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check card
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-30
Where considered necessary, operational checks may be carried out.
Po potrebi se lahko preveri tudi delovanje.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(b) carrying out checks on persons and efficient monitoring of the crossing of external borders;
b) se izvajala preverjanja oseb in učinkovit nadzor pri prehajanju zunanjih meja;
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 36-2006
The Contracting Party shall nominate the bodies which shall carry out the checks and inspections.
Pogodbenica imenuje organe za izvajanje kontrol in pregledov.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
(c) the conditions under which transactions financed by the Programme are carried out and checked.
(c) pogoje, pod katerimi se izvajajo in preverjajo transakcije, financirane iz programa.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-20
The carrier shall deliver to the passenger a baggage identification tag for each piece of checked baggage.
Prevoznik izda potniku prtljažni listek za vsak kos pregledane prtljage.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-44
These checks shall be carried out without discrimination of vehicles and drivers, whether resident or not.
Navedena preverjanja se opravijo brez razlikovanja vozil in voznikov, rezidentov ali nerezidentov.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 81-2008
This does not prevent an importing Contracting State from carrying out check tests in accordance with Article 6.
To pa ne preprečuje državi pogodbenici uvoznici, da ne bi izvajala kontrolnih preskusov v skladu s 6. členom te konvencije.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-44
In cases where, to this end, the competent Contracting Party carries out a check at the premises of the undertaking, the results of this check shall be communicated to the other Party concerned.
Kadar pristojna pogodbenica v ta namen opravi preverjanje v prostorih podjetja, ugotovitve sporoči drugi pogodbenici.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 36-2006
In cases where, to this end, the competent Contracting Party carries out a check at the premises of the undertaking, the results of this check shall be communicated to the other Party concerned."
Kadar v ta namen pristojna pogodbenica opravi kontrolni pregled v prostorih podjetja, izsledke tega pregleda sporoči drugi pogodbenici.«
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
2 The carrier shall not be obliged to check whether these documents and this information are correct and sufficient.
Prevozniku ni treba preveriti, ali so te listine in informacije pravilne in zadostne.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-73
These forms shall be accepted at any roadside check carried out in the territory of Contracting Parties to this Agreement.
Ti obrazci se upoštevajo pri vsakem cestnem preverjanju v pogodbenicah tega sporazuma.
12 Objavljeno
WTO: Tehnične ovire v trgovini
5.3 Nothing in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall prevent Members from carrying out reasonable spot checks within their territories.
5.3 V prvem in drugem odstavku nič ne preprečuje članicam, da ne bi izvajale razumne kontrole na kraju samem na njihovem ozemlju.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The Commission and the Court of Auditors may also carry out on-the-spot checks in accordance with the appropriate procedures.
Komisija in Računsko sodišče lahko v skladu z ustreznimi postopki izvajata preglede na kraju samem.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-73
In accordance with article 12 bis of this Agreement, road carriers may use the following model forms to facilitate roadside checks:
V skladu z 12. bis členom tega sporazuma lahko cestni prevozniki uporabljajo te vzorčne obrazce, da poenostavijo cestna preverjanja:
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-104
The approval authority may carry out any check or test prescribed in this Appendix or in the applicable Regulation annexed to this Agreement.
2.4.4 Homologacijski organ lahko izvede vsako preverjanje ali preskus, ki je predpisan v tem dodatku ali v veljavnem pravilniku, dodanem k temu sporazumu.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-20
The carrier is liable for damage sustained in case of destruction or loss of, or of damage to, checked baggage upon condition only that the event which caused the destruction, loss or damage took place on board the aircraft or during any period within which the checked baggage was in the charge of the carrier.
