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change in inventories
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(c) all adjustments and corrections that have been made in respect of inventory changes, book inventories and physical inventories.
(c) vse prilagoditve in popravke, ki so bili narejeni v zvezi s spremembami inventarja, tako knjigovodskega inventarja kot fizičnega inventarja.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
For all inventory changes and physical inventories the records shall show, in respect of each batch of nuclear material:
Za vse spremembe inventarja in za fizični inventar evidence v zvezi z vsako šaržo jedrskega materiala izkazujejo:
3 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(2) Notwithstanding the provision of the first paragraph of this Article, a taxable person calculating the inventories subject to Article 14 of the Corporate Profit Tax Act (Uradni list RS, No. 14/03-official consolidated text) may, as at the date of application of this Act, select another method of calculating inventories, and shall be obliged to show the effect of the changes in terms of value.
(2) Ne glede na določbo prvega odstavka tega člena, zavezanec, ki obračunava zaloge po 14. členu Zakona o davku od dobička pravnih oseb (Uradni list RS, št. 14/03 - uradno prečiščeno besedilo), lahko z dnem začetka uporabe tega zakona izbere drugo metodo obračunavanja zalog, pri tem pa mora prikazati vrednostni učinek sprememb.
4 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(1) A taxable person's period referred to in the second paragraph of Article 24 of this Act shall also include the period of calculating inventories prior to the date of application of this Act subject to Article 14 of the Corporate Profit Tax Act (Uradni list RS, No. 14/03-official consolidated text), starting with the last change of the method selected.
(1) Zavezancu se v dobo iz drugega odstavka 24. člena tega Zakona všteva tudi čas obračunavanja zalog pred dnem začetka uporabe tega zakona po 14. členu zakona o davku od dobička pravnih oseb (Uradni list RS, št. 14/03 - uradno prečiščeno besedilo), in sicer od zadnje spremembe izbrane metode.
5 Objavljeno
WTO: Tekstil in oblačila
In making a determination of serious damage, or actual threat thereof, as referred to in paragraph 2, the Member shall examine the effect of those imports on the state of the particular industry, as reflected in changes in such relevant economic variables as output, productivity, utilization of capacity, inventories, market share, exports, wages, employment, domestic prices, profits and investment; none of which, either alone or combined with other factors, can necessarily give decisive guidance.
Pri ugotavljanju resne škode ali dejanske grožnje le-te iz drugega odstavka mora članica preveriti vpliv takega uvoza na stanje določene industrije, kar se kaže v ustreznih ekonomskih spremenljivkah, kot so obseg proizvodnje, storilnost, izkoriščenost zmogljivosti, zaloge, tržni delež, izvoz, plače, zaposlenost, domače cene, dobički in vlaganja. Nobeden od teh dejavnikov sam ali v povezavi z drugimi dejavniki ni nujno odločilen.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Exceptional and catastrophic losses of goods in inventories have to be recorded in the accumulation accounts, namely in the "other changes in the volume of assets" account.
Izjemne in katastrofalne izgube osnovnih sredstev je treba prikazati v računih akumulacije, in sicer v računu "druge spremembe obsega sredstev".
7 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32000R1500
- Change in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables
- Spremembe zalog in pridobitve manj odtujitve vrednostnih predmetov
8 Pravna redakcija
Changes in inventories
Spremembe v zalogah
9 Pravna redakcija
changes in inventories
spremembe zalog
10 Pravna redakcija
changes in inventories;
spremembe zalog;
11 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R1267
(b) Changes in inventories
(b) Spremembe zalog
12 Pravna redakcija
13 Pravna redakcija
When volume and price changes of inventories are not too large, the direct deflation of the change in inventories with an average price index of the year provides an alternative.
Če spremembe cen in obsegov zalog niso prevelike, se kot alternativa ponuja neposredno deflacioniranje spremembe zalog s povprečnim letnim cenovnim indeksom.
14 Pravna redakcija
Changes in inventories by industry
Spremembe zalog po gospodarskih panogah
15 Pravna redakcija
Inventories at the beginning and at the end respectively of each period may have to be calculated at constant prices in order to estimate the volume change in inventories during the period.
