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child's upbringing
1 Končna redakcija
The leading articles concentrate on the child's upbringing or health.
Vodilni članki se osredotočajo na vzgojne ali zdravstvene teme, povezane z otroki.
2 Končna redakcija
Advice on the child's upbringing is usually addressed to both parents, not to mothers only, which is one step forward from the classical representation of woman as a mother whose husband merely helps with the child's upbringing to a greater or lesser extent.
Nasveti o vzgoji otrok se ponavadi sklicujejo na starše, ne zgolj na matere, in to je korak naprej od klasične predstavitve ženske vloge kot matere, ki ji mož bolj ali manj »pomaga« pri negi in vzgoji otrok.
3 Končna redakcija
Can we say that the results of our analysis support the thesis that pregnancy, childbirth and the child's upbringing are being medicalized?
Ali rezultati analize člankov Mojega malčka podpirajo tezo, da je na delu medikalizacija nosečnosti, poroda in vzgoje otroka?
4 Končna redakcija
The other half, however, refer to dilemmas relating to the child's upbringing or everyday educational practices and the resulting predicaments.
Druga vprašanja pa se nanašajo na vzgojne zadrege oziroma vsakdanjo vzgojno prakso in dvome v zvezi z njo.
5 Končna redakcija
The knowledge she extracts from these supplements is not just the practical, instrumental knowledge used in the child's upbringing, but it is also an instrument used to constitute her social role of consumer.
Vednost, ki jo črpa iz prilog, pa ni samo instrumentalna praktična vednost za ravnanje z otrokom, temveč hkrati deluje tudi kot instrument vzpostavljanja njene družbene vloge kot potrošnice.
6 Končna redakcija
'That's our decision. If you have children, it is right to devote yourself entirely to their upbringing.
»Tako smo se odločili. Če imaš otroke, je prav, da se temeljito usmeriš v njihovo vzgojo.
7 Končna redakcija
for example, general subjects in Jana - topical social subjects, children's upbringing, care for the household, cooking;
na primer, revija splošnega tipa - aktualne družbene teme, vzgoja otrok, nega doma, moda, kuhanje;
8 Končna redakcija
At the same time, demands and expectations regarding childcare and upbringing are also increasing. Today, it is trendy to improve one's diet and stop smoking before pregnancy, the goal being the delivery of a perfect child.
Hkrati pa se večajo zahteve in pričakovanje glede nege in vzgoje otroka - danes je »moderno« še pred zanositvijo izboljšati prehrano, nehati kaditi, vse z namenom dobiti najbolj popolnega otroka.
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child's upbringing