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carry out an investigation
1 Pravna redakcija
carry out an investigation to establish the circumstances of the breach of security;
izpeljati preiskavo zaradi ugotovitve okoliščin kršitve varnosti;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(2) An investigation shall also be carried out if there has been an incident.
(2) Preiskava se opravi tudi, če je prišlo do incidenta.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
investigation of an accident in which aircraft registered in a state member of the Communities are involved if such an investigation is not carried out by another state; investigation of serious incidents in which aircraft registered in a state member of the Communities or operated by a company founded in a state member of the Communities are involved, if such an investigation is not carried out by another state.
preiskave nesreč, v katere so vpleteni zrakoplovi, ki so registrirani v državi članici Skupnosti, če takih preiskav ne opravlja druga država, 2. preiskave resnih incidentov, v katere so vpleteni zrakoplovi, ki so registrirani v državi članici Skupnosti, ali jih upravlja podjetje, ki je ustanovljeno v državi članici Skupnosti, če takih preiskav ne opravlja druga država.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(1) Where the European Patent Office considers it necessary to hear the oral evidence of parties, witnesses or experts or to carry out an inspection, it shall make a decision to this end, setting out the investigation which it intends to carry out, relevant facts to be proved and the date, time and place of the investigation.
(1) Če Evropski patentni urad meni, da je treba zaslišati stranke, priče ali izvedence ali opraviti pregled, izda ustrezno odločitev, v kateri opiše preiskavo, ki jo namerava izvesti, bistvena dejstva, ki jih je treba dokazati, ter dan, uro in kraj preiskave.
5 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
Upon initiation of an investigation, the authorities of the exporting Member and the firms known to be concerned should be informed of the intention to carry out on the spot investigations.
Po začetku preiskave se oblasti članice izvoznice in znana zainteresirana podjetja obvestijo o namenu, da se izvaja preiskava na kraju samem.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(1) If during use of an aircraft, an accident occurs with fatal results, or serious injury to persons or major damage to the aircraft or property on the ground, it is necessary to carry out a thorough investigation and analysis of the accident and an investigation of the causes of the accident, injuries and damage that was caused, and of other effects of the accident.
(1) Če pride med uporabo zrakoplova do nesreče s smrtnim izidom, do resnih poškodb oseb ali do večje škode na zrakoplovu ali lastnine na zemlji, je potrebno opraviti vsestransko preiskavo in analizo nesreče ter preiskavo o vzrokih nesreče, poškodbah in škodi, ki je bila povzročena ter o drugih posledicah nesreče.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-30
The appropriate authorities of the Recipient Party (assisted by appropriate authorities of the Originating Party, if required) shall carry out an immediate investigation of the incident in accordance with their national laws.
Ustrezni organi pogodbenice prejemnice (ki jim po potrebi pomagajo ustrezni organi pogodbenice izvora) takoj raziščejo dogodek v skladu z notranjo zakonodajo.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(1) An investigation in compliance with this Act and regulations issued on its basis shall be carried out by an investigating body referred to in the fifth paragraph of the previous Article, except in cases referred to in the tenth paragraph of this Article.
(1) Preiskavo v skladu s tem zakonom in predpisi, izdanimi na njegovi podlagi, izvaja preiskovalni organ iz petega odstavka prejšnjega člena, razen v primerih iz desetega odstavka tega člena.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
ensure that banks do not disclose to the bank customer concerned or to other third persons that information has been sought or obtained in accordance with sub-paragraphs a, b, or c, or that an investigation is being carried out.
d) zagotovi, da banke svoji stranki ali tretjim osebam ne razkrijejo, da so bili podatki zahtevani ali pridobljeni v skladu s pododstavki a), b) ali c) ali da se opravlja preiskava.
10 Objavljeno
The appropriate authorities of the Recipient Party (assisted by appropriate authorities of the Originating Party, if required) shall carry out an immediate investigation of the incident in accordance with their national legislation.
