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certified statement
1 Končna redakcija
Certified statement of insurance periods
Potrdilo o zavarovalnih dobah
2 Končna redakcija
Certified statement of periods of employment
Potrdilo o dobah zaposlitve
3 Končna redakcija
Certified statement for the calculation of benefits
Potrdilo za izračun dajatev
4 Končna redakcija
Certified statement of periods of insurance or employment
Potrdilo ozavarovalnih dobah ali dobah zaposleitve
5 Končna redakcija
Certified statement relating to the members of the family to be taken into account in the calculation of cash benefits
Potrdilo o družinskih članih, ki se upoštewvajo pri izračunu denarnih dajatev
6 Končna redakcija
Certified statement relating to the members of the family to be taken into consideration for the calculation of benefits
Potrdilo o družinskih članih, ki se upoštevajo pri izračunu dajatev
7 Končna redakcija
Certified statement relating to the members of the family to be taken into consideration when calculating cash benefits, including pensions
Potrdilo o družinskih članih, ki se upoštevajo pri izračunu denarnih dajatev, vključno s pokojninami
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
certified statements of outstanding debts;
izpiski iz overjenih poslovnih knjig;
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
(a) if the National Authorising Officer submits to the Commission within six months of the deadline for payment laid down in the final Annual Financing Agreement, a certified statement of expenditure actually paid in accordance with Article 9 of this Section;
(a) če nacionalni odredbodajalec v šestih mesecih po končnem roku za plačilo, kot je določen v letnem sporazumu o financiranju, predloži Komisiji potrjen spisek izdatkov, ki so bili dejansko plačani v skladu z 9. členom tega razdelka;
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-73
(a) From UNV, Finance Section, an annual certified financial statement as of 31 December to be submitted no later than 30 June of the following year.
a) finančni sektor UNV predloži potrjen računovodski izkaz na dan 31. decembra najpozneje do 30. junija naslednjega leta,
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-46
(2) The annual financial statement and management report shall be verified by a certified independent auditor ("Abschlusspriifer" within the meaning of the HGB).
(2) Letno finančno in poslovno poročilo pregleda pooblaščeni neodvisni revizor (»Abschlussprüfer« v pomenu HGB).
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-73
(b) From UNV, Finance Section- upon completion of the UNV assignment(s), a certified financial statement to be submitted no later than 30 June of the year following the payment of all financial obligations.
b) finančni sektor UNV po izteku napotitev predloži potrjen računovodski izkaz najpozneje do 30. junija v letu, ki sledi plačilu vseh finančnih obveznosti,
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
a certified true copy of the confiscation order made by the court in the requesting Party and a statement of the grounds on the basis of which the order was made, if they are not indicated in the order itself;
i) overjen točen prepis odredbe za odvzem, ki jo je izdalo sodišče pogodbenice prosilke, in navedba razlogov, na podlagi katerih je bila izdana odredba, če ti niso navedeni že v sami odredbi;
14 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-46
(i) certified copies of its consolidated financial statements, for such year prepared and audited in accordance with international auditing principles and standards consistently applied, by independent auditors; and
(i) potrjene kopije svojih konsolidiranih računovodskih izkazov, ki so pripravljeni za tako leto v skladu z dosledno uporabljenimi mednarodnimi revizijskimi načeli in standardi in so jih pregledali neodvisni revizorji v skladu s temi načeli in standardi, in
15 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-110
(ii) furnish to the Bank as soon as available, but in any case not later than six months after the end of each such year, (A) certified copies of the financial statements referred to in paragraph (a) of this Section for such year as so audited, and (B) an opinion on such statements, records and accounts and report of such audit, by said auditors, of such scope and in such detail as the Bank shall have reasonably requested; and
ii) predložila banki (A) potrjena revidirana finančna poročila iz točke (a) tega odstavka in (B) revizorsko mnenje o poročilih, evidenci in računih ter poročilo omenjenih revizorjev o opravljeni reviziji, kakor hitro ji bodo na voljo, vendar ne kasneje kot šest mesecev po koncu vsakega fiskalnega leta, in sicer v takem obsegu in tako podrobno, kot banka upravičeno zahteva, in
16 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-52
(ii) furnish to the Bank as soon as available, but in any case not later than six (6) months after the end of each such year, (A) certified copies of the financial statements referred to in paragraph (a) of this Section for such year as so audited, and (B) an opinion on such statements, records and accounts and report of such audit, by said auditors, of such scope and in such detail as the Bank shall have reasonably requested; and
(ii) predložila banki (A) potrjena revidirana finančna poročila iz točke (a) tega odstavka in (B) revizorsko mnenje o poročilih, evidenci in računih ter poročilo omenjenih revizorjev o opravljeni reviziji, kakor hitro ji bodo na voljo, vendar ne kasneje kot šest mesecev po koncu vsakega fiskalnega leta, in sicer v takem obsegu in tako podrobno, kot banka upravičeno zahteva, in
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The written procedure shall consist of the communication to the parties and to the institutions, bodies, offices or agencies of the Union whose acts are in dispute, of applications, statements of case, defences and observations, and of replies, if any, as well as of all papers and documents in support or of certified copies of them.
