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change of status
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
Change of status
Sprememba statusa
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
The Registrar shall also communicate to all States Parties information on any change in the status of these persons.
Poleg tega tajnik sodišča državam pogodbenicam sporoči kakršne koli spremembe glede statusa teh oseb.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100
The municipal council may abolish or change the extent of a narrower section of a municipality through amendments to the statute.
Občinski svet lahko s spremembo statuta ukine ožji del občine ali spremeni njegovo območje.
4 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-94
(b) The application of the provisions of this Article to parties to a conflict which are not High Contracting Parties shall not change their legal status or the legal status of a disputed territory, either explicitly or implicitly.
b) Uporaba določb tega člena za udeleženke v spopadu, ki niso visoke pogodbenice, niti eksplicitno niti implicitno ne spremeni njihovega pravnega statusa ali pravnega statusa spornega ozemlja.
5 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-94
The application of the provisions of this Protocol to parties to a conflict, which are not High Contracting Parties that have accepted this Protocol, shall not change their legal status or the legal status of a disputed territory, either explicitly or implicitly.
Uporaba določb tega protokola za udeleženke v spopadu, ki niso visoke pogodbenice in so sprejele ta protokol, niti eksplicitno niti implicitno ne spremeni njihovega pravnega statusa ali pravnega statusa spornega ozemlja.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
It must be ensured in this that, irrespective of possible business, status, liquidity and similar changes, such a facility shall permanently serve only for the purposes of the airport.
Pri tem mora biti, ne glede na morebitne poslovne, statusne, likvidnostne in podobne spremembe zagotovljeno, da tak objekt trajno služi samo za namene letališča.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 57
Changes in local authority boundaries shall not be made without prior consultation of the local communities concerned, possibly by means of a referendum where this is permitted by statute.
Meje lokalne oblasti se ne spreminjajo brez predhodnega posvetovanja z lokalnimi skupnostmi, na katere se nanašajo, po možnosti z referendumom, kjer to dopušča zakon.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-66
(a) consider actual and potential changes in the conservation status of migratory waterbirds and the habitats important for their survival, as well as the factors which may affect them;
(a) obravnava dejanske in možne spremembe ohranitvenega stanja selitvenih vodnih ptic in habitatov, pomembnih za njihovo preživetje, ter dejavnikov, ki bi lahko vplivali nanje;
9 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
Any alteration to the basis of calculation which may arise from changes in family status after the date of payment of the sums in question shall not render the staff member concerned liable to make repayment.
Če se osnova za izračun po datumu izplačila zadevnih zneskov kakor koli spremeni zaradi spremembe družinskega statusa, se od uslužbenca ne zahteva povračila.
10 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
(1) A public-private partnership contractor must inform the public partner of changes concerning the articles of association of the company, of reorganisation of the status of the private partner's company and its members, and of major changes to the structure of the company` s membership, to the management of the company and its supervision.
(1) Izvajalec javno-zasebnega partnerstva mora obvestiti javnega partnerja o spremembah, ki se nanašajo na ustanovitveni akt družbe, statusno preoblikovanje družbe zasebnega partnerja in njegovih članov, na pomembnejše spremembe v strukturi članstva v družbi, na vodenje družbe in na njen nadzor.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
A party or their statutory representative who change their address before the decision of the court of second instance decision by which the proceedings are completed has been served upon them shall be bound to notify the court accordingly.
Če stranka ali njen zakoniti zastopnik do vročitve odločbe druge stopnje, s katero se konča postopek, spremeni svoj naslov, mora to takoj sporočiti sodišču.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
The minister responsible for transport shall concurrently monitor changes of standards and recommendations, Joint Aviation Regulations (JAR) and recommendations referred to in the preceding paragraph and ensure the timely amendment of statutory regulations.
pravilnik o vsebini glavne knjige registra zrakoplovov (Uradni list RS, št.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(2) The minister responsible for transport shall concurrently monitor changes of standards and recommendations, Joint Aviation Regulations (JAR) and recommendations referred to in the preceding paragraph and ensure the timely amendment of statutory regulations.
