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check fire
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(4) Prior to the issue of a permit for movement and restraint in areas referred to in the first paragraph of this Article, the competent body, on the proposal of the Administration, shall carry out a security check of persons who have applied for the issue of a permit.
(4) Pred izdajo dovoljenja za gibanje in zadrževanje na območjih iz prvega odstavka tega člena, pristojni organ, na predlog Uprave, opravi varnostno preverjanje oseb, ki so zaprosile za izdajo dovoljenja.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-30
5.5.12 The port State control officer will check the on board training and examine the dates and details of the muster as recorded in such logbook as may be prescribed by the Administration. The port State control officer witnessing a fire and abandon ship drill will ensure that the crew members are familiar with their duties and the proper use of the ship's installations and equipment.
5.5.12 Pristaniški inšpektor bo preveril usposabljanje na ladji in pregledal datume in podrobne podatke iz seznama razporeditve ob alarmu, kot so zapisani v ladijskem dnevniku, ki ga lahko predpiše Uprava..Inšpektor za varnost plovbe, ki je priča požarni vaji in vaji za zapustitev ladje, mora potrditi, da so člani posadke seznanjeni s svojimi dolžnostmi in pravilno uporabo naprav in opreme na ladji.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
1. he violates flight rules (first paragraph of Article 8), 2. in the case of a violation of air space by an aircraft, he does not land at the order of a competent body in compliance with instructions (third paragraph of Article 10), 3. is not acquainted with the content of /cargo/ which he is transporting (seventh paragraph of Article 59), 4. performs the task of pilot in commercial air traffic if he has exceeded the prescribed age (eighth paragraph of Article 59), 5. does not take measures in compliance with authorities (first paragraph of Article 60), 6. prior to take-off does not check whether the crew and aircraft are prepared and capable of safe flight and whether all prescribed documents are on board (third paragraph of Article 60), 7. does not provide the police with professional assistance and does not provide information to them when this is required in compliance with legal authorities (eighth paragraph of Article 60), 8. does not take measures in compliance with authorities (first and second paragraphs of Article 61), 9. does not take care that objects that are relevant to a procedure of violation or for the investigation of a criminal offence are handed to the appropriate official body (fourth paragraph of Article 61), 10. does not inform the Administration of an aviation accident with fatal results or serious physical injuries or with considerable damage or about a serious incident and does not submit a written report about such (Article 63), 11. does report on circumstances, events and disturbances in functioning which could affect the airworthiness of the aircraft (Article 64), 12. does not land immediately with an aircraft at the nearest suitable airport in compliance with the instructions of a competent air traffic service (first paragraph of Article 147),
1. krši pravila letenja (prvi odstavek 8. člena), 2. v primeru kršitve zračnega prostora z zrakoplovom ne pristane na ukaz pristojnega organa v skladu z navodili (tretji odstavek 10. člena), 3. ni seznanjen z vsebino tovora, ki ga prevaža (sedmi odstavek 59. člena), 4. opravlja naloge pilota v komercialnem zračnem prevozu, če je presegel predpisano starost (osmi odstavek 59. člena), 5. ne ukrepa v skladu s pooblastili (prvi odstavek 60. člena), 6. pred vzletom ne preveri ali sta posadka in zrakoplov pripravljena in sposobna za varen let in ali so vsi predpisani dokumenti na krovu (tretji odstavek 60. člena), 7. policiji ne nudi strokovne pomoči in ji ne da obvestil, kadar ta to zahteva v skladu z zakonskimi pooblastili (osmi odstavek 60. člena), 8. ne ukrepa v skladu s pooblastili (prvi in drugi odstavek 61. člena), 9. ne poskrbi, da so predmeti, ki so pomembni za postopek o prekršku ali za preiskavo kaznivega dejanja, predani ustreznemu organu (četrti odstavek 61. člena), 10. ne obvesti Uprave o letalski nesreči s smrtnim izidom ali hujšimi telesnimi poškodbami ali s precejšnjo škodo ali o resnem incidentu ter ji ne preda pisnega poročila (63. člen), 11. ne poroča o okoliščinah, dogodkih in motnjah v delovanju, ki lahko vplivajo na plovnost zrakoplova (64. člen), 12. z zrakoplovom takoj ne pristane na najbližjem primernem letališču v skladu z navodili pristojne službe zračnega prometa (prvi odstavek 147. člena),
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
First-level checks
Pregledi prve stopnje
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
Fire-fighting systems must be checked at least once every two years.
