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1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
Where necessary, it shall be checked whether the carcasses presented for weighing are eligible for aid.
Po potrebi se preveri, ali so trupi, pripravljeni za tehtanje, upravičeni do pomoči.
2 Končna redakcija
this provision shall not prevent the introduction of automatic weighing systems for spot checks on weight,
ta ureditev ne preprečuje uvedbe avtomatskih tehtnic za preverjanje mase po naključnem izboru,
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0410
The zero checking device works by means of an additional mass, either placed on the weighing unit or electrically simulated.
Naprava za preverjanje ničle deluje s pomočjo dodatne mase, ki je pritisnjena na tehtalno enoto ali električno simulirana.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0410
belt weighers fitted with a zero checking device, with an additional mass corresponding to 20 % of the maximum capacity of the weighing unit, shall also comply with the provisions on the checking of zero in
tračne tehtnice, opremljene z napravo za preverjanje ničle z dodatno maso, ki ustreza 20 % največje zmogljivosti tehtalne enote, morajo biti tudi v skladu z določbami o preverjanju ničle iz
5 Pravna redakcija
weighing and check on marking;
tehtanje in kontrola označevanja;
6 Pravna redakcija
Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better), including weight operated counting or checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds
Tehtnice - tehtalne naprave (razen tehtnic z občutljivostjo 5 centigramov (0,05g) ali večjo), vključno s stroji za štetje in kontrolo, ki delujejo na podlagi merjenja mase; uteži za tehtnice vseh vrst
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 eg or better), including weight operated counting or checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds
Tehtnice - tehtalne naprave (razen tehtnic z občutljivostjo do vključno 5 centigramov (0,05g)), vključno s stroji za štetje in kontrolo, ki delujejo na podlagi merjenja mase; uteži za tehtnice vseh vrst
8 Pravna redakcija
Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better), including weight operated counting or checking machines; weighing-machine weights of all kinds:
Tehtnice - tehtalne naprave (razen tehtnic z občutljivostjo do vključno 5 centigramov (0,05g)), vključno s stroji za štetje in kontrolo, ki delujejo na podlagi merjenja mase; uteži za tehtnice vseh vrst:
9 Pravna redakcija
Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better), including weight-operated counting and checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds
Tehtnice - tehtalne naprave (razen tehtnic z občutljivostjo do vključno 5 centigramov), vključno s stroji za štetje in kontrolo, ki delujejo na podlagi merjenja mase; uteži za tehtnice vseh vrst
10 Pravna redakcija
Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better), including weight operated counting or checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds:
Tehtnice - tehtalne naprave (razen tehtnic z občutljivostjo do vključno 5 centigramov (0,05g)), vključno s stroji za štetje in kontrolo, ki delujejo na podlagi merjenja mase; uteži za tehtnice vseh vrst:
11 Pravna redakcija
Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 eg or better), including weight-operated counting and checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds:
Naprave za tehtanje (razen tehtnic z občutljivostjo 5 centigramov (0,05g) ali večjo), vključno s stroji za štetje in kontrolo, ki delujejo na podlagi merjenja mase; uteži za tehtnice vseh vrst:
12 Pravna redakcija
Where necessary, it shall be checked whether the carcasses presented for weighing are eligible for aid.
Po potrebi se preveri, ali so trupi, poslani v tehtanje, upravičeni do pomoči.
