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building surveying
1 Pravna redakcija
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CELEX: 32003R2151
Building surveying services
Storitve geodetskega nadzora
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
On the basis of a final ruling on the definition of a building plot specified in the previous paragraph the owner of the works or the owner of the land may commission a parcel partitioning report from a land surveying company.
(2) Na podlagi pravnomočne odločbe o določitvi gradbene parcele iz prejšnjega odstavka lahko lastnik objekta ali lastnik zemljišča naroči pri geodetskem podjetju elaborat parcelacije.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
At the proposal of the owner of the works or the owner of the land for which the building plot has been defined, the relevant land surveying administration shall issue a ruling on parcel partitioning if the proposal cites the number and date of issue of the ruling on the definition of the building plot and a parcel partitioning report formulated in accordance with land surveying regulations is appended thereto. After the acquisition of land and the entry of ownership of the newly created parcels in the land register, the land surveying administration shall merge the parcels ex officio after notification by the owner of the works.
(7) Pristojna geodetska uprava izda odločbo o parcelaciji na predlog lastnika objekta ali zemljišča, ki se mu je določila gradbena parcela, če v predlogu navede številko in datum izdaje odločbe o določitvi gradbene parcele in predlogu priloži elaborat parcelacije, izdelan v skladu z geodetskimi predpisi. Po pridobitvi zemljišč in vpisu lastništva na novo nastalih parcelah v zemljiško knjigo, geodetska uprava po obvestilu lastnika objekta po uradni dolžnosti združi parcele.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
At the proposal of the owner of the works or the owner of the land for which the building plot has been defined, the relevant land surveying administration shall issue a ruling on parcel partitioning if the proposal cites the number and date of issue of the ruling specified in the previous paragraph and a parcel partitioning report formulated in accordance with land surveying regulations is appended thereto.
(3) Pristojna geodetska uprava na predlog lastnika objekta oziroma lastnika zemljišča, ki se mu je določila gradbena parcela, izda odločbo o parcelaciji, če v predlogu navede številko in datum izdaje odločbe iz prejšnjega odstavka ter priloži elaborat parcelacije, izdelan v skladu z geodetskimi predpisi.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
On the basis of a final ruling on the definition of the building plot issued pursuant to the provisions of this article, the owner of the works or the owner of the land for which the building plot has been defined shall commission a parcel partitioning report or a contractual merger report from a land surveying company.
(6) Na podlagi pravnomočne odločbe o določitvi gradbene parcele, izdane po določilih tega člena, lahko lastnik objekta ali lastnik zemljišča, ki se mu je določila gradbena parcela, naroči pri geodetskem podjetju elaborat parcelacije ali elaborat pogodbene komasacije.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
A special marking-out plan based on which the marking-out of the works in accordance with the conditions specified in the building permit is possible shall be formulated on the marking-out of the works in accordance with land surveying regulations..
(5) O zakoličenju objekta se v skladu z geodetskimi predpisi izdela poseben zakoličbeni načrt, na podlagi katerega je omogočeno zakoličenje objekta v skladu s pogoji iz gradbenega dovoljenja.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
A permit of use shall be issued for a single-dwelling building constructed on the basis of a building permit without a prior technical inspection if, in addition to the land surveying plan of the new situation of the land, the investor appends a declaration by the project designer and the supervisor that the building has been constructed in accordance with regulations to the request for the issue of a permit of use.
(3) Za enostanovanjsko stavbo, zgrajeno na podlagi gradbenega dovoljenja, se izda uporabno dovoljenje brez poprej opravljenega tehničnega pregleda, če investitor zahtevi za izdajo uporabnega dovoljenja poleg geodetskega načrta novega stanja zemljišča priloži izjavo projektanta in nadzornika, da je takšna stavba zgrajena v skladu s predpisi.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
29. I t fails to commission the project for entry in official records from a land surveying company by the prescribed deadline, or fails in the case of construction for the market to ensure the works is entered in the cadastral register, and also in the register of buildings in the case of a building or in the register of public infraworks in the case of a works of public infraworks (first paragraph of Article 105)
29. če v predpisanem roku pri geodetskem podjetju ne naroči projekta za vpis v uradne evidence, v primeru gradnje za trg pa tudi ne poskrbi za vpis objekta v zemljiški kataster, v primeru stavbe v kataster stavb in v primeru objekta gospodarske javne infrastrukture tudi v kataster gospodarske javne infrastrukture (prvi odstavek 105. člena);
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
Irrespective of the provisions of the previous paragraph, the plan specified in the second paragraph of the previous article shall be a constituent part of the permit of use for works specified in the first paragraph of the previous article, and only the land surveying plan of the new situation of the land shall be a constituent part of the permit of use for single-dwelling buildings specified in the third paragraph of the previous article.
(3) Ne glede na določbe prejšnjega odstavka je sestavni del uporabnega dovoljenja za objekte iz prvega odstavka prejšnjega člena načrt iz drugega odstavka prejšnjega člena, za enostanovanjske stavbe iz tretjega odstavka prejšnjega člena pa samo geodetski načrt novega stanja zemljišča.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(1) Within fifteen days of the permit of use becoming final, the investor must commission the project for entry in official records from the project designer or a land surveying company, and in the case of construction for the market must ensure the works is entered in the cadastral register immediately after receiving such project, and also in the register of buildings in the case of a building. In the case of a works of public infraworks, the investor must also ensure that the works is entered in the register of public infraworks within fifteen days of the permit of use becoming final.
(1) Najpozneje v 15 dnevih po dnevu pravnomočnosti uporabnega dovoljenja mora investitor pri projektantu oziroma geodetskem podjetju naročiti projekt za vpis v uradne evidence, v primeru gradnje za trg pa takoj po prevzemu takšnega projekta tudi poskrbeti za vpis objekta v zemljiški kataster oziroma v primeru stavbe tudi v kataster stavb. V primeru objekta gospodarske javne infrastrukture mora investitor najpozneje v 15 dneh po dnevu pravnomočnosti uporabnega dovoljenja tudi poskrbeti, da se takšen objekt vpiše v kataster gospodarske javne infrastrukture.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
If a works specified in the third paragraph of Article 1 of this act was constructed without a building permit in order to prevent a natural or other disaster or to diminish the consequences thereof, it may only remain a permanent works after the circumstances for which it was constructed have ceased if after the aforementioned circumstances cease the investor or owner of the works lodges a request for the issue of a permit of use with the relevant construction body, appending the land surveying plan of the new situation of the land and appropriate evidence of the fulfilment of the essential requirements to the request, and acquires a permit of use.
(1) Če je bil objekt iz tretjega odstavka 1. člena tega zakona zgrajen brez gradbenega dovoljenja zaradi preprečitve naravne oziroma druge nesreče oziroma zato, da so se z njegovo pomočjo zmanjšale njene posledice, lahko ostane kot stalen objekt tudi po tem, ko so prenehale okoliščine, zaradi katerih je bil zgrajen, vendar samo, če njegov investitor oziroma lastnik po prenehanju navedenih okoliščin pri pristojnem gradbenem organu vloži zahtevo za izdajo uporabnega dovoljenja, tej zahtevi pa priloži geodetski načrt novega stanja zemljišča in ustrezno dokazilo o izpolnjevanju bistvenih zahtev in uporabno dovoljenje tudi pridobi.
12 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Architectural and building - surveying services
Arhitekturne storitve in storitve geodetskega nadzora
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building surveying