Pisni postopek zajema posredovanje tožb, vlog, odgovorov na tožbo in pisnih stališč, pa tudi morebitnih replik kot tudi vseh dokazov in listin ali njihovih overjenih prepisov, strankam in tistim institucijam, organom, uradom ali agencijam Unije, katerih akti so predmet postopka.
18 Končna redakcija
The competent institution shall specify in particular in this certified statement:
Pristojni nosilec v tem potrdilu navede zlasti:
19 Končna redakcija
The certified statement shall be valid for the twelve months following the date of its issue.
Potrdilo velja dvanajst mesecev po datumu izdaje.
20 Končna redakcija
This certified statement shall be issued by the institution of the place of residence of the members of the family.
To potrdilo izda nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča družinskih članov.
21 Končna redakcija
In place of the certificate or certified statement provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 respectively, workers covered these paragraphs may submit to the institution of the place of stay a certified statement as provided for in paragraph 7.
Namesto spričevala ali potrdila iz odstavka 1 oziroma 2 lahko delavci iz teh odstavkov predložijo nosilcu v kraju začasnega bivališča potrdilo, kakor je to določeno v odstavku 7.
22 Končna redakcija
This certified statement shall remain valid until the institution of the place of residence is notified of its cancellation.
Potrdilo velja, dokler nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča ni obveščen o njegovem preklicu.
23 Končna redakcija
This certified statement shall be issued by the institution of that other Member State which is responsible for benefits in kind.
To potrdilo izda nosilec te druge države članice, ki je pristojna za storitve.
24 Končna redakcija
That certified statement shall remain valid until the institution of the place of residence receives notification of its cancellation.
Potrdilo ostane veljavno, dokler nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča ne prejme obvestila o njegovem preklicu.
25 Končna redakcija
Such certified statement shall be issued by the competent institution, if need be in the light of information furnished by the employer.
To potrdilo, ki temelji, kjer je to ustrezno, na podatkih, ki jih predloži delodajalec, izda pristojni nosilec.
26 Končna redakcija
The worker shall immediately notify the competent institution of any occurrence necessitating an amendment to the said certified statement.
Delavec nemudoma obvesti pristojnega nosilca o vsakem pojavu, zaradi katerega bi bilo treba spremeniti navedeno potrdilo.
27 Končna redakcija
This certified statement, based upon information supplied by the employer, where appropriate, shall be issued by the competent institution.
To potrdilo, ki temelji na podatkih, ki jih priskrbi delodajalec, kjer je to potrebno, izda pristojni nosilec.
28 Končna redakcija
If the worker does not submit the said certified statement, the institution of the place of stay shall obtain it from the competent institution.
Če delavec ne predloži navedenega potrdila, ga nosilec v kraju začasnega bivališča pridobi od pristojnega nosilca.
29 Končna redakcija
If the pensioner does not submit the certified statement, the institution of the place of residence shall obtain it directly from the institution or institutions responsible for payment of the pension or, where appropriate, from the institution empowered to issue such certified statement.
Če upokojenec ne predloži potrdila, ga nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča pridobi od nosilca ali nosilcev, pristojnih za izplačilo pokojnine, ali kjer je to ustrezno, od nosilca, pooblaščenega za izdajanje takšnih potrdil.
30 Končna redakcija
If he does not submit the said certified statement, the competent institution shall obtain it from one or other of the aforementioned institutions.
Če oseba ne predloži navedenega potrdila, ga pristojni nosilec pridobi od enega ali drugega zgoraj navedenega nosilca.
31 Končna redakcija
If he does not submit the said certified statement, the institution of the place to which he has gone shall obtain it from the competent institution.
Če brezposelna oseba omenjenega potrdila ne predloži, ga nosilec v kraju, kamor je prišla, pridobi od pristojnega nosilca.
32 Končna redakcija
The person concerned shall notify the competent institution forthwith of any occurrence necessitating a modification of the said certified statement;
Zadevna oseba nemudoma obvesti pristojnega nosilca o vsaki okoliščini, ki bi zahtevala spremembo navedenega potrdila;
33 Končna redakcija
If he does not submit the said certified statement, the competent institution shall obtain it directly from the institution or institutions concerned.
Če omenjenega potrdila ne predloži, ga pristojni nosilec pridobi od zadevnega nosilca ali nosilcev.
34 Končna redakcija
A worker who has submitted the certified statement shall be presumed to have satisfied the conditions for aquisition of the right to benefits in kind.
Za delavca, ki je predložil takšno potrdilo, se predpostavlja, da je izpolnil pogoje za pridobitev pravice do storitev.
