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certification system
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
− with systemic measures promote the introduction of the certification system;
s sistemskimi ukrepi pospešila uvajanje certifikatnega sistema,
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
− propose catalogues of standards of professional knowledge and skills for the introduction of the certification system.
predlagali kataloge standardov strokovnih znanj in spretnosti za uvajanje certifikatnega sistema.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
transferring technology and know-how, particularly regarding European technical standards and certification systems;
prenos tehnologije ter znanja in izkušenj, vključno z Evropskimi tehničnimi standardi in sistemom izdajanja certifikatov,
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
updating higher education and training systems in the Republic of Tajikistan, including the system of certification of higher education establishments and higher education diplomas;
posodobitev sistemov visokega izobraževanja in usposabljanja v Republiki Tadžikistan, vključno s sistemom vzajemnega certificiranja ustanov visokega šolstva in visokošolskih diplom;
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-114
b. The establishment within the framework of the IATTC of a system of technical training and certification for fishing captains and crews on the gear and its use, as well as the techniques for the rescue and safety of dolphins;
b. uvedbo sistema tehničnega usposabljanja in certificiranja v okviru IATTC, namenjenega kapitanom in posadkam ribiških plovil v zvezi z ribiškim orodjem in njegovo uporabo kakor tudi v zvezi s tehnikami reševanja in varovanja delfinov;
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-53
radio-spectrum, scientific research and training, industrial cooperation, trade and market development, standards, certification and regulatory measures, development of global and regional GNSS ground augmentation systems, security, liability and cost recovery.
radijski spekter, znanstveno raziskovanje in usposabljanje, industrijsko sodelovanje, trgovino in razvoj trga, standarde, certificiranje in regulatorne ukrepe, razvoj globalnih in regionalnih zemeljskih sistemov za izboljšanje GNSS, varnost, odgovornost ter povračilo stroškov.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
The company shall conduct its activities on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia in accordance with the law in the Republic of Slovenia, including applicable requirements for transmission system operators (in particular their certification), and this Agreement.
Podjetje opravlja svojo dejavnost na območju Republike Slovenije v skladu s pravom v Republiki Sloveniji in z zahtevami, ki veljajo za operaterje prenosnega sistema (zlasti njihovo certificiranje), in s tem sporazumom.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-30
Recognising the value of coordinating approaches in international standardisation and certification concerning global satellite navigation services, the Parties will jointly support the development of GALILEO standards and promote their application worldwide, emphasising interoperability with other GNSS systems.
Zaradi velikega pomena usklajevalnih prizadevanj pri mednarodni standardizaciji in certifikatih glede storitev globalne satelitske navigacije bodo pogodbenice s poudarjanjem interoperabilnosti z ostalimi GNSS sistemi skupno podprle razvoj standardov GALILEO in spodbujale svoje aplikacije po svetu.
9 Končna redakcija
Member States shall designate the official bodies or departments authorized to carry out certification and those responsible for ensuring compliance with the certification system.
Države članice imenujejo uradne organe ali oddelke, pooblaščene za opravljanje certificiranja, in tiste, ki so odgovorni za zagotavljanje izpolnjevanja sistema certificiranja.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0001
up to 100 % of the costs of the charges levied by recognised certifying bodies for the initial certification of quality assurance and similar systems;
do 100 % stroškov, ki jih zaračunajo priznani certifikacijski organi za prvo potrditev sistemov zagotavljanja kakovosti in podobnih sistemov;
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0550
be subject to certification of its quality system by an independent body of auditors recognised by the authorities of the Member State in which it is located.
njihov sistem kakovosti mora potrditi neodvisni organ, ki ga odobrijo organi države članice, v kateri se nahaja.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
This Directive allows Member States to establish official lists of contractors, suppliers or service providers or a system of certification by public or private bodies, and makes provision for the effects of such registration or such certification in a contract award procedure in another Member State.
Ta direktiva dovoljuje državam članicam, da sestavijo uradni seznam izvajalcev gradenj, ponudnikov blaga ali izvajalcev storitev ali da določijo sistem izdajanja potrdil s strani javnih ali zasebnih organov ter da sprejmejo določbo o veljavnosti te registracije ali teh potrdil v postopku oddaje naročil v drugi državi članici.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
In drafting the provision, care has been taken to ensure compatibility with the provisions of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended, the International Safety Management (ISM) Code and the harmonised system of survey and certification.
