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certification of origin
1 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
Personnel of the States Parties taking part in the certification shall have the right to monitor the unsealing of the film cassette and the storage, processing and handling of the original film negative exposed during the in-flight examination, in accordance with the provisions of Annex K, Section II to the Treaty.
Osebje držav pogodbenic, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, ima pravico opazovati odpečatenje kasete filma ter shranitev in obdelavo izvirnega negativa filma, osvetljenega med letom, ter ravnanje z njim v skladu z določbami II. razdelka Dodatka K k pogodbi.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
The official veterinarian shall keep the original of the veterinary certification or documentation accompanying the animals, as well as a copy of the CVED, for at least three years.
Uradni veterinar hrani izvirnik veterinarskega spričevala ali dokumentacije, ki spremlja živali, kot tudi izvod CVED, vsaj tri leta.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0213
Despite considerable efforts by the authorities in Serbia and Montenegro to redress the situation, deficiencies persist in their system of certification and control of preferential origin.
Kljub velikim prizadevanjem organov v Srbiji in Črni gori, da bi popravili položaj, so v njihovem sistemu certificiranja in nadzora nad preferencialnim poreklom še vedno pomanjkljivosti.
4 Končna redakcija
Where products referred to in Article 1 are subject to a certification procedure in respect of the designation of origin, they may only be marketed or exported if the certificate has been issued.
Če so proizvodi iz člena 1 predmet certifikacijskega postopka, glede označbe geografskega porekla, jih je mogoče tržiti ali izvažati samo, če je bil izdan certifikat.
5 Končna redakcija
In the case of internal trade of RES-E (with recognised certification or origin registered) the calculation of these percentages will influence 2010 figures by Member State but not the Community total.".
V primeru notranjega trgovanja z električno energijo iz OVE (s priznano certifikacijo ali registriranim poreklom) bo v letu 2010 izračun teh deležev vplival na številke za državo članico, vendar ne na seštevek za Skupnost.".
6 Končna redakcija
The products referred to in Article 1, harvested within the Community or prepared from hops harvested within the Community, shall be subject to a certification procedure in respect of the designation of origin.
Proizvode iz člena 1, obrane v Skupnosti ali pripravljene iz hmelja, obranega v Skupnosti, je potrebno certificirati glede označbe geografskega porekla. 2.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0599
the Annex to Commission Decision 94/273/EC of 18 April 1994 concerning veterinary certification for placing on the market in the United Kingdom and Ireland of dogs and cats not originating in those countries(15);
Priloga k Odločbi Komisije 94/273/ES z dne 18. aprila 1994 o veterinarskih spričevalih za dajanje psov in mačk na trg v Združenem kraljestvu in na Irskem, ko slednji niso s poreklom iz navedenih držav[15];
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
The official veterinarian shall retain the original veterinary certification or documentation issued by the third country and accompanying the consignment, as well as a copy of the CVED, for at least three years.
Uradni veterinar hrani izvirna veterinarska spričevala ali dokumentacijo, ki jo izda tretja država in spremljajo pošiljko, ter kopijo SVVD najmanj tri leta.
9 Končna redakcija
The Council, acting in accordance with the voting procedure laid down in Article 43 (2) of the Treaty on a proposal from the Commission, shall adopt, for each product, general rules for the certification procedure in respect of the designation of origin and the date of its implementation.
Svet, na predlog Komisije, po postopku glasovanja iz člena 43(2) Pogodbe, za vsak proizvod sprejme splošna pravila za certifikacijski postopek glede označbe geografskega porekla in določi datum začetka njegovega izvajanja.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0213
At the basis of this decision were findings made in Serbia and Montenegro according to which the system of certification and control of the preferential origin of sugar of CN codes 1701 and 1702 did not allow the competent authorities of this beneficiary country to verify the originating status of the products and to provide administrative cooperation as required for the verification of evidence of origin.
Temelj te odločitve so bile ugotovitve v Srbiji in Črni gori, v skladu s katerimi sistem certificiranja in nadzora nad preferencialnim poreklom sladkorja iz oznak KN 1701 in 1702 pristojnim organom te države upravičenke ni omogočal preverjanje statusa porekla proizvodov in izvajanja upravnega sodelovanja kot se zahteva za preverjanje dokazil o poreklu.