35 Končna redakcija
This certified statement shall be valid for the period laid down in Article 69 (1) (c) of the Regulation, for as long as the conditions are fulfilled.
To potrdilo velja za obdobje, določeno v členu 69(1)(c) uredbe, dokler so izpolnjeni pogoji.
36 Končna redakcija
The certified statement may, at the worker's request, be issued after his departure if, for reasons of force majeure, it cannot be drawn up beforehand.
Če potrdila zaradi višje sile ni mogoče izdati vnaprej, se lahko na zahtevo osebe izda po njenem odhodu.
37 Končna redakcija
A worker who has submitted such certified statement shall be presumed to have satisfied the conditions for acquisition of the right to benefits in kind.
Za delavca, ki predloži takšno potrdilo, velja, da je izpolnil pogoje za pridobitev pravice do storitev.
38 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31972R0574
If the worker does not submit the said certified statement, the institution of the place of stay shall obtain it directly from the competent institution.
Če delavec ne predloži navedenega potrdila, ga nosilec v kraju začasnega bivališča pridobi od pristojnega nosilca.
39 Končna redakcija
In place of the certificate or certified statement provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 respectively, workers covered by those paragraphs may submit to the institution of the place of stay a certified statement testifying that the conditions for acquisition of the right to benefits in kind have been satisfied.
Namesto spričevala ali potrdila iz odstavkov 1 in 2, lahko delavci, zajeti v navedenih odstavkih, nosilcu v kraju začasnega bivališča predložijo potrdilo, v katerem je navedeno, da so bili pogoji za pridobitev pravice do storitev izpolnjeni.
40 Končna redakcija
This certified statement must testify the existence of the right to the said benefits under the conditions set out in Article 69 (1) (a) of the Regulation;
Ta potrdilo mora dokazovati obstoj pravice do navedenih dajatev pod pogoji, določenimi v členu 69(1)(a) uredbe;
41 Končna redakcija
If the claimant does not submit the said certified statement, the competent institution shall obtain it from one or other of the aforementioned institutions.
Če prosilec ne predloži navedenega potrdila, ga pristojni nosilec pridobi od enega ali drugega zgoraj navedenega nosilca.
42 Končna redakcija
If the claimant does not submit the said certified statement, the competent institution shall obtain it from one or other of the abovementioned institutions unless the sickness insurance institution is able to forward him a copy of the certified statement provided for in Article 16 (1) of the Implementing Regulation.
Če prosilec navedenega potrdila ne predloži, ga pristojni nosilec pridobi od enega ali drugega zgoraj navedenega nosilca, razen če mu lahko nosilec zdravstvenega zavarovanja pošlje izvod potrdila, predvidenega v členu 16(1) izvedbene uredbe.
43 Končna redakcija
If the members of the family do not submit the said certified statement, the institution of the place of residence shall obtain it from the competent institution.
Če družinski člani ne predložijo navedenega potrdila, ga nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča pridobi od pristojnega nosilca.
44 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0631
If the unemployed person does not submit that certified statement, the institution of the place to which he has gone shall obtain it from the competent institution.
Če brezposelna oseba tega potrdila ne predloži, ga nosilec v kraju, kamor je odšla, pridobi od pristojnega nosilca.
45 Končna redakcija
This certified statement shall be issued at the request of the worker by the institution or institutions of the Member State to whose legislation he was last subject.
To potrdilo na zahtevo delavca izda nosilec ali nosilci države članice, katerih zakonodaja je zanj nazadnje veljala.
46 Končna redakcija
If the unemployed person does not submit the said certified statement, the institution of the place to which he has gone shall obtain it from the competent institution.
Če brezposelna oseba ne predloži navedenega potrdila, ga nosilec v kraju, kamor je osebaodšla, pridobi od pristojnega nosilca.
47 Končna redakcija
This certified statement shall be issued, at the request of the claimant by the sickness insurance institution, as the case may be, with which the worker was last insured.
Potrdilo na zahtevo vlagatelja izda nosilec zdravstvenega ali starostnega zavarovanja, pri kateri je bil delavec zavarovan nazadnje.
48 Končna redakcija
If the pensioner does not submit the said certified statement, the institution of the place of stay shall obtain it directly from the institution of the place of residence.
Če upokojenec ne predloži navedenega potrdila, gao nosilec v kraju začasnega bivališča pridobi od nosilca v kraju stalnega prebivališča.
49 Končna redakcija
This certified statement shall be issued by the institution designated by the competent authority of the Member State in whose territory those members of the family reside.
To potrdilo izda nosilec, ki ga imenuje pristojni organ države članice, na ozemlju katere prebivajo ti družinski člani.
50 Končna redakcija
The institution of the place of residence shall inform the institution which has issued the certified statement of every registration effected in accordance with paragraph 1.
Nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča obvesti nosilca, ki je izdal potrdilo, o vsaki prijavi, opravljeni v skladu z odstavkom 1.
Prevodi: en > sl
certified statement