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claims arbitration
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-96
The Party to the dispute requesting arbitration pursuant to Article 34, paragraph 3, shall inform the other Party in writing of the claim and of the grounds on which its claim is based.
Pogodbenica v sporu, ki zahteva arbitražo na podlagi tretjega odstavka 34. člena, pisno obvesti drugo pogodbenico o tožbi in razlogih, na katerih temelji.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-20
The arbitration proceedings shall, at the option of the claimant, take place within one of the jurisdictions referred to in Article 33.
Arbitražni postopek po izbiri vlagatelja zahtevka poteka v kraju ene od sodnih pristojnosti, navedenih v 33. členu.
3 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
However, if the matter referred to arbitration includes a claim that the principles and procedures set forth in paragraph 3 have not been followed, the arbitrator shall examine that claim.
Vendar če zadeva, ki je bila predložena arbitraži, vključuje trditev, da načela in postopki, določeni v tretjem odstavku niso bili upoštevani, razsodnik ta zahtevek prouči.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
Claims submitted to arbitration hereunder shall be considered to arise out of a commercial relationship or transaction for the purposes of Article 1 of the New York Convention.
Za namene člena I Newyorške konvencije se šteje, da zahtevki, predloženi v arbitražo po tem členu, izhajajo iz trgovinskega razmerja ali posla.
5 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-99
The claimant Party or Parties shall notify the secretariat that the Parties have agreed to submit the dispute to arbitration pursuant to Article 21, paragraph 2 of this Convention.
Tožeča pogodbenica ali pogodbenice uradno obvestijo sekretariat, da so se pogodbenice dogovorile za predložitev spora arbitraži na podlagi drugega odstavka 21. člena te konvencije.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
The claimant party shall notify the Secretary that the parties to the dispute are referring it to arbitration pursuant to Article 22. The notification shall state the subject-matter of arbitration and include, in particular, the articles of this Treaty, the interpretation or application of which are at issue.
Pogodbenica, ki vlaga zahtevek, obvesti sekretarja, da bodo stranke v sporu predložile spor v arbitražo v skladu z 22. členom. V uradnem obvestilu se navede predmet arbitraže, posebej tisti členi te pogodbe, katerih razlaga ali uporaba je sporna.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1996-30
The claimant party shall notify the secretariat that the parties are referring a dispute to arbitration pursuant to Article 27. The notification shall state the subject-matter or arbitration and include in particular, the articles of the Convention or the protocol, the interpretation or application of which are at issue.
Tožeča stranka obvesti Sekretariat, da spor predloži arbitraži v skladu s 27. členom. Iz notifikacije morajo biti razvidni predmet arbitraže in zlasti členi konvencije ali protokola, za katerih razlago ali uporabo gre.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
(c) Neither Contracting Party shall give diplomatic protection or bring an international claim, in respect of any dispute referred to arbitration unless the other Contracting Party shall have failed to abide by and comply with the award rendered in such dispute.
c) Pogodbenica v zvezi s katerim koli sporom, predloženim v arbitražo, ne prizna diplomatske zaščite ali vloži mednarodnega zahtevka, razen če druga pogodbenica ne upošteva odločbe, izdane v takem sporu, ali ne ravna v skladu z njo.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
2 The person entitled may claim interest on compensation, calculated at five per cent per annum, from the day of initiation of a conciliation procedure, of seizure of the Arbitration Tribunal provided for in Title V of the Convention or from the day on which legal proceedings were instituted.
Upravičenec lahko na podlagi dolžne odškodnine zahteva petodstotne letne obresti, ki začnejo teči na dan vložitve zahtevka, predložitve arbitražnemu sodišču iz V. dela konvencije ali od dneva vložitve tožbe.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
A national of the State applying for arbitration may not be chosen to fill the post of the arbitrator whose appointment devolves on the Administrative Council nor may a person included in the panel and appointed by the Administrative Council be chosen to fill the post of an arbitrator whose appointment devolves on the State which is the claimant.
Državljan države, ki prosi za razsojanje, ne sme biti izbran za razsodnika, ki ga imenuje upravni svet, prav tako pa ne sme biti izbrana za razsodnika, ki ga imenuje država pritožnica, oseba, ki je na seznamu in jo je imenoval upravni svet.
