Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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codify and combine
1 Pravna redakcija
For reasons of clarity and rationality, the said Directives therefore, should be codified and combined in a single text.
Zaradi jasnosti in racionalnosti bi bilo treba navedene direktive kodificirati in združiti v enotno besedilo.
2 Pravna redakcija
It would also be useful to examine with the other institutions the appropriateness of possible measures aimed at facilitating a more structured use of the recasting technique which combines the codification and the modifications of an act in a single legislative text.
Koristilo bi tudi z drugimi institucijami preveriti primernost možnih ukrepov, namenjenih pospeševanju bolj sistematičnega preoblikovanja, ki v enem samem pravnem aktu združuje kodifikacijo in spremembe akta.
3 Pravna redakcija
In Greece, production practices for 'Feta' cheese have been codified in increasingly specific terms since 1935, and the definition of the geographical area of production, traditionally based on consistent and equitable practices, was protected in 1988. Legislation on the quality specifications to be complied with in producing 'Feta' cheese has existed in Denmark since 1963 and was in force in the Netherlands between 1981 and 1998. It should also be noted that the term 'Feta' appears in Community rules on export refunds for milk and milk products and the combined customs nomenclature.
V Grčiji se je proizvodna praksa za "Feta" sir od leta 1935 postopoma izboljševala in kodificirala, omejitev geografskega območja proizvodnje, ki tradicionalno temelji na dosledni in nepristranski praksi, pa je bila uradno določena leta 1988. Zakonodaja o specifikacijah kakovosti, ki jo je treba upoštevati pri proizvodnji "Feta" sira, obstaja na Danskem že od leta 1963, na Nizozemskem pa je veljala od leta 1981 do leta 1998. Treba je opozoriti tudi na to, da se izraz "Feta" pojavlja v določbah Skupnosti o izvoznih nadomestilih za mleko in mlečne izdelke ter v kombinirani carinski nomenklaturi.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R3988
Whereas numerous measures in the beef and veal sector must be adapted at the technical level as well as in regard to certain substantive points in order to take account of the utilization of the new combined nomenclature based on the harmonized system of designation and codification of goods due to replace the Convention of 15 December 1950 on the nomenclature for the classification of goods in the customs tariffs,
ker se morajo številni ukrepi v sektorju govejega in telečjega mesa prilagoditi na tehnični ravni in biti skladni z nekaterimi bistvenimi točkami, da se upošteva uporaba nove kombinirane nomenklature, temelječe na harmoniziranem sistemu označevanja in šifriranja blaga, ki bo nadomestila Konvencijo z dne 15. decembra 1950 o nomenklaturi za uvrščanje blaga v carinskih tarifah;
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codify and combine