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by electronic means
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-1
Services not provided "by electronic means"
Storitve, ki se ne zagotavljajo »z elektronskimi sredstvi«
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
The Customs shall permit the lodgment of supporting documents by electronic means.
Carina dovoli vložitev dokumentov, ki se priložijo, po elektronski poti.
3 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
The Customs shall permit the lodging of the Goods declaration by electronic means.
Carina dovoli vložitev deklaracije blaga po elektronski poti.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(b) Paragraph (2)(b) shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to copies, in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal, of communications filed on paper.
(b) Pododstavek (b) drugega odstavka se smiselno uporablja za kopije sporočil, predloženih na papirju, predložene v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(3) [Communication by Electronic Means] Where a Contracting Party allows the transmittal of communications to the Office by electronic means, it shall consider the communication signed if the latter identifies the sender of the communication by electronic means as prescribed by the Contracting Party.
(3) (Sporočilo po elektronskih sredstvih) Če pogodbenica dovoli prenos sporočil uradu po elektronskih stredstvih, šteje sporočilo za podpisano, če to identificira pošiljatelja sporočila po elektronskih sredstvih, kot predpisuje pogodbenica.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-1
"by electronic means": means that the service is sent initially and received at its destination by means of electronic equipment for the processing (including digital compression) and storage of data, and entirely transmitted, conveyed and received by wire, by radio, by optical means or by other electromagnetic means,
»z elektronskimi sredstvi« pomeni, da se storitev na začetku pošlje in v namembnem kraju sprejme z elektronsko opremo za obdelavo (vključno z digitalnim stiskanjem) in shranjevanje podatkov in v celoti pošlje, prenese in sprejme po žici, radiu, optičnih sredstvih ali drugih elektromagnetnih sredstvih;
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
[ Communications Filed in Electronic Form or by Electronic Means of Transmittal ] (a) Where a Contracting Party permits the filing of communications in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal with its Office in a particular language, including the filing of communications by telegraph, teleprinter, telefacsimile or other like means of transmittal, and there are requirements applicable to that Contracting Party under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in relation to communications filed in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal in that language, the Office shall permit the filing of communications in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal in the said language in accordance with those requirements.
Sporočila, predložena v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih (a) Če pogodbenica dovoljuje predložitev sporočil njenemu uradu v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil v določenem jeziku, vključno s predložitvijo sporočil po telegrafu, teleprinterju, telefaksu ali drugih podobnih sredstvih za prenos sporočil, in obstajajo pogoji, ki veljajo za to pogodbenico po Pogodbi o sodelovanju na področju patentov v zvezi s sporočili, predloženimi v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil v tem jeziku, urad dovoli predložitev sporočil v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil v omenjenem jeziku v skladu s temi pogoji.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(2) [Communications Filed in Electronic Form or by Electronic Means of Transmittal] (a) Where a Contracting Party permits the filing of communications in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal with its Office in a particular language, including the filing of communications by telegraph, teleprinter, telefacsimile or other like means of transmittal, and there are requirements applicable to that Contracting Party under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in relation to communications filed in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal in that language, the Office shall permit the filing of communications in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal in the said language in accordance with those requirements.
(2) [Sporočila, predložena v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih] (a) Če pogodbenica dovoljuje predložitev sporočil njenemu uradu v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil v določenem jeziku, vključno s predložitvijo sporočil po telegrafu, teleprinterju, telefaksu ali drugih podobnih sredstvih za prenos sporočil, in obstajajo pogoji, ki veljajo za to pogodbenico po Pogodbi o sodelovanju na področju patentov v zvezi s sporočili, predloženimi v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil v tem jeziku, urad dovoli predložitev sporočil v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil v omenjenem jeziku v skladu s temi pogoji.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
This attestation may be made by electronic means subject to the control requirements referred to in point 2.2.6.
Potrditev se lahko izvede elektronsko skladno z zahtevami kontrol iz točke 2.2.6.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-1
Pursuant to Article 11 (2) of the Agreement, the following communications by electronic means are considered necessary:
V skladu z drugim odstavkom 11. člena sporazuma se šteje, da so potrebna navedena sporočila, poslana z elektronskimi sredstvi:
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
[ Copies, Filed in Electronic Form or by Electronic Means of Transmittal, of Communications Filed on Paper ] (a) Where a Contracting Party permits the filing of a copy, in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal, of a communication filed on paper in a language accepted by the Office, and there are requirements applicable to that Contracting Party under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in relation to the filing of such copies of communications, the Office shall permit the filing of copies of communications in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal, in accordance with those requirements.