(2) Minister, pristojen za promet, tekoče spremlja spremembe standardov in priporočil, Skupnih letalskih predpisov ter priporočil iz prejšnjega odstavka in skrbi za pravočasne spremembe podzakonskih predpisov.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
In addition to the indicators for monitoring the implementation of gender equality policy as set out in the national programme, accurate and systematic monitoring is necessary also in respect of the status of men and women in social and private life and the changes thereof.
Poleg kazalcev za spremljanje izvajanja politike enakosti spolov, kot jo določa nacionalni program, pa je potrebno natančno in sistematično spremljati tudi položaj in spremembe v položaju žensk in moških v družbenem in zasebnem življenju.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-35
The arrangements and agreements concluded may be based on the model and outline agreements, statutes and contracts appended to this Convention, numbered 1.1 to 1.5 and 2.1 to 2.6(1) with whatever changes are required by the particular situation of each Contracting Party.
Sklenjeni dogovori in sporazumi se lahko zgledujejo predvsem po vzorčnih in okvirnih sporazumih, statutih in pogodbah, priloženih tej konvenciji in oštevilčenih od 1.1 do 1.5 in od 21. do 2.6(1), z vsemi prilagoditvami, potrebnimi glede na razmere vsake posamezne pogodbenice.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-71
When a Contracting Administration proposes to change the characteristics of a station of a service other than broadcasting, having primary status and which has previously been coordinated, or proposes to put into operation a new station of such a service, the following action shall be taken:
Kadar uprava pogodbenica predlaga predhodno usklajeno spremembo značilnosti postaje za primarno storitev, ki ni radiodifuzijska, ali predlaga začetek obratovanja nove postaje s takšno storitvijo, se ukrepa takole:
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-102
(5) Account must be taken of the prospect that for a certain period after the Republic of Slovenia has become a Member State the SAPARD Agency may enter into contracts with beneficiaries. Provision needs to be made so that the requirements of these contracts reflect the change in status of the Republic of Slovenia;
(5) je treba upoštevati možnost, da bo Agencija SAPARD še nekaj časa po tem, ko bo Republika Slovenija postala država članica, lahko sklepala pogodbe z upravičenci. Poskrbeti je treba, da bodo zahteve v teh pogodbah odražale spremembo statusa Republike Slovenije;
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 13-2005
(2) In the case of direct, long-distance and cumulative effects, the extent and importance of changes shall be assessed by individual environmental status indicators and the level to which protection objectives are taken into account, or other evaluation criteria shall be used with regard to:
(2) Pri neposrednih, daljinskih in kumulativnih vplivih se ocenjujejo obseg sprememb po posameznih kazalcih stanja okolja in njihova pomembnost, stopnja upoštevanja varstvenih ciljev oziroma se uporabijo druga merila vrednotenja glede na:
19 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
(1) Investors shall have the right to demand the annulment of a contract on investment and the reimbursement of the value of their investment in the event of a change in the activity of the equity partner, a transformation of its status, amendments to the founding instrument, articles of association or statutes in that part where they would tend to significantly affect the interests of the investors, and for other well-grounded reasons.
(1) Vlagatelj ima pravico, da zahteva razvezo pogodbe o vložku in povrnitev vrednosti svoje vloge v primeru spremembe dejavnosti statusnega partnerja, njegovih statusnih preoblikovanj, sprememb akta o ustanovitvi, družbene pogodbe oziroma statuta v delu, ki utegnejo bistveno prizadeti interese vlagateljev, ter iz drugih utemeljenih razlogov.
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0068
E. Change of status
E. Sprememba statusa
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004O0001
a change in the status of an MFI, such that it becomes a non-MFI,
spremembe statusa pravne osebe, ki je prej bila MFI, tako da postane ne-MFI,
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004O0001
a change in the status of a previous non-MFI, such that it becomes an MFI.
spremembe statusa pravne osebe, ki prej ni bila MFI, tako da postane MFI.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0275
A statutory amendment, which took effect on 1.4.1957, changed the scope and the definitions of categories.
