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1 Pravna redakcija
Categorization of nuclear material
Kategorizacija jedrskega materiala
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0029
Categorization of exposed workers
Kategorizacija izpostavljenih delavcev
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
2) The Sava Commission shall establish the rules related to dimensions of the fairway in accordance with the international categorization.
2) Savska komisija določa pravila o dolžini plovne poti v skladu z mednarodno kategorizacijo.
4 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-104
Follow-on documents will provide the initial basis for cost estimates and will serve as the basis for the categorization of expenses as either NATO Common Costs (if applicable). Shared Costs or Direct National Costs.
6.6 Nadaljnji dokumenti so izhodišče za oceno stroškov in razvrstitev izdatkov kot skupnih stroškov Nata (kadar so določeni), deljenih stroškov ali neposrednih nacionalnih stroškov.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-84
j) Contracting parties shall, to the best of their ability, conduct surveillance for pests and develop and maintain adequate information on pest status in order to support categorization of pests, and for the development of appropriate phytosanitary measures.
j) Pogodbenice bodo po najboljših močeh stalno nadzorovale škodljive organizme ter pridobivale in hranile ustrezne informacije o stanju škodljivih organizmov, da bi tako pomagale pri njihovi uvrstitvi ter pripomogle k oblikovanju ustreznih fitosanitarnih ukrepov.
6 Objavljeno
WTO: Tekstil in oblačila
(a) take full account of such factors as established tariff classification and quantitative units based on normal commercial practices in export and import transactions, both as regards fibre composition and in terms of competing for the same segment of its domestic market, and (b) avoid over-categorization.
(a) v celoti upošteva take dejavnike, kot so veljavna carinska razvrstitev in količinske enote, ki temeljijo na normalni trgovinski praksi pri izvoznih in uvoznih transakcijah, tako glede sestave vlaken kot pogojev konkurence za isti del domačega trga, in da se (b) izogiba pretirani kategorizaciji.
7 Objavljeno
WTO: Tekstil in oblačila
Members agree that the introduction of changes, such as changes in practices, rules, procedures and categorization of textile and clothing products, including those changes relating to the Harmonized System, in the implementation or administration of those restrictions notified or applied under this Agreement should not: upset the balance of rights and obligations between the Members concerned under this Agreement; adversely affect the access available to a Member; impede the full utilization of such access; or disrupt trade under this Agreement.
Članice se sporazumejo, da uvajanje sprememb, kot so spremembe v praksi, pravilih, postopkih in razvrščanju tekstila in oblačil, vključno s spremembami, ki se nanašajo na harmonizirani sistem, pri izvajanju ali upravljanju teh omejitev, ki so sporočene ali se uporabljajo na podlagi tega sporazuma, ne bi smelo porušiti ravnotežja med pravicami in obveznostmi med določenimi članicami na podlagi tega sporazuma; škodljivo vplivati na dostop, ki je članici omogočen; omejevati polno izrabo takega dostopa; ali motiti trgovino na podlagi tega sporazuma.
8 Končna redakcija
9 Končna redakcija
In our opinion a partial answer lies in the categorization of media representations analyzed here.
Mislimo, da je del odgovora na zastavljeno vprašanje prav v kategorizaciji medijskih reprezentacij, ki smo jih analizirali.
10 Končna redakcija
However, detailed criteria or guidance about the categorization of plant and SAR changes are not given.
Natančnejši kriteriji ter navodila glede kategorizacije sprememb v elektrarni in SAR sprememb pa niso podani.
11 Končna redakcija
A characteristic of a stereotypes is that it includes both the categorization and the evaluation of the group to which it refers.
Zanje je značilno, da vključujejo tako kategorizacijo kot evalvacijo skupine, na katero se nanašajo.
12 Končna redakcija
The basic purpose of social categorization is to construct the image of a majority as a homogeneous ethnic group on the one side, and of a minority on the other.
Temeljna funkcija socialne kategorizacije je konstruiranje večinske homogene etnične skupine in manjšinske etnične skupine.
13 Končna redakcija
Fifth, the refugee population is subject to other-categorization as a group of people hardly worthy of the kind attention given to them by the generous people of Slovenia.
Petič, begunci so od zunaj kategorizirani kot skupina ljudi, ki je komajda vredna pozornosti, ki jim jo namenja širokosrčni slovenski narod.
14 Končna redakcija
Rarer was the categorization by naming or labeling, since such a style of public communication is very conspicuous and hence can be more easily pinpointed as biased or discriminatory.
Redkeje se je objavljala kategorizacija s poimenovanjem in etiketiranjem, ker je takšen način sporočanja zelo očiten ter je lažje in hitreje razpoznaven kot pristranski ali diskriminatorski.
15 Končna redakcija
The assumption behind every social categorization in journalistic mediation of information is the differentiation between a majority population, who is represented by the majority media, and an ethnic group.
