Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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bill-to address
1 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-86
3) Designation and address of office to be billed
Poimenovanje in naslov službe, kamor se pošlje račun
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-32
Recognizing also that Canada and the United States of America are bilaterally negotiating reductions of emissions of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds to address the transboundary ozone effect,
priznavajo tudi, da se Kanada in Združene države Amerike dvostransko pogajajo o zmanjšanju emisij dušikovih oksidov in hlapnih organskih spojin, da bi reševale vprašanja čezmejnih učinkov ozona,
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-121
Where it is not possible to address such operational difficulty through consultations alone, it would be consistent with the Agreement for future bilateral agreements between the Member State or Member States and the United States of America to provide an operationally feasible alternative mechanism that would satisfy the objectives of the specific provision with respect to which the difficulty has arisen.
Če take operativne težave ni mogoče rešiti samo s posvetovanji, bi bilo s tem sporazumom skladno predvideti operativno izvedljiv alternativni mehanizem za prihodnje dvostranske sporazume med državo članico ali državami članicami in Združenimi državami Amerike, ki bi izpolnil cilje določb, v zvezi s katerimi so nastopile težave.
4 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ch 23
Croatia establishes a track record of impartial handling of war crimes cases by the law enforcement bodies and courts and takes effective action to address issues of impunity, in particular by ensuring the proper investigation and prosecution of as yet un-investigated and un-prosecuted crimes, including adoption and implementation of a clear strategy which addresses, inter alia, regional discrepancies within Croatia, as well as continued engagement at the bilateral and regional level;
Hrvaški organi kazenskega pregona in sodišča dosežejo napredek glede nepristranske obravnave vojnih zločinov, država pa sprejme učinkovite ukrepe za obravnavo vprašanj nekaznovanja, zlasti v zvezi z zagotovitvijo ustrezne preiskave in pregona zločinov, v zvezi s katerimi do sedaj še ni potekala preiskava ali bil izvršen pregon, vključno s sprejetjem in izvajanjem jasne strategije za premostitev med drugim regionalnih razlik v državi ter nenehnim delovanjem na bilateralni in regionalni ravni;
5 Končna redakcija
In order to address serious disturbances or the threat thereof in specific sensitive service sectors on their labour markets, which could arise in certain regions from the transnational provision of services, as defined in Article 1 of Directive 96/71/EC, and as long as they apply, by virtue of the transitional provisions laid down above, national measures or those resulting from bilateral agreements to the free movement of Polish workers, Germany and Austria may, after notifying the Commission, derogate from the first paragraph of Article 49 of the EC Treaty with a view to limit in the context of the provision of services by companies established in Poland, the temporary movement of workers whose right to take up work in Germany and Austria is subject to national measures.
Nemčija in Avstrija lahko v primeru resnih motenj ali groženj le-teh v specifičnih občutljivih storitvenih sektorjih svojih trgov dela, ki bi lahko nastale v določenih regijah zaradi čezmejnega opravljanja storitev, kot je opredeljeno v členu 1 Direktive 96/71/ES, in dokler na podlagi zgornjih prehodnih določb uporabljata nacionalne ukrepe ali ukrepe iz dvostranskih sporazumov o prostem gibanju poljskih delavcev, po tem, ko uradno obvestita Komisijo, odstopata od prvega odstavka člena 49 Pogodbe ES, da bi v okviru opravljanja storitev podjetij s sedežem na Poljskem omejili začasno gibanje delavcev, katerih pravica do začetka opravljanja dela v Nemčiji in Avstriji je podrejena nacionalnim ukrepom.
6 Končna redakcija
In order to address serious disturbances or the threat thereof in specific sensitive service sectors on their labour markets, which could arise in certain regions from the transnational provision of services, as defined in Article 1 of Directive 96/71/EC, and as long as they apply, by virtue of the transitional provisions laid down above, national measures or those resulting from bilateral agreements to the free movement of Latvian workers, Germany and Austria may, after notifying the Commission, derogate from the first paragraph of Article 49 of the EC Treaty with a view to limit in the context of the provision of services by companies established in Latvia, the temporary movement of workers whose right to take up work in Germany and Austria is subject to national measures.
Nemčija in Avstrija lahko v primeru resnih motenj ali groženj le-teh v specifičnih občutljivih storitvenih sektorjih svojih trgov dela, ki bi lahko nastale v določenih regijah zaradi čezmejnega opravljanja storitev, kot je opredeljeno v členu 1 Direktive 96/71/ES, in dokler na podlagi zgornjih prehodnih določb uporabljata nacionalne ukrepe ali ukrepe iz dvostranskih sporazumov o prostem gibanju latvijskih delavcev, po tem, ko uradno obvestita Komisijo, odstopata od prvega odstavka člena 49 Pogodbe ES, da bi v okviru opravljanja storitev podjetij s sedežem v Latviji omejili začasno gibanje delavcev, katerih pravica do začetka opravljanja dela v Nemčiji in Avstriji je podrejena nacionalnim ukrepom.