Ustrezni organi pogodbenice prejemnice (ki jim po potrebi pomagajo ustrezni organi pogodbenice izvora) takoj raziščejo dogodek v skladu s svojo notranjo zakonodajo.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-80
The appropriate authorities of the Recipient Party assisted by the appropriate authorities of the Originating Party, if required, shall carry out an immediate investigation of the incident in accordance with their national legislations.
Ustrezni organi pogodbenice prejemnice, ki jim po potrebi pomagajo ustrezni organi pogodbenice izvora, takoj raziščejo dogodek v skladu s svojo notranjo zakonodajo.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-49
Each Member State shall take the necessary measures to ensure that banks do not disclose to the bank customer concerned or to other third persons that information has been transmitted to the requesting State in accordance with Articles 1, 2 or 3 or that an investigation is being carried out.
Vsaka država članica sprejme vse potrebne ukrepe, da zagotovi, da banke svojim strankam ali tretjim osebam ne razkrijejo, da so državi prosilki poslale podatke v skladu s 1., 2. ali 3. členom ali da preiskava poteka.
13 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-83
(a) The authorities of the receiving and sending States shall assist each other in the carrying out of all necessary investigations into offences, and in the collection and production of evidence, including the seizure and, in proper cases, the handing over of objects connected with an offence.
a) Organi države gostiteljice in države pošiljateljice si medsebojno pomagajo pri preiskovanju kaznivih dejanj in pri zbiranju in izvedbi dokazov, vključno z zasegom in izročitvijo predmetov, ki so predmet kaznivega dejanja ali kakor koli drugače povezana s kaznivim dejanjem.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
If any procedure in connection with an offence established in accordance with the obligations arising out of Articles 2, 3 and 4 concerns at least two Member States, those States shall cooperate effectively in the investigation, the prosecution and in carrying out the punishment imposed by means, for example, of mutual legal assistance, extradition, transfer of proceedings or enforcement of sentences passed in another Member State.
Če kateri koli postopek v zvezi s kaznivim dejanjem, ki je bilo kot tako opredeljeno v skladu z obveznostmi iz členov 2, 3 in 4, zadeva najmanj dve državi članici, ti državi učinkovito sodelujeta pri preiskovanju, pregonu in izvršitvi izrečene kazni, na primer, z medsebojno pravno pomočjo, izročitvijo, prenosom postopka ali z izvršitvijo sodbe, izrečene v drugi državi članici.
15 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
9.5 If a product is subject to anti dumping duties in an importing Member, the authorities shall promptly carry out a review for the purpose of determining individual margins of dumping for any exporters or producers in the exporting country in question who have not exported the product to the importing Member during the period of investigation, provided that these exporters or producers can show that they are not related to any of the exporters or producers in the exporting country who are subject to the anti dumping duties on the product.
9.5 Če je določen proizvod predmet protidumpinške carine v članici uvoznici, morajo oblasti pravočasno opraviti pregled z namenom, da se določijo posamezne stopnje dumpinga za vsakega izvoznika ali proizvajalca v državi izvoznici, ki ni izvažala proizvoda v članico uvoznico med preiskavo, pod pogojem, da ti izvozniki ali proizvajalci lahko dokažejo, da niso v razmerju z izvozniki oziroma proizvajalci v državi izvoznici, ki so predmet protidumpinških carin za njihov proizvod.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(1) The head of the investigating body, prior to the completion of the investigation of an aviation accident or incident, may on the proposal of the main investigator, by temporary order restrict or prohibit use of a specific type of aircraft, its parts, equipment, navigation devices, carrying out flights and performing the work of /aircrew/ and other professional personnel, until the possible causes of the aviation accident or serious incident have been rectified, if there is a well-founded suspicion that a new accident or risk will thus be avoided.
(1) Vodja preiskovalnega organa lahko pred koncem preiskave letalske nesreče oziroma incidenta, na predlog glavnega preiskovalca, z začasno odredbo omeji ali prepove uporabo določenega tipa zrakoplova, njegovih delov, opreme, navigacijskih naprav, izvajanje letenja in opravljanje dela letalskega in drugega strokovnega osebja do odprave morebitnih vzrokov za letalsko nesrečo, oziroma resni incident, če obstaja upravičena domneva, da bo s tem preprečena nova nesreča ali tveganje.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0550
At the request of one or more Member States which consider that the abovementioned principles and rules have not been properly applied, or on its own initiative, the Commission shall carry out an investigation on any allegation of non-compliance or non-application of the principles and/or rules concerned.
