation schemes(20) at the time of authorisation.
Pristojni organ preveri, da vsak subjekt, ki želi dovoljenje kot investicijsko podjetje, v času izdaje dovoljenja izpolnjuje obveznosti iz Direktive 97/9/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 3. marca 1997 o odškodninskih shemah za vlagatelje [20].
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2204
Aid schemes implemented before the date of entry into force of this Regulation, and aid granted under these schemes, in the absence of a Commission authorisation and in breach of the obligation in Article 88(3) of the Treaty, shall be compatible with the common market within the meaning of Article 87(3) of the Treaty and shall be exempted under this Regulation if they fulfil the conditions laid down in Article 3(1)(a) and Article 3(2).
Sheme pomoči, ki so se izvajale pred dnem začetka veljavnosti te uredbe in pomoči, odobrene po teh shemah, ki jih Komisija ni odobrila in pomenijo kršitev obveznosti po členu 88(3) Pogodbe, so združljive s skupnim trgom v smislu člena 87(3) Pogodbe in so izvzete po tej uredbi, če izpolnjujejo pogoje, določene v členu 3(1)(a) in členu 3(2).
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0364
Aid schemes implemented before the date of entry into force of this Regulation, and aid granted under such schemes in the absence of a Commission authorisation and in breach of the notification requirement of Article 88(3) of the Treaty, shall be compatible with the common market within the meaning of Article 87(3) of the Treaty and shall be exempt if they fulfil the conditions laid down in Article 3(2)(a) and Article 3(3) of this Regulation.
Sheme pomoči, ki se izvajajo pred začetkom veljavnosti te uredbe, in pomoči, ki se po teh shemah dodelijo v odsotnosti dovoljenja Komisije in se z njimi krši obveznost priglasitve iz člena 88(3) Pogodbe, so združljivi s skupnim trgom v smislu člena 87(3) Pogodbe in so izvzeti teh obveznosti, če izpolnjujejo pogoje iz člena 3(2)(a) in člena 3(3) te uredbe.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0363
Aid schemes implemented before the date of entry into force of this Regulation, and aid granted under such schemes, in the absence of a Commission authorisation and in breach of the notification requirement of Article 88(3) of the Treaty, shall be compatible with the common market within the meaning of Article 87(3) of the Treaty and shall be exempt if they fulfil the conditions laid down in Article 3(2)(a) and Article 3(3) of this Regulation.
Sheme pomoči, ki se izvajajo pred začetkom veljavnosti te uredbe, in pomoči, dodeljene na podlagi takšnih shem, brez potrditve Komisije in kot predmet kršitve obveznosti priglasitve iz člena 88(3) Pogodbe, so združljive s skupnim trgom v smislu člena 87(3) Pogodbe in so oproščene teh obveznosti, če izpolnjujejo pogoje iz člena 3(2)(a) in člena 3(3) te uredbe.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0795
Moreover, this is also justified by the fact that that obligation or authorisation is established on the basis of historical references and once the single payment scheme is in place it will not be possible to determine who should receive set-aside entitlements of authorisations out of the reserve as the support will be decoupled.
To opravičuje tudi dejstvo, da se ta obveza ali dovoljenje določa na podlagi zgodovinskih referenc in ko shema enotnega plačila že deluje, ne bo mogoče določati, kdo naj bi bil upravičen do pravic za praho iz rezerve, ker bo podpora proizvodno nevezana.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0031
Paragraph 1 shall be without prejudice to authorisation schemes which are not specifically and exclusively targeted at information society services, or which are covered by Directive 97/13/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 April 1997 on a common framework for general authorisations and individual licences in the field of telecommunications services(28).
Odstavek 1 ne posega v dovoljenja, ki se ne nanašajo posebej in izključno na storitve informacijske družbe ali jih zajema Direktiva Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta 97/13/ES z dne 10. aprila 1997 o skupnem okviru za splošna in posamezna dovoljenja na področju telekomunikacijskih storitev [28].
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
1.Where it is established that the ratio referred to in Article 3(1) of this Regulation is decreasing the Member State concerned shall, at national or regional level, provide for the obligation of farmers applying for aid under any of the direct payment schemes listed in Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 not to convert land under permanent pasture without prior authorisation.
Kadar se ugotovi, da se razmerje iz člena 3(1) te uredbe zmanjšuje, zadevna država članica na nacionalni ali regionalni ravni predvidi obveznost kmetov, ki zaprosijo za pomoč v skladu s katero koli shemo neposrednih plačil, navedenih v Prilogi I Uredbe (ES) št. 1782/2003, da trajnih pašnikov ne spremenijo brez predhodne odobritve.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0001
Individual aid and aid schemes implemented before the date of entry into force of this Regulation and aid granted under those schemes in the absence of a Commission authorisation and in breach of the notification requirement of Article 88(3) of the Treaty shall be compatible with the common market within the meaning of Article 87(3)(c) of the Treaty and shall be exempt if they fulfil the conditions laid down in Article 3 of this Regulation, except the requirements in paragraph 1 and paragraph 2(b) and (c) of that Article that express reference be made to this Regulation, and that the summary provided for in Article 19(1) has been submitted before granting aid.
Posamična pomoč in programi pomoči, ki so se začeli uporabljati pred začetkom veljavnosti te uredbe, ter pomoč, odobrena po teh programih brez dovoljenja Komisije in v nasprotju z zahtevo obvezne priglasitve iz člena 88(3) Pogodbe, so združljivi s skupnim trgom po členu 87(3)(c) Pogodbe in so izvzeti iz obveznosti priglasitve pod pogojem, da izpolnjujejo pogoje iz člena 3 te uredbe, razen zahtev iz odstavkov 1 in 2(b) ter (c) navedenega člena o izrecnem sklicevanju na to uredbo, ter da je bil pred odobritvijo pomoči predložen povzetek, opredeljen v členu 19(1).
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0364
Individual aid outside any scheme granted before the date of entry into force of this Regulation in the absence of a Commission authorisation and in breach of the notification requirement of Article 88(3) of the Treaty, shall be compatible with the common market within the meaning of Article 87(3) of the Treaty and shall be exempt if it fulfils all the conditions of this Regulation, except the requirement in Article 3(1) that express reference be made to this Regulation.
Individualna pomoč, ki se dodeli zunaj sheme pomoči pred začetkom veljavnosti te uredbe, v odsotnosti dovoljenja Komisije in se z njo krši obveznost priglasitve iz člena 88(3) Pogodbe, je združljiva s skupnim trgom v smislu člena 87(3) Pogodbe in je oproščena te obveznosti, če izpolnjuje pogoje iz te uredbe, z izjemo zahteve iz člena 3(1), da se izrecno sklicuje na to uredbo.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0363
Individual aid outside any scheme granted before the date of entry into force of this Regulation, in the absence of a Commission authorisation and in breach of the notification requirement of Article 88(3) of the Treaty, shall be compatible with the common market within the meaning of Article 87(3) of the Treaty and shall be exempt if it fulfils all the conditions of this Regulation, except the requirement in Article 3(1) that express reference be made to this Regulation.
Individualna pomoč, dodeljena zunaj sheme pomoči pred začetkom veljavnosti te uredbe, brez potrditve Komisije in kot predmet kršitve obveznosti priglasitve iz člena 88(3) Pogodbe, je združljiva s skupnim trgom v smislu člena 87(3) Pogodbe in je oproščena obveznosti priglasitve, če izpolnjuje pogoje iz te uredbe, z izjemo zahteve iz člena 3(1), da se izrecno sklicuje na to uredbo.
Prevodi: en > sl
authorisation scheme