7 Končna redakcija
In order to address serious disturbances or the threat thereof in specific sensitive service sectors on their labour markets, which could arise in certain regions from the transnational provision of services, as defined in Article 1 of Directive 96/71/EC, and as long as they apply, by virtue of the transitional provisions laid down above, national measures or those resulting from bilateral agreements to the free movement of Slovak workers, Germany and Austria may, after notifying the Commission, derogate from the first paragraph of Article 49 of the EC Treaty with a view to limit in the context of the provision of services by companies established in Slovakia, the temporary movement of workers whose right to take up work in Germany and Austria is subject to national measures.
Nemčija in Avstrija lahko v primeru resnih motenj ali groženj le-teh v specifičnih občutljivih storitvenih sektorjih svojih trgov dela, ki bi lahko nastale v določenih regijah zaradi čezmejnega opravljanja storitev, kot je opredeljeno v členu 1 Direktive 96/71/ES, in dokler na podlagi zgornjih prehodnih določb uporabljata nacionalne ukrepe ali ukrepe iz dvostranskih sporazumov o prostem gibanju slovaških delavcev, po tem, ko uradno obvestita Komisijo, odstopata od prvega odstavka člena 49 Pogodbe ES, da bi v okviru opravljanja storitev podjetij s sedežem na Slovaškem omejili začasno gibanje delavcev, katerih pravica do začetka opravljanja dela v Nemčiji in Avstriji je podrejena nacionalnim ukrepom.
8 Končna redakcija
In order to address serious disturbances or the threat thereof in specific sensitive service sectors on their labour markets, which could arise in certain regions from the transnational provision of services, as defined in Article 1 of Directive 96/71/EC, and as long as they apply, by virtue of the transitional provisions laid down above, national measures or those resulting from bilateral agreements to the free movement of Estonian workers, Germany and Austria may, after notifying the Commission, derogate from the first paragraph of Article 49 of the EC Treaty with a view to limit in the context of the provision of services by companies established in Estonia, the temporary movement of workers whose right to take up work in Germany and Austria is subject to national measures.
Nemčija in Avstrija lahko v primeru resnih motenj ali groženj le-teh v specifičnih občutljivih storitvenih sektorjih svojih trgov dela, ki bi lahko nastale v določenih regijah zaradi čezmejnega opravljanja storitev, kot je opredeljeno v členu 1 Direktive 96/71/ES, in dokler na podlagi zgornjih prehodnih določb uporabljata nacionalne ukrepe ali ukrepe iz dvostranskih sporazumov o prostem gibanju estonskih delavcev, po tem, ko uradno obvestita Komisijo, odstopata od prvega odstavka člena 49 Pogodbe ES, da bi v okviru opravljanja storitev podjetij s sedežem v Estoniji omejili začasno gibanje delavcev, katerih pravica do začetka opravljanja dela v Nemčiji in Avstriji je podrejena nacionalnim ukrepom.
9 Končna redakcija
In order to address serious disturbances or the threat thereof in specific sensitive service sectors on their labour markets, which could arise in certain regions from the transnational provision of services, as defined in Article 1 of Directive 96/71/EC, and as long as they apply, by virtue of the transitional provisions laid down above, national measures or those resulting from bilateral agreements to the free movement of Hungarian workers, Germany and Austria may, after notifying the Commission, derogate from the first paragraph of Article 49 of the EC Treaty with a view to limit in the context of the provision of services by companies established in Hungary, the temporary movement of workers whose right to take up work in Germany and Austria is subject to national measures.
Nemčija in Avstrija lahko v primeru resnih motenj ali groženj le-teh v specifičnih občutljivih storitvenih sektorjih svojih trgov dela, ki bi lahko nastale v določenih regijah zaradi čezmejnega opravljanja storitev, kot je opredeljeno v členu 1 Direktive 96/71/ES, in dokler na podlagi zgornjih prehodnih določb uporabljata nacionalne ukrepe ali ukrepe iz dvostranskih sporazumov o prostem gibanju madžarskih delavcev, po tem, ko uradno obvestita Komisijo, odstopata od prvega odstavka člena 49 Pogodbe ES, da bi v okviru opravljanja storitev podjetij s sedežem na Madžarskem omejili začasno gibanje delavcev, katerih pravica do začetka opravljanja dela v Nemčiji in Avstriji je podrejena nacionalnim ukrepom.
