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Prevodi: en > sl
chief of police
1 Končna redakcija
the officers of the Bundessicherheitswachekorps (Federal police force under the command of the local Chief of the Federal Police),
pripadniki Bundessicherheitswachekorps (zvezne policije pod poveljstvom lokalnega poveljnika zvezne policije),
2 Končna redakcija
Politijenestemaend hos lokale politimestre og hos Rigspolitichefen (police officers working for local Chief Constables and for the Office of the Commissioner of Police;
Politijenestemaend hos lokale politimestre og hos Rigspolitichefen (policisti, podrejeni upravnikom lokalne policije in uradu policijskega komisarja);
3 Končna redakcija
Article 30 of the Mass Media Act thus specified that the editor-in-chief of a public medium was appointed and discharged by the newspaper publisher or broadcast company subject to the prior opinion of the editorial board or representatives of the editorial board. Similarly, under Article 34, any essential changes in the editorial policy were subject to the opinion of the editorial board or their representatives.
Tako je v zakonu bilo zapisano, da javno glasilo ima odgovornega urednika, ki ga imenuje in razrešuje izdajatelj po poprejšnjem mnenju oz. zastopstva uredništva (30. člen zjog), in da je za bistveno spremembo programske zasnove potrebno pridobiti mnenje uredništva oz. zastopstva uredništva (34. člen zjog).
4 Pravna redakcija
the officers of the Bundessicherheitswachekorps (Federal police force under the command of the local Chief of the Federal Police),
pripadniki Bundessicherheitswachekorps (zvezne policije pod poveljstvom lokalnega poveljnika zvezne policije),
5 Pravna redakcija
Politijenestemaend hos lokale politimestre og hos Rigspolitichefen (police officers working for local Chief Constables and for the Office of the Commissioner of Police;
Politijenestemaend hos lokale politimestre og hos Rigspolitichefen (policisti, podrejeni upravnikom lokalne policije in uradu policijskega komisarja);
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
This Standard does not prohibit the disclosure of additional segment information that is prepared on a basis other than the accounting policies adopted for the consolidated or enterprise financial statements provided that (a) the information is reported internally to the board of directors and the chief executive officer for purposes of making decisions about allocating resources to the segment and assessing its performance and (b) the basis of measurement for this additional information is clearly described.
Ta standard ne prepoveduje razkrivanja dodatnih informacij po odsekih, pripravljenih na podlagi, ki se razlikuje od računovodskih usmeritev, sprejetih za računovodske izkaze skupine ali podjetja, pod pogojem da (a) se o informacijah poroča ravnateljstvu in glavnemu ravnatelju za namene odločanja o razporejanju dejavnikov na odseke in ocenjevanja njihovih dosežkov ter (b) je podlaga za merjenje teh dodatnih informacij jasno opisana.
Prevodi: en > sl
chief of police