Komisija na lastno pobudo ali na zahtevo ene države članice ali več držav članic, ki menijo, da prej navedena načela in pravila niso bila pravilno uporabljena, izvede preiskavo v zvezi z vsakim domnevnim neizvajanjem ali neuporabo zadevnih načel in/ali pravil.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0387
An investigation as required by Article 6(1) of the above Regulation was carried out and it was found that that Regulation's requirements were met, notably that all the particulars required under Article 4 were provided.
Opravljena je bila preiskava, kot to zahteva člen 6(1) zgoraj navedene uredbe in ugotovljeno je bilo, da so bile vse zahteve uredbe izpolnjene, predvsem, da so bili zagotovljeni vsi podatki, zahtevani v okviru člena 4.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
The port Member State shall notify the flag State of its findings and cooperate with it in carrying out an investigation into the alleged breach and, where appropriate, applying the penalties provided for under national law.
Država članica pristanišča obvesti državo zastave o svojih ugotovitvah ter z njo sodeluje pri preiskavi domnevne kršitve in po potrebi pri uporabi kazni, predvidenih po nacionalnem pravu.
20 Končna redakcija
However, given the fact that an in-depth market investigation is only carried out in phase II, commitments submitted to the Commission in phase I must be sufficient to clearly rule out "serious doubts" within the meaning of Article 6(1)(c) of the Merger Regulation(11).
Ker pa se poglobljena preiskava trga izvaja samo v fazi II, morajo obveznosti, predložene Komisiji v fazi I, zadoščati, da povsem izključijo "resne sume" v smislu člena 6(1)(c) Uredbe o združitvi [11].
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
In order to carry out the duties assigned to it by this Regulation, the Commission may interview any natural or legal person who consents to be interviewed for the purpose of collecting information relating to the subject matter of an investigation.
Da bi Komisija izvedla naloge, ki ji jih predpisuje ta uredba, lahko izpraša vsako fizično ali pravno osebo, ki v to privoli, zaradi zbiranja podatkov, povezanih s predmetom preiskave.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
A competent authority may refuse to act on a request for cooperation in carrying out an investigation, on-the-spot verification or supervisory activity as provided for in Article 57 or to exchange information as provided for in Article 58 only where:
Pristojni organ lahko zavrne izpolnitev zahtev za sodelovanje pri opravljanju preiskave, preverjanja na kraju samem ali nadzorne dejavnosti iz člena 57 ali za izmenjavo informacij iz člena 58 samo, če:
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
In case of suspicion of an infectious disease of the reproductive tract, investigation for classical swine fever must be immediately carried out whenever the holding in question can be considered at risk (e.g. due to location of the holding in an area where classical swine fever occurs in feral pigs), and in any case as soon as more common infectious diseases of the reproductive tract have been excluded.
V primeru suma kužne bolezni rodil je treba, kadarkoli bi bilo zadevno gospodarstvo lahko ogroženo (npr. zaradi lokacije gospodarstva na območju, kjer se pojavlja klasična prašičja kuga pri divjih prašičih), takoj opraviti preiskave na klasično prašičjo kugo, v vsakem primeru pa takoj, ko se izključijo druge, bolj običajne kužne bolezni rodil.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0724
it shall facilitate cooperation between the Member States and the Commission in the development, with due regard to the different legal systems in the Member States, of a common methodology for investigating maritime accidents according to agreed international principles, in the provision of support to the Member States in activities concerning investigations related to serious maritime accidents, and in the carrying out of an analysis of existing accident investigation reports;
olajša sodelovanje med državami članicami in Komisijo pri razvijanju, pri čemer ustrezno upošteva različne pravne sisteme v državah članicah, skupne metodologije za preiskavo pomorskih nesreč v skladu z dogovorjenimi mednarodnimi načeli, pri zagotavljanju podpore državam članicam pri dejavnostih, ki zadevajo preiskave, povezane z resnimi pomorskimi nesrečami, in pri izdelavi analize obstoječih poročil o preiskavi nesreče;
25 Pravna redakcija
The Commission shall, in the shortest time possible, verify the conformity with the provisions of the Directive of the information received under RAPEX and, may, when it considers it to be necessary and in order to assess product safety, carry out an investigation on its own initiative.