Zakonske dopolnitve in spremembe, ki so začele veljati 1.4.1957, so spremenile obseg in definicije kategorij.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Any alteration to the basis of calculation which may arise from changes in family status after the date of payment of the sums in question shall not render the official concerned liable to make repayment.
Če se osnova za izračun po datumu izplačila zadevnih zneskov kakor koli spremeni zaradi spremembe družinskega statusa, se od uradnika ne zahteva povračila.
25 Končna redakcija
In addition to the genre-determined delimiting of a socially heterogeneous female readership, which in this magazine fuses into a 'class of woman', in the 1990s Naša žena, like other western publications, broached the subject of changing women's roles and status.
Ob žanrsko pogojenem zarisovanju družbeno heterogenega ženskega bralstva, ki se v reviji imaginarno združuje v »razred žensk«, posega Naša žena v devetdesetih podobno kot zahodne publikacije tudi v polje spreminjajočih se družbenih vlog in položajev žensk.
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0795
in case of changes of the legal status of a legal person or from a natural person to a legal person or from a legal person to a natural person, the farmer managing the new holding shall be the farmer who was in control of the original holding in terms of management, benefits and financial risk;
pri spremembi pravnega statusa pravne osebe ali statusa fizične osebe v status pravne osebe ali statusa pravne osebe v status fizične osebe, se šteje lastnik prvotnega gospodarstva glede vodenja gospodarstva, dobičkov in finančnih tveganj za lastnika novega gospodarstva;
27 Končna redakcija
As a matter of fact journalists also became convinced by the argument put forward by the legislator that different statutory regulations would call for changes in the constitution itself, which could prove to be a long and complex process likely to delay the adoption of the law.
Namreč, tudi novinarje je prepričal argument zakonodajalca, da bi bilo treba za drugačno zakonsko ureditev spremeniti ustavo, kar pa utegne biti zelo dolgotrajno in zapleteno dejanje, ki bi 'zavleklo' sprejem zakona.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0083
A third country national or a stateless person shall cease to be eligible for subsidiary protection when the circumstances which led to the granting of subsidiary protection status have ceased to exist or have changed to such a degree that protection is no longer required.
Državljan tretje države ali oseba brez državljanstva ni več upravičena do subsidiarne zaščite, kadar okoliščine, zaradi katerih ji je bil priznan status subsidiarne zaščite, prenehajo ali se spremenijo tako, da zaščita več ni potrebna.
29 Končna redakcija
Since the transitional period and deep social changes have brought recognition that statutory regulation of the right of expression cannot be reduced solely to the wording of a law, I will first explain the evolution of the rights of reply and correction in Slovenia, in particular the purpose and grounds for their recognition in law, and then proceed to describe changes in the area of their legal justification brought about by the new social order.
In ker nas v obdobju tranzicije in globokih družbenih sprememb spremlja spoznanje, da pravne ureditve izražanja ni moč zreducirati le na zakonsko besedilo, bom najprej opredelila razvoj pravice do odgovora in pravice do popravka v našem prostoru, predvsem pa, kakšni so bili namen in utemeljitev njune zakonske ureditve ter spremembe, do katerih je v novem družbenem redu prišlo tudi na področju njunega normativega utemeljevanja.
