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certified cash register
1 Končna redakcija
- if the shareholder is a joint-stock company, also the list of shareholders from the share register, or in the case of issue of registered shares, the certified transcript of the notarial record of the participants at the last shareholders' meeting;
- če je delničar delniška družba tudi izpisek delničarjev iz knjige delničarjev oziroma, če so bile izdane prinosniške delnice, overjen prepis notarskega zapisa prisotnih na zadnji skupščini;
2 Pravna redakcija
Where a copy of a procedural document or an extract from the case-file or from the register is supplied to a party at its request, the Registrar shall impose a Registry charge of ECU 3,50 a page for a certified copy and ECU 2,50 a page for an uncertified copy.
Kadar se kopija dokumenta ali izpisek iz sodnega spisa ali registra na prošnjo posreduje stranki, sodni tajnik zaračuna sodne takse v višini 3,50 ECU na stran za overjeno kopijo in 2,50 ECU na stran za neoverjeno kopijo.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0085
Cleansing and disinfection operations required in the framework of this Directive must be documented in the holding register or, in the case of vehicles, in the log-book and where official approval is required be certified by the supervising official veterinarian.
Postopke čiščenja in razkuževanja, zahtevane v tej direktivi, je treba dokumentirati v evidenci gospodarstva, ali v primeru vozil v dnevniku voženj, in če se zahteva uradna odobritev, jih mora potrditi nadzorni uradni veterinar.
Prevodi: en > sl
certified cash register