Zaloge na začetku in koncu obdobja je treba izračunavati v stalnih cenah za ocenjevanje spremembe obsega zalog v obdobju.
16 Pravna redakcija
changes in inventories and valuables
spremembe zalog in vrednostnih predmetov
17 Pravna redakcija
Together with changes in inventories
Skupaj s spremembami zalog
18 Pravna redakcija
transactions recorded as changes in inventories:
transakcij, ki se prikažejo kot spremembe zalog:
19 Pravna redakcija
20 Pravna redakcija
Changes in inventories are measured by the value of entries into inventories less the value of withdrawals from inventories, and the value of any recurrent losses of goods held in inventories during a given period.
Spremembe zalog se merijo z vrednostjo vstopov v zaloge, zmanjšano za vrednost izstopov iz zalog in za vrednost vseh ponavljajočih se izgub blaga v zalogah v določenem obdobju.
21 Pravna redakcija
Changes in inventories are measured by the value of the entries into inventories less the value of withdrawals and the value of any recurrent losses of goods held in inventories.
Spremembe zalog se merijo z vrednostjo vstopov v zaloge, zmanjšano za vrednost izstopov iz zalog in za vrednost vseh ponavljajočih se izgub blaga v zalogah.
22 Pravna redakcija
Acquisitions less disposals of valuables by industry Changes in inventories by industry
Pridobitve minus odsvojitve vrednostnih predmetov po gospodarskih panogah Spremembe zalog po gospodarskih panogah
23 Pravna redakcija
Changes in inventories should be valued at the time of entering the inventories (for goods entering) or at the time of withdrawal (for goods withdrawn).
Spremembe zalog je treba vrednotiti v času vstopa v zalogo ali v času izstopa iz zaloge.
24 Pravna redakcija
When changes in the volume and the prices of inventories are fairly regular, estimates of changes in inventories can also be obtained by multiplying the volume change of inventories by average prices for the current year or the base year.
Kadar so spremembe obsega in cen zalog precej enakomerne, je spremembe zalog mogoče oceniti tudi z množenjem spremembe obsega zalog s povprečnimi cenami tekočega ali baznega leta.
25 Pravna redakcija
ESA 95, point 10. 56 states that changes in inventories in constant prices can be calculated by deflating entries into and withdrawals from inventories separately with appropriate price indices.
ESR 95 v točki 10.56 določa, da se lahko spremembe zalog v stalnih cenah izračunajo z ločenim deflacioniranjem vstopov v zaloge in izstopov iz zalog z ustreznimi cenovnimi indeksi.
26 Pravna redakcija
If they refer to the current year, the value measures the volume changes in inventories at current prices.If the average prices refer to a base-year, the value corresponds to volume changes in inventories at base-year prices.
Če se cene nanašajo na tekoče leto, vrednost meri spremembe obsega zalog v tekočih cenah, če pa na bazno leto, vrednost ustreza spremembam obsega zalog v cenah baznega leta.
27 Pravna redakcija
In ESA 95 production of services will therefore give rise to changes in inventories consisting of work-in-progress.
V ESR 95 bo torej proizvodnja storitev povzročila spremembe v zalogah, ki jih sestavlja nedokončana proizvodnja.
28 Pravna redakcija
when changes in the volume of inventories are fairly regular, a practical method which comes close to the theoretical valuation principle is to multiply the volume change of the inventories by the average prices for the period (purchasers' prices for inventories held by users or by wholesalers or retailers, basic prices for inventories held by their producers);
kadar so spremembe obsega zalog precej enakomerne, je praktična metoda, ki je zelo blizu teoretičnemu načelu vrednotenja, množenje spremembe obsega zalog s povprečnimi cenami obdobja (kupčeve cene za zaloge pri porabnikih, trgovcih na debelo ali trgovcih na drobno, osnovne cene za zaloge pri proizvajalcih);
29 Pravna redakcija
Changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables and acquisitions of non-produced non-financial assets
Spremembe zalog in pridobitve minus odsvojitve vrednostnih predmetov in pridobitve neproizvedenih nefinančnih sredstev
30 Pravna redakcija
As a second alternative and as a cross-check, estimates of changes in inventories can also be obtained as the difference between stocks of inventories held at the end and the beginning of the period, respectively.