Protipožarni sistemi morajo biti preverjeni najmanj enkrat na dve leti.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0106
The first number of prepackages checked shall be equal to the number of units in the first sample as indicated in the plan:
Prvo število pregledanih predpakiranih proizvodov mora biti enako številu enot v prvem vzorcu, kot je razvidno iz načina vzorčenja:
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0106
For the other check, the necessary sample shall be drawn at random from the first sample and marked.
Za drugi pregled se potrebni vzorec naključno izbere iz prvega vzorca in označi.
8 Končna redakcija
We first checked the climate at the 'journalistic days' and did not meet with any serious resistance.
Najprej smo jo preverili na novinarskih študijskih dnevih in tam pravega nasprotovanja ni bilo.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
Declarations as referred to in the first indent shall be subject to suitable spot checks by the paying agency.
Izjave iz prve alinee mora plačilna služba ustrezno preveriti na kraju samem.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
The checks on the destination of products referred to in (d) in the first subparagraph shall include, in particular:
Pregledi namenskosti proizvodov, navedenih v (d) v prvem pododstavku, vkljuèujejo zlasti:
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0106
if the number of defective units found in the first sample lies between the first acceptance criterion and the first rejection criterion, a second sample shall be checked, the number of units in which is indicated in the plan.
če leži število hibnih enot, najdenih v prvem vzorcu, med prvim kriterijem za sprejemljivost in prvim kriterijem za nesprejemljivost, se pregleda drugi vzorec, katerega število enot je označeno v načinu vzorčenja.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
if the first destination of the seed is a breeder or a seed establishment, additional checks at their premises to ensure that:
če je prvi namembni kraj semena žlahtnitelj ali semenarsko podjetje, dodatne preglede v njihovih prostorih za zagotovitev:
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0106
if the number of defective units found in the first sample is less than or equal to the first acceptance criterion, the batch shall be considered acceptable for the purpose of this check,
če je število hibnih enot, najdenih v prvem vzorcu, manjše ali enako prvemu kriteriju za sprejemljivost, se šteje, da je partija sprejemljiva za namen tega pregleda,
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
In that case, the overall number of farmers checked shall, nevertheless, attain the control rate provided for in the first subparagraph.
V tem primeru skupno število pregledanih kmetov vseeno doseže stopnjo kontrole, predvideno v prvem pododstavku.
15 Končna redakcija
The weld root at the shell part having the wider diameter was first manually arc-tack welded from the outside. The alignment was checked.
Koren zvara na delu plašča z večjim premerom je bil najprej zavarjen ročno obločno z zunanje strani (brez prevaritve); pri tem je bila preverjena poravnava.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0017
instituting a second set of controls allowing staff at a first checkpoint to pass on difficult cases to staff at a second checkpoint; this procedure should make it possible to maintain a brisk pace during checks on passenger flows,
uvedba drugega kontrolnega mesta bi osebju v kontrolnih kabinah omogočila, da obravnavo težjih primerov preda dodatnemu osebju in s tem zagotavlja tekoč pretok potnikov,
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
The first-level checks provided for in paragraph 1 shall cover 100 % of the quantity of products withdrawn from the market during the marketing year for each product.
Pregledi prve stopnje iz odstavka 1 zajamejo 100 % mase proizvodov, umaknjenih s trga v tržnem letu za vsak proizvod.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0313
a special check to verify regular advance of the price indicator (irregular advance may be induced in the first component of the price indicator by sudden closing of the delivery valve).
poseben pregled za preverjanje pravilnega povečevanja kazalnika cene (nepravilno povečevanje lahko povzročimo pri prvem elementu kazalnika cene tako, da na hitro zapremo ventil za dotok).
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
The Member States shall make first-level checks on withdrawal operations in each producer organisation, comprising a documentary and identity check and a physical check, where appropriate by sampling, of the weight of the products withdrawn from the market and a check on compliance with the rules in Article 3, in accordance with the procedures laid down in Annex IV to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1148/2001(8).
Države èlanice opravljajo preglede prve stopnje vseh umikov s trga v vsaki proizvodni organizaciji; sestavljeni so iz pregleda dokumentov in preverjanja identitete ter fiziènega pregleda, z vzorèenjem, kadar je to primerno, mase proizvodov, umaknjenih s trga, in preverjanja skladnosti s predpisi iz èlena 3, v skladu s postopki iz Priloge IV k Uredbi Komisije (ES) št. 1148/2001 [8].
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
Such criteria shall relate, among other things, to the findings of previous first- and second-level checks, and whether or not a producer organisation has some form of quality-assurance procedure.
