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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-110
Borrower's Reports
4.3 Poročila posojilojemalke
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-52
The Borrower shall:
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-52
(b) The Borrower shall:
(b) Posojilojemalka zagotavlja, da bo:
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The end of the Borrower's obligations
prenehanje posojilojemalkinih obveznosti
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The Borrower represents and warrants:
Posojilojemalka izjavlja in jamči:
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-57
Authority of Signatory for the Borrower
Pooblastilo podpisnika za posojilojemalko
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The Borrower undertakes, moreover, that:
Poleg tega se posojilojemalka zaveže, da:
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8.02 Information concerning the Borrower
8.02 Informacije, ki se tičejo posojilojemalke
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Representative of the Borrower; Addresses
Predstavnik posojilojemalke, naslovi
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(e) “MOF” means the Borrower's Ministry of Finance.
e) “MF“ je Ministrstvo za finance posojilojemalke;
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(f) “MOJ” means the Borrower's Ministry of Justice.
f) “MP“ je Ministrstvo za pravosodje posojilojemalke;
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The Borrower shall inform the Bank in English language:
Posojilojemalka obvesti banko v angleškem jeziku:
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For purposes of Part C of the Project, the Borrower shall:
Za namene dela C projekta posojilojemalka:
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 109/2010
Borrower” has the meaning ascribed to it in the Guarantee.
»posojilojemalec« pomeni enako kakor v garancijski pogodbi;
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The Bank shall promptly notify the Borrower of such later date.
Banka o tem kasnejšem datumu takoj obvesti posojilojemalko.
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(l) “Supreme Court” means the Supreme Court of the Borrower.
l) “Vrhovno sodišče“ je vrhovno sodišče posojilojemalke.
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Each sum payable by the Borrower under this contract shall be paid to the respective account notified by the Bank to the Borrower.
Vsak znesek, ki ga plača posojilojemalka po tej pogodbi, se plača na ustrezen račun, ki ga banka sporoči posojilojemalki.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-57
So long as the Loan is outstanding, the Borrower shall carry out:
Tako dolgo, dokler posojilo ni odplačano, posojilojemalka izvaja:
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-38
So long as the Loan is outstanding, the Borrower shall ensure that:
Dokler posojilo ni odplačano, posojilojemalka zagotovi, da se:
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-38
Each sum payable by the Borrower under this Contract shall be paid to the respective account notified by the Bank to the Borrower in written form.
Vsak znesek, ki ga mora posojilojemalka plačati po tej pogodbi, se plača na ustrezen račun, ki ga banka pisno uradno sporoči posojilojemalki.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-110
The Minister of Finance of the Borrower is designated as representative of the Borrower for the purposes of Section 11.03 of the General Conditions.
Minister za finance posojilojemalke je imenovan za predstavnika posojilojemalke za namene odstavka 11.03 Splošnih pogojev.
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The Minister of Finance of the Borrower, is designated as representative of the Borrower for the purposes of Section 11.03 of the General Conditions.
Minister za finance posojilojemalke je imenovan za predstavnika posojilojemalke za namene odstavka 11.03 Splošnih pogojev.
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(b) the term ` local expenditures` means expenditures in the currency of the Borrower or for goods or services supplied from the territory of the Borrower.
(b) izraz ` lokalni stroški` pomeni stroške v valuti posojilojemalke za blago ali storitve, ki se zagotovijo z ozemlja posojilojemalke.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-52
(e) ` MOH` means the Borrower's Ministry of Health (Ministrstvo za zdravstvo);
(e) ` MZ` je Ministrstvo za zdravstvo posojilojemalke;
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(d) “MAFF” means the Borrower's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food.
d) “MKGP“ je Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano posojilojemalke;
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A sum due from the Borrower shall be deemed paid when it is received by the Bank.
Znesek, ki ga dolguje posojilojemalka, se šteje za plačanega, ko ga banka prejme.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-57
The Borrower undertakes to carry out all remediation measures in such a way, that:
Posojilojemalka se zavezuje, da bo izvedla vse ukrepe za odpravo pomanjkljivosti na tak način, da:
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-38
This Contract shall enter into force upon confirmation by the Bank to the Borrower that it has received a certified copy of the instrument of ratification by the Borrower.
Ta pogodba začne veljati, potem ko banka posojilojemalki potrdi, da je prejela overjeno kopijo akta posojilojemalke o ratifikaciji.
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The Borrower agrees that on or promptly after the Effective Date, the Bank shall, on behalf of the Borrower, withdraw from the Loan Account and pay to itself the amount of such fee.
Banka v imenu posojilojemalke na datum začetka veljavnosti ali takoj po njem omenjeni znesek črpa z računa posojila in si ga izplača.
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(b) afford the Bank a reasonable opportunity to exchange views with the Borrower on said plan.
b) zagotovila banki primerno možnost za izmenjavo stališč do tega načrta s posojilojemalko.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-38
D. Disbursement of the Tranche shall be made to such bank account in the name of the Borrower as the Borrower shall notify to the Bank not less than ten days before the date of disbursement.
D. Izplačilo tranše se izvede na tisti posojilojemalkin bančni račun, ki ga je posojilojemalka sporočila banki najmanj deset dni pred datumom izplačila.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-52
(B) the Borrower has requested the Bank to support the execution of the Program through extension to the Borrower of loans up to the equivalent of $13,000,000 over a period of seven (7) years;
(B) ker je posojilojemalka zaprosila banko za podporo pri izvedbi programa s tem, da ji odobri posojila do višine 13,000.000 dolarjev v obdobju sedmih (7) let, in
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-57
The Borrower represents that no such security interest, preference or priority presently exists.
