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average volume of trade
1 Končna redakcija
As regards quantities, these agreements or contracts shall be based on the average volume of trade between Member States in the products concerned during the three years before the entry into force of this Treaty and shall provide for an increase in the volume of trade within the limits of existing requirements, account being taken of traditional patterns of trade.
Glede količine ti sporazumi ali pogodbe temeljijo na povprečnem obsegu trgovine z zadevnimi proizvodi med državami članicami v zadnjih treh letih pred začetkom veljavnosti te pogodbe in predvidevajo povečanje obsega trgovine v mejah obstoječih potreb ob upoštevanju tradicionalnih trgovinskih tokov.
2 Pravna redakcija
in the case of jute-producing countries, the weighted average volume of production of 40 % and the average volume of net trade of 60 % of jute and jute products over the most recent three-year period for which relevant statistics are available;
v primeru proizvajalk jute, 40 % tehtanega povprečja obsega proizvodnje in 60 % povprečnega obsega neto trgovanja z juto in proizvodi iz jute za zadnje triletno obdobje, za katerega je na voljo ustrezna statistika;
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1824
It was found that the weighted average selling price of all domestic sales during the investigation period was above the weighted average unit cost of production, and that the volume of individual sales transactions below unit cost of production was less than 20 % of the sales being used to determine normal value; therefore all domestic sales were regarded as having been made in the ordinary course of trade.
Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je bila tehtana povprečna prodajna cena celotne domače prodaje v obdobju preiskave večja od tehtanega povprečja stroškov na enoto proizvodnje in da je obseg posameznih prodajnih transakcij pod stroški na enoto proizvodnje predstavljal manj kot 20 % prodaje, ki se je uporabila za določitev normalne vrednosti; zato se je celotna domača prodaja obravnavala, kakor da je potekala med običajnim trgovanjem.
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0769
It was found that the weighted average selling price of all sales during the investigation period was above the weighted average unit cost of production, and that the volume of individual sales transactions below unit cost of production was more than 20 % but less that 90 % of the sales being used to determine normal value; therefore only all the profitable domestic sales were regarded as having been made in the ordinary course of trade, and used for comparison.
Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je bila tehtana povprečna prodajna cena pri celotni prodaji v obdobju preiskave višja od tehtanih povprečnih stroškov na enoto proizvodnje in da je obseg posamičnih prodajnih poslov po ceni, ki je bila nižja od stroškov na enoto proizvodnje, znašal več kot 20 %, vendar manj kot 90 % prodaje, ki se je uporabila za določitev normalne vrednosti; zato se je samo dobičkonosna domača prodaja štela za posle v običajnem poteku trgovine in se uporabila za primerjavo.
5 Pravna redakcija
the remaining votes shall be distributed in proportion to the average volume of their net exports of jute and jute products during the preceding three jute years, provided that the maximum number of votes of any exporting member shall exeed 450. The surplus votes in excess of the maximum shall be distributed to all exporting members having less than 250 votes individually, in proportion to their trade shares.
preostali glasovi se razdelijo v sorazmerju s povprečno količino njihovega neto izvoza jute in proizvodov iz jute v predhodnih treh jutinih letih, v primeru, če največje število glasov katere koli članice preseže 450. Presežek glasov nad največjim številom se razdeli med članice izvoznice, ki imajo manj kakor 250 glasov vsaka, v sorazmerju z njihovimi deleži trgovanja.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2273
Where the programme makes no reference to that volume, the average daily volume figure must be based on the average daily volume traded in the 20 trading days preceding the date of purchase.
Kadar se program ne sklicuje na ta obseg, mora povprečna dnevna količina temeljiti na povprečnem dnevnem obsegu trgovanja v zadnjih 20 trgovalnih dneh pred datumom nakupa.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2273
The average daily volume figure must be based on the average daily volume traded in the month preceding the month of public disclosure of that programme and fixed on that basis for the authorised period of the programme.
Povprečna dnevna količina mora temeljiti na povprečnem dnevnem obsegu trgovanja v mesecu pred mesecem javnega razkritja tega programa in ga je treba določiti na tej podlagi za odobreni čas trajanja programa.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0022
at the end of each hour's trading on the market, of the weighted average price and the volume dealt in on the regulated market in question for a six-hour trading period ending so as to leave two hours' trading on the market before publication, and
na koncu vsake trgovalne ure tehtana povprečna cena in obseg trgovanja na tem organiziranem trgu v šesturnem trgovalnem obdobju, ki se konča tako, da ostaneta do objave še dve trgovalni uri, in
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0022
publication at the start of each day's trading on the market of the weighted average price, the highest and the lowest prices and the volume dealt in on the regulated market in question for the whole of the preceding day's trading;
da se na začetku vsakega trgovalnega dneva objavijo tehtana povprečna cena, najvišje in najnižje cene in obseg trgovanja na tem organiziranem trgu za celotni predhodni trgovalni dan;
10 Prevajalska redakcija
The purpose of this Agreement is to maintain the level of traditional Moroccan exports to the Community, i.e. the average volume of exports recorded during the crop years 1990/91, 1991/92 and 1992/93.
Namen tega sporazuma je, da se ohrani običajna raven maroškega izvoza v Skupnost, tj. povprečna količina izvoza, zabeleženega v proizvodnih letih 1990/91, 1991/92 in 1992/93.
Prevodi: en > sl
average volume of trade