Kopije sporočil, predloženih na papirju, predložene v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil (a) Če pogodbenica dovoljuje predložitev kopije sporočila, predloženega na papirju, v jeziku, ki ga urad sprejema, v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil in obstajajo pogoji, ki veljajo za to pogodbenico po Pogodbi o sodelovanju na področju patentov v zvezi s predložitvijo takih kopij sporočil, urad dovoli predložitev kopij sporočil v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil v skladu s temi pogoji.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(3) [Copies, Filed in Electronic Form or by Electronic Means of Transmittal, of Communications Filed on Paper] (a) Where a Contracting Party permits the filing of a copy, in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal, of a communication filed on paper in a language accepted by the Office, and there are requirements applicable to that Contracting Party under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in relation to the filing of such copies of communications, the Office shall permit the filing of copies of communications in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal, in accordance with those requirements.
(3) [Kopije sporočil, predloženih na papirju, predložene v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil] (a) Če pogodbenica dovoljuje predložitev kopije sporočila, predloženega na papirju, v jeziku, ki ga urad sprejema, v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil in obstajajo pogoji, ki veljajo za to pogodbenico po Pogodbi o sodelovanju na področju patentov v zvezi s predložitvijo takih kopij sporočil, urad dovoli predložitev kopij sporočil v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil v skladu s temi pogoji.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
The approval of the authorising official and supervisor may be made by electronic means, provided an appropriate level of security is ensured, and the identity of the signatory is entered in the electronic records.
Odobritev pristojnega uradnika in njegovega nadrejenega se lahko izvede elektronsko, če je zagotovljena ustrezna stopnja varnosti in se istovetnost podpisnika vnese v elektronsko evidenco.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
[ Signature of Communications Filed in Electronic Form or by Electronic Means of Transmittal Resulting in Graphic Representation ] Where a Contracting Party permits the filing of communications in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal, it shall consider such a communication signed if a graphic representation of a signature accepted by that Contracting Party under paragraph (3) appears on that communication as received by the Office of that Contracting Party.
Podpis sporočil, predloženih v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil, ki je grafično predstavljen Če pogodbenica dovoljuje predložitev sporočil v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil, šteje tako sporočilo za podpisano, če je na sporočilu, kot ga je prejel urad te pogodbenice, grafična predstavitev podpisa, ki ga pogodbenica sprejema po tretjem odstavku.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(4) [Signature of Communications Filed in Electronic Form or by Electronic Means of Transmittal Resulting in Graphic Representation] Where a Contracting Party permits the filing of communications in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal, it shall consider such a communication signed if a graphic representation of a signature accepted by that Contracting Party under paragraph (3) appears on that communication as received by the Office of that Contracting Party.
(4) [Podpis sporočil, predloženih v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil, ki je grafično predstavljen] Če pogodbenica dovoljuje predložitev sporočil v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil, šteje tako sporočilo za podpisano, če je na sporočilu, kot ga je prejel urad te pogodbenice, grafična predstavitev podpisa, ki ga pogodbenica sprejema po tretjem odstavku.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(b) A Contracting Party which permits the filing of communications in electronic form or by electronic means of transmittal with its Office shall notify the International Bureau of the requirements under its applicable law relating to such filing.
(b) Pogodbenica, ki dovoljuje predložitev sporočil njenemu uradu v elektronski obliki ali po elektronskih sredstvih za prenos sporočil, uradno obvesti Mednarodni urad o pogojih, ki veljajo za tako preložitev po veljavnem pravu.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-24
(a) to ensure that all the legislation, procedures, fees and charges and their justification are made publicly available, where possible by electronic means;
a) zagotovita, da so vsa zakonodaja, postopki, pristojbine in dajatve, ter njihove utemeljitve javno dostopni, po možnosti prek elektronskih medijev;
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-1
(b) "service": any Information Society service, by which is meant any service normally provided for remuneration, at a distance, by electronic means and at the individual request of a recipient of services.
