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character mode
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
(d) Insert or inserts and/or characteristics of modification.
(d) vnesen material in/ali značilnosti spremembe.
2 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Dokument v pomoč
The characteristic of environmental policy in the past were its modest results.
Ena od značilnosti politike okolja v preteklosti so sorazmerno skromni rezultati varovanja okolja.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
Genetic characteristics of the inserted nucleic acid and the function it specifies, and/or characteristics of the modification introduced;
Genske značilnosti vnesene nukleinske kisline in funkcija, ki jo določa, in/ali značilnosti vnesene spremembe;
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
(d) Description of the gene modification, the technique used, and the resulting characteristics of the living modified organism.
(d) opis genske spremembe, uporabljene tehnike in tako nastalih značilnosti živega spremenjenega organizma,
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
(a) Available relevant information on the estimated quantities and relevant characteristics and/or traits of the living modified organism;
(a) ustrezne razpoložljive informacije o ocenjeni količini in ustreznih značilnostih in/ali gensko pogojenih lastnostih živih spremenjenih organizmov;
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
Identity of the living modified organism, and the differences between the biological characteristics of the living modified organism and those of the recipient organism or parental organisms;
Identiteta živega spremenjenega organizma in razlike med biološkimi značilnostmi živega spremenjenega organizma in značilnostmi prejemnega ali starševskih organizmov;
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-77
Where Contracting Parties consider it necessary to modify the symbols prescribed, the modifications made shall not alter their essential characteristics.
Kadar pogodbenice menijo, da je treba spremeniti predpisane simbole, take spremembe ne smejo spremeniti njihovih temeljnih značilnosti.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
(h) Description of the nucleic acid or the modification introduced, the technique used, and the resulting characteristics of the living modified organism.
(h) opis nukleinske kisline ali vnesene spremembe, uporabljene tehnike in tako nastale značilnosti živega spremenjenega organizma,
9 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
(1) the modulation transfer curve of the response of the lens to spatial frequency (frequency/contrast characteristic) at the maximum relative aperture of that lens, in lines per millimetre;
(1) krivuljo prenosa modularnega odziva leče na prostorsko frekvenco (karakteristika frekvence proti kontrastu) pri največji relativni odprtosti leče v linijah na milimeter;
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-71
(a) the proposed modification relates to a reduction in power or to other changes of technical characteristics which would reduce the probability of harmful interference to services of other countries, or
(a) je predlagana sprememba povezana z zmanjšanjem moči in z drugimi spremembami tehničnih značilnosti, ki bi zmanjšale verjetnost škodljivega motenja storitev drugih držav, ali
11 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 61-2008
NAMO shall comply with any provision which the NAC may make in accordance with Article XXIV of the Ottawa Agreement for appropriate modes of settlement of disputes of a private character of an origin other than contractual.
NAMO ravna v skladu z določbami, ki bi jih za ustrezno reševanje sporov zasebne narave, ki ne izvirajo iz pogodb, sprejel Severnoatlantski svet v skladu s 24. členom Ottavskega sporazuma.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-71
(a) the proposed modification relates to a reduction in power (but not resulting from an analogue to digital conversion) or to other changes of technical characteristics which would reduce the probability of harmful interference to services of other countries, or
(a) je predlagana sprememba povezana z zmanjšanjem moči (vendar ne zaradi analogno/digitalne pretvorbe) ali z drugimi spremembami tehničnih značilnosti, ki bi zmanjšale verjetnost škodljivega motenja storitev drugih držav, ali
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
(a) An identification of any novel genotypic and phenotypic characteristics associated with the living modified organism that may have adverse effects on biological diversity in the likely potential receiving environment, taking also into account risks to human health;
(a) določitev kakršnih koli novih genotipskih in fenotipskih značilnosti, povezanih z živim spremenjenim organizmom, ki bi lahko škodljivo vplivale na biološko raznovrstnost v okolju, ki bo verjetno prejelo take organizme, pri čemer je treba upoštevati tudi tveganje za zdravje ljudi;
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-30
5.5.35 The port State control officer may determine if officers in charge of a navigational watch are familiar with bridge control and navigational equipment, changing the steering mode from automatic to manual and vice versa, and the ship's manoeuvring characteristics.