Predpostavka vsake socialne kategorizacije v novinarskem sporočanju je razlikovanje med večinskim prebivalstvom, katerega predstavniki so večinski mediji, in etnično skupino.
16 Končna redakcija
First, a major role is played by the self-categorization of the new Republic of Slovenia as a state where adherence to democratic principles and human rights considerations is simply a matter of fact, an unquestionable inherent property.
Prvič, glavno vlogo je igrala samokategorizacija novo nastale republike Slovenije kot države, kjer so demokratična načela in človekove pravice kratko malo dejstvo, nespodbitna inherentna lastnina.
17 Končna redakcija
Various strategies can be observed. First, a major role is played by the self-categorization of the new Republic of Slovenia as a state where adherence to democratic principles and human rights considerations is simply a matter of fact, an unquestionable inherent property.
Prvič, glavno vlogo je igrala samokategorizacija novo nastale Republike Slovenije kot države, kjer so demokratična načela in človekove pravice kratko malo dejstvo, nespod-bitna inherentna lastnina.
18 Končna redakcija
(1) The professional and related administrative tasks of the geological, seismological, and geophysical services include monitoring and recording geophysical phenomena, districting and categorization, and analytical, research, prognostic, and other professional tasks pertaining specifically to:
(1) Strokovne in z njimi povezane upravne naloge geološke, seizmološke in geofizikalne službe obsegajo monitoring ter drugo evidentiranje geofizikalnih pojavov, rajonizacijo in kategorizacijo, analitične, proučevalne, prognostične in druge strokovne naloge, ki se nanašajo zlasti na:
19 Končna redakcija
Homosexuality becomes deviant through the social reaction, which by no means implies that a reaction to deviant behavior creates that specific kind of behavior, but rather its meaning, including the categorization of a behavior as deviant, and its social position is produced through such a reaction.
Družbena reakcija homoseksualnost torej naredi za deviantno, a to seveda ne pomeni, da reakcija na deviantno vedenje ustvarja vedenje samo, pač pa se njen pomen in kategorizacija vedenja kot deviantnega in njeno mesto v družbi producirajo v procesu reakcije.
20 Končna redakcija
The dividing practices rely on certain 'objective' physical or psychological properties, for example gender, race, ethnicity, lifestyle, and sexual orientation, to single out from the undifferentiated mass of people certain social groups and emphasize differences between these and the 'normal majority'. Through this process these differences become visible and consequently lead to social objectification, categorization and stereotyping of human beings.
Ločitvene prakse, ki iz nediferencirane množice ljudi na podlagi »objektivnih« fizičnih ali psihičnih lastnosti, kot so spol, rasa, etnična pripadnost, življenjski slog, spolna usmerjenost ipd., iztrgajo posamezne družbene skupine, poudarjajo in s tem delajo vidne razlike med njimi in »normalno večino« in tako vodijo v družbeno objektivacijo, kategorizacijo in stereotipizacijo človeških bitij.
21 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: Z1-06-2827
Noting apparent declines in the North-west European and Northern European/West Mediterranean populations of Anas platyrhynchos, the North-west European population of Anas acuta, and the Baltic, Denmark and Netherlands population of Somateria mollissima, determines to retain existing categorizations for these populations in Table 1 of the Action Plan, and calls upon the Technical Committee, working with Wetlands International and other experts, as a matter of priority, to review further the status of these four populations in the light of additional information, and to report their findings to the Meeting of the Parties at its third session;
ob ugotavljanju
22 Pravna redakcija
Where a Community decision on classification resulting in a change of classification practice or a change of categorization of any product subject to the Agreement affects a category subject to quantitative limits, the Parties agree to enter into consultation in accordance with the procedures described in Article 11 of this Agreement with a view to honouring the obligation under the second subparagraph of Article 8(1) of this Agreement.
Če sklep Skupnosti o uvrstitvi, ki pripelje do spremembe prakse uvrščanja ali spremembe kategorije katerega koli izdelka, ki ga zajema ta sporazum, zadeva kategorijo, za katero veljajo količinske omejitve, se pogodbenici strinjata, da se bosta posvetovali v skladu s postopki iz člena 11 tega sporazuma, da bi izpolnili obveznost iz drugega pododstavka člena 8(1) tega sporazuma.
23 Pravna redakcija
Where a Community decision on classification resulting in a change of classification practice or a change of categorization of any product subject to the Agreement affects a category subject to quantitative limits, the Contracting Parties agree to enter into consultation in accordance with the procedures described in Article 15 of the Agreement with a view to honouring the obligation under the second subparagraph of Article 11 (1) of the Agreement.
Če sklep Skupnosti o uvrstitvi, ki pripelje do spremembe prakse uvrščanja ali spremembe kategorije katerega koli izdelka, ki ga zajema ta sporazum, zadeva kategorijo, za katero veljajo količinske omejitve, se pogodbenici strinjata, da se bosta posvetovali v skladu s postopki, opisanimi v členu 15 Sporazuma, da bi izpolnili obveznost iz drugega pododstavka člena 11(1) Sporazuma.