10 Končna redakcija
In order to address serious disturbances or the threat thereof in specific sensitive service sectors on their labour markets, which could arise in certain regions from the transnational provision of services, as defined in Article 1 of Directive 96/71/EC, and as long as they apply, by virtue of the transitional provisions laid down above, national measures or those resulting from bilateral agreements to the free movement of Slovenian workers, Germany and Austria may, after notifying the Commission, derogate from the first paragraph of Article 49 of the EC Treaty with a view to limit in the context of the provision of services by companies established in Slovenia, the temporary movement of workers whose right to take up work in Germany and Austria is subject to national measures.
Nemčija in Avstrija lahko v primeru resnih motenj ali groženj le-teh v specifičnih občutljivih storitvenih sektorjih svojih trgov dela, ki bi lahko nastale v določenih regijah zaradi čezmejnega opravljanja storitev, kot je opredeljeno v členu 1 Direktive 96/71/ES, in dokler na podlagi zgornjih prehodnih določb uporabljata nacionalne ukrepe ali ukrepe iz dvostranskih sporazumov o prostem gibanju slovenskih delavcev, po tem, ko uradno obvestita Komisijo, odstopata od prvega odstavka člena 49 Pogodbe ES, da bi v okviru opravljanja storitev podjetij s sedežem v Sloveniji omejili začasno gibanje delavcev, katerih pravica do začetka opravljanja dela v Nemčiji in Avstriji je podrejena nacionalnim ukrepom.
11 Končna redakcija
In order to address serious disturbances or the threat thereof in specific sensitive service sectors on their labour markets, which could arise in certain regions from the transnational provision of services, as defined in Article 1 of Directive 96/71/EC, and as long as they apply, by virtue of the transitional provisions laid down above, national measures or those resulting from bilateral agreements to the free movement of Lithuanian workers, Germany and Austria may, after notifying the Commission, derogate from the first paragraph of Article 49 of the EC Treaty with a view to limit in the context of the provision of services by companies established in Lithuania, the temporary movement of workers whose right to take up work in Germany and Austria is subject to national measures.
Nemčija in Avstrija lahko v primeru resnih motenj ali groženj le-teh v specifičnih občutljivih storitvenih sektorjih svojih trgov dela, ki bi lahko nastale v določenih regijah zaradi čezmejnega opravljanja storitev, kot je opredeljeno v členu 1 Direktive 96/71/ES, in dokler na podlagi zgornjih prehodnih določb uporabljata nacionalne ukrepe ali ukrepe iz dvostranskih sporazumov o prostem gibanju litovskih delavcev, po tem, ko uradno obvestita Komisijo, odstopata od prvega odstavka člena 49 Pogodbe ES, da bi v okviru opravljanja storitev podjetij s sedežem v Litvi omejili začasno gibanje delavcev, katerih pravica do začetka opravljanja dela v Nemčiji in Avstriji je podrejena nacionalnim ukrepom.
12 Končna redakcija
In order to address serious disturbances or the threat thereof in specific sensitive service sectors on their labour markets, which could arise in certain regions from the transnational provision of services, as defined in Article 1 of Directive 96/71/EC, and as long as they apply, by virtue of the transitional provisions laid down above, national measures or those resulting from bilateral agreements to the free movement of Czech workers, Germany and Austria may, after notifying the Commission, derogate from the first paragraph of Article 49 of the EC Treaty with a view to limit in the context of the provision of services by companies established in the Czech Republic, the temporary movement of workers whose right to take up work in Germany and Austria is subject to national measures.
Nemčija in Avstrija lahko v primeru resnih motenj ali groženj le-teh v specifičnih občutljivih storitvenih sektorjih svojih trgov dela, ki bi lahko nastale v določenih regijah zaradi čezmejnega opravljanja storitev, kot je opredeljeno v členu 1 Direktive 96/71/ES, in dokler na podlagi zgornjih prehodnih določb uporabljata nacionalne ukrepe ali ukrepe iz dvostranskih sporazumov o prostem gibanju čeških delavcev, po tem, ko uradno obvestita Komisijo, odstopata od prvega odstavka člena 49 Pogodbe ES, da bi v okviru opravljanja storitev podjetij s sedežem na Češkem omejili začasno gibanje delavcev, katerih pravica do začetka opravljanja dela v Nemčiji in Avstriji je podrejena nacionalnim ukrepom.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31996D0706
Regional cooperation shall be complementary to bilateral cooperation and shall address the three main areas of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership.