11 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
However, if the Member concerned objects to the level of suspension proposed, or claims that the principles and procedures set forth in paragraph 3 have not been followed where a complaining party has requested authorization to suspend concessions or other obligations pursuant to paragraph 3(b) or (c), the matter shall be referred to arbitration.
Vendar pa, če določena članica nasprotuje predlagani ravni prekinitve ali trdi, da niso bila upoštevana načela ali postopki, določeni v tretjem odstavku, ko je tožeča stranka zahtevala prekinitev koncesij ali drugih obveznosti v skladu s tretjim (b) ali (c) odstavkom, je treba zadevo predložiti v arbitražo.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
(1) Any Contracting State may submit to an international arbitration tribunal any dispute concerning the Organisation or an employee of the European Patent Office or an expert performing functions for or on its behalf, in so far as the Organisation or the employees and experts have claimed a privilege or an immunity under this Protocol in circumstances where that immunity has not been waived.
(1) Vsaka država pogodbenica lahko predloži mednarodnemu razsodišču vsak spor, ki se nanaša na Organizacijo, uslužbenca Evropskega patentnega urada ali izvedenca, ki v imenu Organizacije ali zanjo opravljajo dejavnosti, če so Organizacija ali uslužbenci in izvedenci zahtevali privilegij ali imuniteto po tem protokolu v okoliščinah, v katerih ta imuniteta ni bila odpovedana.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
on the ground of severe violation of civil procedure provisions referred to in the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act, except if violation relates to the territorial jurisdiction (clause 4 of the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act) or to arbitration agreement (clause 5 of the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act), or if the judge of the court of first instance has rendered a judgment without a prior hearing of the case (clause 10 of the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act), if the court has decided upon a claim pending some other action (clause 12 of the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act), or if the public has been wrongfully excluded from the main hearing (clause 13 of the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act);
zaradi bistvene kršitve določb pravdnega postopka iz drugega odstavka 339. člena tega zakona, razen če se kršitev nanaša na krajevno pristojnost (4. točka drugega odstavka 339. člena) ali na pristojnost arbitraže (5. točka drugega odstavka 339. člena), če je sodnik sodišča prve stopnje izdal sodbo brez glavne obravnave, čeprav bi jo moral opraviti (10. točka drugega odstavka 339. člena), če je bilo odločeno o zahtevku, o katerem že teče pravda (12. točka drugega odstavka 339. člena) ali če je bila v nasprotju z zakonom izključena javnost glavne obravnave (13. točka drugega odstavka 339. člena);
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
on the ground of severe violation of civil procedure provisions referred to in the first and second paragraphs of article 339 of the present Act, except if violation relates to the territorial jurisdiction (clause 4 of the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act) or to arbitration agreement (clause 5 of the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act), or if without having heard the parties the judge of the court of first instance has rendered a judgment which should have been rendered following the main hearing (clause 10 of the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act), if the court has decided upon a claim pending some other action (clause 12 of the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act), or if the public has been wrongfully excluded from the main hearing (clause 13 of the second paragraph of article 339 of the present Act);
zaradi bistvenih kršitev določb pravdnega postopka iz prvega in drugega odstavka 339. člena tega zakona, razen če se kršitev nanaša na krajevno pristojnost (4. točka drugega odstavka 339. člena) ali na pristojnost arbitraže (5. točka drugega odstavka 339. člena), če je sodišče prve stopnje izdalo sodbo brez glavne obravnave, moralo pa bi opraviti glavno obravnavo (10. točka drugega odstavka 339. člena), če je bilo odločeno o zahtevku, o katerem že teče pravda (12. točka drugega odstavka 339. člena), ali če je bila v nasprotju z zakonom izključena javnost glavne obravnave (13. točka drugega odstavka 339. člena);
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
The claimant in an arbitration shall give to the respondent a notice of arbitration.
Tožeča stranka pošlje obvestilo o arbitraži toženi stranki.
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
when used in connection with an arbitration, the claimant or respondent in the arbitration.
kadar se uporablja v zvezi z arbitražo pomeni tožečo stranko ali toženo stranko.
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
the party to the arbitration against whom claims are made,
stranka v arbitraži, proti kateri se vložijo zahtevki,
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
the party which commences arbitration proceedings by giving notice to the other party requesting the arbitration and submitting claims,
stranka, ki začenja arbitražne postopke z obvestilom drugi stranki, v katerem zahteva arbitražo in vloži zahtevke,
19 Pravna redakcija
The Arbitration Body must satisfy itself that the claim is well-founded in fact and law.