Navedena merila se, med drugim, navezujejo na ugotovitve predhodnih pregledov prve in druge stopnje in ali organizacija proizvajalcev ima neko obliko postopka zagotavljanja kakovosti ali ne.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0477
In order to check the effectiveness of the measures mentioned in the first subparagraph of paragraph 1, a further determination of the asbestos-in-air concentrations shall be carried out immediately.
Da bi preverili učinkovitost ukrepov iz prvega pododstavka odstavka 1, je treba takoj izvesti nadaljnje ugotavljanje koncentracije azbesta v zraku.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980L1335
FIRST COMMISSION DIRECTIVE of 22 December 1980 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to methods of analysis necessary for checking the composition of cosmetic products (80/1335/EEC)
PRVA DIREKTIVA KOMISIJEz dne 22.decembra 1980o približevanju zakonov držav članic glede analitskih metod, potrebnih za preverjanje sestave kozmetičnih izdelkov(80/1335/EGS)
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0878
For consignments in transit, the competent authorities responsible for the border inspection post of first entry and of exit respectively shall cooperate as necessary to ensure effective traceability and checks.
Za pošiljke v tranzitu pristojni organi, odgovorni za mejno kontrolno točko prvega vstopa in izstopa sodelujejo kot je potrebno za zagotovitev učinkovite sledljivosti in pregledov.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0489
the second subparagraph of paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:"The competent authorities shall carry out the necessary checks to ensure the accuracy of the attestations referred to in the first subparagraph.
drugi pododstavek odstavka 2 se nadomesti z naslednjim: "Pristojni organi opravijo potrebne preglede, da zagotovijo točnost potrdil iz prvega pododstavka.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
On-the-spot checks of areas, as a general rule, consist of two parts, the first of which relates to verifications and measurements of declared agricultural parcels on the basis of graphic material, aerial photography and so forth.
Pregledi območij na kraju samem praviloma vsebujejo dva dela, od katerih se prvi nanaša na preverjanje in meritve prijavljenih enot rabe oziroma poljin na podlagi grafičnega materiala, posnetkov iz zraka in drugo.
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0795
The definitive value and number shall be established, by 31 December of the first year of application of the single payment scheme at the latest, after the checks made pursuant to Commission Regulation (EC) No 795/2004 are carried out.
Dokončna ugotovitev vrednosti in števila se opravi najpozneje do 31. decembra prvega leta izvajanja sheme enotnega plačila po opravljenem preverjanju v skladu z Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 795/2004.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0021
However, the identification provided for in paragraph 1 is not necessary for an animal intended for slaughter if the animal is transported directly from the veterinary border inspection post to a slaughterhouse situated in the Member State where the checks referred to in the first subparagraph are carried out and the animal is slaughtered within five working days of undergoing those checks.
Vendar identifikacija, predvidena v odstavku 1, ni potrebna za žival za zakol, če je žival prepeljana neposredno od veterinarske mejne kontrolne točke v klavnico v državi članici, kjer se izvajajo pregledi iz prvega pododstavka, in se žival zakolje v petih delovnih dneh po teh pregledih.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
Where the first, second and third indents of Article 30(1)(a) and Article 30(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 2200/96 apply, the Member States may check a smaller percentage, provided it is not less than 10 % of the quantities concerned during the marketing year.
Kadar se uporabljajo prva, druga in tretja alinea èlena 30(1)(a) in èlena 30(1)(b) Uredbe (ES) št. 2200/96, države èlanice lahko preverjajo manjši odstotek, pod pogojem, da to ni manj od 10 % zadevnih kolièin v tržnem letu.
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0740
The checks on applications for payment provided for in Article 59 of Regulation (EC) No 445/2002 (or 67 of the new Regulation), for the support referred to in the first subparagraph of this Article, must permit verification that the investment has been carried out.
Pri pomoči skladno s pododstavkom 1morajo pregledi vlog za izplačila skladno s členom 59 Uredbe (ES) št. 445/2002 (ali člena 67 nove uredbe) omogočiti preveritev, da je bila investicija dejansko izvršena.
30 Končna redakcija
On March 18th 2002, the first channel of tv Slovenia, in its 7 o'clock news, showed the arrest of a Chechen soldier who had been seized by Russian forces and before that had been identified on the basis of a video tape recorded by the Chechens on some previous occasion.
Dne 18. marca 2001 je TV Slovenija, prvi program, v povzetku poročil ob 19.00 uri predvajala aretacijo čečenskega borca, ki so ga ruske sile zajele, ker so ga prepoznali na podlagi posnetka videokasete, ki so jo pred časom posneli Čečenci.
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check fire