13 Pravna redakcija
this provision shall not prevent the introduction of automatic weighing systems for spot checks on weight,
ta ureditev ne preprečuje uvedbe avtomatskih tehtnic za preverjanje mase po naključnem izboru,
14 Pravna redakcija
Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better) including weight-operated counting and checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds, other than:
Naprave za tehtanje (razen tehtnic z občutljivostjo do vključno 5 centigramov), vključno s stroji za štetje in kontrolo, ki delujejo na podlagi merjenja mase; uteži za tehtnice vseh vrst, razen:
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2519
Cost of weighing, checking and analysis undertaken on the initiative of the supplier (other than those under Article 16)
Stroški tehtanja, pregledovanja in analize, ki se opravijo na pobudo dobavitelja (razen tistih v skladu s členom 16)
16 Pravna redakcija
Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 eg or better) including weight-operated counting and checking machines;
Tehtnice - tehtalne naprave (razen tehtnic z občutljivostjo do vključno 5 centigramov), vključno s stroji za štetje in kontrolo, ki delujejo na podlagi merjenja mase;
17 Pravna redakcija
Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 eg or better), including weight operated counting or checking machines;
Tehtnice (razen tehtnic z občutljivostjo 5 centigramov ali večjo), vključno s stroji za štetje in kontrolo, ki delujejo na podlagi merjenja mase;
18 Pravna redakcija
Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 eg or better), including weight-operated counting and checking machines;
Naprave za tehtanje (razen tehtnic z občutljivostjo 5 cg ali več), vključno s stroji za štetje in kontrolo, ki delujejo na podlagi merjenja mase;
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0046
Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better), includi ng weight operated counting or check ing machines;
Tehtnice (razen tehtnic z občutljivostjo 5 centigramov ali večjo), vključno s stroji za štetje in kontrolo, ki delujejo na podlagi merjenja mase;
20 Pravna redakcija
Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 centigrams or better), including weight-operated counting and checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds (excluding weights for sensitive balances falling within subheading No 84.20.31)
Tehtnice - tehtalne naprave (razen tehtnic z občutljivostjo do vključno 5 centigramov), vključno s stroji za štetje in kontrolo, ki delujejo na podlagi merjenja mase; uteži za tehtnice vseh vrst (razen uteži za občutljive tehtnice iz tarifne podštevilke 84.20.31)
21 Pravna redakcija
Where an exporter uses sealed facilities for automatic loading and calibrated automatic weighing of bulk goods, verification that the goods tally with the export declaration shall consist of measuring the quantity by calibrated automatic weighing and checking the nature and characteristics of the goods by representative sampling.
Kadar izvoznik uporablja hermetično zaprte naprave za avtomatsko natovarjanje in kalibrirano avtomatsko tehtanje razsutega tovora, vključuje preverjanje, ali se blago sklada z izvozno deklaracijo, merjenje količine s kalibrirano avtomatsko tehtnico in pregledovanje vrste in lastnosti blaga z reprezentativnim vzorčenjem.
22 Pravna redakcija
If the exporter uses closed-circuit automatic loading and calibrated automatic weighing facilities for the loading of bulk goods, the verification that the export declaration and the goods tally is to be carried out in such a way that the quantity is determined by the calibrated automatic weighing and the nature and characteristics are checked at random.
Če izvoznik uporabi zaprti sistem avtomatičnega nalaganja in kalibrirane naprave za tehtanje pri nalaganju razsutega tovora, se preverjanje, ali se izvozna deklaracija in blago ujemata, opravi tako, da se količina določi s kalibriranim avtomatičnim tehtanjem, narava in značilnosti pa se pregledajo na podlagi naključno izbranih vzorcev.
23 Pravna redakcija
In the rare cases where the quantity of bulk goods is not recorded by a calibrated automatic weighing system, the customs office shall use any other means of checking which is satisfactory from the commercial point of view.
V redkih primerih, kadar količina razsutega tovora ni ugotovljena s kalibriranim avtomatskim sistemom tehtanja, carinski urad uporabi kakršen koli drug način pregledovanja, ki je s komercialnega vidika sprejemljiv.
24 Pravna redakcija
In exceptional cases where the quantity of bulk goods is not recorded by a calibrated automatic weighing system, the customs office has to use any other means of checking which is satisfactory from the commercial point of view.
V izjemnih primerih, kadar količina razsutega tovora ni zabeležena s kalibriranim avtomatičnim sistemom tehtanja, mora carinski urad uporabiti kakršen koli drug način pregledovanja, ki je ustrezen s trgovskega vidika.
25 Pravna redakcija
If the exporter has declared goods using automatic bagging, canning, bottling etc. systems and calibrated automatic weighing/measuring equipment or packaging or bottling in compliance with the provisions of Council Directive 75/106/EEC(1) and Council Directive 75/107/EEC(2), the number of bags, cans, bottles, etc. must in principle be counted in total and the nature and characteristics of the goods must be checked on the basis of a representative selection by the customs office of export.
Če je izvoznik deklariral blago, za katero je uporabil avtomatične sisteme pakiranja v vreče, konzerve, steklenice itd. in kalibrirano avtomatično opremo za tehtanje oziroma merjenje ali embaliranje oziroma ustekleničenje v skladu z določbami Direktive Sveta 75/106/EGS( fn ) in Direktive Sveta 75/107/EGS( fn ), je treba število vreč, konzerv, steklenic itd. praviloma prešteti v celoti, naravo in značilnosti blaga pa pregledati na podlagi reprezentativne izbire, ki jo opravi carinski urad izvoza.