Arbitražni organ se mora zadovoljivo prepričati, da je zahtevek dejansko in pravno dobro utemeljen.
20 Pravna redakcija
The Contracting Party requesting arbitration shall submit, when its request is treated, a statement of its claim and the grounds on which such claim is based.
Pogodbenica, ki zahteva arbitražo, ob obravnavi njene zahteve predloži izjavo o svoji zahtevi in razloge, na katerih temelji.
21 Pravna redakcija
a claim for the recognition or enforcement, including by the procedure of exequatur, of a judgment, an arbitration award or an equivalent decision, wherever made or given;
zahtevek, vključno z uradno dovoljenim postopkom, za priznanje ali izvršitev sodbe, arbitražne odločbe ali enakovredne odločitve, ne glede na kraj, kjer je bila sestavljena ali izdana;
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
Unless the statement of claim was contained in the notice of arbitration, within a time limit to be determined by the tribunal, the claimant shall communicate his statement of claim in writing to the respondent and to each of the arbitrators.
Če tožbeni predlog ni bil vsebovan v obvestilu o arbitraži, tožeča stranka v roku, ki ga določi razsodišče, pisno sporoči svoj tožbeni predlog toženi stranki ter vsakemu arbitru.
23 Pravna redakcija
Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of, or relating to, the interpretation, application or fulfilment of this Convention, including its existence, validity or termination, which cannot be settled amicably between the Parties shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the Permanent Court of Arbitration optional rules for arbitration for international organisations and States in force at the date of signature of this Convention.
Vsak spor, oporekanje ali zahtevek, ki izhaja iz ali se nanaša na razlago, uporabo ali izpolnjevanje te konvencije, vključno z njenim obstojem, veljavnostjo ali prenehanjem, ki ga pogodbenice ne morejo poravnati po mirni poti, se predloži v arbitražo v skladu z neobveznimi pravili Stalnega arbitražnega sodišča za arbitražo za mednarodne organizacije in države, ki so v veljavi na dan podpisa te konvencije.
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
In this statement of defence, or at a later stage in the arbitration proceedings, if the tribunal decides that the delay was justified under the circumstances, the respondent may make a counter-claim arising out of the same contract, or rely on a claim arising out of the same contract for the purpose of a set-off.
V tem odgovoru na tožbeni predlog - ali v kasnejših fazah arbitražnih postopkov, če razsodišče sklene, da je zamuda bila upravičena v danih okoliščinah - tožena stranka lahko vloži nasprotni tožbeni predlog, ki izhaja iz iste pogodbe, ali se za namen pobota sklicuje na zahtevek, ki izhaja iz iste pogodbe.
25 Pravna redakcija
This would occur in situations in which the matter is already being addressed in a traditional labor law dispute resolution context, most likely a grievance/arbitration claim or an unfair labor practice complaint at the National Labor Relations Board.
To se zgodi v primeru, ko se zadeva že rešuje v tradicionalnem delovnopravnem sporu pri National Labor Relations Board, najverjetneje v zvezi s poravnavo/arbitražo sindikalnega spora ali pritožbo zaradi nepoštenega ravnanja na delovnem mestu.
26 Pravna redakcija
The claimant Party shall notify the Secretariat that the Parties have agreed to submit the dispute to arbitration pursuant to paragraph 2 or 3 of Article 20 and include, in particular, the Articles of the Convention the interpretation or application of which are at issue.
Tožeča stranka mora obvestiti sekretariat, da sta se stranki dogovorili, da predata spor v arbitražo skladno z odstavkom 2 ali 3 člena 20 in vključita zlasti tiste člene Konvencije, katerih razlaga ali uporaba so sporni.
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
During the course of the arbitration proceedings either party may amend or supplement his claim or defence unless the tribunal considers it inappropriate to allow such amendment having regard to the delay in making it or the undue harm that it would cause to the other party.
Med potekom arbitražnih postopkov katera koli stranka lahko spremeni ali dopolni svoj tožbeni predlog ali odgovor na tožbeni predlog, če razsodišče ne meni, da je neprimerno dovoliti tako spremembo, upoštevajoč zamudo pri njeni pripravi ali neprimerno škodo, ki bi jo povzročila nasprotni stranki.