Prevoznik je odgovoren za škodo ob uničenju ali izgubi prijavljene prtljage ali škode na njej le pod pogojem, da je do dogodka, ki je povzročil uničenje, izgubo ali škodo, prišlo na letalu ali v času, ko je bil za prijavljeno prtljago odgovoren prevoznik.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-104
Ensure that for each type of product, at least the checks prescribed in this Appendix and the tests prescribed in the applicable Regulations are carried out;
2.3.5 zagotavljati, da so za vsak tip izdelka izvedena najmanj preverjanja, predpisana v tem dodatku, in preskusi, predpisani v veljavnih pravilnikih;
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-30 It will be determined from the ship's records that the pre-crude oil wash operational checklist was carried out and all instruments functioned correctly. Iz ladijskih zapisov se ugotovi, ali je bil izveden operativni kontrolni seznam predpranja s surovo nafto in ali so vsi inštrumenti pravilno delovali.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-49
Roadside checks shall be carried out without discrimination on the grounds of nationality, residence or registration of buses and coaches and drivers respectively.
Kontrolni pregledi na cesti se opravljajo brez diskriminacije glede na državljanstvo, sedež ali registracijo avtobusa oziroma voznikov.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
The best way to ascertain whether or not gender impact assessment is relevant and at which stage of planning it should be carried out is through the use of a checklist.
Da bi ugotovili, ali je ocena vpliva spola relevantna in na kateri stopnji mora biti vključena v načrtovanje, je najprimernejše orodje uporaba vprašalnika za preverjanje.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(5) The Administration may carry out an inspection at any time during the validity of the airworthiness certificate in order to check the airworthiness of the aircraft.
(5) Uprava lahko kadarkoli med veljavnostjo spričevala o plovnosti opravi pregled za preverjanje plovnosti zrakoplova.
22 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-49
For this purpose, they shall have the right to call for any evidence and to carry out any inspection of the exporter's accounts or any other check considered appropriate.
V ta namen imajo pravico zahtevati katero koli dokazilo in opraviti kakršen koli pregled izvoznikovih poslovnih knjig ali kateri koli drug pregled, za katerega menijo, da je potreben.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
The joint supervisory body shall notify the enquirer that it has carried out the checks, without giving any information which might reveal to him whether or not he is known.
Skupni nadzorni organ obvesti prosilca o opravljeni preveritvi, ne da bi mu razkril, ali Europol o njem hrani kakršne koli podatke ali ne.
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-20
If the carrier admits the loss of the checked baggage, or if the checked baggage has not arrived at the expiration of twenty-one days after the date on which it ought to have arrived, the passenger is entitled to enforce against the carrier the rights which flow from the contract of carriage.
Če prevoznik prizna izgubo prijavljene prtljage ali če prtljaga ni prispela po enaindvajsetih dneh od dneva, ko bi morala prispeti, je potnik upravičen, da proti prevozniku uveljavlja pravice iz pogodbe o prevozu.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
At the request of the competent institution the institution mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article shall carry out any necessary administrative checks or medical examinations.
Na zahtevo pristojnega nosilca nosilec iz prvega odstavka tega člena opravi vse potrebno v zvezi z upravnimi zadevami ali zdravniškimi pregledi
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
Performing separate accountancy and checking that there are no financial flows between its activities of ground care and other activities, shall be verified by an independent auditor.
Izvajanje ločenega računovodstva ter preverjanje, da ni finančnih tokov med njegovo dejavnostjo zemeljske oskrbe in drugimi dejavnostmi, preverja neodvisni revizor.
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 81-2008
The provisions of this Convention shall not prevent a Contracting State from carrying out check tests on articles of precious metals bearing the marks provided for in this Convention.
Določbe te konvencije državi pogodbenici ne preprečujejo izvajanja kontrolnih preskusov na izdelkih iz plemenitih kovin, ki so označeni z oznakami iz te konvencije.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-30
.4 Spot check if times entered in the Cargo Record Book in respect of discharges correspond with sufficient distance from the nearest land, the required ship's speed and with sufficient water depth
.4 Pregled na kraju samem, da se ugotovi, ali časi, navedeni v knjigi tovora, glede izpustov ustrezajo zadostni razdalji od najbližjega kopnega, zahtevani hitrosti ladje in ustrezni globini vode
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
If there is no such majority, the joint supervisory body shall notify the enquirer that it has carried out the checks, without giving any information which might reveal to him whether or not he is known.