26 Pravna redakcija
'If the exporter has declared goods using automatic bagging, canning, bottling systems, etc., and calibrated automatic weighing/measuring equipment or packaging or bottling in compliance with the provisions of Council Directives 75/106/EEC (*), 75/107/EECO and 76/21 I/EEC (***), the number of bags, cans, bottles, etc. must in principle be counted in total and the nature and characteristics of the goods must be checked on the basis of a representative selection by the customs office of export.
“Če je izvoznik deklariral blago, za katero je uporabil avtomatične sisteme pakiranja v vreče, konzerve, steklenice itd. in kalibrirano avtomatično opremo za tehtanje oziroma merjenje ali embaliranje ali ustekleničenje v skladu z direktivami Sveta 75/106/EGS( fn ), 75/107/EGS( fn ) in 76/211/EGS( fn ), je treba število vreč, konzerv, steklenic itd. načelno prešteti v celoti, naravo in značilnosti blaga pa mora carinski urad izvoza pregledati na podlagi reprezentativnega vzorca.
27 Pravna redakcija
Where an exporter has declared goods packaged using automatic systems for bagging, canning, bottling, etc., and calibrated automatic weighing/measuring equipment, or put up in packaging or bottles within the meaning of Council Directives 75/106/EEC fn, 75/107/EEC fn and 76/211/EEC fn, the total number of bags, cans, bottles, etc., must in principle be counted and the nature and characteristics of the goods must be checked on the basis of a representative selection made by the customs office of export.
Kadar izvoznik prijavi blago, pakirano z avtomatskimi sistemi za pakiranje v vreče, pločevinke, steklenice itd., in kalibrirane avtomatske opreme za tehtanje/merjenje ali shranjeno v embalažo ali steklenice po direktivah Sveta 75/106/EGS fn, 75/107/EGS fn in 76/211/EGS fn, je treba načelno prešteti vse vreče, pločevinke, steklenice itd., vrsto in lastnosti blaga pa je treba pregledati na podlagi reprezentativne izbire, ki jo opravi carinski urad izvoza.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0095
100 ml microsyringe for preparation of calibration solutions (check that the accuracy is within 2 % by weighing).
100-μl mikro brizga za pripravo raztopin za umeritev (s tehtanjem preverimo, ali je točnost v okviru 2 %).
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0408
In the case of lots comprising fewer than 5 packages or weighing less than 10 kg, the check shall cover the entire lot.
Za serije, ki imajo manj kot 5 paketov ali tehtajo manj kot 10 kg, se pregled opravi za celotno serijo.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2848
When the tobacco reaches the processing plant, the competent control body shall verify that the separate quantities checked in the purchasing centres are those actually delivered, in particular by weighing them.
Ko tobak prispe do predelovalnega obrata, pristojna nadzorna služba preveri, zlasti s tehtanjem, ali so posamezne količine, pregledane v odkupnih centrih, tiste, ki so dejansko dostavljene.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0592
In Annex I, fifth indent, the following text is inserted after "nozzles/sprinklers/outlets.": "high pressure container valve assemblies and their actuators, selector valves and their actuators, non-electrical disable devices, flexible connectors, pressure gauges and pressure switches, mechanical weighing devices and check valves and non-return valves."
V peti alinei Priloge I se za "razpršilne šobe/škropilniki/izpusti" doda naslednje besedilo: "sklopi ventilov na visokotlačnih posodah in sprožilni mehanizmi ventilov, preklopni ventili in njihovi sprožilni mehanizmi, mehanske odklopne naprave, prožni konektorji, manometri in stikala za uravnavanje tlaka, mehanske naprave za tehtanje, zaporni ventili in protipovratni ventili."
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2090
Where an exporter has declared goods packaged using automatic systems for bagging, canning, bottling, etc., and calibrated automatic weighing/measuring equipment, or put up in packaging or bottles within the meaning of Council Directives 75/106/EEC(1), 75/107/EEC(2) and 76/211/EEC(3), the total number of bags, cans, bottles, etc., must in principle be counted and the nature and characteristics of the goods must be checked on the basis of a representative selection made by the customs office of export.