(b) »storitev«: katera koli storitev informacijske družbe, kar pomeni katero koli storitev, ki se po navadi zagotavlja za plačilo, na daljavo, z elektronskimi sredstvi in na posamezno zahtevo prejemnika storitev;
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
2 The signs and inscriptions provided for in paragraph 1 may be completed by means of electronic identification.
Poleg oznak in napisov iz prvega odstavka se lahko na vagon pritrdijo tudi sredstva za elektronsko razpoznavanje.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-1
The following communications may, for the time being, be transmitted by fax, even though electronic means are preferable:
Naslednja sporočila se za zdaj lahko pošljejo po faksu, čeprav so elektronska sredstva bolj zaželena:
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
(d) the provision of business information by any means, including computerised information systems and electronic data interchange (subject to any non-discriminatory restrictions concerning electronic communications);
d) nudenje poslovnih informacij na kakršen koli način, vključno z računalniškimi informacijskimi sistemi in izmenjavo elektronskih podatkov (ob upoštevanju vseh nediskriminacijskih omejitev glede elektronskega komuniciranja);
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(3) [Access to Electronic Data Base] The electronic data base shall be made accessible to the Offices of the Contracting Parties and, against payment of the prescribed fee, if any, to the public, by on-line access and through other appropriate means determined by the International Bureau.
(3) [Dostop do elektronske baze podatkov] Elektronska baza podatkov mora biti za urade pogodbenic in ob plačilu morebitne predpisane pristojbine tudi za javnost neposredno stalno dostopna z računalnika (on-line) ali na druge primerne načine, ki jih določi Mednarodni urad.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
Where the information contained in its register is not easily publicly accessible by direct electronic means, each Party shall facilitate electronic access to its register in publicly accessible locations, for example in public libraries, offices of local authorities or other appropriate places.
Če podatki iz registrov niso lahko dostopni javnosti po neposredni elektronski poti, pogodbenice omogočajo elektronski dostop do svojih registrov na javnih krajih, na primer v javnih knjižnicah, uradih lokalnih organov ali na drugih primernih krajih.
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
They may be transmitted electronically, or by any other means of telecommunication, provided that the requesting Party is prepared, upon request, to produce at any time a written record of such communication and the original.
Prenašajo se lahko elektronsko ali s katerim koli drugim komunikacijskim sredstvom pod pogojem, da je pogodbenica prosilka na zahtevo pripravljena kadar koli predati zapis takega sporočila in izvirnik.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
However each Party may, at any time, by a declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, indicate the conditions in which it is ready to accept and execute requests received electronically or by any other means of communication.
Vendar pa lahko vsaka pogodbenica kadar koli z izjavo, naslovljeno na generalnega sekretarja Sveta Evrope, navede pogoje, pod katerimi je pripravljena sprejeti in izvršiti zaprosila, prejeta elektronsko ali prek drugih komunikacijskih sredstev.
26 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
the right of the Customs to retain information for their own use and, as appropriate, to exchange such information with other Customs administrations and all other legally approved parties by means of electronic commerce techniques.
pravica carine, da zadrži informacije za lastno uporabo ter jih, kadar je primerno, z uporabo tehnik elektronskega poslovanja izmenja z drugimi carinskimi upravami in vsemi drugimi strankami, ki so upravičene po predpisih.
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
Each Party shall ensure timely public availability of the conclusions pursuant to paragraph 1, including the reasons for not requiring a strategic environmental assessment, whether by public notices or by other appropriate means, such as electronic media.
Vsaka pogodbenica z javnimi obvestili ali drugimi primernimi sredstvi, kot so elektronski mediji, pravočasno zagotovi dostop javnosti do ugotovitev na podlagi prvega odstavka, pri čemer navede razloge, zakaj strateška presoja vplivov na okolje ni potrebna.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
Where the information contained in its register is not easily publicly accessible by direct electronic means, each Party shall ensure that its competent authority upon request provides that information by any other effective means, as soon as possible and at the latest within one month after the request has been submitted.
Če podatki iz registrov niso lahko dostopni javnosti po neposredni elektronski poti, pogodbenice zagotovijo, da pristojni organi na zahtevo čim prej in najpozneje v enem mesecu po dani zahtevi izdajo podatke na druge učinkovite načine.