Če takšna večina ni dosežena, skupni nadzorni organ obvesti prosilca o opravljeni preveritvi, ne da bi mu razkril, ali Europol o njem hrani kakršne koli podatke ali ne.
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-73
These checks shall be carried out without discrimination among vehicles, undertakings and drivers whether resident or not, and regardless of the origin or destination of the journey or type of tachograph.
Preverja se brez razlikovanja med vozili, podjetji in vozniki glede na to, ali je rezident ali ne in ne glede na začetni kraj ali cilj vožnje ali vrsto tahografa.
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-30
.4 check that the product being carried is listed in the International Certificate of Fitness or the Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk or Liquefied Gases in Bulk, as applicable;
.4 preverjanje, ali je izdelek, ki se prevaža, naveden v Mednarodnem spričevalu o sposobnosti ali v Spričevalu o sposobnosti za prevoz nepakiranih nevarnih kemikalij ali kapljivo tekočih plinov, kar je primerno;
32 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-49
As well as simple functional checks (lighting, signalling, tyre condition etc.), specific tests and/or inspections shall be carried out on the vehicle's brakes and the motor vehicle's emissions in the following manner:
Poleg enostavnih pregledov delovanja (svetlobne in svetlobnosignalne naprave, stanje pnevmatik itd.) se lahko opravijo tudi posebni testi in/ali kontrolni pregledi zavornega sistema vozila ter emisij motornega vozila:
33 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-58
The Commission shall make the information referred to in Article 10 available to the Court of Auditors so that the latter may, on the basis of the documentary evidence, carry out checks on the aid provided from EDF resources.
Komisija da na voljo Računskemu sodišču informacije iz člena 10, da bi slednje lahko na podlagi dokumentarnih dokazil opravilo preglede pomoči, ki je zagotovljena iz sredstev ERS.
34 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-20
Any statements in the air waybill or the cargo receipt relating to the weight, dimensions and packing of the cargo, as well as those relating to the number of packages, are prima facie evidence of the facts stated; those relating to the quantity, volume and condition of the cargo do not constitute evidence against the carrier except so far as they both have been, and are stated in the air waybill or the cargo receipt to have been, checked by it in the presence of the consignor, or relate to the apparent condition of the cargo.
Vse navedbe v letalskem tovornem listu ali potrdilu o prevzemu tovora v zvezi s težo, velikostjo in pakiranjem tovora ter navedbe števila paketov so prima facie dokaz za navedena dejstva; navedbe v zvezi s količino, prostornino in stanjem tovora niso dokaz proti prevozniku, razen če jih ta ni preveril v prisotnosti pošiljatelja in je to navedeno v letalskem tovornem listu ali potrdilu o prevzemu tovora, ali če se nanašajo na očitno stanje tovora.
35 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
Where the relevant documents are held by the bodies responsible for authorising the expenditure, those bodies must transmit reports to the SAPARD Agency on the number of checks carried out, their content and the action taken in the light of the results.
Kadar hranijo ustrezno dokumentacijo organi, ki so pristojni za potrjevanje izdatkov, morajo ti organi pošiljati agenciji SAPARD poročila o številu izvedenih pregledov, njihovi vsebini in ukrepih, sprejetih glede na rezultate preverjanja.
36 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-49
In order to carry out the roadside inspection provided for in this Annex, competent authorities of Contracting Parties shall use the checklist included in Annex II a and II b. A copy of this checklist drawn up by the authority which carried it out shall be given to the driver of the bus or coach and presented on request in order to simplify or avoid, where possible, subsequent inspections within a short and unreasonable period.
Pri opravljanju kontrolnih pregledov na cesti iz te priloge pristojni organi pogodbenic uporabljajo kontrolni seznam iz Prilog II a in II b. Kopija tega kontrolnega seznama, ki ga izpolni organ, ki je opravil pregled, se izroči vozniku avtobusa in jo voznik na zahtevo pokaže zaradi poenostavitve nadaljnjih pregledov oziroma da se ne bi neposredno po pregledu ali v nerazumno kratkem času po pregledu pregled opravljal ponovno.