Določbe so oblikovane tako, da je poskrbljeno za zagotavljanje skladnosti z določbami Mednarodne konvencije o standardih za usposabljanje, izdajanje spričeval in ladijsko stražarjenje pomorščakov, 1978, kakor je bila spremenjena, z določbami Mednarodnega kodeksa ravnanja za varno upravljanje ladij (Kodeks ISM) in usklajenega sistema za preglede in certificiranje.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0213
Despite considerable efforts by the authorities in Serbia and Montenegro to redress the situation, deficiencies persist in their system of certification and control of preferential origin.
Kljub velikim prizadevanjem organov v Srbiji in Črni gori, da bi popravili položaj, so v njihovem sistemu certificiranja in nadzora nad preferencialnim poreklom še vedno pomanjkljivosti.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0550
have developed, implemented and maintained an effective internal quality system based on appropriate parts of internationally recognised quality standards and in compliance with EN 45004 (inspection bodies) and with EN 29001, as interpreted by the IACS Quality System Certification Scheme Requirements,
so morale razviti, vpeljati in vzdrževati učinkovit notranji sistem za nadzor kakovosti, ki temelji na ustreznih delih mednarodno priznanih standardov kakovosti in je v skladu s standardoma EN 45004 (inšpekcijski nadzorni organi) in EN 29001, kakor ju razlagajo zahteve sistema za certificiranje kakovosti IAKS (integrirani administrativni in kontrolni sistem),
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0865
the traceability system, the certification and protection of the quality of olive oil and table olives, in particular the monitoring of the quality of olive oils sold to final consumers, under the authority of the national administrations;
sistem sledljivosti, certificiranja in zaščite kakovosti oljčnega olja in namiznih oljk, predvsem nadzor kakovosti oljčnega olja, prodanega končnim potrošnikom, v pristojnosti državnih upravnih organov;
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
Application for certification as a European Enforcement Order for uncontested claims should be optional for the creditor, who may instead choose the system of recognition and enforcement under Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 or other Community instruments.
Zahtevek po potrditvi kot evropskega naloga za izvršbo za nesporne zahtevke je za upnika neobvezen, saj bo morda namesto tega raje izbral sistem priznanja in izvršitve v skladu z Uredbo (ES) št. 44/2001 ali drugim pravnim aktom Skupnosti.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
Moreover, synergies in terms of time, cost and risk reduction might be reached by the reconciliation of common elements of different national implementation strategies - namely through joint procurement initiatives, collaboration in system validation and certification activities.
Poleg tega bi se lahko dosegle sinergije v zvezi z zmanjšanjem časa, stroškov in tveganja z uskladitvijo skupnih elementov različnih nacionalnih strategij izvajanja - namreč s pobudami skupnih naročil in sodelovanjem v procesu validacije in dejavnosti izdajanja spričeval.
19 Končna redakcija
The products set out in Annex I shall have their conformity attested by a procedure whereby, in addition to a factory production control system operated by the manufacturer, an approved certification body is involved in assessment and surveillance of the production control or of the product itself.
Skladnost proizvodov, ki so navedeni v Prilogi I, se potrdi s postopkom, po katerem je poleg proizvajalca, ki upravlja sistem nadzora tovarniške proizvodnje, v oceno in nadzorovanje kontrole proizvodnje ali samega proizvoda vključen tudi odobren certifikacijski organ.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0093
The products set out in Annex II shall have their conformity attested by a procedure whereby, in addition to a factory-production control system operated by the manufacturer, an approved certification body is involved in assessment and surveillance of the production control or of the product itself.
Skladnost proizvodov, ki so navedeni v Prilogi II, se potrjuje po postopku, po katerem je poleg sistema kontrole tovarniške proizvodnje, ki ga izvaja proizvajalec, v oceno in nadzor kontrole proizvodnje ali samega proizvoda vključen tudi certifikacijski organ.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0606
The products set out in Annex II shall have their conformity attested by a procedure whereby, in addition to a factory production control system operated by the manufacturer, an approved certification body is involved in assessment and surveillance of the production control or of the product itself.