29 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-89
The Parties will not assume any liability whatsoever for the authenticity of data specified in transport documents or acquired by means of electronic data exchange, in particular regarding data about the actual presence of goods on the vehicle.
Pogodbenici ne prevzemata nikakršne odgovornosti glede verodostojnosti podatkov, ki so navedeni na dokumentih o prevozu ali pridobljeni z elektronsko izmenjavo podatkov, zlasti glede podatkov o dejanski prisotnosti blaga na vozilu.
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
As an exception to the principle of public hearings provided for in article 67, the Chambers of the Court may, to protect victims and witnesses or an accused, conduct any part of the proceedings in camera or allow the presentation of evidence by electronic or other special means.
Kot izjema od načela javnosti obravnave, predvidene v 67. členu, lahko senati Sodišča, da zavarujejo žrtve in priče ali obtoženca, vodijo kateri koli del postopka brez navzočnosti javnosti ali dovolijo predložitev dokazov z elektronskimi ali drugimi posebnimi sredstvi.
31 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-55
The Member State of the Authorising Customs Authorities shall notify the Member State of the Assisting Customs Authorities, by electronic or, where not available, any other appropriate means, of the relevant information concerning the amount of collection costs to be redistributed.
Država članica carinskega organa, ki izda dovoljenje, pošlje državi članici carinskega organa, ki pomaga, po elektronski poti ali, če to ni mogoče, na drug ustrezen način vse ustrezne informacije o znesku stroškov zbiranja, ki jih je treba prerazporediti.
32 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-83
(d) the word "document" means any recorded information regardless of its physical form or characteristics, including, without limitation, written or printed matter, data processing cards and tapes, maps, charts, photographs, paintings, drawings, engravings, sketches, working notes and papers, carbon copies and ink ribbons, or reproductions by an means or process, and sound, voice, magnetic or electronic or optical or video recordings in any form, and portable ADP equipment with resident computer storage media, and removable computer storage media.
d) izraz dokument pomeni vsak zapisan podatek ne glede na njegovo obliko ali značilnosti, vključno s pisnim ali natisnjenim gradivom, karticami ali trakovi za obdelavo podatkov, zemljevidi, kartami, fotografijami, slikami, risbami, grafikami, skicami, delovnimi zapisi, kopijami in pisalnimi trakovi ali reprodukcijami s sredstvi ali postopki ter zvočnimi, glasovnimi, magnetnimi, elektronskimi, optičnimi ali videoposnetki v kakršni koli obliki ter prenosno opremo za avtomatsko obdelavo podatkov z vgrajenimi računalniškimi sredstvi za shranjevanje podatkov in odstranljivimi računalniškimi sredstvi za shranjevanje podatkov.
33 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-15
(1) Customs authorities shall transmit to an international organization or to the national guaranteeing associations, if possible via central or regional offices, by the fastest available means of communication (fax, electronic mail, etc.) and if possible on a daily basis, at least the following information in a standard format in respect of all TIR Carnets presented at Customs offices of destination, as defined in Article 1 (l) of the Convention:
(1) Če je mogoče, carinski organi vsakodnevno pošiljajo po možnosti prek centralnih ali regionalnih uradov po najhitrejšem razpoložljivem komunikacijskem sredstvu (telefaks, elektronska pošta itd.) mednarodni organizaciji ali nacionalnim garantnim združenjem najmanj naslednje informacije v standardni obliki za vse zvezke TIR, predložene namembnim carinskim uradom, kot je opredeljeno v točki l 1. člena konvencije:
34 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
In order to combat corruption effectively, each State Party shall, to the extent permitted by the basic principles of its domestic legal system and in accordance with the conditions prescribed by its domestic law, take such measures as may be necessary, within its means, to allow for the appropriate use by its competent authorities of controlled delivery and, where it deems appropriate, other special investigative techniques, such as electronic or other forms of surveillance and undercover operations, within its territory, and to allow for the admissibility in court of evidence derived therefrom.