11 Končna redakcija
Whereas a quality policy should be followed throughout the Community by implementing provisions concerning certification of the designation of origin together with rules prohibiting, as a general rule, the marketing of products for which the certificate has not been issued or, in the case of imported products, those which do not comply with equivalent minimum quality characteristics;
ker bi bilo potrebno po vsej Skupnosti slediti politiki kakovosti z izvajanjem določb v zvezi s potrjevanjem označbe geografskega porekla skupaj s pravili, ki načeloma prepovedujejo trženje proizvodov, za katere ni bilo izdano potrdilo, ali, v primeru uvoženih proizvodov, tistih, ki ne ustrezajo enakovredni minimalni kakovosti;
12 Končna redakcija
Subject to the rules on assessment of Article 5, city airports listed in Annex I may introduce measures that are more stringent, in terms of the definition of marginally compliant aircraft provided that these measures do not affect civil subsonic jet aeroplanes that comply, through either original certification or recertification, with the noise standards in Volume 1, Part II, Chapter 4 of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
S pridržkom predpisov o presoji iz člena 5 se na mestnih letališčih, naštetih v Prilogi I, lahko uvedejo strožji ukrepi glede opredelitve mejno ustreznih zrakoplovov, če ti ukrepi ne vplivajo na civilna podzvočna reaktivna letala, ki so z izvirno ali ponovno certifikacijo v skladu s standardom glede hrupa iz poglavje 4 dela II zvezka 1 Priloge 16 h Konvenciji o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu.
13 Pravna redakcija
Where a surveillance system is established under this Article by the Community, the relevant provisions on double-checking, classification and certification of origin laid down in Appendix A shall be applied by Romania.
Če po tem členu sistem nadzora vzpostavi Skupnost, Romunija uporablja ustrezne določbe o dvojni kontroli, uvrščanju in potrdilih o poreklu, določene v Dodatku A.
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0138
Some bilateral agreements, protocols or other arrangements between the Community and supplier countries go beyond these general provisions, namely by requiring a certificate of origin for groups of products other than IA, IB, IIA and IIB of Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 3030/93 or by requesting the use of specific forms of certification of origin while Regulation (EC) No 1541/98 only specifies the general conditions with which the certificates used should comply.
Nekateri dvostranski sporazumi, protokoli ali drugi dogovori med Skupnostjo in državami dobaviteljicami presegajo okvire teh splošnih določb, in sicer tako, da je potrdilo o poreklu blaga potrebno še za druge skupine izdelkov poleg skupin IA, IB, IIA in IIB Priloge I k Uredbi (EGS) št. 3030/93 ali da se zahteva uporaba posebnih obrazcev za potrjevanje porekla blaga, medtem ko Uredba (ES) št. 1541/98 določa samo splošne pogoje, ki jih morajo uporabljena potrdila izpolnjevati.
15 Pravna redakcija
Where, in accordance with the relevant provisions of an agreement, protocol or other arrangement between the Community and a third country, a system of surveillance a priori or a posteriori is introduced on a category of products referred to in Annex I which is not subject to the quantitative limits listed in Annex V, the procedures and formalities concerning single and double checking, economic outward processing, classification and certification of origin shall be those laid down in Annex III and IV.
Če se v skladu z usteznimi določbami sporazuma, protokola ali drugega dogovora med Skupnostjo in določeno tretjo državo izvaja sistem predhodnega ali naknadnega nadzora za določeno kategorijo izdelkov iz Priloge I, za katero ne veljajo količinske omejitve iz Priloge V, se uporabljajo postopki in formalnosti v zvezi z enojnim in dvojnim preverjanjem, ekonomskim pasivnim oplemenitenjem, uvrščanjem in potrjevanjem porekla, določeni v Prilogah III in IV.
16 Pravna redakcija
Rules must also be laid down for the certification of the origin of certain wines for carriage not subject to tax formalities, in particular for export.
Treba je tudi določiti pravila za potrjevanje izvora nekaterih vin za prevoze, za katere ne veljajo davčne formalnosti, zlasti za izvoz.
17 Pravna redakcija
Member States may make the certification of the designation of origin of quality wines psr and the provenance of table wines produced on their territory compulsory.