30 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: Z1-06-2827
Considering that the supporting review by AEWA of the status of waterbird populations in the Agreement area would benefit from the inclusion of additional analytical content, inter alia, patterns of changing conservation status by geographic area, by taxonomic and ecological groupings, and by other themes, in particular to act as a high level summary for decision makers and so as to inform directly the revision of the Agreement` s implementation priorities,
glede na to, da bi bilo za AEWIN pregled stanja populacij vodnih ptic v območju, določenem v sporazumu, koristno vključiti dodatne analitične vsebine, med drugim vzorce spreminjajočega se stanja ohranjenosti po geografskih območjih s taksonomskimi in ekološkimi združevanji in po drugih merilih, zlasti da bi kot pomembna podlaga za odločanje neposredno pomagal pri pregledu in spremembah prednostnih nalog pri izvajanju sporazuma;
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0795
1.For the purposes of Article 33(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003, in cases of changes of legal status or denomination, the farmer shall have access to the single payment scheme under the same conditions as the farmer originally managing the holding within the limit of the payment entitlements to be allocated for the original holding under the following conditions:
Pri uporabi člena 33(2) Uredbe (ES) št. 1782/2003 v primerih sprememb pravnega statusa ali poimenovanja ima kmet dostop do sheme enotnega plačila pod enakimi pogoji kakor kmet, ki je prvotno upravljal gospodarstvo, do zgornje meje pravic do plačil za prvotno gospodarstvo, in sicer pod naslednjimi pogoji:
32 Končna redakcija
whereas, consequently, rather than adopting immediately a new definition of the unit of account in the Statute of the Bank, it is desirable, particularly taking into account the position of the Bank in relation to capital markets, to give the Bank the means to adapt the definition of the unit of account and the method of conversion to changes, where necessary and on appropriate conditions;
ker je potemtakem namesto takojšnjega sprejetja nove opredelitve obračunske enote v Statutu banke, zaželeno, da se banki, predvsem ob upoštevanju položaja banke v odnosu do trgov kapitala, omogoči prilagoditev opredelitve obračunske enote in načinov zamenjave spremembam, kjer je to potrebno in pod ustreznimi pogoji;
33 Končna redakcija
The pages in our sample contained classical, or rather standard elements (once again the Greens of Slovenia were an exception) that include: the introductory page and slogans, the party's profile (the program, statute, leadership, regional lists), contact information, information on changes made to the pages, some form of interaction with the visitors (polls, the possibility of posting an opinion), links to other sites related to the elections, news about parties' activities, a calendar of pre-election confrontations, and photo-galleries.
Klasične, v glavnem tudi standardne vsebine, ki smo jih lahko našli na skoraj vseh straneh iz našega vzorca (izjema je stran Zelenih Slovenije), so: uvodna stran in slogani, strankarska osebna izkaznica (program, statut, vodstvo, regionalne liste), kontaktne informacije, informacije o spremembah na straneh, neka oblika sodelovanja obiskovalcev (anketa, mnenja), povezave z drugimi stranmi, namenjene volitvam, osveževanje novic, ki so povezane z dejavnostjo stranke, koledar predvolilnih soočenj in fotogalerija.
34 Pravna redakcija
status of the environment and changes therein,
statusa okolja in sprememb v njem,
35 Pravna redakcija
The reason for a change in the co-ordination status of a flight.
Vzrok za spremembo statusa koordinacije leta.
36 Pravna redakcija
the details of the facilities as well as any changes in their status,
podrobne podatke o objektih, pa tudi vse spremembe njihovega statusa,
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0002
- the details of the facilities as well as any changes in their status,
- podrobne podatke o objektih, pa tudi vse spremembe njihovega statusa,
38 Pravna redakcija
An indicator confirming the new co-ordination status of a flight and, optionally, the reason for the change.
Indikator, ki potrjuje novi status koordinacije leta, in neobvezno, vzrok za spremembo.
39 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the Commission may review this Decision at any time if the animal health status of the countries concerned is changed;
ker lahko Komisija v primeru spremembe zdravstvenega stanja v zadevnih državah kadar koli preveri ustreznost te odločbe;
40 Pravna redakcija
The periods of time referred to in Chapter II(a)(3), (4) and (5) must be stored whenever there is any change of activity or status.
Časovna obdobja iz poglavja II(a)(3), (4) in (5) morajo biti shranjena vsakokrat, ko pride do spremembe dejavnosti ali statusa.
41 Pravna redakcija
when a Member changes political groups, he may not keep the status of permanent substitute which he had as a member of his original group;
kadar poslanec zamenja poslansko skupino, ne more ohraniti položaja stalnega namestnika, ki ga je imel kot član prvotne poslanske skupine;
42 Pravna redakcija
The Office Vétérinaire Fédéral shall immediately notify the Commission of any change in the conditions on which recognition of that status was based.
Zvezni urad za veterino nemudoma obvesti Komisijo o vseh spremembah pogojev, na podlagi katerih je temeljilo priznanje tega statusa.
Prevodi: en > sl
change of status