Za učinkovit boj proti korupciji vsaka država pogodbenica v obsegu, ki ga dovoljujejo temeljna načela njene notranjepravne ureditve, in v skladu s pogoji, ki jih predpisuje njeno notranje pravo, sprejme take ukrepe, kot so lahko potrebni, da se v okviru njenih sredstev njenim pristojnim organom omogoči na njenem ozemlju ustrezna uporaba nadzorovane pošiljke, in če se ji zdi primerno, druge posebne preiskovalne metode, kot so elektronske ali druge oblike nadzora in tajnih operacij ter omogoči dopustnost tako pridobljenih dokazov na sodišču.
35 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(1) A fine of not less than 1,000,000 tolars shall be imposed on an individual who commits an offence in connection with the independent performance of a professional activity, and no less than a fine of 3,000,000 tolars on a legal person 1. for not conducting business with consumers in the Slovene language or for not using their full registered company name and address in written communications to consumers, or for not using at least their abridged registered company name and address in written communications which are not intended for a particular individual consumer (first and second paragraphs of Article 2) 2. for not allowing, as a provider of information society services, for a simple direct and constant access to the data referred to in the third paragraph of Article 2 (third paragraph of Article 2) 3. for advertising goods or services in a manner which is in contrast with the law, indecent or misleading, or for not advertising goods or services in the Slovene language (Articles 12, 12a and 12b) 4. for advertising goods or services through a means of comparative advertising which is contrary to provisions of this Act (Article 12c) 5. if the advertising of goods or services includes elements which cause or which could cause physical, mental or other harm to children, or elements which exploit or which could exploit their trusting nature or inexperience (Article 15) 6. for advertising messages which are part of or present a service of an information society and are not in accordance with Article 15a (Article 15a) 7. for failing to issue to the consumer, upon the conclusion of a contract for goods referred to in Article 15b, a warranty certificate, technical instructions and a list of authorised service agents, or if these documents are not entirely in the Slovene language and easily understandable (first and third paragraphs of Article 16) 8. for failing to provide repair and maintenance of a product for the period covered by a warranty or for its extended period, free of charge, and after that period for a charge, by providing this service itself or through an authorised representative (fourth paragraph of Article 16) 9. for failing to provide maintenance, replacement parts and attachable components also after the expiry of the warranty period (fifth paragraph of Article 16) 10.for failing, as a seller of residential or business property, to hand over to a purchaser, a warranty for all of the built-in products referred to in Article 15b, no later than at the handing over of the title of ownership of the property (eighth paragraph of Article 16) 11.for failing to include all the data referred to in the first paragraph of Article 18 of this Act in a warranty certificate 12.for acting as the producer in contrast with the first paragraph of Article 20 13.for not selling goods or providing services to consumers under equal conditions (second paragraph of Article 25) 14.if the highest percentage reduction on the price of goods offered in a clearance sale, declared as a percentage range, does not account for at least one-quarter of the value of all goods offered in the clearance sale (third paragraph of Article 28) 15.for failing to provide instructions for use in line with Article 33 of this Act for goods which, for their correct use require a certain procedure or which, if used incorrectly, could cause damage to the user or to others, or could pollute the environment 16.for failing, in the final computation, to calculate and pay to the consumer interest on the prepayment of goods or services at the interest rate applied by banks to deposits fixed for over three months (Article 41) 17.for failing to deliver goods in perfect condition, in the agreed quantity and at the agreed time with all the accompanying documentation, when delivery to the consumer's home or elsewhere has been arranged (first paragraph of Article 42) 18.for leaving goods at the door of the consumer's home in the case of home delivery (second paragraph of Article 42) 19.for failing with regard to a distance contract to provide the consumer with the data referred to in Article 43b of this Act on a relevant permanent data carrier within the prescribed times (Article 43c) 20.for not confirming, as a provider of information society services, orders in electronic format, other than exceptions stipulated by the law, or for not submitting the provisions of the contract in a form which will assure its preservation for later use (third paragraph of Article 43b) 21.for failing to return, in due time, all the payments made in the case where a consumer cancels a contract concluded at a distance or away from premises (first paragraph of Article 43d and fifth paragraph of Article 46c) 22.for using a call system without the mediation of an individual, facsimile transmission machine or electronic mail without prior consent from the consumer, to whom a message was addressed (first paragraph of Article 45a) 23.for sending messages to consumers with the intention of concluding a contract to supply goods or services, regardless of a consumer's declaration that he/she no longer wish to receive such mail (third paragraph of Article 45a) 24.for failing with regard to a contract negotiated away from the business premises to hand over to the consumer, in the prescribed period of time, a written notice containing at least the registered company name and address, the type and price of the goods and the rights of the consumer under the provisions of Article 46c of this Act, as well as place and date (Article 46b) 25.if the price for the delivery of energy or water to a consumer is not calculated according to the actual delivery, or if the measurement of the actual delivery of energy or water is not carried out in the prescribed manner (Article 48) 26.for failing to allow for the premature settlement of the outstanding balance of the purchase price, exclusive of contractual interest while buying on hire purchase (Article 51) 27.for not returning already paid instalments while buying on hire purchase with the legally prescribed belated interest due from the date of receipt of payment, as well as the unavoidable costs incurred for the goods (Article 54) 28.if a company organising group excursions and travel has failed to insure the travellers adequately (Article 58) 29.if a timeshare contract for tourist facilities is not made in writing (Article 60a) 30.if the contract does not include the prescribed data (Article 60b).