Regionalno sodelovanje se dopolnjuje z dvostranskim sodelovanjem in pokriva tri poglavitna področja Evro-sredozemskega partnerstva.
14 Pravna redakcija
multilateral and bilateral cooperation to address issues relating to the development of trade which are of interest to both sides, including the future proceedings of the WTO.
večstranskemu in dvostranskemu sodelovanju pri reševanju problemov, povezanih z razvojem trgovine, ki so v interesu obeh strani, vključno z bodočimi postopki WTO.
15 Pravna redakcija
the format of which includes at least the name and full address of the shipping company concerned, the identity of the ship, place of loading, place of unloading, a reference to the bill of lading, and for each consignment the number, description of the goods, the gross mass in kilograms and, if applicable, the identifying numbers of containers,
v taki obliki, da vsebujejo vsaj ime in polni naslov udeležene ladjarske družbe, oznako ladje, kraj natovarjanja, kraj raztovarjanja, sklicevanje na konosament ter številko vsake pošiljke, poimenovanje blaga, bruto težo v kilogramih in po potrebi številke zabojnikov,
16 Pravna redakcija
Where it is not possible to address such operational difficulty through consultations alone, it would be consistent with the Agreement for future bilateral agreements between a Member State and the United States of America to provide an operationally feasible alternative mechanism that would satisfy the objectives of the specific provision with respect to which the difficulty has arisen.
Če take operativne težave ni mogoče rešiti samo s posvetovanji, bi bilo s tem sporazumom skladno predvideti izvedljiv alternativni mehanizem za prihodnje dvostranske sporazume med državo članico in Združenimi državami Amerike, ki bi izpolnil namene tistih določb, v zvezi s katerimi so nastopile težave.
17 Pravna redakcija
With respect to the Chemical Control Agreement between the European Community and the United States of America, the Contracting Parties agree that, to the best of their collective knowledge, they cannot identify any bilateral executive agreements, memoranda of understanding, or other similar instruments between the United States and individual Member States of the Community that specifically address the issue of controlled chemical substances.
Pogodbenici v zvezi s Sporazumom o nadzoru kemikalij med Evropsko skupnostjo in Združenimi državami Amerike, soglašata, da po svojih najboljših močeh ne moreta opredeliti nobenih dvostranskih izvršilnih sporazumov, memorandumov o soglasju ali drugih podobnih instrumentov, sklenjenih med Združenimi državami in posameznimi državami članicami Skupnosti, ki bi izrecno obravnavali nadzorovane kemijske snovi.
18 Pravna redakcija
'With respect to the Chemical Control Agreement between the European Community and the United States of America, the Contracting Parties agree that, to the best of their collective knowledge, they cannot identify any bilateral executive agreements, memoranda of understanding, or other similar instruments between the United States and individual Member States of the Community that specifically address the issue of controlled chemical substances.
"Pogodbenici v zvezi s Sporazumom o nadzoru kemikalij med Evropsko skupnostjo in Združenimi državami Amerike, soglašata, da po svojih najboljših močeh ne moreta opredeliti nobenih dvostranskih izvršilnih sporazumov, memorandumov o soglasju ali drugih podobnih instrumentov, sklenjenih med Združenimi državami in posameznimi državami članicami Skupnosti, ki bi izrecno obravnavali nadzorovane kemijske snovi.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
RECOGNISING ALSO that Canada and the United States of America are bilaterally negotiating reductions of emissions of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds to address the transboundary ozone effect,
PRIZNAVAJO TUDI, da se Kanada in Združene države Amerike dvostransko pogajajo o zmanjšanju emisij dušikovih oksidov in hlapnih organskih spojin, da bi reševale vprašanja čezmejnih učinkov ozona,
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0187
conclude, where the need exists, bilateral or multilateral arrangements for the communication of all relevant details in respect of containers carried, including, wherever possible, place of loading, name and address of the carrier, the exporter and the real consignee, list of goods carried in the container, place of unloading, and nature of seals affixed to the container, to achieve the highest degree of effectiveness of control;
skleniti, kjer je potrebno, dvostranske in večstranske dogovore za sporočanje vseh pomembnih podrobnosti v zvezi s prevažanimi zabojniki in, kjer je mogoče, o kraju nakladanja, imenu in naslovu prevoznika, izvoznika in pravega prejemnika, seznamu blaga, tovorjenega v zabojniku, kraju razkladanja in vrsti plomb na zabojniku, da se doseže najvišja učinkovitost nadzora;
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bill-to address