5.5.35 Inšpektor za varnost plovbe lahko ugotovi, ali so častniki, odgovorni za navigacijsko stražo, seznanjeni z opremo za nadzor na poveljniškem mostu in navigacijsko opremo, s spremembo načina krmiljenja od avtomatskega do ročnega in obratno, ter z manevrskimi lastnostmi ladje.
15 Objavljeno
These experimental models have been fully characterised histologically and biochemically. They produce alterations of anatomically and chemically identified neurons (includings the substantia nigra pars compacta), but none of them is identical to the human idiopathic disease.
Ti eksperimentalni modeli imajo znane histološke in anatomske značilnosti - spremembe anatomsko in kemično določenih nevronov (vključno s pars kompakta substancije nigre) - nobeden pa ni popolnoma enak idiopatski Parkinsonovi bolezni pri človeku.
16 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-27
This Convention may be extended, either in its entirety or with any necessary modifications, to either or both of the countries of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba, if the country concerned imposes taxes substantially similar in character to those to which the Convention applies.
Ta konvencija se lahko v celoti ali s potrebnimi spremembami razširi na eno ali na obe državi Nizozemske Antile in Arubo, če zadevna država uvede vsebinsko enake davke, kot so davki, za katere se uporablja konvencija.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-71
(c) the proposed modification relates to the conversion of an analogue station into a single DVB-T station, provided the e.r.p. is no more than the analogue e.r.p. minus 18 dB, and other technical characteristics are not changed or would reduce the probability of harmful interference
(c) je predlagana sprememba povezana s pretvorbo analogne postaje v eno samo postajo DVB-T, če dejanska sevana moč (e.r.p.) ni večja od analogne dejanske sevane moči, zmanjšane za 18 dB, in se druge tehnične značilnosti ne spremenijo oziroma ne bi zmanjšale verjetnosti škodljivega motenja.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-71
The administration proposing the change may proceed with its project without consulting other administrations if the proposed modification relates to a reduction in power or to other changes of technical characteristics, which would reduce the probability of harmful interference to services of other countries.
Uprava, ki predlaga spremembo, lahko nadaljuje projekt brez posvetovanja z drugimi upravami, če je predlagana sprememba povezana z zmanjšanjem moči ali z drugimi spremembami tehničnih značilnosti, ki bi zmanjšale verjetnost škodljivega motenja storitev drugih držav.
19 Objavljeno
Some physical and technical characteristics of the most commonly used modem ultrasound techniques, such as the duplex Doppler technique and colour Doppler flow mapping are described, as well as the characteristic features of various ultrasound transducers used in combination with the Doppler ultrasound apparatus.
Opisane so fizikalne in tehnične značilnosti sodobnih aparatov, s katerimi se uporabnik najpogosteje srečuje, med njimi tudi dupleks in barvnih doplerjevih ultrazvočnih aparatov. Prikazane so tudi lastnosti različnih ultrazvočnih tipal, ki se uporabljajo v kombinaciji z doplerjevimi ultrazvočnimi aparati.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
(c) Living modified organisms that are intended for intentional introduction into the environment of the Party of import and any other living modified organisms within the scope of the Protocol, clearly identifies them as living modified organisms; specifies the identity and relevant traits and/or characteristics, any requirements for the safe handling, storage, transport and use, the contact point for further information and, as appropriate, the name and address of the importer and exporter; and contains a declaration that the movement is in conformity with the requirements of this Protocol applicable to the exporter.
(c) žive spremenjene organizme, ki so namenjeni namernemu vnosu v okolje pogodbenice uvoznice, in druge žive spremenjene organizme po tem protokolu kot žive spremenjene organizme; določajo istovetnost in ustrezne lastnosti in/ali značilnosti, zahteve za varno ravnanje z njimi in njihovo varno shranjevanje, prevažanje in uporabo, naslov osebe za stike za nadaljnje informacije, in če je potrebno, ime in naslov uvoznika in izvoznika; vsebujejo tudi izjavo, da je gibanje skladno z zahtevami tega protokola, ki veljajo za izvoznika.
21 Končna redakcija
There are at least two other characteristic features of (modern) racism.
Vsaj še dvoje je značilno za (sodobni) rasizem.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0549
"upgrade" means any modification that changes the operational characteristics of a system.
"nadgradnja" pomeni vsaka sprememba, ki spremeni operativne lastnosti sistema.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41999D0008
The modus operandi of criminal networks involved in drugs is characterised by specialisation, division of labour and compartmentalisation.