Države članice lahko uvedejo obvezno potrjevanje označbe izvora kakovostnih vin pdpo in izvora namiznih vin, ki so bila pridelana na njihovem ozemlju.
18 Pravna redakcija
excessively burdensome, costly or arbitrary rules, procedures or practices concerning the certification of the origin of products or requiring direct shipment of goods from the country of origin to the country of destination,
pretirano obremenjujoča, draga ali samovoljna pravila, postopke ali prakse v zvezi s potrjevanjem porekla izdelkov ali taka, ki zahtevajo neposredno pošiljanje blaga iz države porekla v namembno državo,
19 Pravna redakcija
The competent authorities of each Member State may permit consignors satisfying the conditions set out in paragraph 3 to fill in themselves, or have pre-printed, the certification of designation of origin or of provenance on the accompanying document, provided such certification:
Pristojne oblasti vsake države članice lahko dovolijo pošiljateljem, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje iz odstavka 3, da sami izpolnijo ali imajo potrdilo o označbi porekla ali izvora, poprej natisnjeno na spremnem dokumentu, pod pogojem:
20 Pravna redakcija
- excessively burdensome, costly or arbitrary rules, procedures or practices concerning the certification of the origin of products or requiring direct shipment of goods from the country of origin to the country of destination;
- pretirano obremenjujoča, draga ali samovoljna pravila, postopke ali prakse v zvezi s potrjevanjem porekla izdelkov ali taka, ki zahtevajo neposredno pošiljanje blaga iz države porekla v namembno državo;
21 Pravna redakcija
- excessively burdensome, costly or arbitrary rules, procedures or practices concerning the certification of the origin of products or requiring direct shipment of goods from the country of origin to the country of destination,
- pretirano obremenjujoča, draga ali samovoljna pravila, postopki ali prakse v zvezi s potrjevanjem porekla izdelkov ali taka, ki zahtevajo neposredno pošiljanje blaga iz države porekla v namembno državo,
22 Pravna redakcija
The certification in box 10 of the certificate may be replaced by an attestation of designation of origin in accordance withArticle 7 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 884/2001.
Overovitev v polju 10 se lahko nadomesti s potrdilom o označbi porekla v skladu s členom 7 Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 884/2001.
23 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0500
The certification in box 10 of the certificate may be replaced by an attestation of designation of origin in accordance with Article 7 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 884/2001.
Overitev v polju 10 potrdila se lahko nadomesti z izjavo o geografskem poreklu v skladu s členom 7 Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 884/2001.
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
The official veterinarian shall keep the original of the veterinary certification or documentation accompanying the animals, as well as a copy of the CVED, for at least three years.
Uradni veterinar hrani izvirnik veterinarskega spričevala ali dokumentacije, ki spremlja živali, kot tudi izvod CVED, vsaj tri leta.
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0483
(b) the animals are individually identified so as to enable in each case the tracing of the holding of origin when inspected for certification by the official veterinarian at the approved assembly centre situated in the Member State of origin, and
(b) živali so posamezno označene, kar v vsakem primeru omogoča povratno sledenje do gospodarstva izvora, kadar uradni veterinar opravlja nadzor v zvezi s certificiranjem v odobrenem zbirnem centru v državi članici izvora, ter
26 Pravna redakcija
In the case of certain wines, certification relating to the origin and quality of the products should, where necessary, be indicated in accordance with the relevant Community legislation.
V primeru nekaterih vin morajo biti, kjer je to potrebno, navedene potrditve glede porekla in kakovosti izdelkov v skladu z ustrezno zakonodajo Skupnosti.
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0213
(5) Despite considerable efforts by the authorities in Serbia and Montenegro to redress the situation, deficiencies persist in their system of certification and control of preferential origin.
(5) Kljub velikim prizadevanjem organov v Srbiji in Črni gori, da bi popravili položaj, so v njihovem sistemu certificiranja in nadzora nad preferencialnim poreklom še vedno pomanjkljivosti.
28 Pravna redakcija
The Parties agree to examine the opportunity to introduce other means of certification of the originating status of products, as well as the opportunity to make use of the electronic transmission of proofs of origin.
