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check an attack
1 Prevajalska redakcija
Riquent was expected to be used to treat lupus nephritis, an inflammation of the kidneys in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE, an auto-immune disease caused by the body’ s own defence system attacking normal tissue) who have a history of kidney disease and have been tested to check that they will benefit from the medicine.
Zdravilo Riquent bi se naj uporabljalo za zdravljenje lupusnega nefritisa, t. j. vnetja ledvic pri bolnikih s sistemskim eritematoznim lupusom (SLE, avtoimunsko boleznijo, pri kateri obrambni sistem telesa napade normalna tkiva), ki so imeli v preteklosti ledvično bolezen in so bili testirani z namenom ugotoviti, ali bi jim lahko zdravilo pomagalo.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31979L0622
Whereas a harmonized component type-approval procedure for roll-over protection structures and their attachment to the tractor makes it possible for each Member State to check compliance with the common construction and testing requirements and to inform the other Member States of its findings by sending them copies of the component type-approval certificate completed for each type of roll-over protection structure and its attachment to the tractor; whereas the placing of an EEC component type-approval mark on all structures manufactured in conformity with the approved type obviates any need for technical checks on those structures in the other Member States;
ker usklajen postopek homologacije sestavnega dela za varnostno konstrukcijo pri prevrnitvi in njeno pritrditev na traktor omogoča vsaki državi članici, da preveri izpolnjevanje skupnih zahtev za konstrukcijo in preskušanje ter da obvesti druge države članice o svojih ugotovitvah, tako da jim pošlje izvode certifikata o homologaciji sestavnega dela, izpolnjenega za vsak tip varnostne konstrukcije pri prevrnitvi in njene pritrditve na traktor, in ker zaradi namestitve oznake o EGS-homologaciji sestavnega dela na vse konstrukcije, izdelane v skladu s homologiranim tipom, niso potrebni tehnični pregledi teh konstrukcij v drugih državah članicah;
3 Prevajalska redakcija
• You have a history of stomach bleeding or ulcers. • You are dehydrated, for example by a prolonged bout of vomiting or diarrhoea. • You have swelling due to fluid retention. • You have a history of heart failure, heart attack or any other form of heart disease. • You have a history of stroke or mini stroke. • You have a history of high blood pressure.< ARCOXIA > can increase blood pressure in some people, especially in high doses, and your doctor will want to check your blood pressure from time to time. • You have any history of liver or kidney disease. • You are being treated for an infection. < ARCOXIA > can mask or hide a fever, which is a sign of infection. • You are a woman trying to become pregnant. • You are elderly (i.e., over 65 years of age). • You have diabetes, high cholesterol, or are a smoker.
Zdravilo < ARCOXIA > lahko pri nekaterih ljudeh poviša krvni tlak, še posebej pri zdravljenju z velikimi odmerki. Zato vam bo zdravnik občasno želel preveriti krvni tlak. • ste kdaj imeli katerokoli bolezen jeter ali ledvic. • se zdravite zaradi okužbe. Zdravilo < ARCOXIA > lahko prikrije zvišano telesno temperaturo, ki je znak okužbe • nameravate zanositi. • ste starejši (tj. nad 65 let). • imate sladkorno bolezen, povišan holesterol ali kadite.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
• You have a history of stomach bleeding or ulcers. • You are dehydrated, for example by a prolonged bout of vomiting or diarrhoea. • You have swelling due to fluid retention. • You have a history of heart failure, heart attack or any other form of heart disease. • You have a history of stroke or mini stroke. • You have a history of high blood pressure.< Etoricoxib > can increase blood pressure in some people, especially in high doses, and your doctor will want to check your blood pressure from time to time. • You have any history of liver or kidney disease. • You are being treated for an infection. < Etoricoxib > can mask or hide a fever, which is a sign of infection. • You are a woman trying to become pregnant. • You are elderly (i.e., over 65 years of age). • You have diabetes, high cholesterol, or are a smoker.
• ste kdaj imeli krvavitve ali razjede v želodcu. • ste dehidrirani, na primer zaradi dolgotrajnega bruhanja ali driske. • imate težave z oteklinami zaradi zadrževanja tekočine v telesu. • ste kdaj imeli srčno popuščanje, srčni napad ali katerokoli drugo bolezen srca. • ste kdaj doživeli možgansko kap ali malo možgansko kap. • ste kdaj imeli visok krvni tlak. Zdravilo < etorikoksib > lahko pri nekaterih ljudeh poviša krvni tlak, še posebej pri zdravljenju z velikimi odmerki. Zato vam bo zdravnik občasno želel preveriti krvni tlak. • ste kdaj imeli katerokoli bolezen jeter ali ledvic. • se zdravite zaradi okužbe. Zdravilo < etorikoksib > lahko prikrije zvišano telesno temperaturo, ki je znak okužbe. • nameravate zanositi. • ste starejši (tj. nad 65 let). • imate sladkorno bolezen, povišan holesterol ali kadite.
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check an attack