Komisija v najkrajšem možnem času potrdi skladnost informacije, prejete prek RAPEX, z določbami direktive in lahko izvede preiskavo na lastno pobudo, kadar meni, da je potrebna in da bo lahko ocenila varnost proizvoda.
26 Pravna redakcija
A Member State may delegate the task of carrying out an investigation into an accident or incident to another Member State.
Država članica lahko nalogo preiskovanja nesreče ali incidenta prenese na drugo državo članico.
27 Pravna redakcija
Whereas a Member State must be able to delegate the task of carrying out an investigation to another Member State;
ker mora biti državi članici omogočeno, da za preiskavo pooblasti drugo državo članico;
28 Pravna redakcija
The EC Commission is entitled to be represented and take an active part in investigations carried out pursuant to paragraph 4.
Komisija ES je upravičena do zastopanja in aktivnega sodelovanja pri preiskavah, opravljenih v skladu z odstavkom 4.
29 Pravna redakcija
Whenever abnormal mortalities occur in stocks of bivalve molluscs an urgent investigation must be carried out to determine the aetiology.
Ob nenormalni umrljivosti v staležih školjk je treba opraviti nujno preiskavo, da se ugotovijo vzroki.
30 Pravna redakcija
investigations into serious incidents involving aircraft registered in a Member State or operated by an undertaking established in a Member State, when such investigations are not carried out by another State.
preiskave resnih incidentov, v katere so vpleteni zrakoplovi, ki so registrirani v državi članici ali jih upravlja podjetje s sedežem v državi članici, če takih preiskav ne izvaja druga država.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0818
(4) Following the initiation of the examination procedure the Commission carried out an investigation, which has led to the conclusions indicated below.
(4) Komisija je po začetku postopka preverjanja izvedla preiskavo, ki je privedla do sklepov, navedenih v nadaljevanju.
32 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003L0006
A competent authority of one Member State may request that an investigation be carried out by the competent authority of another Member State, on the latter's territory.
Pristojni organ ene države članice lahko zahteva, da pristojni organ druge države članice izvede preiskavo na svojem ozemlju.
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22003D0154
If the Parties disagree regarding the results of their investigations, the case shall be forwarded to the Committee, which may decide to have an expert study carried out.
Če se pogodbenici ne strinjata o rezultatih svojih preiskav, se primer posreduje Odboru, ki se lahko odloči za izvedbo strokovne študije.
34 Pravna redakcija
Where an undertaking or association of undertakings opposes an investigation ordered pursuant to this Article, the Member State concerned shall afford the necessary assistance to the officials authorized by the Commission to enable them to carry out their investigation.
Če podjetje ali podjetniško združenje nasprotuje preiskavi, odrejeni v skladu s tem členom, zadevna država članica ponudi potrebno pomoč uradnikom, ki jih pooblasti Komisija, in jim tako omogoči, da opravijo preiskavo.
35 Pravna redakcija
The competent surveillance authority is entitled to be represented and take an active part in investigations carried out by the other surveillance authority in respect of paragraph 3.
Pristojni nadzorni organ je upravičen do zastopanja in dejavnega sodelovanja pri preiskavah, ki jih v skladu z odstavkom 3 izvaja drug nadzorni organ.
36 Pravna redakcija
Where the EC Commission carries out investigations within the territory of the Community, it shall, as regards cases falling under Article 2(1) and (2)(a), inform the EFTA Surveillance Authority of the fact that such investigations have taken place and on request transmit in an appropriate way the relevant results of the investigations.
Če opravlja Komisija ES preiskave na ozemlju Skupnosti, obvesti glede primerov, ki spadajo pod člen 2(1) in 2(a), Nadzorni organ Efta o opravljenih preiskavah, na zaprosilo pa na ustrezen način pošlje zadevne izide preiskav.