24 Pravna redakcija
Where a Community decision on classification resulting in a change of classification practice or a change of categorization of any product subject to the Agreement affects a category subject to restraint, the Community undertakes to enter into consultations without delay in accordance with the procedures described in Article 14 (1) of this Agreement with a view to agreeing necessary adjustments to the appropriate quantitative limits established in Annex II and mitigating any disruptive effects which might arise from such a Community decision.
Če sklep Skupnosti o uvrstitvi, ki pripelje do spremembe prakse uvrščanja ali spremembe kategorije katerega koli izdelka, za katerega velja ta sporazum, zadeva kategorijo, za katero velja omejitev, se Skupnost zavezuje, da se bo nemudoma posvetovala v skladu s postopki, opisanimi v členu 14 (1) tega Sporazuma, s ciljem, da se dosežejo potrebne prilagoditve ustreznih količinskih omejitev, določenih v Prilogi II, ter ublažijo morebitne motnje, ki bi nastale zaradi takega sklepa Skupnosti.
25 Pravna redakcija
The Parties agree that the introduction of changes, such as changes in practices, rules, procedures and categorization of textile products, including those changes relating to the Harmonized System and the combined nomenclature, in the implementation or administration of those restrictions applied under this Protocol, should not affect the balance of rights and obligations between the Parties under this Protocol; adversely affect the access available to a Party; impede the full utilization of such access; or disrupt trade under this Protocol.
Pogodbenici soglašata, da uvedba sprememb, kakor so spremembe v praksi, pravilih, postopkih in kategorizaciji tekstilnih izdelkov, vključno s spremembami harmoniziranega sistema in kombinirane nomenklature, pri izvajanju ali upravljanju omejitev, ki se uporabljajo po tem protokolu, ne sme vplivati na ravnovesje pravic in obveznosti med pogodbenicama tega protokola; škodljivo vplivati na dostop, ki je na voljo pogodbenici; ovirati polnega izkoriščanja tega dostopa; ali ovirati trgovine po tem protokolu.
26 Pravna redakcija
The Parties agree that the introduction of changes, such as changes in practices, rules, procedures and categorization of textile products, including those changes relating to the Harmonized System and the combined nomenclature, in the implementation or administration of those restrictions applied under this Protocol, should not affect the balance of rights and obligations between the Parties under this Protocol, adversely affect the access available to a Party, impede the full utilization of such access, or disrupt trade under this Protocol.
Pogodbenici se sporazumeta, da uvedba sprememb, kot so spremembe v praksi, pravilih, postopkih in kategorizaciji tekstilnih izdelkov, vključno s spremembami harmoniziranega sistema in kombinirane nomenklature, pri izvajanju ali upravljanju omejitev, ki se uporabljajo po tem protokolu, ne sme vplivati na ravnovesje pravic in obveznosti med pogodbenicama tega protokola, škodljivo vplivati na dostop, ki je na voljo pogodbenici, ovirati polnega izkoriščanja tega dostopa ali ovirati trgovine po tem protokolu.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R2196
whereas New Zealand butter sold in the United Kingdom may benefit from a reduced rate of duty provided that it fulfils the conditions for categorization as first-class quality in that Member State;
ker se lahko za maslo iz Nove Zelandije, ki se proda v Veliki Britaniji, dodeli znižana pomoč, če to maslo ustreza prvovrstni kakovosti po v tej državi članici veljavni razvrstitvi;
28 Prevajalska redakcija
take full account of such factors as established tariff classification and quantitative units based on normal commercial practices in export and import transactions, both as regards fibre composition and in terms of competing for the same segment of its domestic market, and (b) avoid over-categorization.
v celoti upošteva take dejavnike, kot so veljavna carinska razvrstitev in količinske enote, ki temeljijo na normalni trgovinski praksi pri izvoznih in uvoznih transakcijah, tako glede sestave vlaken kot pogojev konkurence za isti del domačega trga, in da se (b) izogiba pretirani kategorizaciji.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
Members agree that the introduction of changes, such as changes in practices, rules, procedures and categorization of textile and clothing products, including those changes relating to the Harmonized System, in the implementation or administration of those restrictions notified or applied under this Agreement should not: upset the balance of rights and obligations between the Members concerned under this Agreement;
Članice se sporazumejo, da uvajanje sprememb, kot so spremembe v praksi, pravilih, postopkih in razvrščanju tekstila in oblačil, vključno s spremembami, ki se nanašajo na harmonizirani sistem, pri izvajanju ali upravljanju teh omejitev, ki so sporočene ali se uporabljajo na podlagi tega sporazuma, ne bi smelo porušiti ravnotežja med pravicami in obveznostmi med določenimi članicami na podlagi tega sporazuma;
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