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certified true copy of original document
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
In the latter case, copies of documents shall be considered to be authenticated when they have been certified true copies by the judicial authorities that issued the original or by the central authority referred to in Article 13.
V takem primeru se šteje, da so kopije dokumentov overjene, če jih kot verodostojno kopijo potrdijo pravosodni organi, ki so izdali izvirnike, ali pa osrednji organi, navedeni v členu 13.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-46
Done at Wiesbaden this 4 October 2010, in the English, French, German, Russian and Spanish languages, apart from the Technical Documents, which are only done in the English language, all texts being equally authentic, in a single original, which shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, which shall transmit a certified true copy to all Contracting Parties and acceding Governments, and subsequently notify them of any amendments.
Sestavljeno v Wiesbadnu 4. oktobra 2010 v angleškem, francoskem, nemškem, ruskem in španskem jeziku, razen tehničnih dokumentov, ki so sestavljeni le v angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna, in so v enem izvirniku deponirana v arhivu Vlade Zvezne republike Nemčije, ki pošlje overjeno kopijo vsem pogodbenicam in vladam, ki pristopijo, in jih pozneje obvešča o vseh spremembah.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R1416
Copies of supporting documents, certified as true copies by the authorizing officer, may, in some cases, be accepted in place of the originals.
V nekaterih primerih se lahko namesto originalov sprejmejo kopije dokazil, katerih avtentičnost overi odredbodajalec.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
such copy or photocopy shall be certified as being a true copy by the body which endorsed the original document, an official agency of the third country concerned, an official agency of a Member State in the third country concerned or an agency responsible for paying the refund;
organ, ki je potrdil prvotni dokument, uradna služba zadevne tretje države, uradna služba države članice v tej tretji državi ali služba, ki je pristojna za plačilo nadomestila, potrdi, da je izvod ali fotokopija enaka izvirniku;
5 Pravna redakcija
Certified a true copy of the sole original documents, in English and in French, deposited in the archives of the Council of Europe.
Overjeno kot prava kopija edinih originalih dokumentov, deponiranih v arhivih Sveta Evrope.
6 Pravna redakcija
the original or certified true copy of the document which establishes that the defaulting party was served with the document instituting the proceedings or with an equivalent document;
izvirnik ali overjeni izvod listine, ki potrjuje, da je bil stranki, ki izostane od postopka, vročena listina o začetku postopkov ali enakovredna lisitna;
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
Copies or photocopies must be certified as being true copies by the body which certified the original documents, by the authorities of the third countries concerned or by the authorities of one of the Member States.
Kopije ali fotokopije mora kot pristne potrditi organ, ki je potrdil izvirnike, organi udeleženih tretjih držav ali organi ene od držav članic.
8 Pravna redakcija
such copy of photocopy must be certified as being a true copy by the organization which certified the original document, by the authorities of the third country concerned or by the authorities of one of the Member States.
izvod ali fotokopijo morajo kot točen prepis overiti organi, ki so potrdili izvirnik, organi tretje udeležene države ali organi ene od držav članic.
9 Pravna redakcija
such copy or photocopy must be certified as a true copy either by the body which endorsed the original document, or by the authorities of the third country concerned, or by the authorities of one of the Member States.
prepis ali fotokopijo mora kot točen prepis overiti organ, ki je potrdil izvirnik, ali organi tretje udeležene države ali organi ene od držav članic.
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
(b) by the production of a customs document showing entry for a customs procedure in a third country, or a copy or photocopy thereof, certified as a true copy either by the body which endorsed the original document, or by the authorities of the third country concerned, or by the authorities of one of the Member States;
(b) s predložitvijo carinskega dokumenta, iz katerega je razviden vnos blaga v carinski postopek v tretji državi, ali njegove kopije ali fotokopije, katere pristnost je potrdil organ, ki je potrdil že originalni dokument, ali organi udeležene tretje države ali organi ene od držav članic;
11 Prevajalska redakcija
Certified a true copy of the sole original document in English and in French, deposited in the Archives of the Council of Europe.
Overjen izvod edinega izvirnega dokumenta v angleškem in francoskem jeziku, deponiranega v arhivu Sveta Evrope.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0482
such copy or photocopy must be certified as being a true copy by the organization which certified the original document, by the authorities of the third country concerned, or by the authorities of one of the Member States.
izvod ali fotokopijo morajo kot točen prepis overiti organi, ki so potrdili izvirnik, organi udeležene tretje države ali organi ene od držav članic.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0515
For the purposes of their use pursuant to Article 12, original documents obtained or certified true copies thereof shall be forwarded by the Commission to the competent authorities of the Member States if they so request.
Za namene uporabe skladno s členom 12 Komisija pristojnim organom držav članic na njihovo zahtevo pošlje prejete izvirnike ali njihove potrjene izvode.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
by the production of a customs document showing entry for a customs procedure in a third country, or a copy or photocopy thereof, certified as a true copy either by the body which endorsed the original document, or by the authorities of the third country concerned, or by the authorities of one of the Member States;
s predložitvijo carinskega dokumenta, iz katerega je razviden vnos blaga v carinski postopek v tretji državi, ali njegove kopije ali fotokopije, katere pristnost je potrdil organ, ki je potrdil že originalni dokument, ali organi udeležene tretje države ali organi ene od držav članic;
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1646
This proof shall be provided by presenting the original of the document referred to, as the case may be, in Article 6(1) or Article 7(1) and (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 2782/76 or a copy of those documents, certified as a true copy by the competent authorities of the importing Member State.
To dokazilo se zagotovi s predložitvijo izvirnika dokumenta bodisi iz člena 6(1) bodisi iz člena 7(1) in (2) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2782/76 ali kopije takega dokumenta, ki jo kot točen prepis overijo pristojni organi države članice uvoznice.
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certified true copy of original document