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checking account
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
Performing separate accountancy and checking that there are no financial flows between its activities of ground care and other activities, shall be verified by an independent auditor.
Izvajanje ločenega računovodstva ter preverjanje, da ni finančnih tokov med njegovo dejavnostjo zemeljske oskrbe in drugimi dejavnostmi, preverja neodvisni revizor.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
` I have examined the financial statements of the Organisation for the budgetary period which ended on 31 December...... My examination consisted of a general analysis of the accounting methods and the checking of the accounting records and other evidence which I judged necessary in the circumstances.`
''Preveril sem finančna poročila organizacije za proračunsko obdobje, ki se konča 31. decembra..... V pregled sta bila vključena splošna analiza knjigovodskih metod in pregled knjigovodskih dokazil in drugih dokumentov, ki jih je bilo po mojem mnenju v tem primeru treba pregledati.''
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R1416
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0042
assessing transport costs and checking the detailed accounts;
ocenjevanje prevoznih stroškov in kontrola podrobnega obračuna;
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
verification of the quantities marketed as declared in the payment applications, checking in particular the stock and accounting records, the invoices and, where necessary, their veracity and ensuring that the declarations tally with the accounting and/or tax data of the producer organisations concerned;
preverjanje kolièin, danih v promet, kakor je navedeno v zahtevkih za plaèilo, pregledovanje zlasti evidence zalog in raèunovodske evidence, raèunov in, po potrebi, njihovo verodostojnost, s èimer se zagotovi, da se izjave ujemajo z raèunovodskimi in/ali davènimi podatki zadevnih organizacij proizvajalcev;
6 Pravna redakcija
the supporting documents may remain with the Authorising Officer or the Accounting Officer for the purposes of checking,
dodatna dokumentacija lahko ostane pri odredbodajalcu ali računovodji za namene preverjanja,
7 Pravna redakcija
Whereas account should be taken of existing measures on checking, and in particular those contained in the following instruments:
ker je treba upoštevati sedanje nadzorne ukrepe, zlasti tiste, ki jih vsebujeta naslednji uredbi:
8 Pravna redakcija
checking and improving the consistency, plausibility and completeness of figures in the supply and use tables and the derived figures (such as those in the production accounts).
preverjanje in izboljševanje konsistentnosti, verodostojnosti in polne zajetosti podatkov v tabelah ponudbe in porabe ter v izvedenih podatkih (npr. v podatkih računov proizvodnje).
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
(b) verification of the quantities marketed as declared in the payment applications, checking in particular the stock and accounting records, the invoices and, where necessary, their veracity and ensuring that the declarations tally with the accounting and/or tax data of the producer organisations concerned;
(b) preverjanje količin, danih v promet, kakor je navedeno v zahtevkih za plačilo, pregledovanje zlasti evidence zalog in računovodske evidence, računov in, po potrebi, njihovo verodostojnost, s čimer se zagotovi, da se izjave ujemajo z računovodskimi in/ali davčnimi podatki zadevnih organizacij proizvajalcev;
10 Pravna redakcija
The fact that investment measures are often implemented over several years should be taken into account in order to ensure optimal on-the-spot checking in terms of both the choice of beneficiary and the period of inspection and avoid checks which are not relevant.
Upoštevati je treba dejstvo, da se investicijski ukrepi implementirajo več let, da bi zagotovili optimalno preverjanje na kraju samem, kar zadeva izbiro upravičenca in obdobja fizičnega pregleda, in se izognili kontrolam, ki niso potrebne.
11 Pravna redakcija
Whereas it emerges from the regular monitoring of the data on which the checking of import prices for milk and milk products is based that imports of certain products should be subjected to additional duties taking account of variations in prices according to origin;
ker je pravično določiti tudi, da so v zvezi z vsemi pregledi,dajatve, ki morajo biti plačane, predmet obresti; ker redno spremljanje podatkov, na katerem temelji preverjanje uvoznih cen za mleko in mlečne proizvode kaže, da morajo biti uvozi določenih proizvodov predmet/podvrženi dodatnim dajatvam, ob upoštevanju razlik v cenah v skladu s poreklom;
12 Pravna redakcija
Whereas after checking air temperature records according to procedures laid down in Commission Directive 92/1/EEC of 13 January 1992 on the monitoring of temperatures in the means of transport, warehousing and storage of quick-frozen foodstuffs intended for human consumption (2) and taking into account temperatures required in Article 5 of Directive 89/108/EEC, and where this leaves reasonable doubt, Member States may proceed to a destructive test;
ker lahko države članice po preverjanju zapisov temperature zraka v skladu s postopki, predpisanimi v Direktivi Komisije 92/1/EGS z dne 13. januarja 1992 o nadzorovanju temperature hitro zamrznjenih živil, namenjenih prehrani ljudi, v prevoznih sredstvih, skladiščih in shrambah( fn ), ob upoštevanju temperatur, ki jih zahteva člen 5 Direktive 89/108/EGS, in kjer to dopušča upravičen dvom, preidejo na preskus za uničenje;
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0078
whereas to take account of these differences, separate checking systems should be laid down;
ker je treba za upoštevanje teh razlik določiti ločeni ureditvi pregledov;
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1812
"(b) keep separate stock accounts or any other document providing the same guarantees for purposes of checking."
vodijo ločeno evidenco zalog ali druge dokumente, ki dajejo ista zagotovila glede pregledov."