37 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-49
For this purpose, they shall have the right to call for any evidence and to carry out any inspection of the exporter's accounts or any other check considered appropriate. They shall also ensure that the forms referred to in paragraph 2 are duly completed.
V ta namen imajo pravico zahtevati katero koli dokazilo in opraviti kakršen koli pregled izvoznikovih poslovnih knjig ali kakršen koli drug pregled, ki se jim zdi potreben.Ti organi tudi zagotovijo, da so obrazci, navedeni v drugem odstavku, pravilno izpolnjeni.
38 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
Should one or more Member State or Europol have objected to a communication concerning data, Europol shall notify the person concerned that it has carried out the checks, without giving any information which might reveal to him whether or not he is known.
Če ena ali več držav članic ali Europol nasprotujejo sporočanju podatkov, Europol obvesti prosilca o opravljeni preveritvi, ne da bi mu razkril, ali Europol o njem hrani kakršne koli podatke ali ne.
39 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
Where the appeal concerns the checking of data entered by Europol in the information system or of data stored in the work files for the purposes of analysis, the joint supervisory body shall ensure that the necessary checks have been carried out by Europol.
Kadar se pritožba nanaša na preveritev podatkov, ki jih je v informacijski sistem vnesel Europol, ali podatkov, ki so shranjeni v delovnih datotekah v namene analize, skupni nadzorni organ zagotovi, da Europol opravi vse potrebne preveritve.
40 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The Commission may, within the limits and under conditions laid down by a European regulation or decision adopted by a simple majority by the Council, collect any information and carry out any checks required for the performance of the tasks entrusted to it.
Komisija lahko v mejah in pod pogoji, določenimi v evropski uredbi ali sklepu, ki ga z navadno večino sprejme Svet, zbira informacije in izvaja preverjanje, potrebno za opravljanje nalog, ki so ji bile zaupane.
41 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-73
The approved fitter or workshop shall place a special mark on the seals which it affixes and, in addition, shall enter for a control device in conformity with Appendix 1B, the electronic security data for carrying out, in particular, the authentication checks.
Pooblaščeni serviser ali servisna delavnica na nameščene pečate odtisne posebne oznake in poleg tega vnese elektronske varnostne podatke v snemalno napravo skladno z dodatkom 1 B, zlasti za preverjanje pristnosti.
42 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(4) Prior to the issue of a permit for movement and restraint in areas referred to in the first paragraph of this Article, the competent body, on the proposal of the Administration, shall carry out a security check of persons who have applied for the issue of a permit.
(4) Pred izdajo dovoljenja za gibanje in zadrževanje na območjih iz prvega odstavka tega člena, pristojni organ, na predlog Uprave, opravi varnostno preverjanje oseb, ki so zaprosile za izdajo dovoljenja.
43 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The Republic of country-region placeCyprus shall not be required to carry out checks on persons crossing its land and sea boundaries with the Sovereign Base Areas and any Union restrictions on the crossing of external borders shall not apply in relation to such persons.
(1) Republiki Ciper ni treba izvajati pregledov oseb, ki prehajajo njene celinske in morske meje s suverenima conama, in za te osebe se ne uporabljajo omejitve Unije za prehod zunanjih meja.
44 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
The agreement shall provide for access by duly authorised agents or representatives of the Community to information held by these delegated bodies and for the investigation by such officials of applications including the carrying out of checks on projects and recipients of aid.
Sporazum mora zagotoviti dostop pravilno pooblaščenih zastopnikov in predstavnikov Skupnosti do podatkov, ki jih hranijo organi in inštitucije, na katere so prenesene naloge, tako da ti uradniki lahko pregledajo vloge, kar vključuje tudi preverjanje projektov in prejemnikov pomoči.
45 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-20
In the case of damage, the person entitled to delivery must complain to the carrier forthwith after the discovery of the damage, and, at the latest, within seven days from the date of receipt in the case of checked baggage and fourteen days from the date of receipt in the case of cargo.
Ob škodi se mora oseba, upravičena do izročitve, takoj po odkritju škode pritožiti prevozniku, najkasneje pa v sedmih dneh od dneva prejema, če gre za prijavljeno prtljago, in v štirinajstih dneh od dneva prejema, če gre za tovor.