Pogodbenici soglašata, da preučita možnost uvedbe drugih sredstev certifikacije statusa izdelkov s poreklom in tudi možnost, da se uporabi elektronski prenos dokazil o poreklu.
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1428
Control procedures and certification of the product will be carried out by the designated State agencies on the basis of the legislation in force for designated origin and geographical indication products.
Kontrolne postopke in certifikacijo proizvoda opravlja imenovana državna služba na podlagi veljavne zakonodaje za proizvode z označbo porekla in geografsko oznako.
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0599
- the Annex to Commission Decision 94/273/EC of 18 April 1994 concerning veterinary certification for placing on the market in the United Kingdom and Ireland of dogs and cats not originating in those countries fn;
- Priloga k Odločbi Komisije 94/273/ES z dne 18. aprila 1994 o veterinarskih spričevalih za dajanje psov in mačk na trg v Združenem kraljestvu in na Irskem, ko slednji niso s poreklom iz navedenih držav fn;
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0390
In doing so, the competent authority of the Member State of origin shall ensure that the principles of certification equivalent to those laid down in Council Directive 96/93/EC are followed (OJ L 13, 16.1.1997, p. 28).
Pri tem pristojni organ države članice izvora zagotovi, da so upoštevana načela certificiranja, enaka tistim iz Direktive Sveta 96/93/ES (UL L 13, 16. 1. 1997, str. 28).
32 Pravna redakcija
The abovementioned provisions concerning the drawing up of accompanying administrative documents and the simplified accompanying document refer to rules on the certification of the origin and quality of certain types of wine.
Zgoraj navedene določbe v zvezi s pripravo spremnih upravnih dokumentov in poenostavljenega spremnega dokumenta zadevajo pravila o potrjevanju porekla in kakovosti nekaterih vrst vina.
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
The official veterinarian shall retain the original veterinary certification or documentation issued by the third country and accompanying the consignment, as well as a copy of the CVED, for at least three years.
Uradni veterinar hrani izvirna veterinarskega spričevala ali dokumentacijo, ki jo izda tretja država in spremljajo pošiljko, ter kopijo SVVD najmanj tri leta.
34 Pravna redakcija
Subject to the provisions of Article 25, each Party agrees not to submit the import of wine originating in the other Party to more restrictive import certification requirements than any of those introduced by this Agreement.
Na podlagi določb člena 25 obe pogodbenici soglašata, da za uvoz vina s poreklom iz druge pogodbenice ne bosta uvedli bolj omejujočih zahtev za uvozna potrdila, kakor jih določa ta sporazum.
35 Pravna redakcija
The Parties recognise the important role of the authorities appointed to carry out the duties related to origin certification and verification as specified in Annex III, Titles V and VI and as defined in Article 1 (m).
Pogodbenici priznavata pomembno vlogo organov, imenovanih za opravljanje nalog v zvezi z izdajanjem potrdil o poreklu in preverjanjem, kakor je določeno v Prilogi III, naslovih V in VI, in kakor je opredeljeno v členu 1(m).
36 Pravna redakcija
Subject to Article 15, each Contracting Party agrees not to submit the import of wine originating in the territory of the other Contracting Party to more restrictive import certification requirements than any of those introduced by this Agreement.
Obe pogodbenici po določbah člena 15 soglašata, da za uvoz vina s poreklom iz ozemlja druge pogodbenice ne bosta uvedli bolj omejujočih zahtev po uvoznih potrdilih, kakor jih določa ta sporazum.
37 Pravna redakcija
By way of derogation from Article 3 (1) (c), Member States may provide that signs or indications which may serve, in trade, to designate the geographical origin of the goods or services may constitute collective, guarantee or certification marks.
Z odstopanjem od člena 3(1)(c) lahko države članice predvidijo, da lahko znaki ali oznake, ki se v gospodarskem prometu lahko uporabljajo za označevanje geografskega izvora blaga ali storitev, sestavljajo kolektivne, garancijske ali certifikacijske znamke.