Kot druga možnost in kot navzkrižna kontrola je spremembe zalog možno oceniti tudi z razliko med stanjem zalog na koncu in na začetku obdobja.
31 Pravna redakcija
The time of recording and valuation of changes in inventories should be consistent with that of other transactions in products.
Čas zajemanja in vrednotenje sprememb zalog morata biti konsistentna s časom zajemanja in vrednotenjem drugih transakcij s proizvodi.
32 Pravna redakcija
This can be achieved by deflating separately sales and purchases of traders (taking appropriate account of changes in inventories).
To je možno doseči z ločenim deflacioniranjem prodaj in nabav trgovcev (in pri tem ustrezno upoštevati spremembe zalog).
33 Pravna redakcija
The general index price to be applied for this calculation is the price index for final national uses, excluding changes in inventories.
Splošni indeks cen, ki ga je potrebno uporabiti za ta izračun, je indeks cen za končno nacionalno porabo brez sprememb zalog.
34 Pravna redakcija
deductible VAT usually applies to most of intermediate consumption, most of gross fixed capital formation and part of changes in inventories;
odbitni DDV se navadno uporablja za večino vmesne potrošnje, večino bruto investicij v osnovna sredstva in za del sprememb zalog;
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Exceptional and catastrophic losses of goods in inventories have to be recorded in the accumulation accounts, namely in the 'other changes in the volume of assets' account.
Izjemne in katastrofalne izgube osnovnih sredstev je treba prikazati v računih akumulacije, in sicer v računu "druge spremembe obsega sredstev".
36 Pravna redakcija
non-deductible VAT often applies to final consumption expenditure, parts of gross fixed capital formation, part of changes in inventories and part of intermediate consumption;
neodbitni DDV se navadno uporablja za izdatke za končno potrošnjo, del bruto investicij v osnovna sredstva, del sprememb zalog in del vmesne potrošnje;
37 Pravna redakcija
If the time of use does not coincide with the time of purchase, adjustments should be made in such a way to take account of the changes in price due to the lapsing of time (in a manner symmetrical with changes in the prices of the inventories).
Če se čas porabe ne ujema s časom nakupa, je treba upoštevati spremembe cen, do katerih je prišlo med obema časovnima točkama (na isti način kakor pri spremembah cen zalog).
38 Pravna redakcija
Intermediate consumption has therefore to be estimated by subtracting from the purchases the changes in inventories of inputs (see paragraphs 3. 120 to 3. 124 for the correct valuation of the latter).
Vmesna potrošnja mora tako biti ocenjena z odštevanjem sprememb zalog inputov od nakupov (za pravilno vrednotenje sprememb zalog glej odstavke od 3.120 do 3.124).
39 Pravna redakcija
However, the purchasing power of these variables can be obtained by deflating the current values with a suitable price index, e. g. the price index for final national uses, excluding changes in inventories.
vendar pa se lahko kupna moč teh spremenljivk izračuna z deflacioniranjem tekočih vrednosti s primernim indeksom cen, npr. z indeksom cen za končno nacionalno porabo, z izvzetjem sprememb zalog.
40 Pravna redakcija
the acquisition or disposal of these goods by jewellers and art dealers (following the general definition of valuables the acquisition of these goods by jewellers and art dealers should be recorded as changes in inventories);
pridobitve ali odsvojitve tega blaga s strani draguljarjev in posrednikov z umetninami (glede na splošno opredelitev vrednostnih predmetov bi morale biti pridobitve takega blaga s strani draguljarjev in posrednikov z umetninami prikazane kot spremembe zalog);
41 Pravna redakcija
in case the prices of the goods involved remain fairly constant, even large fluctuations in the volume of inventories may not invalidate a simple approximation, i. e. the multiplication of the volume change with the average price;
če cene blaga ostajajo v glavnem nespremenjene, niti velika nihanja obsega zalog ne preprečujejo uporabe enostavnega približka, tj. množenja spremembe obsega s povprečno ceno;
42 Pravna redakcija
In fact, netting is implicit in various transaction categories, the most outstanding example being 'changes in inventories', which underlines the analytically significant aspect of overall capital formation rather than tracking daily additions and withdrawals.
