Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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climate goal
1 Pravna redakcija
long-term and medium-term goals for the reduction of the number of persons harmfully affected by environmental noise, taking particularly into account the different climates and different cultures;
dolgoročni in srednjeročni cilji za zmanjšanje števila ljudi, ki so prizadeti zaradi okoljskega hrupa, zlasti ob upoštevanju različnih podnebij in kultur.
2 Pravna redakcija
The geographical area covered by the administrative definition and meeting the requirements of the product specification is sufficiently uniform to meet the requirements of Articles 2(2)(a) and 4(2)(f) of Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92. Extensive grazing and transhumance, central to the method of keeping the ewes and goats used to provide the raw material for making Feta' cheese, are the result of an ancestral tradition allowing adaptation to climate changes and their impact on the available vegetation.
Geografsko območje, vključeno v opredelitev in ki izpolnjuje zahteve specifikacije proizvoda, je dovolj enotno, da izpolnjuje zahteve členov 2(2)(a) in 4(2)(f) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2081/92. Povečana paša in sezonska selitev živali, bistvo metode reje ovac in koz, predvidenih kot vir surovine za proizvodnjo "Feta" sira, so rezultat starodavne tradicije, ki omogoča prilagajanje na klimatske spremembe in njihov učinek na razpoložljivo rastlinstvo.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1829
Extensive grazing and transhumance, central to the method of keeping the ewes and goats used to provide the raw material for making "Feta" cheese, are the result of an ancestral tradition allowing adaptation to climate changes and their impact on the available vegetation.
Povečana paša in sezonska selitev živali, bistvo metode reje ovac in koz, predvidenih kot vir surovine za proizvodnjo "Feta" sira, so rezultat starodavne tradicije, ki omogoča prilagajanje na klimatske spremembe in njihov učinek na razpoložljivo rastlinstvo.
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climate goal