38 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Commission Decision 81/526/EEC (3), as amended by Decision 83/70/EEC (4), lays down the animal health conditions and veterinary certification of imports of fresh meat from Switzerland, and whereas such imports of fresh meat originate from Swiss animals;
ker Odločba Komisije št. 81/526/EGS fn, kakor je bila spremenjena z Odločbo 83/70/EGS fn, določa pogoje zdravstvenega varstva živali in izdajanje veterinarskih spričeval za uvoz svežega mesa iz Švice, in ker tak uvoz izvira iz švicarskih živali;
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1343
(5) There has been no significant change in the situation in Serbia and Montenegro with regard to the deficiencies found in their system of certification and control of the preferential origin of sugar, despite the ongoing efforts of the authorities in Serbia and Montenegro.
(5) Kljub prizadevanju organov v Srbiji in Črni gori, v Srbiji in Črni gori ni bilo bistvenih sprememb stanja glede ugotovljenih pomanjkljivosti v sistemu potrjevanja in nadzora preferencialnega porekla sladkorja.
40 Pravna redakcija
Commission Decision of 1 December 2000 repealing Decision 1999/253/EC on protective measures with regard to certain fishery products from or originating in Kenya and Tanzania and amending the health certification for fishery products originating or proceeding from Kenya (notified under document number C(2000) 3653) (Text with EEA relevance)
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 1. decembra 2000 o razveljavitvi Odločbe 1999/253/ES o zaščitnih ukrepih za nekatere ribiške proizvode s poreklom ali izvorom iz Kenije in Tanzanije ter o spremembi zdravstvenih spričeval za ribiške proizvode s poreklom ali izvorom iz Kenije (notificirana pod dokumentarno številko K(2000) 3653) (Besedilo velja za EGP) (2000/759/ES)
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0213
At the basis of this decision were findings made in Serbia and Montenegro according to which the system of certification and control of the preferential origin of sugar of CN codes 1701 and 1702 did not allow the competent authorities of this beneficiary country to verify the originating status of the products and to provide administrative cooperation as required for the verification of evidence of origin.
Temelj te odločitve so bile ugotovitve v Srbiji in Črni gori, v skladu s katerimi sistem certificiranja in nadzora nad preferencialnim poreklom sladkorja iz oznak KN 1701 in 1702 pristojnim organom te države upravičenke ni omogočal preverjanje statusa porekla proizvodov in izvajanja upravnega sodelovanja kot se zahteva za preverjanje dokazil o poreklu.
42 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1343
(2) At the basis of that decision were findings made in Serbia and Montenegro according to which the system of certification and control of the preferential origin of sugar of CN codes 1701 and 1702 did not allow the competent authorities of this beneficiary country to verify the originating status of the products and to provide administrative cooperation as required for the verification of evidence of origin.
(2) Podlaga za to odločitev so bile ugotovitve pregleda v Srbiji in Črni gori, da sistem potrjevanja in nadzora preferencialnega porekla sladkorja z oznako KN 1701 in 1702 pristojnim organom te države upravičenke ni omogočal, da bi preverili poreklo proizvodov in zagotovili upravno sodelovanje, ki se zahteva za preverjanje dokazil o poreklu.
43 Pravna redakcija
For those vehicles that are not accessible by such readily available diagnostic tools, the authorities will need to either make use of available equipment from the original vehicle manufacturer or provide for the acceptance of appropriate test certification from the vehicle manufacturer or their franchise organisation.
Pri vozilih, ki s takim takoj razpoložljivim orodjem za diagnostiko niso preverljiva, bodo morali organi bodisi uporabiti opremo, ki jo daje na voljo proizvajalec vozila, bodisi sprejeti ustrezno certifikacijo za preskušanje od proizvajalca vozila ali njegove franšizne organizacije.
44 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0039
(7) Commission Decision 2000/759/EC of 1 December 2000 repealing Decision 1999/253/EC on protective measures with regard to certain fishery products from or originating in Kenya and Tanzania and amending the health certification for fishery products originating or proceeding from Kenya fn, provides for the addition of a certain mention to the health certificate accompanying the fishery products imported from Kenya.
(7) Odločba Komisije 2000/759/ES z dne 1. decembra 2000 o razveljavitvi Odločbe 1999/253/ES o zaščitnih ukrepih za nekatere ribiške proizvode s poreklom ali izvorom iz Kenije in Tanzanije ter o spremembi zdravstvenih spričeval za ribiške proizvode s poreklom ali izvorom iz Kenije fn, predvideva dodatek nekaterih navedb k zdravstvenemu spričevalu, ki spremlja ribiške proizvode, uvožene iz Kenije.
