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career decision
1 Končna redakcija
An example of a unilateral solution is the Italian 'Order of Journalists', except that its decisions, as already pointed out, are much more decisive for the future career of journalists than, say, the adjudications of the Slovenian commission.
Enostranski organ, ki presoja o kršitvah novinarske etike, je tudi italijanska novinarske zbornica, le da so njene odločitve, kot sem že zapisal, precej usodnejše za novinarjevo kariero kot, denimo, razsodbe slovenskega častnega razsodišča.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The measures, in particular career modernisation measures and financial measures, have been accepted as a whole by the organisations representing staff consulted within the framework of the Consultation Committee established by the Council Decision of 23 June 1981.
Organizacije, ki zastopajo zaposlene, so na posvetovanjih v okviru posvetovalnega odbora, ustanovljenega s sklepom Sveta z dne 23. junija 1981, v celoti sprejele ukrepe, predvsem glede posodobitve kariere in finančne ukrepe.
3 Končna redakcija
The decision to enter on a professional career means not only that the mother has to organize family life and houswork, but it is also a source of guilty conscience which, like an invisible companion, pursues her on her journey taking her away from the home and the family.
Materinstvo za žensko, ki se odloči za poklicno kariero, ne pomeni le organizacije družinskega časa in dela, temveč tudi vir slabe vesti, ki kot nevidna nit spremlja njeno pot od doma in družine.
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
(38) The measures, in particular career modernisation measures and financial measures, have been accepted as a whole by the organisations representing staff consulted within the framework of the Consultation Committee established by the Council Decision of 23 June 1981.
(38) Organizacije, ki zastopajo zaposlene, so na posvetovanjih v okviru posvetovalnega odbora, ustanovljenega s sklepom Sveta z dne 23. junija 1981, v celoti sprejele ukrepe, predvsem glede posodobitve kariere in finančne ukrepe.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0479
The reasonable interests of the SNE, having regard in particular to his professional career after the secondment, shall be considered when a decision on permission to attend courses is taken.
Smiselni interesi DDI, zlasti glede njegove poklicne kariere po koncu dodelitve, se upoštevajo pri odločanju o dovoljenju obiskovanja tečajev.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The measures, in particular career modernisation measures and financial measures, have been accepted as a whole by the organisations representing staff consulted within the framework of the Consultation Committee established by the Council Decision of 23 June 1981.
Organizacije, ki zastopajo zaposlene, so na posvetovanjih v okviru posvetovalnega odbora, ustanovljenega s sklepom Sveta z dne 23. junija 1981, v celoti sprejele ukrepe, predvsem glede posodobitve kariere in finančne ukrepe.
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career decision