Za način delovanja kriminalnih združb, ki se ukvarjajo z drogami so, tako navzven kot navznoter, značilni specializacija, delitev dela in sektorska porazdelitev.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
The data communications characteristics of each interface shall be such as to enable the requirements of the functions and failure modes to be met.
Značilnosti prenosa podatkov vseh vmesnikov so take, da omogočajo izpolnjevanje zahtev funkcij in okvar.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980L1269
Any modification of the engine with regard to the characteristics listed in Appendix 1 or Appendix 2 to this Annex must be reported to the competent authority.
Vse spremembe motorja, ki spreminjajo lastnosti iz Dodatka 1 ali Dodatka 2 k tej prilogi, je treba prijaviti pristojnemu organu.
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2792
Changes in vessel characteristics must be communicated to this register and the vessels must be measured in accordance with Community provisions, when they are modernised;
V ta register morajo biti vnešene spremembe v karakteristikah plovil in te morajo biti ob posodobitvi merjena v skladu s predpisi Skupnosti;
27 Končna redakcija
where alterations or modifications to the vessel characteristics are deemed by the competent authority of the Member State to be a substantial variation of the existing tonnage.
ko pristojni organ države članice meni, da spremembe ali modifikacije značilnosti plovila pomenijo znatno odstopanje od obstoječe tonaže.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0027
Biological medicinal products similar to a reference medicinal product do not usually meet all the conditions to be considered as a generic medicinal product mainly due to manufacturing process characteristics, raw materials used, molecular characteristics and therapeutic modes of action.
Biološka zdravila, podobna referenčnim zdravilom, običajno ne izpolnjujejo vseh pogojev, da bi se obravnavala kot generična zdravila, predvsem zaradi značilnosti procesa izdelave, uporabljenih surovin, molekularnih značilnosti in terapevtskih načinov delovanja.
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
Biological medicinal products similar to a reference medicinal product do not usually meet all the conditions to be considered as a generic medicinal product mainly due to manufacturing process characteristics, raw materials used, molecular characteristics and therapeutic modes of action.
Biološka zdravila, ki so podobna referenčnemu zdravilu, ne izpolnjujejo vedno pogojev zato, da bi jih šteli za generično zdravilo, predvsem zaradi značilnosti proizvodnega procesa, uporabljenih surovin, molekularnih značilnosti in terapevtskega načina delovanja.
30 Končna redakcija
It was noticed that the characteristics of the considered weather parameters differed from one season to the next, and can not be represented by single model throughout a particular year.
Opaziti je, da so značilnosti vremenskih parametrov spreminjajo od sezone do sezone in jih ne moremo predstaviti z enotni modelom skozi celo leto.
31 Končna redakcija
The Member State which has granted type approval must take the necessary measures to ensure that it is informed of any modification of a part or characteristic referred to in Annex I, 2.2.
Država članica, ki podeljuje homologacijo, mora sprejeti potrebne ukrepe, da bi bila obveščena o vsaki spremembi dela ali značilnosti, obravnavanih v Prilogi I, 2.2.
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0756
A Member State which has granted EEC type-approval shall take the necessary measures to ensure that it is informed of any modification to any of the parts or characteristics referred to in 1.1 of Annex I.
Država članica, ki podeljuje EGS-homologacije, sprejme potrebne ukrepe, da bi bila obveščena o vsaki spremembi dela ali značilnosti, navedenih v 1.1 Priloge I.
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0808
The measures for implementing the modules of this Regulation shall concern the selection and specification, adjustment and modification of subjects and their characteristics, the coverage, reference periods and breakdowns of characteristics, the periodicity and timing of data provision and the deadlines for transmission of results.
Ukrepi za izvedbo modulov iz te uredbe zadevajo izbor in opis, prilagoditev in preoblikovanje področij in njihovih spremenljivk, obseg, referenčna obdobja in razčlenitev spremenljivk, pogostnost in časovno razporeditev zbiranja podatkov ter skrajne roke za pošiljanje podatkov.
34 Končna redakcija
Stereotypes are reinforced through various media representations and modes of communication along with the belief that the attributed characteristics are central to a specific group and invariably realistic.
Stereotipi se z mediji in raznimi načini komunikacije utrjujejo, s tem pa tudi predstave, da so omenjene lastnosti centralne in vedno resnične za določeno skupino.