45 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0058
Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that certification of electronic copies guarantees both the authenticity of their origin and the integrity of their contents, by means at least of an advanced electronic signature within the meaning of Article 2(2) of Directive 1999/93/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 1999 on a Community framework for electronic signatures( * ).
Države članice z ustreznimi ukrepi zagotovijo, da certificiranje elektronskih prepisov jamči pristnost njihovega izvora ter celovitost njihove vsebine, vsaj z naprednim elektronskim podpisom v smislu člena 2(2) Direktive 1999/93/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 13. decembra 1999 o okviru Skupnosti za elektronski podpis( * ).
46 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31980D0045
The technical regulations, standards and certification and verification procedures laid down in the Directives for the removal of technical barriers to intra-Community trade shall apply, under any special conditions which may be laid down in those Directives, to all products on the Community market irrespective of their origin, save as otherwise provided in Title III.
Tehnični predpisi, standardi ter postopki certificiranja in overjanja, določeni v direktivah za odpravo tehničnih ovir v trgovini znotraj Skupnosti, veljajo po posebnih pogojih, ki so lahko določeni v navedenih direktivah, za vse proizvode na trgu Skupnosti, ne glede na njihovo poreklo, razen če ni drugače določeno v Naslovu III.
47 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0669
(3) Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 laying down rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies fn, as last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 650/2003 fn, provides for special certification requirements for animals and products of animal origin to prevent the spread of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.
(3) Uredba (ES) št. 999/2001 Evropskega parlamenta Sveta z dne 22. maja 2001 o predpisih za preprečevanje, nadzor in izkoreninjenje nekaterih transmisivnih spongiformnih encefalopatij fn, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 650/2003 fn, predvideva posebne zahteve certificiranja za živali in proizvode živalskega izvora, da se prepreči razširjanje transmisivnih spongiformnih encefalopatij.
48 Pravna redakcija
For any products subject to, or to be subjected to, certification requirements, Ukraine will ensure that (a) the certification procedures - including any fees charged for assessing the conformity of products - which are applied to products originating in the European Community will be no less favourable than those accorded to suppliers of like products of national origin or originating in any other country; (b) conformity assessment procedures are not prepared, adopted or applied with a view to or with the effect of creating unnecessary obstacles to trade between the European Community and Ukraine; (c) conformity assessment procedures are undertaken and completed as expeditiously as possible.
Za vse izdelke, za katere veljajo ali naj bi veljale zahteve za certificiranje, bo Ukrajina zagotovila, da (a) postopki certificiranja - skupaj s pristojbinami za ugotavljanje skladnosti izdelkov - ki se uporabljajo za izdelke po poreklu iz Evropske skupnosti, ne bodo nič manj ugodni od tistih, ki se podeljujejo dobaviteljem podobnih izdelkov nacionalnega porekla ali po poreklu iz katere koli druge države; (b) postopki ugotavljanja skladnosti niso pripravljeni, sprejeti ali uporabljani, z namenom da bi ali tako da ustvarjajo nepotrebne ovire za trgovino med Evropsko skupnostjo in Ukrajino; (c) se postopki ugotavljanja skladnosti izvajajo in dokončajo čim hitreje.
49 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0804
Member States shall authorise the importation into their territory of non-viable molluscs for immediate human consumption or for further processing before human consumption only if the molluscs originate in third countries and establishments authorised under Article 9 of Directive 91/492/EEC and Article 11 of Directive 91/493/EEC and comply with the public health certification requirements laid down under those Directives.
Države članice dovolijo uvoz mehkužcev, ki niso sposobni preživetja in so namenjeni za neposredno prehrano ljudi ali nadaljnjo predelavo pred uporabo za prehrano ljudi, na njihovo ozemlje le, če školjke izvirajo iz tretjih držav ali obratov, odobrenih po členu 9 Direktive 91/492/EGS in členu 11 Direktive 91/493/EGS ter so v skladu z zahtevami za izdajanje spričeval v zvezi z javnim zdravjem, določenimi v teh dveh direktivah.
Prevodi: en > sl
certification of origin