Neto izkazovanje je dejansko implicitno prisotno v različnih kategorijah transakcij, med katerimi so najbolj izstopajoč primer "spremembe zalog", ki bolj kot izkazovanje dnevnih povečevanj in zmanjševanj poudarjajo analitično pomemben vidik celotnih investicij.
43 Pravna redakcija
For example, quarterly valuation of the changes in inventories or the use of a priori information about the distribution of the fluctuation within the accounting period (fluctuations may be largest at the end of the calendar year, during harvest time, etc.);
Na primer četrtletno vrednotenje sprememb zalog ali uporaba vnaprejšnjih informacij o porazdeljevanju nihanj znotraj obračunskega obdobja (nihanja so lahko večja konec koledarskega leta, v času žetve itd.);
44 Pravna redakcija
if only information about the values at the beginning and end of the period are available (e. g. in case of wholesale or retail trade in which inventories often exist of many different products), the changes in volume between the beginning and end of the period should also be estimated.
če so na voljo le informacije o vrednostih na začetku in koncu obdobja (npr. pri trgovini na debelo ali trgovini na drobno, pri katerih zaloge pogosto sestavljajo številni različni proizvodi), je treba oceniti tudi spremembe obsega med začetkom in koncem obdobja.
45 Pravna redakcija
It therefore shows, by product group and for the total economy, the resources (output and imports) and the uses of goods and services (intermediate consumption, final consumption, gross fixed capital formation, changes in inventories, acquisitions less disposals of valuables, exports).
Po skupinah proizvodov in za celotno gospodarstvo torej kaže vire (proizvodnjo in uvoz) ter porabe blaga in storitev (vmesno potrošnjo, končno potrošnjo, bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva, spremembe zalog, pridobitve manj odtujitve vrednostnih predmetov in izvoz).
46 Pravna redakcija
This convention avoids frequent reclassification between the three main types of capital formation, i. e. between acquisition less disposal of valuables, fixed capital formation and changes in inventories, e. g. in the case of transactions of such goods between households and art dealers.
Ta dogovor odpravlja pogoste prerazvrstitve med tremi glavnimi vrstami investicij, tj. med pridobitvami manj odsvojitvami vrednostnih predmetov, investicijami v osnovna sredstva in spremembami zalog, npr. pri transakcijah s takšnim blagom med gospodinjstvi in posredniki z umetninami.
47 Pravna redakcija
The goods and services account shows, for the economy as a whole or for groups of products, the total resources (output and imports) and uses of goods and services (intermediate consumption, final consumption, changes in inventories, gross fixed capital formation, acquisitions less disposals of valuables, and exports).
Račun blaga in storitev za celotno gospodarstvo ali za skupine proizvodov prikazuje celoto virov (proizvodnja in uvoz) in porab blaga in storitev (vmesna potrošnja, končna potrošnja, spremembe zalog, bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva, pridobitve manj odsvojitve vrednostnih predmetov in izvoz).
48 Pravna redakcija
In making a determination of serious damage, or actual threat thereof, as referred to in paragraph (a) the effect of those imports on the state of the particular industry shall be examined, as reflected in changes in such relevant economic variables as output, productivity, utilization of capacity, inventories, market share, exports, wages, employment, domestic prices, profits and investment.
Pri določanju velike škode ali ogroženosti, kot je omenjeno v odstavku (a), se preveri učinek tega uvoza na stanje gospodarske panoge, in sicer na podlagi sprememb v takih ekonomskih spremenljivkah kot so fizični obseg proizvodnje, produktivnost, uporaba zmogljivosti, popisi, tržni delež, uvoz, plače, zaposlovanje, domače cene, dobiček in naložba.
Prevodi: en > sl
change in inventories