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R1949
the supporting documents may remain with the authorizing officer or the accounting officer for the purposes of checking,
zaradi preverjanja dokazna dokumentacija lahko ostane pri odredbodajalcu ali računovodji,
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2075
can examine accounting data and other documents relevant to the checking procedure, and make copies or take extracts from them,
proučijo računovodske podatke in druge dokumente, ki so pomembni za postopek kontrole, in da lahko napravijo njihove kopije ali izpiske,
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997D0619
checking whether the impact of quality changes has been taken into account in extrapolations based on price and quantity indicators;
preveritev, če je bil pri ekstrapolaciji na podlagi kazalcev cene in kakovosti upoštevan vpliv spremembe kakovosti;
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997D0619
checking the gross output of agriculture and forestry, waterworks, power stations, gas production, construction industry and also the service branches to ensure that possible secondary output is taken into account;
preverjanje bruto proizvodnje v kmetijstvu in gozdarstvu, za vodovode, elektrarne in plinarne, gradbeništvo in tudi servisne panoge, da bi se upoštevala tudi morebitna sekundarna proizvodnja;
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
verification of the quantities marketed as declared in the payment applications, checking in particular the stock and accounting records, the invoices and, where necessary, their veracity and ensuring that the declarations tally with the accounting and/or tax data of the producer organisations concerned;
preverjanje kolièin, danih v promet, kakor je navedeno v zahtevkih za plaèilo, pregledovanje zlasti evidence zalog in raèunovodske evidence, raèunov in, po potrebi, njihovo verodostojnost, s èimer se zagotovi, da se izjave ujemajo z raèunovodskimi in/ali davènimi podatki zadevnih organizacij proizvajalcev;
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0016
The points to be taken into account when checking the safety components will be defined by joint agreement between all the notified bodies responsible for this procedure, taking into consideration the essential characteristics of the safety components referred to in Annex IV.
Točke, ki jih je treba upoštevati pri preverjanju varnostnih sestavnih delov, bodo opredeljene v skupnem sporazumu med vsemi priglašenimi organi, odgovornimi za ta postopek, ob upoštevanju bistvenih značilnosti varnostnih sestavnih delov, navedenih v Prilogi IV.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978R1853
if, with a view to checking entitlement to the aid: - they keep separate stock accounts for seed harvested within and outside the Community, which show, at least, the quantities and the quality of the castor seed taken in by them, its date of entry and the quantity of oil produced and dispatched,
če zaradi preverjanja upravičenosti do pomoči: - vodijo ločeno knjigovodsko evidenco blaga za seme, proizvedeno v Skupnosti in zunaj Skupnosti, ki navaja vsaj količine in kakovost ricinusovega semena, ki ga je podjetje sprejelo, datum sprejetja ter količino proizvedenega in odpravljenega olja,
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3703
whereas, to ensure that extrapolation of the results of the grading by sample assessment to all the lots concerned is justified, the number of samples to be taken, the weight or volume of each sample and the methods of grading and checking the weight of the lots marketed should be specified, account being taken of the various ways in which products are offered for sale;
ker naj bi se za zagotavljanje, da so zaključki rezultatov razvrščanja z ocenjevanjem vzorcev vseh zadevnih serij utemeljeni, določilo število vzorcev, ki jih je treba vzeti, maso ali količino vsakega vzorca ter metode razvrščanja in preverjanja mase serij na trgu, ob upoštevanju različnih načinov dajanja proizvodov v prodajo;
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2891
Where these checks reveal that the amount of water absorbed is greater than the total water content permitted under the terms of this Regulation, account being taken of the water absorbed by the carcases during the stages of processing which are not subject to checking, and where, in any case, the amount of water absorbed is greater than the levels referred to in point 9 of Annex VII, or in point 7 of Annex V, the necessary technical adjustments shall be made immediately by the slaughterhouse to the process.
Kadar se s pregledi odkrije, da je količina vsrkane vode večja od celotne vsebnosti vode, ki jo dopušča ta uredba, upoštevaje vodo, ki jo trupi vsrkajo v fazah obdelave, za katere izvajanje pregledov ne velja, in v vsakem primeru, kadar je količina vsrkane vode večja od vrednosti, navedenih v točki 9 Priloge VII ali v točki 7 Priloge V, klavnice takoj izvedejo potrebne tehnične prilagoditve postopka.
Prevodi: en > sl
checking account