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border checks on exit
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0878
With regard to consignments imported or in transit, the competent authority shall carry out documentary checks at regular intervals, and at least twice a year, on the channelling chain from the border inspection posts of first entry to the approved technical plant in case of import, and to the border inspection post of exit in case of transit, for the purpose of reconciliation of the quantities of animal by-products imported, used and disposed of, ensuring compliance with this Regulation and with Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002.
Glede uvoženih pošiljk ali pošiljk v tranzitu pristojni organ v rednih presledkih opravlja dokumentacijski pregled in najmanj dvakrat letno na usmerjevalni verigi od mejnih kontrolnih točk prvega vstopa do odobrenega tehničnega obrata v primeru uvoza, in do mejne kontrolne točke izstopa v primeru tranzita, zaradi usklajevanja količin uvoženih, uporabljenih in odstranjenih živalskih stranskih proizvodov, da se zagotovi skladnost s to uredbo in z Uredbo (ES) št. 1774/2002.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0017
Given the need to prevent the intermingling of passenger flows from domestic and international flights, at entry points, before border police checks, and at exit points, after such checks, and whereas before the Schengen Convention is brought into force the infrastructure necessary to ensure the physical separation of such passenger flows should be in place at all airports (apart from Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam which has been granted an exemption until the end of 1995 on condition that during this period it takes procedural measures to ensure that passenger flows are clearly separated), the Schengen Convention will also be brought into force for air traffic on the date set by the Executive Committee(1).
Izhajajoč iz potrebe, da se potniki na letih iz tretjih držav pri prihodu v letališke zgradbe pred mejno-policijsko vstopno kontrolo in pri odhodu po mejno-policijski izstopni kontroli ne smejo mešati z notranjimi schengenskimi potniki in da morajo biti za to potrebni gradbeni posegi za fizično ločitev letalskih potnikov na vseh letališčih dokončani do uveljavitve Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma (razen na letališču Schiphol v Amsterdamu je bil izjemoma določen rok do konca leta 1995, pod pogojem, da do takrat zagotovi popolno ločitev potniških tokov z administrativnimi ukrepi), se bo Konvencija o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma tudi za zračni promet uveljavil z dnem, ki ga določi Izvršni odbor [1].
3 Pravna redakcija
Conscious that the existence of a common area for the free movement of persons must serve as an incentive for cooperation between the bodies responsible for border checks and for applying the legislation on foreign nationals, whenever this proves necessary,
zavedajoč se, da mora obstoj skupnega prostora za prost pretok oseb spodbujati sodelovanje med organi, pristojnimi za izvajanje mejne kontrole in za izvajanje predpisov prava tujcev,
4 Pravna redakcija
Given the need to prevent the intermingling of passenger flows from domestic and international flights, at entry points, before border police checks, and at exit points, after such checks, and whereas before the Schengen Convention is brought into force the infrastructure necessary to ensure the physical separation of such passenger flows should be in place at all airports (apart from Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam which has been granted an exemption until the end of 1995 on condition that during this period it takes procedural measures to ensure that passenger flows are clearly separated), the Schengen Convention will also be brought into force for air traffic on the date set by the Executive Committee ( 1 ).
Izhajajoč iz potrebe, da se potniki na letih iz tretjih držav pri prihodu v letališke zgradbe pred mejno-policijsko vstopno kontrolo in pri odhodu po mejno-policijski izstopni kontroli ne smejo mešati z notranjimi schengenskimi potniki in da morajo biti za to potrebni gradbeni posegi za fizično ločitev letalskih potnikov na vseh letališčih dokončani do uveljavitve Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma (razen na letališču Schiphol v Amsterdamu je bil izjemoma določen rok do konca leta 1995, pod pogojem, da do takrat zagotovi popolno ločitev potniških tokov z administrativnimi ukrepi), se bo Konvencija o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma tudi za zračni promet uveljavil z dnem, ki ga določi Izvršni odbor fn.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
RECALLING the object and purpose of the Agreement of Luxembourg to preserve the existing regime between the five Nordic States pursuant to the Convention on the Abolition of Passport Controls at Intra-Nordic borders signed in Copenhagen on 12 July 1957, establishing the Nordic Passport Union, once those of the Nordic States which are Members of the European Union take part in the regime on the abolition of checks on persons at internal borders set out in the Schengen agreements;
OB SKLICEVANJU na cilj in namen Luksemburškega sporazuma, za ohranitev obstoječega režima med petimi nordijskimi državami v skladu s Konvencijo o odpravi kontrole potnih listin na skupnih mejah nordijskih držav, podpisani v Kopenhagnu 12. julija 1957, ki vzpostavlja Zvezo nordijskih držav o prehajanju skupnih meja brez potnih listin, ko bodo tiste nordijske države, ki so članice Evropske unije, začele sodelovati v režimu odprave preverjanja oseb na notranjih mejah, določenih s Schengenskimi sporazumi;
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0208
The official veterinarian, or in the case of fishery products either the official veterinarian or the designated agent appointed by the competent authority, shall be responsible for seeing that the necessary checks are carried out at the border inspection post of exit on consignments exiting the Community under this provision.
Uradni veterinar ali, v primeru ribiških proizvodov, uradni veterinar ali zastopnik, pooblaščen s strani pristojnega organa, je odgovoren, da se na mejni kontrolni točki izstopa opravijo potrebni pregledi pošiljk, ki izstopajo iz Skupnosti po teh določbah.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0878
With regard to consignments imported or in transit, the competent authority shall carry out documentary checks at regular intervals, and at least twice a year, on the channelling chain from the border inspection posts of first entry to the approved technical plant in case of import, and to the border inspection post of exit in case of transit, for the purpose of reconciliation of the quantities of animal by-products imported, used and disposed of, ensuring compliance with this Regulation and with Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002.
Glede uvoženih pošiljk ali pošiljk v tranzitu pristojni organ v rednih presledkih opravlja dokumentacijski pregled in najmanj dvakrat letno na usmerjevalni verigi od mejnih kontrolnih točk prvega vstopa do odobrenega tehničnega obrata v primeru uvoza, in do mejne kontrolne točke izstopa v primeru tranzita, zaradi usklajevanja količin uvoženih, uporabljenih in odstranjenih živalskih stranskih proizvodov, da se zagotovi skladnost s to uredbo in z Uredbo (ES) št. 1774/2002.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0208
On completion of the checks the certificate referred to in Article 5(1) of Directive 97/78/EC accompanying the consignment must be annotated with the words, "formalities of exit from the EC, and checks made of transiting goods, confirmed in accordance with Article 11(2)(e) of Directive 97/78/EC", stamped with the stamp of the border inspection post, dated, and then signed by the official veterinarian or in the case of fishery products, by either the official veterinarian or the designated agent appointed by the competent authority.
Ob zaključku pregleda, je treba spričevalo iz člena 5(1) Direktive 97/78/ES, ki spremlja pošiljko, označiti z besedami "formalnosti ob izstopu iz ES in pregledi blaga v tranzitu, potrjeni v skladu s členom 11(2)(e) Direktive 97/78/ES", ožigosati z žigom mejne kontrolne točke, opremiti z datumom in nato s podpisom uradnega veterinarja ali, v primeru ribiških proizvodov, uradnega veterinarja ali zastopnika, pooblaščenega s strani pristojnega organa.
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border checks on exit