Kadar izvoznik prijavi blago, pakirano z avtomatskimi sistemi za pakiranje v vreče, pločevinke, steklenice itd., in kalibrirane avtomatske opreme za tehtanje/merjenje ali shranjeno v embalažo ali steklenice po direktivah Sveta 75/106/EGS [1], 75/107/EGS [2] in 76/211/EGS [3], je treba načelno prešteti vse vreče, pločevinke, steklenice itd., vrsto in lastnosti blaga pa je treba pregledati na podlagi reprezentativne izbire, ki jo opravi carinski urad izvoza.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0069
The manufacturer must ensure that the different stages in production are carried out according to pre-established written procedures and instructions aimed at defining, checking and mastering the critical points in the manufacturing process, such as in corporation of the additive in the premixture, chronological order of production, meters and weighing apparatus, mixer and returns, in such a way as to obtain the desired quality of the premixtures concerned in accordance with the provisions of Directive 70/524/EEC.
Proizvajalec mora zagotoviti, da se različne proizvodne stopnje izvajajo skladno s predhodno pisno določenimi postopki in navodili, ki naj opredelijo, preverjajo in premagujejo kritične točke v proizvodnem procesu, kakršne so vmešanje dodatka v premiks, časovno zaporedje proizvodnje, merilniki in oprema za tehtanje, mešalnik in povratne pipe, tako da se doseže zaželena kakovost teh premiksov, skladno z določbami Direktive 70/524/EGS.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0069
The manufacturer must ensure that the different stages in production are carried out according to pre-established written procedures and instructions aimed at defining, checking and mastering the critical points in the manufacturing process, such as incorporation of the premixture in the feedingstuff, chronological order of production, meters and weighing apparatus, mixer and returns, in such a way as to obtain the desired quality of the compound feedingstuffs in accordance with the provisions of Directive 79/373/EEC.
Proizvajalec mora zagotoviti, da se različne proizvodne stopnje izvajajo skladno s predhodno pisno določenimi postopki in navodili, ki naj opredelijo, preverjajo in premagujejo kritične točke v proizvodnem procesu, kakršne so vmešanje premiksa v krmo, časovno zaporedje proizvodnje, merilniki in oprema za tehtanje, mešalnik in povratne pipe, in sicer tako, da se doseže zaželena kakovost krmnih mešanic skladno z določbami Direktive 79/373/EGS.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0069
The manufacture must ensure that the different stages in production are carried out according to pre-established written procedures and instructions aimed at defining, checking and mastering the critical points in the manufacturing process, such as incorporation in the feedingstuff of the 'raw material concerned', chronological order of production, meters and weighing apparatus, mixer and returns, in such a way as to obtain the desired quality of the compound feedingstuffs in accordance with the provisions of Directive 79/373/EEC.
Proizvajalec mora zagotoviti, da se različne proizvodne stopnje izvajajo skladno s predhodno pisno določenimi postopki in navodili, katerih namen je opredeliti, preverjati in premagovati kritične točke v proizvodnem procesu, kakršne so vmešanje "obravnavane surovine" v krmo, časovno zaporedje proizvodnje, merilniki in oprema za tehtanje, mešalnik in povratne pipe, in sicer tako, da se doseže zaželena kakovost krmnih mešanic skladno z določbami Direktive 79/373/EGS.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2648
Whereas, in order to permit better management of imports of calves outside the quotas, it should be laid down that for all calves weighing not more than 300 kilograms included in the import licence the country of provenance must be indicated in box 7 and in box 8 the country of origin, which must correspond to the exporting country on the 'animal health certificate` specified in the Annex to the abovementioned decisions, and it should also be checked that, at the time of entry into free circulation, the country of origin indicated on the import licence conforms with the exporting country specified on the original or the copy of the animal health certificate and, where any discrepancy is found between these two countries, entry into free circulation should be refused;
ker naj se zaradi možnosti boljšega upravljanja uvoza telet zunaj kvot določi, da je treba za vsa teleta do 300 kilogramov, vključena v uvozno dovoljenje, v okencu 7 navesti državo izvora, v okencu 8 pa državo porekla, ki se mora ujemati z državo izvoznico na "Zdravstvenem spričevalu za živali" iz priloge k zgoraj navedenim odločbam, ter tudi preveriti, da se ob vstopu v prosti promet država porekla ujema z državo izvoznico, navedeno v izvirniku ali dvojniku zdravstvenega spričevala za živali, in da se, kadar se ugotovi kakršna koli razlika med tema državama, zavrne vstop v prosti promet;
37 Prevod
Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 eg or better), including weight-operated counting and checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds
Naprave za tehtanje (razen tehtnic z občutljivostjo 5 centigramov (0,05g) ali večjo), vključno s stroji za štetje in kontrolo, ki delujejo na podlagi merjenja mase; uteži za tehtnice vseh vrst
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