Posojilojemalka izjavlja, da trenutno ne obstaja nikakršna takšna jamstvena, posebna ali prednostna pravica.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-57
The Borrower's plans for funding the excess cost shall be communicated to the Bank without delay.
Načrti posojilojemalke za financiranje povečanih stroškov se nemudoma sporočijo banki.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-110
On the basis of each such request, the Bank shall, on behalf of the Borrower, withdraw from the Loan Account and deposit into the Special Account such amount as the Borrower shall have requested.
Na podlagi tega zahtevka ali zahtevkov banka v imenu posojilojemalke črpa z računa posojila tak znesek ali zneske, kot jih je posojilojemalka zahtevala in ga oziroma jih položi na posebni račun;
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The Borrower shall repay the Loan in accordance with the amortisation table set out in Schedule B.
Posojilojemalka odplačuje posojilo v skladu s preglednico o odplačevanju posojila v Prilogi B.
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Without limitation upon any of its obligations under Section 3.01 of this Agreement, the Borrower shall ensure that sufficient annual allocations will be made in the Borrower's budget for the Borrower's counterpart contribution to the costs of the Project in such amounts as agreed with the Bank.
Posojilojemalka zagotovi, ne da bi bile pri tem kakor koli omejene obveznosti posojilojemalke v skladu z odstavkom 3.01 tega sporazuma, da se vsako leto v proračunu posojilojemalke predvidi dovolj sredstev za sofinanciranje stroškov projekta v takšnem znesku, kot je dogovorjeno z banko.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-38
C. If disbursement of the ISPA Grant is suspended, cancelled or if the Borrower is required to repay the ISPA Grant in respect of any of the Sub-projects, the Bank may demand the Borrower to consult with it.
C. Če je odloženo ali preklicano izplačilo sredstev ISPA ali če mora posojilojemalka vrniti sredstva ISPA za kateri koli podprojekt, lahko banka zahteva, da se posojilojemalka z njo posvetuje.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-52
The Borrower shall pay to the Bank a front-end fee in an amount equal to ninety thousand Euro (EUR 90,000).
Posojilojemalka banki plača stroške najema posojila v višini devetdeset tisoč evrov (90.000 EUR).
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-57
Commissions due from the Borrower to the Bank under this Article 1 shall be calculated and payable in euro.
Provizije, ki jih posojilojemalka plača banki po tem 1. členu, se izračunajo in plačajo v evrih.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-57
The Borrower shall repay the Loan or any part thereof forthwith upon demand being made therefor by the Bank:
Posojilojemalka brez odlašanja odplača posojilo ali del posojila na zahtevo banke za tako odplačilo:
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(e) the Borrower's preferred repayment terms, such terms being chosen in accordance with Paragraph 4.01; and
(e) želeni roki posojilojemalke za vračanje, če so bili ti roki izbrani v skladu z odstavkom 4.01, in
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In order to complete the financing the Borrower has requested from the Bank a loan in an amount equivalent to
Za dopolnitev financiranja je posojilojemalka banko zaprosila za posojilo v protivrednosti
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-38
The Borrower shall prepay the Loan or any part thereof forthwith upon demand being made therefor by the Bank:
Posojilojemalka na zahtevo banke nemudoma predčasno odplača posojilo ali del posojila:
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-110
For the purposes of Section 9.08 of the General Conditions and without limitation thereto, the Borrower shall:
Za namene odstavka 9.08 Splošnih pogojev, vendar ne omejeno le na to, bo posojilojemalka:
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-52
(a) the term ` foreign expenditures` means expenditures in the currency of any country other than that of the Borrower for goods or services supplied from the territory of any country other than that of the Borrower; and
(a) izraz ` tuji stroški` pomeni stroške v valuti katere koli države razen države posojilojemalke za blago ali storitve, ki se zagotovijo z ozemlja katere koli države razen države posojilojemalke, in
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(b) if any obligation assumed by the Borrower as stated in the Framework Agreement ceases to be fulfilled as regards any loan made to any Borrower in Slovenia from the resources of the Bank or of the European Community; or
(b) če se preneha izpolnjevati katera koli obveznost, ki jo je prevzela posojilojemalka, kot je navedeno v okvirnem sporazumu, glede kakršnega koli posojila, danega posojilojemalki v Sloveniji iz sredstev banke ali Evropske skupnosti, ali
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(a) the Attorney General of the Borrower shall have issued a favourable legal opinion in the English language satisfactory to the Bank on the due execution of this Contract by the Borrower and on the relevant documentation;
(a) državni pravobranilec posojilojemalke izda ugodno za banko sprejemljivo pravno mnenje v angleškem jeziku o tem, da je posojilojemalka pravilno podpisala to pogodbo in da je dokumentacija ustrezna;
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-110
The Borrower shall, during Project implementation, issue any necessary security clearances required to allow maps of the territory of the Borrower to be processed outside the territory of the Borrower in a timely manner and at a reasonable transaction cost and shall ensure that SMA facilitates the issuance of such security clearances.
Posojilojemalka med izvajanjem projekta izda vsa potrdila o varnostnem preverjanju, ki so potrebna, da se lahko načrti ozemlja posojilojemalke obdelujejo zunaj ozemlja posojilojemalke pravočasno in po razumni ceni ter zagotovi, da GU pospeši izdajo potrdil o varnostnem preverjanju.
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The Borrower states that it has taken note of the Loan Regulations of the Fund, and have received a copy thereof.
Posojilojemalka izjavlja, da je seznanjena s Pravilnikom o posojilih sklada in da je prejela kopijo pravilnika.
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