Pri proizvodih in družinah proizvodov, ki so določeni v Prilogi II, se njihova skladnost potrjuje s postopkom, pri katerem je poleg sistema nadzora tovarniške proizvodnje, ki ga izvaja proizvajalec, v ocenjevanje in nadzor proizvodnje ali samega proizvoda vključen odobren certifikacijski organ.
22 Končna redakcija
have been surveyed for the issue of certificates in accordance with the relevant procedures and guidelines annexed to IMO Assembly Resolution A.746(18) on survey guidelines under the harmonised system of survey and certification, as they stand at the time of adoption of this Directive or with procedures designed to achieve the same goal;
so bili pregledani za izdajo spričeval v skladu z ustreznimi postopki in smernicami iz Priloge k Resoluciji skupščine IMO A.746(18) o smernicah za preglede na podlagi usklajenega sistema za pregledovanje in certifikacijo, kakor veljajo ob sprejetju te direktive, ali s postopki, določenimi za isti namen;
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0550
In the interest of facilitating the safe handling of air traffic across the boundaries of the Member States for the benefit of the airspace users and their passengers, the system of certification should provide for a framework to enable Member States to designate providers of air traffic services, regardless of where they have been certified.
Sistem certificiranja naj predvidi okvir, ki državam članicam omogoča določiti izvajalce služb zračnega prometa ne glede na to, kje so pridobili dovoljenje, ker je to v interesu varnega vodenja zračnega prometa prek meja držav članic ter v korist uporabnikov zračnega prostora in njihovih potnikov.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0550
The report of the High Level Group on the single European sky of November 2000 has confirmed the need for rules at Community level to distinguish between regulation and service provision and to introduce a system of certification aimed at preserving public interest requirements, most notably in terms of safety, and to improve charging mechanisms.
Poročilo Skupine na visoki ravni za enotno evropsko nebo v novembru 2000 je potrdilo, da obstaja potreba po pravilih na ravni Skupnosti za uvedbo razlikovanja med funkcijami zakonodaje in izvajanja storitev in za vzpostavitev sistema certificiranja z namenom, da se zavarujejo zahteve javnega interesa predvsem glede varnosti in za izboljšanje sistema pristojbin.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Where they request the production of certificates drawn up by independent bodies attesting the compliance of the economic operator with certain quality assurance standards, contracting entities shall refer to quality assurance systems based on the relevant European standards series certified by bodies conforming to the European standards series concerning certification.
Če naročniki zahtevajo predložitev potrdil, ki jih izdajo neodvisni organi in potrjujejo skladnost gospodarskega subjekta z določenimi standardi za zagotavljanje kakovosti, se sklicujejo na sisteme za zagotavljanje kakovosti, ki temeljijo na ustrezni seriji evropskih standardov, potrdijo pa jih organi v skladu s serijo evropskih standardov v zvezi s potrjevanjem.
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
Should they require the production of certificates drawn up by independent bodies attesting the compliance of the economic operator with certain quality assurance standards, contracting authorities shall refer to quality assurance systems based on the relevant European standards series certified by bodies conforming to the European standards series concerning certification.
Če naročniki zahtevajo predložitev potrdil, izdanih s strani neodvisnih organov, ki potrjujejo usklajenost gospodarskega subjekta z nekaterimi standardi za zagotovitev kakovosti, se morajo sklicevati na sisteme zagotavljanja kvalitete, ki temeljijo na ustrezni seriji evropskih standardov, potrjenih s strani organov, ki so usklajeni s serijo evropskih standardov v zvezi z izdajanjem potrdil.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0606
This means that it is necessary to decide whether, for a given product, the existence of a factory production control system under the responsibility of the manufacturer is a necessary and sufficient condition for an attestation of conformity, or whether, for reasons related to compliance with the criteria set out in Article 13(4), the intervention of an approval certification body is required.
To pomeni, da je treba odločiti, ali je za določen proizvod sistem preverjanja tovarniške proizvodnje, za katerega je odgovoren proizvajalec, nujen in zadosten pogoj za potrjevanje skladnosti ali pa je, iz razlogov v zvezi z izpolnjevanjem meril iz člena 13(4), zato potrebno posredovanje odobrenega certifikacijskega organa.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0213
At the basis of this decision were findings made in Serbia and Montenegro according to which the system of certification and control of the preferential origin of sugar of CN codes 1701 and 1702 did not allow the competent authorities of this beneficiary country to verify the originating status of the products and to provide administrative cooperation as required for the verification of evidence of origin.
