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certification of expenditure
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0438
Certification of expenditure
Potrjevanje izdatkov
2 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, in order to guarantee efficient and correct implementation, the obligations of the Member States should be laid down with regard to management and supervision systems, the certification of expenditure and the prevention, detection and correction of irregularities and of infringements of Community law;
ker bi bilo treba za zagotavljanje učinkovitega in pravilnega izvajanja določiti obveznosti držav članic na področju sistemov upravljanja in nadzora, potrjevanja izdatkov ter preprečevanja, odkrivanja in popravljanja nepravilnosti ter kršitev prava Skupnosti;
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1386
In order to harmonise standards for the certification of expenditure for which payments from the Fund are claimed, the content of such certificates should be laid down and the nature and quality of the information on which they rely specified.
Da bi uskladili standarde za potrjevanje izdatkov, ki so predmet zahtevkov za plačila iz sklada, je treba določiti vsebino teh potrdil ter podrobno določiti vrsto in kakovost informacij, na katerih temeljijo.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0438
In order to harmonise standards for the certification of expenditure for which payments from the Funds under Article 32(3) and (4) of Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 are claimed, the content of such certificates should be laid down and the nature and quality of the information on which they rely specified.
Za uskladitev standardov za potrjevanje izdatkov, ki so v skladu s členom 32(3) in (4) Uredbe (ES) št. 1260/1999 predmet zahtevkov za plačila iz skladov, je treba določiti vsebino teh potrdil ter opredeliti vrsto in kakovost informacij, na katerih temeljijo.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
The duties of the secretary shall include the receipt, collation, and circulation of documents, reports, and resolutions of the sessions of the Commission and its committees, the record of their proceedings, the certification of expenditures and financial commitments, and the performance of such other duties as the Commission may direct.
Naloge sekretarja zajemajo sprejem, pregled in razpošiljanje dokumentov, poročil in sklepov zasedanj Komisije in njenih odborov, izdelavo zapisnikov, overitev izdatkov in finančnih obveznosti ter opravljanje drugih nalog po navodilih Komisije.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0487
The duties of the Secretary shall include the receipt, collation, and circulation of documents, reports, and resolutions of the sessions of the Commission and its committees, the record of their proceedings, the certification of expenditures and financial commitments, and the performance of such other duties as the Commission may direct.
Dolžnosti tajnika vključujejo prejem, zbiranje in posredovanje dokumentov, poročil in resolucij sej Komisije in njenih odborov, izdelavo zapisnikov njihovih razprav, overitev stroškov in finančnih obveznosti ter opravljanje drugih dolžnosti po nalogu Komisije.
Prevodi: en > sl
certification of expenditure