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certified as being a true copy
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
such copy or photocopy shall be certified as being a true copy by the body which endorsed the original document, an official agency of the third country concerned, an official agency of a Member State in the third country concerned or an agency responsible for paying the refund;
organ, ki je potrdil prvotni dokument, uradna služba zadevne tretje države, uradna služba države članice v tej tretji državi ali služba, ki je pristojna za plačilo nadomestila, potrdi, da je izvod ali fotokopija enaka izvirniku;
2 Pravna redakcija
such copy of photocopy must be certified as being a true copy by the organization which certified the original document, by the authorities of the third country concerned or by the authorities of one of the Member States.
izvod ali fotokopijo morajo kot točen prepis overiti organi, ki so potrdili izvirnik, organi tretje udeležene države ali organi ene od držav članic.
3 Pravna redakcija
Where the control copy T 5 proving the exportation of goods is requested for release of the security referred to in Article 5 and for payment of the refund, the competent authority holding the security shall immediately send a copy of the control copy T 5, certified as being a true copy, direct to the authority competent for payment of the refund.
Če se za sprostitev varščine, navedene v členu 5, in za plačilo nadomestila zahteva kontrolni izvod T 5, ki dokazuje izvoz blaga, pristojni organ, ki ima varščino, takoj pošlje overjeno kopijo kontrolnega izvoda T 5 neposredno organu, pristojnemu za plačilo nadomestila.
4 Pravna redakcija
Where the control copy T 5 proving exportation of the goods is requested for release of the security referred to in Article 5 and for payment of the refund, the competent authority holding the security shall immediately send a copy of the control copy T 5, certified as being a true copy, direct to the authority competent for payment of the refund.
Če se za sprostitev varščine, navedene v členu 5, in za plačilo nadomestila zahteva kontrolni izvod T 5, ki dokazuje izvoz blaga, pristojni organ, ki ima varščino, takoj pošlje potrjeno kopijo kontrolnega izvoda T 5 neposredno organu, ki je pristojen za plačilo nadomestila.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0482
such copy or photocopy must be certified as being a true copy by the organization which certified the original document, by the authorities of the third country concerned, or by the authorities of one of the Member States.
izvod ali fotokopijo morajo kot točen prepis overiti organi, ki so potrdili izvirnik, organi udeležene tretje države ali organi ene od držav članic.
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certified as being a true copy