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certified accountant
1 Končna redakcija
The Director of the Institute shall be in his capacity a member of the Board of Auditors, five members shall hold the licence of a certified auditor, while the remaining three members - representatives of the interested public shall have appropriate professional knowledge and experience from the field of accountancy and finance.
Direktor Inštituta je po funkciji član revizijskega sveta, pet članov revizijskega sveta mora imeti dovoljenje za opravljanje nalog pooblaščenega revizorja, ostali trije člani - predstavniki zainteresiranih javnosti pa morajo imeti ustrezna strokovna znanja in izkušnje s področja računovodstva in financ.
2 Pravna redakcija
Ernst & Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors SA and Mr Charalambos Stathakis, a registered certified public accountant.
Ernst &Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors SA in g. Charalambos Stathakis, pooblaščeni javni revizor
3 Pravna redakcija
Leopold Wundsam, all of whom are registered certified public accountants, are hereby approved as the external auditors of the Osterreichische Nationalbank.
Leopold Wundsam, ki so vsi javni pooblaščeni revizorji, se odobrijo kot zunanji revizorji za Ă- sterreichische Nationalbank.
4 Pravna redakcija
Ernst & Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors SA and Mr Charalambos Stathakis, a registered certified public accountant, are hereby approved as the external auditors of the Bank of Greece for the annual accounts starting from the financial year 2001. '
Ernst &Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors SA in g. Charalambos Stathakis, pooblaščeni javni revizor, se odobrita kot zunanja revizorja Banke Grčije za letne obračune z začetkom s poslovnim letom 2001.«
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0070
Leopold Wundsam, all of whom are registered certified public accountants, are hereby approved as the external auditors of the Österreichische Nationalbank.
Leopold Wundsam, ki so vsi javni pooblaščeni revizorji, se odobrijo kot zunanji revizorji za Österreichische Nationalbank.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0847
all cost and revenue data shall be determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices and shall be certified by a registered accountant in the Community;
vsi podatki o stroških in prihodkih se določijo skladno s splošno sprejeto računovodsko prakso, potrdi pa jih računovodja, registriran v Skupnosti;
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0737
Ernst & Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors SA and Mr Charalambos Stathakis, a registered certified public accountant, are hereby approved as the external auditors of the Bank of Greece for the annual accounts starting from the financial year 2001."
Ernst...Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors SA in g. Charalambos Stathakis, pooblaščeni javni revizor, se odobrita kot zunanja revizorja Banke Grčije za letne obračune z začetkom s poslovnim letom 2001."
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0737
Following the abrogation of the derogation of Greece, the Governing Council of the ECB recommended that the Council approve as external auditors for the Bank of Greece for the annual accounts starting from the financial year 2001: Ernst & Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors SA and Mr Charalambos Stathakis, a registered certified public accountant.
Po odpravi odstopanja Grčije je Svet ECB priporočil, da Svet kot zunanje revizorje za Banko Grčije za letni obračun z začetkom s poslovnim letom 2001 odobri Ernst... Young (Hellas) Certified Auditors SA in g. Charalambosa Stathakisa, pooblaščenega javnega revizorja.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
In order to ensure compliance with and enforcement of the provisions of this paragraph, the Authority shall be guided by the principles adopted for, and the interpretation given to, arm's length transactions by the Commission on Transnational Corporations of the United Nations, the Group of Experts on Tax Treaties between Developing and Developed Countries and other international organisations, and shall, in its rules, regulations and procedures, specify uniform and internationally acceptable accounting rules and procedures, and the means of selection by the contractor of certified independent accountants acceptable to the Authority for the purpose of carrying out auditing in compliance with those rules, regulations and procedures.
Za zagotovitev spoštovanja določb tega odstavka in njihovo izvajanje se Oblast ravna po sprejetih načelih in razlagah za prosto dogovarjanje, ki so jih dale komisije za transnacionalne korporacije Združenih narodov, skupina ekspertov za pogodbe o pristojbinah med državami v razvoju in razvitimi državami ter druge mednarodne organizacije; v svojih pravilih, predpisih in postopkih pa Oblast natančneje določi enotna in mednarodno sprejemljiva pravila ter postopke za obračun, kot tudi načine, po katerih bo pogodbenik izbral kvalificirane neodvisne finančne strokovnjake, sprejemljive za Oblast, zaradi pregleda računov v skladu z omenjenimi pravili, predpisi in postopki.
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certified accountant