Temelj te odločitve so bile ugotovitve v Srbiji in Črni gori, v skladu s katerimi sistem certificiranja in nadzora nad preferencialnim poreklom sladkorja iz oznak KN 1701 in 1702 pristojnim organom te države upravičenke ni omogočal preverjanje statusa porekla proizvodov in izvajanja upravnega sodelovanja kot se zahteva za preverjanje dokazil o poreklu.
29 Končna redakcija
whereas this means that it is necessary to decide whether, for a given product or family of products, the existence of a factory production control system under the responsibility of the manufacturer is a necessary and sufficient condition for an attestation of conformity, or whether, for reasons related to compliance with the criteria mentioned in Article 13(4), the intervention of an approved certification body is required;
to pomeni, da je nujno odločiti, ali je za dani proizvod ali družino proizvodov obstoj sistema za nadzor proizvodnje v tovarni po proizvajalčevi obveznosti potreben in zadosten pogoj za potrditev skladnosti, ali pa je potrebno posredovanje odobrenega certifikacijskega organa iz razlogov, povezanih z izpolnjevanjem meril, navedenih v členu 13(4);
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0093
whereas this means that it is necessary to decide whether, for a given product or family of products, the existence of a factory-production control system under the responsibility of the manufacturer is a necessary and sufficient condition for an attestation of conformity, or whether, for reasons related to compliance with the criteria mentioned in Article 13(4), the intervention of an approved certification body is required;
ker to pomeni, da je nujno odločiti, ali je za dani proizvod ali družino proizvodov obstoj sistema za nadzor proizvodnje v tovarni po proizvajalčevi obveznosti potreben in zadosten pogoj za potrditev skladnosti ali pa je, iz razlogov, povezanih z izpolnjevanjem meril iz člena 13(4), treba vključiti certifikacijski organ;
31 Končna redakcija
whereas this means that it is necessary to decide whether, for a given product or family of products, the existence of a factory production control system under the responsibility of the manufacturer is a necessary and sufficient condition for an attestation of conformity, or whether, for reasons related to compliance with the criteria mentioned in Article 13(4), the intervention of an approved certification body is therefore required;
ker to pomeni, da je nujno odločiti, ali je za neki proizvod ali neko družino izdelkov obstoj sistema kontrole tovarniške proizvodnje, za katerega je odgovoren proizvajalec, potreben in zadosten pogoj za potrditev skladnosti, ali pa je zaradi izpolnjevanja meril iz člena 13(4) potrebno posredovanje certifikacijskega organa;
32 Pravna redakcija
To this end, a certification system can provide the best assurance.
Pri tem sistem certifikacije lahko poda najboljše zagotovilo.
33 Pravna redakcija
In respect of certification of plants and plant products and other goods, the competent authorities shall apply the principles laid down in the FAO International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures No 7 'Export Certification System' and No 12 'Guidelines for Phytosanitary Certificates'.
V zvezi s certificiranjem rastlin in rastlinskih proizvodov ter drugega blaga pristojni organi uporabljajo načela, določena v Mednarodnih standardih FAO za fitosanitarne ukrepe št. 7 "Sistem izdajanja izvoznih spričeval" in št. 12 "Smernice za fitosanitarna spričevala".
34 Pravna redakcija
The document review may consist of a review of the documents and records as referred to in point 3.1, the structures and powers of the auditee, and any changes in food inspection and certification systems since the adoption of this Annex or since the previous audit, with emphasis on those aspects of the inspection and certification system that relate to the animals or products concerned.
Revizija dokumentov lahko obsega revizijo dokumentov in registrov v skladu s točko 3.1, revizijo struktur in pooblastil pogodbenice, ki je predmet revizije, in vseh sprememb v zvezi z inšpekcijami živil in certifikacijskimi sistemi od sprejetja te priloge ali od prejšnje revizije, s poudarkom tistih vidikov inšpekcij in certifikacijskega sistema, ki se nanašajo na zadevne živali ali proizvode.
Prevodi: en > sl
certification system