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
The practice, process or work referred to in paragraph 1 includes, inter alia, the slight modification of the product concerned to make it fall under customs codes which are normally not subject to the measures, provided that the modification does not alter its essential characteristics;
Praksa, postopek ali dejavnost iz odstavka 1 vključuje, med drugim, rahlo spremembo zadevnega izdelka, da se vključi v carinske oznake, ki navadno niso predmet ukrepov, pod pogojem, da sprememba ne povzroči spremembe njegovih bistvenih značilnosti;
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31986R2930
However, Articles 2, 3, 4 and 5 shall be applicable to the characteristics of vessels which entered into service before the date on which this Regulation comes into force only as from 18 July 1994, except that they shall apply to characteristics of such vessels modified between the date of entry into force of this Regulation and 18 July 1994.
Členi 2, 3, 4 in 5 veljajo za značilnosti plovil, ki so začela obratovati pred datumom začetka veljavnosti te uredbe, šele od 18. julija 1994, nanašajo pa se na značilnosti omenjenih plovil, ki so bile spremenjene med datumom začetka veljave te uredbe in 18. julijem 1994.
37 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0244
" When the rear position lamps are reciprocally incorporated with the stop lamps, the photometric characteristics of the rear registration plate lamp may be modified during the illumination of the stop lamps."
Kadar so zadnje pozicijske svetilke integrirane z zavornimi svetilkami, se lahko fotometrične značilnosti svetilke zadnje registrske tablice med delovanjem zavornih svetilk spremenijo.''
38 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
In the event of major alterations or repairs which modify the structural soundness or characteristics of the vessel, the latter shall again undergo, prior to any further voyage, the technical inspection provided for in Article 8.
Ob večjih spremembah ali popravilih, ki spreminjajo strukturno trdnost ali lastnosti plovila, mora plovilo pred kakršno koli nadaljnjo plovbo opraviti tehnični pregled iz člena 8.
39 Končna redakcija
This is especially characteristic of special-interest magazines such as Modna Jana, in which the greatest part of the editorial matter consists of reports on news presented at fashion shows, then engineered fashion stories, reports on social gatherings etc.
To je značilno predvsem za specializirane revije (tipa Modna Jana), pri katerih se večina avtorskih člankov nanaša na reportažno poročanje o novostih z modne revije, družabnega srečanja, režirane modne zgodbe, ipd.
40 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0009
In the event that important characteristics, subsystems or safety components of existing installations undergo modifications for which a new authorisation for entry into service is required by the Member State in question, such modifications and their repercussions on the installation as a whole must satisfy the essential requirements referred to in Article 3(1).
Če se pomembne značilnosti, podsistemi ali varnostni elementi obstoječih naprav spremenijo, tako da zadevna država članica zahteva novo dovoljenje za uporabo, morajo take spremembe naprav in njihovi učinki na napravo kot celoto izpolnjevati temeljne zahteve iz člena 3(1).
41 Končna redakcija
A characteristic answer of the first generation, which was shaped through the debates of the time, was: a definite yes to modernity, but not 'just like that', not uncritically; of course we are for modernity/ modernization, but not in the sense imposed by the West (the US, England, and France to a lesser extent), and above all not in the sense imposed by the East (Russia).
Značilni odgovor, ki se je izoblikoval v takratnih razpravah, se je v prvi generaciji glasil: Modernost ja, zagotovo. Ampak, ne kar tako, ne nekritično. Seveda smo za modernost/modernizacijo, toda ne v smislu Zahoda (Amerika, Anglija, manj Francija...) in tudi ne (to predvsem) v smislu Vzhoda (Rusija).
42 Končna redakcija
The Member State which has granted type approval shall take the necessary measures to be informed of any modification of a part or characteristic referred to in item 2.2. of Annex I. The competent authorities of that State shall determine whether fresh tests should be carried out on the modified vehicle and a fresh report drawn up.
Država članica, ki podeljuje homologacijo, sprejme potrebne ukrepe, da bi bila obveščena o vsaki spremembi dela ali značilnosti, obravnavanih v točki 2.2 Priloge I. Pristojni organi te države članice določijo, ali je treba na spremenjenem vozilu opraviti dodatne preskuse in izdati novo poročilo.
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character mode