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building regulations approval
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
A building permit for the reconstruction of a residential building or a change in the intended purpose of use may also be issued in a fast-track declaratory procedure, if the investor appends notarised approvals from such a number of divided co-owners as stipulated by the regulations on housing relations consenting to the intended construction as shown by the project for acquiring the building permit to the request for the issue of a building permit, or if such owners place such a statement on record at the relevant administrative body for construction matters.
(2) V skrajšanem ugotovitvenem postopku se lahko izda gradbeno dovoljenje tudi za rekonstrukcijo stanovanjske stavbe ali za spremembo namembnosti, če investitor zahtevi za izdajo gradbenega dovoljenja priloži notarsko overjena soglasja takšnega števila etažnih lastnikov, kot ga določajo predpisi o stanovanjskih razmerjih, da se strinjajo z nameravano gradnjo, kot je razvidna iz projekta za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja oziroma če takšni lastniki dajo takšno izjavo na zapisnik pri pristojnem upravnem organu za gradbene zadeve.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(1) Building regulations relating to the mechanical resistance and stability of works shall be issued by the minister responsible for spatial planning and construction matters, with the approval of the relevant ministers into whose field of work individual groups of works fall.
(1) Gradbene predpise, ki se nanašajo na mehansko odpornost in stabilnost objektov izdaja minister, pristojen za prostorske in gradbene zadeve, v soglasju z resornimi ministri, v katerih delovno področje spadajo posamezne skupine objektov.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
Building regulations relating to civil engineering works shall be issued with the approval of the minister responsible for spatial planning and construction matters by the relevant ministers into whose field of work such types of civil engineering works fall or whose field of work is significant to the construction of such types of civil engineering works.
? gradbene predpise, ki se nanašajo na gradbene inženirske objekte, izdajajo v soglasju z ministrom, pristojnim za prostorske in gradbene zadeve, resorni ministri, v katerih delovno področje sodijo takšne vrste gradbenih inženirskih objektov oziroma delovno področje, pomembno za graditev takšne vrste gradbenih inženirskih objektov.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
A procedure for issuing a ruling on the approval of registered works that commenced pursuant to the regulations applying prior to the entry into force of this act shall at the request of the investor be halted, if the administrative body responsible for construction matters that is conducting the procedure determines that for such a works or such works neither a building permit nor location information is required pursuant to this act.
(2) Postopek za izdajo odločbe o dovolitvi priglašenih del, začet po predpisih, ki so veljali pred uveljavitvijo tega zakona, se na zahtevo investitorja ustavi, če upravni organ, pristojen za gradbene zadeve, ki vodi postopek, ugotovi, da za takšen objekt oziroma dela po tem zakonu ni potrebno niti gradbeno dovoljenje niti pridobitev lokacijske informacije.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
If the implementing planning document specified in Article 21 of the ZUN, which in accordance with the act of law governing spatial planning may be used after the entry into force of this act as the basis for the issue of building permits pursuant to the provisions of this act, stipulates that specific legal and natural persons that the provisions of the regulations cited in the first paragraph of this article do not define as the relevant approving authorities act as approving authorities for a permit for construction, on the day this act begins to be applied such persons shall be deemed secondary parties to procedures for issuing the building permit and their approval shall not be required.
(3) Če je s prostorskim izvedbenim aktom iz 21. člena ZUN, ki se ga v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja prostor, po dnevu uveljavitve tega zakona še lahko uporablja kot podlago za izdajo gradbenih dovoljenj po določbah tega zakona, določeno, da kot soglasodajalci k dovoljenjem za gradnjo nastopajo določene pravne ali fizične osebe, ki jih določbe predpisov, navedenih v prvem odstavku tega člena, ne opredeljujejo kot pristojne soglasodajalce, se z dnem, ko se začne z uporabo tega zakona, v postopkih izdaje gradbenega dovoljenja takšne osebe štejejo samo kot stranski udeleženci in njihovo soglasje ni potrebno.
6 Pravna redakcija
'European technical approval' shall mean a favourable technical assessment of the fitness for use of a product for a particular purpose, based on fulfilment of the essential requirements for building works, by means of the inherent characteristics of the product and the defined conditions of application and use, as provided for in Council Directive 89/106/EEC of 21 December 1988 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to construction products (1).
“evropsko tehnično soglasje” pomeni pozitivno tehnično oceno ustreznosti uporabe proizvoda za določen namen, ki temelji na izpolnjevanju temeljnih zahtev za gradnje, in to na podlagi strukturnih značilnosti proizvoda in določenih pogojev njihove uporabe in rabe, kar je predvideno v Direktivi Sveta 89/106/EGS z dne 21. decembra 1988 o približevanju zakonov in drugih predpisov držav članic glede gradbenih proizvodov fn.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0038
'European technical approval' shall mean a favourable technical assessment of the fitness for use of a product for a particular purpose, based on fulfilment of the essential requirements for building works, by means of the inherent characteristics of the product and the defined conditions of application and use, as provided for in Council Directive 89/106/EEC of 21 December 1988 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to construction products(11).
"evropsko tehnično soglasje" pomeni pozitivno tehnično oceno ustreznosti uporabe proizvoda za določen namen, ki temelji na izpolnjevanju temeljnih zahtev za gradnje, in to na podlagi strukturnih značilnosti proizvoda in določenih pogojev njihove uporabe in rabe, kar je predvideno v Direktivi Sveta 89/106/EGS z dne 21. decembra 1988 o približevanju zakonov in drugih predpisov držav članic glede gradbenih proizvodov [11].
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building regulations approval