pogodba ne vsebuje predpisanih podatkov (60.b člen).
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
It may include information transmitted and stored by electronic means.
Vključuje lahko podatke, ki se pošiljajo in hranijo z elektronskimi sredstvi.
37 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
It may include information which is transmitted and stored by electronic means.
Vključuje lahko informacije, ki se pošiljajo in hranijo z elektronskimi sredstvi.
38 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0795
1.Member States shall communicate, by electronic means, to the Commission each year:
Države članice vsako leto sporočijo Komisiji po elektronski poti naslednje:
39 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
This may also be done by electronic means, subject to authorisation of the competent authority.
To lahko stori tudi z elektronskimi sredstvi, pod pogojem da to dovoli pristojni organ.
40 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Contracting entities shall take appropriate steps to document the progress of award procedures conducted by electronic means.
Naročniki sprejmejo ustrezne ukrepe za dokumentiranje poteka postopkov za oddajo naročil, ki se izvajajo z elektronskimi sredstvi.
41 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
The production, use, transmission, and storage of CVEDs may be done by electronic means in agreement with the competent authority.
V dogovoru s pristojnim organom se izdelava, uporaba, prenos in shranjevanje CVED-ov lahko izvaja prek elektronskih sredstev.
42 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
The contracting authorities shall take appropriate steps to document the progress of award procedures conducted by electronic means.
Naročniki morajo sprejeti ustrezne ukrepe za dokumentiranje poteka postopkov za oddajo naročila, ki se izvajajo z elektronskimi sredstvi.
43 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
mail service management services (services both preceding and subsequent to despatch, such as "mailroom management services"), - added-value services linked to and provided entirely by electronic means (including the secure transmission of coded documents by electronic means, address management services and transmission of registered electronic mail),
storitve z dodano vrednostjo, povezane z elektronskimi sredstvi in ki se tudi v celoti opravljajo z elektronskimi sredstvi (tudi varen prenos šifriranih dokumentov z elektronskimi sredstvi, naslovni register in prenos registrirane elektronske pošte),
44 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0656
However, in order to reduce the administrative costs, Member States which so wish and have the necessary technical means should be allowed to issue the document by electronic means.
Da bi se zmanjšali upravni stroški, bi bilo treba državam članicam, ki to želijo in imajo potrebna tehnična sredstva, dovoliti, da dokument izdajo v elektronski obliki.
45 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
service by electronic means such as fax or e-mail, attested by an acknowledgement of receipt including the date of receipt, which is signed and returned by the debtor.
z vročitvijo preko elektronskega sredstva prenosa, kot je telefaks ali e-pošta, ki jo potrjuje potrdilo o prejemu, vključno z datumom prejema, ki ga dolžnik podpiše in vrne.
46 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Notices sent by contracting entities to the Commission shall be sent either by electronic means in accordance with the format and procedures for transmission indicated in point 3 of Annex XX, or by other means.
Obvestila, ki jih naročniki pošiljajo Komisiji, se pošljejo bodisi z elektronskimi sredstvi v skladu z obliko in postopki za pošiljanje iz odstavka 3 Priloge XX, ali na drug način.
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by electronic means