46 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
Where the appeal concerns the checking of data entered by a Member State in the information system, the joint supervisory body shall ensure that the necessary checks have been carried out correctly in close cooperation with the national supervisory body of the Member State which entered the data.
Kadar se pritožba nanaša na preveritev podatkov, ki jih je v informacijski sistem vnesla država članica, skupni nadzorni organ zagotovi, da so potrebne preveritve opravljene primerno in v tesnem sodelovanju z nacionalnim nadzornim organom države članice, ki je podatke vnesla.
47 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-57
Each Contracting Party shall ensure that adequate measures are effectively applied within its territory to protect the aircraft and to screen passengers, and their carry-on items and to carry out appropriate checks on crew, baggage, cargo and aircraft stores prior to and during boarding or loading.
Vsaka pogodbenica zagotavlja, da se na njenem ozemlju učinkovito izvajajo primerni ukrepi za varovanje letal, za pregled potnikov, ročne prtljage, posadke, prtljage, tovora, pošte in zalog na letalu pred in med vkrcavanjem ali natovarjanjem.
48 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(4) A certificate of airworthiness referred to in the previous paragraph shall be issued by the Administration on the basis of the inspection for airworthiness carried out which shall cover checking airworthiness requirements, such as ascertaining the compliance of the aircraft construction with the corresponding type certificate of the aircraft, verifying the meeting of requirements of approved regular and extra-ordinary systems of maintenance for the aircraft type, checking the functional capacity of the aircraft and its systems in relation to approved instructions for use of the aircraft, checking whether there has been any change in the operating properties of the aircraft and its systems because of possible events that the aircraft has suffered and checking other requirements of the Administration in relation to possible special conditions and properties for the aircraft type in question, which shows that the aircraft meets the appropriate airworthiness demands.
(4) Spričevalo o plovnosti iz prejšnjega odstavka izda Uprava na osnovi opravljenega pregleda za preverjanje plovnosti, ki zajema preverjanje plovnostnih zahtev, kot je ugotavljanje skladnosti konstrukcije zrakoplova z ustreznim certifikatom za tip zrakoplova, ugotavljanje izpolnjevanja zahtev odobrenega rednega in izrednega sistema vzdrževanja za tip zrakoplova, preverjanje funkcionalne sposobnosti zrakoplova in njegovih sistemov glede na odobrena navodila za uporabo zrakoplova, preverjanje, ali zaradi morebitnih dogodkov, ki jih je utrpel zrakoplov, ni prišlo do sprememb v lastnostih delovanja zrakoplova in njegovih sistemov ter preverjanje drugih zahtev Uprave glede na morebitne posebne pogoje in lastnosti za predmetni tip zrakoplova, ki dokazuje, da zrakoplov izpolnjuje ustrezne plovnostne zahteve.
49 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-73
A Contracting Party shall grant its type approval to any type of control device, to any model record sheet or memory card which conforms to the requirements laid down in Appendix 1 or 1B to this Annex, provided that the Contracting Party is in a position to check that production models conform to the approved prototype.
Pogodbenica odobri vsak tip snemalne naprave ali vrsto zapisnega lista ali pomnilniško kartico, usklajeno z zahtevami iz dodatka 1 ali 1 B te priloge, če je pogodbenica sposobna preizkusiti skladnost proizvedenih modelov z odobrenim prototipom.
50 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-20
Receipt by the person entitled to delivery of checked baggage or cargo without complaint is prima facie evidence that the same has been delivered in good condition and in accordance with the document of carriage or with the record preserved by the other means referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 3 and paragraph 2 of Article 4.
Če oseba, ki je upravičena do izročitve prijavljene prtljage ali tovora, to sprejme brez reklamacije, je to prima facie dokaz, da je bilo dostavljeno v dobrem stanju in v skladu s prevozno listino ali zapisom, ohranjenim na drug način, omenjen v drugem odstavku 3. člena in v drugem odstavku 4. člena.
Prevodi: en > sl
check card