28 Pravna redakcija
If losses subject to an application for indemnification by the policyholder relate to rights which are in dispute, the insurer may defer the payment of the claim until the dispute is settled in favour of the policy holder by the court or arbitration body provided for in the loan agreement or the commercial contract, respectively.
Če se izgube, za katere da zavarovalec vlogo za odškodnino, nanašajo na pravice, o katerih teče spor, lahko zavarovatelj odloži plačilo zahtevka, dokler sodišče ali arbitražno telo, predvideno v posojilni ali trgovinski pogodbi, ne reši spora v prid zavarovalca.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
The claimant party shall notify the secretariat that the parties are referring a dispute to arbitration pursuant to Article 27.
Stranka v sporu, ki vlaga zahtevek, obvesti sekretariat, da stranke spor predlagajo v arbitražo v skladu s členom 27.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
Claims submitted to arbitration hereunder shall be considered to arise out of a commercial relationship or transaction for the purposes of Article I of that Convention.
Šteje se, da zahtevki, predani arbitraži v skladu s to pogodbo, izhajajo iz poslovnega razmerja ali posla za namene člena 1 omenjene konvencije.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R1733
a claim for the recognition or enforcement, including by the procedure of exequatur, of a judgment, an arbitration award or an equivalent decision wherever made or given;
zahtevek po priznanju ali izvršitvi, vključno s postopkom eksekvature, sodbe, arbitražne odločbe ali enakovredne odločitve, kjerkoli je bil oblikovan ali izdan;
32 Prevajalska redakcija
The claimant Party or Parties shall notify the Secretariat that the Parties have agreed to submit the dispute to arbitration pursuant to Article 21, paragraph 2 of this Convention.
Tožeča pogodbenica ali pogodbenice uradno obvestijo sekretariat, da so se pogodbenice dogovorile za predložitev spora arbitraži na podlagi odstavka 2 člena 21 te konvencije.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0029
If losses subject to an application for indemnification by the policyholder relate to rights which are in dispute, the insurer may defer the payment of the claim until the dispute is settled in favour of the policyholder by the court or arbitration body provided for in the loan agreement or the commercial contract, respectively.
Če se izgube, za katere da zavarovalec vlogo za odškodnino, nanašajo na pravice, o katerih teče spor, lahko zavarovatelj odloži plačilo zahtevka, dokler sodišče ali arbitražno telo, predvideno v posojilni ali trgovinski pogodbi, ne reši spora v prid zavarovalca.
34 Prevod
CELEX: 31992R3541
a claim for the recognition or enforcement, including by the procedure of exequatur, or a judgment, an arbitration award or an equivalent decision, wherever made or given;
zahtevek po priznanju ali izvršitvi, vključno s postopkom exequatur, sodbe, arbitražne odločbe ali enakovredne odločitve, kjerkoli je bila napisana ali izdana;
35 Prevod
The claimant party shall notify the secretariat that the parties are referring a dispute to arbitration pursuant to Article 27. The notification shall state the subject-matter of arbitration and include, in particular, the Articles of the Convention or the Protocol, the interpretation or application of which is at issue.
Stranka v sporu, ki vlaga zahtevek, obvesti sekretariat, da stranke spor predlagajo v arbitražo v skladu s členom 27. V obvestilu se navede predmet arbitraže, zlasti pa še členi konvencije ali protokola, katerih razlaga ali uporaba sta sporni.
36 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
By transfer into collection the creditor shall not acquire any right to conclude a settlement at the debtor's expense, to remit a debt of the debtor's debtor, or to otherwise dispose of the transferred claim,. neither shall he be entitled to make an agreement with the debtor's debtor to the effect that the claim be referred to arbitration in the event of a dispute.
S prenosom terjatve v izterjavo upnik ne pridobi pravice, da bi v breme dolžnika sklenil poravnavo, da bi dolžnikovemu dolžniku odpustil dolg, ali da bi s preneseno terjatvijo sicer razpolagal, niti pravice, da bi z dolžnikovim dolžnikom sklenil pogodbo, naj o terjatvi, če je ta sporna, odloči arbitraža.
Prevodi: en > sl
claims arbitration