37 Pravna redakcija
Where a herd contains an animal suspected of having tuberculosis, the competent authorities shall ensure that official investigations are carried out as soon as possible to confirm or rule out the presence of that disease.
Če čreda vsebuje žival, za katero se sumi, da ima tuberkulozo, pristojni organi zagotovijo, da se čimprej opravijo uradne preiskave, ki potrdijo ali ovržejo prisotnost navedene bolezni.
38 Pravna redakcija
Where a herd contains an animal suspected of having brucellosis, the competent authorities shall ensure that the official investigations are carried out as soon as possible to confirm or rule out the presence of that disease.
Če čreda vsebuje žival, za katero se sumi, da ima brucelozo, pristojni organi zagotovijo, da se čimprej opravijo uradne preiskave, ki potrdijo ali izločijo prisotnost navedene bolezni.
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1697
An on-the-spot investigation was carried out after publication of the Provisional Regulation at the premises of Saha Thai Steel Pipe Co. Ltd, the sole Thai cooperating exporting producer.
Po objavi začasne uredbe je bila opravljena preiskava na mestu samem v prostorih podjetja Saha Thai Steel Pipe Co. Ltd, ki je edini tajski sodelujoči proizvajalec izvoznik.
40 Pravna redakcija
Provided that this is not contrary to the Parties' competition laws and does not affect any investigation being carried out, notification shall take place at an early stage of the procedure.
Pod pogojem, da to ni v nasprotju z zakonodajo o konkurenci pogodbenic in ne vpliva na preiskave, ki potekajo, se uradno obvestilo pošlje v zgodnji fazi postopka.
41 Pravna redakcija
Whereas to ensure that the Office is independent in carrying out the tasks conferred on it by this Regulation, its Director must be given the power to open an investigation on his own initiative;
ker mora imeti direktor urada pristojnost, da začne preiskavo na svojo lastno pobudo, da bi se tako zagotovila neodvisnost urada pri izvajanju nalog, ki jih nanj prenaša ta uredba;
42 Pravna redakcija
The Registrar shall ensure that a person or body responsible for making an investigation or giving an expert opinion in accordance with Article 49 of the Rules of Procedure is in possession of the material necessary for carrying out his task.
Sodni tajnik zagotovi, da oseba ali organ, ki je v skladu s členom 49 Poslovnika odgovoren za preiskavo ali podajanje izvedenskega mnenja, razpolaga s potrebnimi sredstvi za izvedbo svoje naloge.
43 Pravna redakcija
one of the notifying parties or another involved party, as defined in Article 11 of this Regulation, has refused to submit to an investigation deemed necessary by the Commission on the basis of Article 13(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 or to cooperate in the carrying out of such an investigation in accordance with that provision;
ena od strank, ki priglašujejo, ali druga udeležena stranka, ki so opredeljene v členu 11 te uredbe, ne dovoli preiskave, za katero Komisija meni, da je potrebna na podlagi člena 13(1) Uredbe (EGS) št. 4064/89, ali noče sodelovati pri izvajanju te preiskave v skladu z navedeno določbo;
44 Pravna redakcija
the derogation available in Article 6 (1) of Directive 85/51 I/EEC shall only be granted following an individual assessment of the holding in question carried out by an official veterinarian at the time of the official investigation to confirm or rule out the presence of foot-and-mouth disease,
odstopanje, ki ga omogoča člen 6(1) Direktive 85/511/EGS, se prizna samo po individualnem ocenjevanju zadevnega gospodarstva, ki ga izvede uradni veterinar v okviru uradne preiskave, zato da se potrdi ali ovrže prisotnost slinavke in parkljevke,
45 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
The port Member State shall notify the flag State of its findings and cooperate with it in carrying out an investigation into the alleged breach and, where appropriate, applying the penalties provided for under national law.
Država članica pristanišča obvesti državo zastave o svojih ugotovitvah ter z njo sodeluje pri preiskavi domnevne kršitve in po potrebi pri uporabi kazni, predvidenih po nacionalnem pravu.
Prevodi: en > sl
carry out an investigation